在家用产品长廊中,宝洁公司通过它的层叠自动洗碗机洗洁精上演了它的品牌价值,那就是从外型上来传达品牌的主要情绪购物动力 — 对于盘碟无论如何都会被清洁的自信感。
该种洗洁精被装在旋涡形状的ActionPac可溶解包装里。洗洁精将产品的牌子映成绿色和蓝色。螺旋的纹路闪亮在包装袋明显的压力传感标记上。包装袋置于一个整洁的类似用于展示的珠宝盒的聚丙烯容器中(宝洁公司不会提供供应商支持)。容器由窄底向外扩成宽肩 — 这是一种不同于以往单纯的方形纸板盒和密封瓶的包装形式。整合后,ActionPac和其外部容器的外型婉转地传达了其实力并逐渐让那些渴望可靠产品的顾客们感受到那份对于该洗洁精的清洁能力的自信感。
Paper boxes, the tube the disc paper boxes, the disc, shake cover type, sticking type, and stabs locks the type, web corner connection, jin piece of links, lock bottom type, locking bottom type, combined, open mode, slash type, fold the cover sealing type, suspension board, cant type, exhibition board design, and the holes, box, many Angle box, and stabs ear design, heaven and earth box, mutual buckle, foot locks results, nails a, lightweight portable, single-side extended, open the window, folding forming
问题一:“(感情)过于投入”的英文翻译? I have lost my mind
I have lost myself in her love
I have drowned myself in her love
如果在有上下文的情况下,建议用 i have lost my mind
问题二:投入你的感情,英语如何表达 You should pay your emotions to the actions(你应该将你的感情投入到表演,PAY 比PUT 要形象准确一点 PUT 有强烈感 语境不好)
You should devote yourself to acting(你应该致力于(专心于,陶醉于,献身于)表演) 这句话也行 不够 有点过 但是可以用
问题三:请问要怎么用英文翻译:投入。(是对于感情的) Put/involve
问题四:最重要的事是对这首歌甚至是音乐所投入的感情用英语怎么说 我 走过动荡日子
追过梦的放肆 穿过多少生死
却 假装若无其事
穿过半个城市 只想看你样子
这一刻 最重要的事
是属于你 最小的事
世界纷纷扰扰喧喧闹闹 什么是真实
为你跌跌撞撞傻傻笑笑 买一杯果汁
就算庸庸碌碌匆匆忙忙 活过一辈子
也要分分秒秒年年日日 全心守护你
我 就算壮烈前世
征服滚滚乱世 万人为我写诗
而 幸福却是此时
静静帮你提着 Hello Kitty袋子
这一刻 最重要的事
是属于你 最小的事
世界纷纷扰扰喧喧闹闹 什么是真实
为你跌跌撞撞傻傻笑笑 买一杯果汁
就算庸庸碌碌匆匆忙忙 活过一辈子
也要分分秒秒年年日日 全心守护你
你 笑得像个孩子
每个平凡小事 变成永恒故事
世界纷纷扰扰喧喧闹闹 什么是真实
为你跌跌撞撞傻傻笑笑 买一杯果汁
就算庸庸碌碌匆匆忙忙 活过一辈子
也要分分秒秒年年日日 全心守护你
世界纷纷扰扰喧喧闹闹 什么是真实
为你跌跌撞撞傻傻笑笑 买一杯果汁
就算庸庸碌碌匆匆忙忙 活过一辈子
也要分分秒秒年年日日 全心守护你
问题五:对・・・产生感情用英语怎么说 gradully fall in love with
gradually develop a feeling for
问题六:其中男歌手,他在表演的过程中投入了深刻的情感 用英文怎么说,不要谷歌翻译 The male singer dedicated his entire emotion on the show
问题七:感情用英语怎么说? 感情基本翻译
感情:affection | feeling | das Gefühl, e
问题八:“她投入了全部的感情在他身上”求助这句话的英文翻译 She devotes all her love into him
She devotes all her绩sentiment into him
October 2004, a Science News in the domestic media does not track and follow: "1 +1 = 2 selected the greatest formula" In fact, the British scientific journal "Physical World" had held a unique selection And invited readers around the world elect their own eyes the great, favorite formula, theorem or the law The results so many people surprised that, 1 +1 = 2 primary and secondary school students are aware that even the basic mathematical formula not vote, but also the seventh highest
However, I want to say is that 1 +1 = 2 really is, so a simple answer People have invented the great figures, but also invented the metric system, and has continued so far, we do not doubt, never thinking, 1 +1 = The real answer, like 1 +1 = 2 is the only answer, the only constant truth However, the problem to the modern computer age, to challenge the authority of this, the truth began to change a loophole, because in the computer world of 1 +1 = 10 Well, now, the problem has come, is 1 +1 = 2 wrong, or other links there is a problem
Modern mathematical knowledge that the 1 +1 = 2, this same truth, however, the establishment of the conditions is that the existing 10-band, perhaps there are other binary system, such as 16,32-band, and so on In other words, 1 +1 = 2 no mistakes, the truth is correct, then what is there a mistake Our thinking
We distinguish between human and other organisms important point is: our thinking and correct, wrong, truth and distortion of nature Unfortunately, the people's thinking there was a fatal defect, people's minds to the feelings of individuals based on, people are always stand on its own position, from the analysis of the problem itself as the starting point to solve the problem Full of emotion is of course a good thing, do not understand the feelings, ruthless people who like to get in touch with, make it But as the starting point to the subjective, emotional personality of thinking, are often subjective distortionsAt this point, people will not imagine thinking it logical, if accurate, but minds thinking of setting up the conditions and fabricate all possible reasons, more of an excuse to prove that its reasonable This has returned and began to mention the 1 +1 = The topic If you questioned the 1 +1 = 2 reasonable, and noted that the computer program in the 1 +1 = 10 of the facts, they will say that you are irrational, because, in reality, we default is the continuation of several thousand years into the 10-bit System
We are irrational You still stick to conventions It also does not matter, returned to the former, the idea is to give people the feeling of personality, was packed off thinking Perhaps, by 1 +1 = 10 is the thinking of some obscure, because binary system was ingenious use, but not by name, which had hidden itself is the idea of cheating So 1 +1 = 2, how emotional packaging is not the answer
This is the people's thinking, the idea had been packed, and people do not know their emotions in control of their own, even if they are wrong, only because the subjective preferences of hate and judgement of other ideas People look at the problem, we can not stand in other people's point of view the objective treatment of this Of course, people have their own feelings, and hated because of different preferences, so to the settlement of the issue are also differentAny questions, even the truth, are the reasons for its existence, we can not because of a Silk against their conscience, moral, operation rules of conduct and judgement of a person moves, one thing, because he or it, in their own areas is The establishment, like 1 +1 = 2, 10 binary system is the same truth, and beyond into a 10-bit system, 1 +1 = I do not know, who knows, no one, because the truth is not attaching conditions truth
Packaging design as the main form of Visual communication, through the industrial society to the information society, both on the design concept, is also great changes have taken place on the function, in the packaging design of common law in the past because of the influence of new thoughts and new ideas, gradually begin to form a new trend of development Jewellery packaging design emphasizes the vision of enriching and comfort, design creative pursuit of aesthetic effect Under the influence of green design, opposed to excessive design, to propagation of Jane, with its own color and material are two major elements to attract and impress consumers, through clever novel arrangement of Visual elements, Visual sense for consumers new to enjoy
包装设计作为视觉传达的主要形式,经历了工业化社会到信息化社会,无论在设计观念上,还是在功能上都发生了很大的变化,以往在包装设计中常用的法则因为受到新思潮与新观念的影响,逐步开始形成了新的发展趋势 珠宝包装设计强调视觉的充实与舒适,设计创意更追求唯美的效果 受绿色设计的影响,反对过度设计,去繁就简,通过自身的色彩、材质两大元素吸引和打动消费者,通过视觉元素巧妙新奇的编排,为消费者的视觉感官带来新的享受
有的时候, Sometimes,
经过一段时间, after a while,
我逐渐平静下来了, I calm down gradually,
我发现我的第一次情感是很浪漫的and find that my first passion is very romantic
就象充电电池一样,Like a charge battery,
当我在爱河的时候,when I was in love,
我总是陷入了她的爱的包围I encircled by her love at all time
我被她对我说的每一句话所吸引, I was attracted by every sentence she said to me
或许那是一个我永远不希望醒来的梦maybe it was a dream that I whish I could never wake up
我希望我爱的持久些, I hope my love can last longer,
我希望… I hope
就象突然停电一样,Suddenly,I felt like the power was cut,
我所有的希望都打破了,all my hopes were destroyed,
突然间我迷失在爱的幻觉中了, I missed in the hallucination of love in a sudden,
我不知道我在哪里,我要做什么,and didn't know where I was,what I wanted to do,
我为什么要做,我怎样去做才好…… why I should do,and how to do
就象朋友说的一样,As a friend's words,
明天一样是美好的一天,tomorrow will be still a fine day,
我将再找一块更好的电池, I will find a better battery,
一个适合的地方去添充我爱的故事, a suitable place to fill my love story,
继续着完美的爱的故事, and keep on the ideal love stoty
我希望…… I hope
记数着当我们相识的日子,I count the days since we knew each other,
大约有一个月了 it's about a month
发生在我们身上的故事总是那么偶然 The story happens to us is always so casual
每次谈天我都叫你 “宝儿”I call you Baoer every time we chat,
我喜欢这么叫着 and I like calling you like this
有的时候我在想, Sometimes I was thinking
我怎样得到自己的情感, that how I could get my own passion,
实际上我越急, in fact,more anxious I felt,
就越不属于我 more difficult for me to get
稳当些就更好了If I could be steady,it would be better
每年的2月12日是个特殊的日子 12th February is a special day every year
红玫瑰,巧克力总是充满着爱的感觉red rose and chocolate are always filled with the feeling of love
即使我们的路还要一起走很远,Although we have a very long road to go together,
这都不重要it is unimportant
记得这些: Remember these,
我永远是你最好的朋友,I will be your best friend forever,
给你需要的勇气give you the courage you need,
支持你的一切 and support you all
相信我, Believe me,
最好的祝福给最好的朋友, the best blessing to my best friend,
把它发给遥远的土地上, send it to the soil faraway,
穿过太空达到你的心灵,it can reach to your heart through the outer space,
温暖你的身心 …… and warm your body and mind
所谓情感包装是指通过 包装 材料、图案、色彩、 造型等所创造而形成的独特风格和艺术手笔,给 消费者 以不同的情感 享受,博得其好感和心理认同。当 产品 包装情感化时,情感的图案、 情感的色彩、情感的造型,更能引发消费者积极的情绪。 使其产生愉悦的感觉,从而更加激发消费者的 购买欲望 。如湘西“ 老爹酒”,采用竹篼烟斗型陶器盛装,即古色古香, 又饱含山区敦厚朴实“老爹”的情愫。 美国宝洁公司 在中国 市场 上推 动“海飞丝”具有鲜明的色彩、个性包装的洗发水, 更是情感包装的成功范例。海蓝色的“海飞丝”, 让人联想到未来的大海,给人以清纯清爽的感受,突出产品“ 头屑去无踪,秀发更出众”的功能。