

Elinor and Marianne is two sisters, because of the two sisters estate after the death of his father to his ex-wife the son of John, they and their mother, not only on financial difficulty and had to get rid of the life of sponsor They finally a country house in Devon inside their home Gal, Eleanor and her fall in love with the young Edward , and Mary Ann met in the country and have a crush on Willoughby suddenly have something went to London So the two sisters are separated from their loved ones

With the development of the plot, the two head in love have taken place in the twists and turns When Eleanor hear Lucy Steele privately told her book and Edward the private life for four years, the feelings of her hard pressure, ensure to keep the secret for her Eleanor hid the brokenhearted of pain in my heart in marian finally rejected by Willoughby, spirit by stimulation, later in the course of illness, and even tried to comfort her sister, to help her up Lucy was Edward's mother, Mrs Rich widows ferrer, opposition, she made her son and Morton's only daughter side Reluctant to Edward, his mother was deprived of his inheritance, the property to the second son Robert, at this moment, Eleanor and the same open heart and being, inform Edward be able to get the position of a pastor, conditional and Lucy married Which know Lucy to Robert, to pursue the good luck, and he is married In this way can Eleanor and Edward all's well that ends well



《理智与情感》是简·奥斯丁发表的第一部小说,其初稿是1796年写成的书信体小说《埃丽诺与玛丽安》,后改名为《理智与情感》,与《傲慢与偏见》一前一后创作与发表,格调很像,不同之处是《傲慢与偏见》只有一位女主角,但这部《理智与情感》却有两个女主角, 小说以那姐妹俩曲折复杂的婚事感情风波为主线,通过“理智与情感”的幽默对比,提出了道德与行为的规范问题。

姐姐Ellinor是个“感情强烈”而又“头脑冷静”的年轻姑娘 。(Elinor, 19,processed a  strength of understanding, and coolness of judgement  She had an excellent heart; - her disposition was affectionate, and her feelings were strong; but she knew how to govern them) 她在选择对象时,不重仪表,而讲人品,爱上了为人坦率热忱的Edward。后来发现Edward早已与Lucy订婚,她尽管很伤心,却竭力克制自己的情感,将心事埋藏心理,交际应酬,行若无事。最后,Edward相继遭到母亲和Lucy的遗弃,Ellinor对他依然一往情深,终于与他结为终身伴侣,获得了真正的爱情。

妹妹Mariane正好相反,她虽然聪明灵慧,但多情善感,对爱情抱着富有浪漫色彩的幻想,一心要嫁个“人品出众,风度迷人”的如意郎君。 (Marianne,17  She was sensible and clever ; but eager in everything: her sorrows, her joys, could have no moderation She was generous, amiable, interesting: she was everything but prudent)三十五岁的Colonel Brandon对她一见钟情,但她觉得他太老了,而且兴趣爱好都不同。

[I  could not be happy with  man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own He must enter into all my feelings;the same books,the same music charm us both  ]

随后,她意外地遇见了“风度翩翩”的轻薄公子Willoughby,当即陷入热恋之中。不久被对方抛弃,她悲痛欲绝,不顾自己的身体,差一点丢掉性命。经过这次病痛,她开始自我反省,以姐姐的榜样,逐渐变得理智起来,最后还是嫁给一直照顾她的Colonel Brandon。

[Marianne Dashwood was born to an extraordinary fate  She was born to discover the falsehood ofher own opinions, and to counteract, by her conduct, her most favourite maxims  She was born to overcome an affection formed so late in life as at seventeen, and with no sentiment superior to strong esteem and lively friendship, voluntarily to give her hand to another! -and THAT other a man, whom, two years before, she had considered too old to be married, and who still sought the constitutional safeguard of a flannel waistcoat!]玛丽安·达什伍德天生有个特殊的命运。她天生注定要发现她的看法是错误的,而且用她的行动否定了她最喜爱的格言。她天生注定要克服十七岁时形成的那股痴情,而且怀着崇高的敬意和真挚的友情,自觉自愿地把心交给了另一个人!就是他,两年前被玛丽安认为太老了,不能结婚;就是他,现在还要穿着法兰绒马甲保护身体!



[The whole of Lucy's behaviour in the affair, and the prosperity which crowned it, therefore, may be held forth as a most encouraging instance of what an earnest, an unceasing attention to self interest, however its progress may be apparently obstructed,  will do in securing every advantage of fortune, with no other sacrifice than that of time and conscience ]




1811 理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility

1813 傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice

1814 曼斯菲尔德庄园 Mansfied Park

1815 爱玛 Emma

1818 诺桑觉寺 Northanger Abbey

1818 劝导 Persuation












  Sense and Sensibility is a novel by Jane Austen that was first published in 1811 It was the first of Austen's novels to be published, under the pseudonym "A Lady" The novel has been adapted for film and television a number of times, most notably in Ang Lee's 1995 version

  Plot introduction

  The story concerns two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (Elinor representing "sense" and Marianne "sensibility") Along with their mother and younger sister Margaret, they are left impoverished after the death of their father, and the family is forced to move to a country cottage, offered to them by a generous relative

  Elinor forms an attachment to the gentle and courteous Edward Ferrars, unaware that he is already secretly engaged After their move, Marianne meets Willoughby, a dashing young man who leads her into undisciplined behaviour, so that she ignores the attentions of the faithful (but older) Colonel Brandon The contrast between the sisters' characters is eventually resolved as both find love and lasting happiness

  Publisher Comments:

  A timeless tale of romantic manners and mores in which two vastly different sisters experience love and loss under the rigid view of British society

  The life and work of Jane Austen

  Jane Austen was born at Steventon on December 16, 1775, the youngest of seven children She received her education—scanty enough, by modern standards—at home Besides the usual elementary subjects, she learned French and some Italian, sang a little, and became an expert needle-woman Her reading extended little beyond the literature of the eighteenth century, and within that period she seems to have cared most for the novels of Richardson and Miss Burney, and the poems of Cowper and Crabbe Dr Johnson, too, she admired, and later was delighted with both the poetry and prose of Scott The first twenty-five years of her life she spent at Steventon; in 1801 she moved with her family to Bath, then a great center of fashion; after the death of her father in 1805, she lived with her mother and sister, first at Southampton and then at Chawton; finally she took lodgings at Winchester to be near a doctor, and there she died on July 18, 1817, and was buried in the cathedral Apart from a few visits to friends in London and elsewhere, and the vague report of a love affair with a gentleman who died suddenly, there is little else to chronicle in this quiet and uneventful life

  But quiet and uneventful though her life was, it yet supplied her with material for half a dozen novels as perfect of their kind as any in the language While still a young girl she had experimented with various styles of writing, and when she completed "Pride and Prejudice" at the age of twenty-two, it was clear that she had found her appropriate form This novel, which in many respects she never surpassed, was followed a year later by "Northanger Abbey," a satire on the "Gothic" romances then in vogue; and in 1809 she finished "Sense and Sensibility," begun a dozen years before So far she had not succeeded in having any of her works printed; but in 1811 "Sense and Sensibility" appeared in London and won enough recognition to make easy the publication of the others Success gave stimulus, and between 1811 and 1816, she completed "Mansfield Park," "Emma," and "Persuasion" The last of these and "Northanger Abbey" were published posthumously

  The most remarkable characteristic of Jane Austen as a novelist is her recognition of the limits of her knowledge of life and her determination never to go beyond these limits in her books She describes her own class, in the part of the country with which she was acquainted; and both the types of character and the events are such as she knew from first-hand observation and experience But to the portrayal of these she brought an extraordinary power of delicate and subtle delineation, a gift of lively dialogue, and a peculiar detachment She abounds in humor, but it is always quiet and controlled; and though one feels that she sees through the affectations and petty hypocrisies of her circle, she seldom becomes openly satirical The fineness of her workmanship, unexcelled in the English novel, makes possible the discrimination of characters who have outwardly little or nothing to distinguish them; and the analysis of the states of mind and feeling of ordinary people is done so faithfully and vividly as to compensate for the lack of passion and adventure She herself speaks of the "little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work," and, in contrast with the broad canvases of Fielding or Scott, her stories have the exquisiteness of a fine miniature


1 sane

2 within reason

3 intellectual


1 害怕知识分子被看作理智的倡导者,这是知识分子对知识和道德价值的最终贬低。在炮火袭击下畏缩尚可理解,而面对一个需要教导(也可从中学习)的世界却当懦夫则是卑鄙的。

The fear of intellectuals to be seen as advocates of reason is the final treason of the clerks To be cowardly under fire is understandable, but to cower when there is a world to be taught(and to learn from) is contemptible

2 全是理智的心,恰如一柄全是锋刃的刀。

A mind all logic is like a knife all blade

Not endowed with reason


An irrational dislike


An insane person


Not sensible; foolish


Lacking in sense; foolish or crazy


a cerebral approach to the problem; cerebral drama


mindless violence; reasonless hostility; a senseless act


Absence or lack of reason; irrationality


The state or quality of being irrational


Intellectual or moral confusion



1 perceptual

2 nastic

Rational rather than emotional


examining own sensory and perceptual experiences


Of, based on, or involving perception


detected by instinct or inference rather than by recognized perceptual cues


The first stage was one of superficial, perceptual knowledge, as shown in the indiscriminate anti-foreign stuggles of the Movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Yi Ho Tuan Movement, and so on


Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception


Having no physical feeling or sensation; insentient


Devoid of sensation or consciousness; inanimate


The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge


The perceptual and the rational are qualitatively different, but are not divorced from each other; they are unified on the basis of practice




You made a mistake in leaving her alone


She recognized in Roger a dangerous man







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