




























 第一部分: 听力测试(25分)

 I 听句子:你将听到五个句子。请根据听到的内容。每个句子后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。

 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 ______

 II 听对话回答问题:你将听到六段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请根据听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话之后你有5至10秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。共10小题,计10分。


 6 Where was the girl last night

 A At her friend’s party B At school C At her home


 7 Where did Liu Bin go yesterday

 A To the Summer Palace B To the Great Wall C To Tian’anmen Square


 8 What’s Ben doing now

 A Doing his homework B Watching TV C Playing football


 9 Who are they talking about

 A Mike B Mario C Liu Feng

 10 Where does the boy they are talking about live now

 A In Chicago B In New York C In Los Angeles


 11 What did the girl think of her summer vacation

 A Terrible B Great C Boring

 12 What did Justin send to the boy

 A His best wishes B His favorite bag C A beautiful notebook


 13 When does Mike play basketball

 A On Fridays B On Saturdays C On Sundays

 14 Why does Mike like painting

 A It’s interesting B It’s exciting C It’s relaxing

 15 What does the girl like doing

 A Swimming B Climbing C Painting

 III 听短文选择答案:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题。请根据听到的短文内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听完短文之后你有1分钟的答题时间。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。

 16 What did Karen think of her trip to China

 A Boring B Tiring C Interesting

 17 What did she do in the Changjiang River

 A She went boating B She went fishing C She went swimming

 18 How did she go to Beijing

 A By car B By plane C By train

 19 How long did she stay in China

 A For a year B For a week C For a month

 20 What will she learn in the future

 A Chinese B History C Science

 IV 听短文填写表格:你将听到一段短文,请根据听到的短文内容完成表格中的有关信息。


 Wu Fei’s Vacation

 Date On 21

 Weather A bit 22

 Place The Great Wall

 People Wu Fei and 23

 Activities They saw many 24 visitors

 They had lunch

 They took some photos

 How long 25

 第二部分: 知识及运用 (30分)

 V 单项选择:从下列各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。

 26 ---I think that watching too many 3-D movies is bad our eyes

 ---I agree with you

 A to B for C at D with

 27 ---My friend lives a happy life, he doesn’t have much money

 ---I think happiness is more important than money

 A if B or C because D although

 28 --- hours do you exercise every week

 ---Seven to nine hours

 A How many B How often C How much D How long

 29 ---Would you like to go to the beach with me this weekend

 ---It great I think we will have a good time there

 A looks B sounds C tastes D feels

 30 ---Long time no see was your vacation, Jim

 ---Excellent The museums in Beijing are really great, do you know

 A What B Where C When D How

 31 ---I can walk on I need to have a rest

 ---Come on, we’ll arrive home soon

 A ever B sometimes C usually D hardly

 32 ---I don’t like this place here makes me happy

 ---I don’t think so At least the food here is very delicious

 A Anything B Everything C Nothing D Something

 33 ---I am healthy because I take much exercise

 ---You have a good

 A habit B activity C result D answer

 34 ---English is difficult for me I don’t know how to learn it well

 ---You can try to learn English by English programs It works

 A watch B watches C watching D watched

 35 ---Mary was very angry with me She asked me go to her house

 ---If I were you, I would say sorry to her

 A why didn’t I B why wasn’t I C why I didn’t D why I wasn’t

 36---Where is my iPad mini, Lucy

 ---I don’t know Maybe took it

 A no one B anyone C everyone D someone

 37 ---I’m now I want to eat something

 ---How come You ate a hamburger just now!

 A lucky B free C full D hungry

 38 ---Is Mr Green a

 ---Yes If you need teeth cleaning, you can ask him for help

 A policeman B dentist C waiter D teacher

 39 ---There is candy at home I want to buy some

 ---OK, but you must eat candy Look at you You are so fat!

 A less; little B little; little C little; less D less; less

 40 ---Do you like to go to Beijing or Shanghai for vacation

 --- They are both wonderful

 A Of course B It’s hard to say C Yes, I will D You’re welcome

 VI 完形填空:先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。

 Do you remember the name of your kindergarten(幼儿园)teacher I remember Her name is Mrs White

 I don’t remember much about what I 41 in her class, but my mother once told me that I used to(过去常常)write a lot I would bring back 42 I wrote, and she would look through it and find many mistakes in it However, there were 43 red corrections(改正) There was often a “star” and sometimes a “good”! It 44 my mother a lot So one day she went to 45 Mrs White why she never corrected my mistakes

 “ The children are just beginning to get 46 about using words” Mrs White said “I don’t want to make them lose confidence(丧失自信心) 47 red corrections”

 Because of Mrs White, I 48 worried about writing what I meant(意欲) Although I couldn’t write a 49 right, I grew up with confidence I used to 50 “beautiful” wrong I could never 51 that the “e” goes before the “a” It made my teacher in high school very 52 She asked me to use “pretty” when I was writing I didn’t 53 her I think “pretty” is 54 to spell, but it doesn’t 55 as much as we mean sometimes For me, life isn’t “pretty”, but it’s “baeutiful” Oh, I made the same mistake again! It’s “beautiful”

 41 A wondered B learned C missed D used

 42 A what B why C when D any

 43 some B many C no D any

 44 A taught B interested C paid D worried

 45 A tell B ask C show D meet

 46 A popular B surprised C excited D sorry

 47 A through B in C on D about

 48 A always B often C sometimes D never

 49 A word B diary C letter D passage

 50 A hear B put C make D spell

 51 A wish B think C remember D like

 52 A tired B strict C scared D angry

 53 A listen to B talk to C shout to D get to

 54 A fast B easy C good D natural

 55 A follow B have C bring D practice

 第三部分: 阅读与写作(65分)

 VII 阅读理解:读A、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案;读C篇短文,将其选项中的五个句子还原到短文当中。共15小题,计30分。


 What did you do during the vacation

 I was happy at that time , because I had some time to clean my room and tune (调音) my old piano I was just a little lazy and I didn’t study any English I think it is only because it was vacation One thing I missed was my swing dance classes Anyway, I felt good because I relaxed during the vacation


 I went to a Japan town with my family to visit the Cherry Blossom Festival We ate some delicious Japanese food Also we saw a Japanese dance show there It was a wonderful trip I hope I can go there again,


 During the vacation I did nothing special I went online, played computer games, and called my friends in Hong Kong and talked with them There is a terrible disease(疾病) in Hong Kong I am quite worried about my friends these days


 My friend and I went to the park It was a new park for me Its name is Candlestick It’s very far from my house So we took a bus there It took about an hour We were there on Sunday Lots of people were here Some people were fishing I saw a man catch a big fish We had a good time in the park


 56 What did Mary think of her vacation

 A Special B Tiring

 C Full D Relaxing

 57 Jill did the following in Japan EXCEPT(除了)

 A watching a dance show B eating some Japanese food

 C having swing dance classes D enjoying the cherry blossom

 58 During the vacation, Alex

 A got a terrible disease B didn’t go out for a trip

 C talked with his friends online D did something special

 59 Lyudmila and her friend

 A live near Candlestick

 B saw few people in Candlestick

 C spent one hour fishing in Candlestick

 D went to Candlestick by bus

 60 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

 A Mary had really a busy vacation

 B Lyudmila caught a big fish in Candlestick

 C Jill enjoyed herself when she was in Japan

 D Alex isn’t worried about his friends in Hong Kong


 Last Monday we did a survey about how often the students do the housework Here are the results

 Most students do the housework twice or three times a week They often clean their rooms Some students do the housework five times a week They often clean the floor Some students help their parents on the farm They think their parents are too busy, so they help them

 The results for “wash clothes” are interesting Some students wash clothes once or twice a week They often wash clothes on Saturdays or Sundays Some students wash clothes three or four times a week They only wash their own clothes But most students wash their clothes once a week And they wash clothes on Sundays

 Liu Ying, a girl in Class 4, Grade 8, has lots of housework to do She washes the dishes and cleans the floor every day She often cooks, sometimes three times a day She says, “My mother isn’t healthy My father works in another city So I have to do most of the housework at home”

 61 From the results we know students do the housework five times a week

 A all B most C some D no

 62Some students help their parents on the farm because

 A they think they are old enough

 B they think their parents are too busy

 C they don’t have too much homework

 D their parents are too old

 63 How often do most students wash their clothes

 A Once a week B Twice a week

 C Three times a week D Four times a week

 64 From the passage we can know that

 A Liu Ying is an unhealthy student

 B Liu Ying is good at homework

 C Liu Ying’s father is unhealthy

 D Liu Ying has to do much housework

 65 Which of the following is NOT true

 A They did the survey last Monday

 B Most students don’t do the housework

 C Liu Ying is a student from Class 4, Grade 8

 D Liu Ying cooks three times a day sometimes


 A Walking out of doors can let you enjoy the scenery(风景)and get clean air

 B you will forget all the worries in life

 C having a picnic is the most wonderful thing to do

 D you can try walking from your house to nearby friends’ houses

 E it’s good for your health

 There are many kinds of sports such as swimming, football and walking Do you like walking Walking is a good activity and 66 Wherever you live, you can have a walk with your parents, classmates or friends

 You can start with short walks around your house If it’s safe(安全的)enough to do that, 67 If your school isn’t too far from your home, you can walk there every day instead of taking the bus or riding a bike

 Maybe you still don’t know that 68 When you are hiking(徒步旅行) in the mountains, forests, or other beautiful places, it can keep you away from things that often make you unhappy Also, 69 when you enjoy the scenery in the mountains You can also do all kinds of things while hiking, like having a picnic, singing songs or taking pictures I think 70 when you are hiking in the mountains

 VIII 写作:本大题共三部分,计35分。

 A A 根据所给音标、汉语或首字母提示写出下列句中所缺单词。共10小题,计10分。

 71 It took us about four hours to get to the t of Mount Tai

 72 I didn’t eat dinner Now I’m very h

 73 Did you eat Beijing d It’s really delicious

 74 Everyone jumped up and down in e when they heard the good news

 75 The student often (骑)my bike to school in the past

 76 I was very (无聊)in the room because I had nothing to do

 77 The dog (死)because it was too cold this winter

 78 The dancing [kɑmpə'tɪʃən] is on September 12th

 79 Can you write the words ['klɪəlɪ] It’s difficult to read

 80 This kind of exercise is good for your [hɑːrt]


 81 昨天汤姆和他的朋友们参观故宫了。(visit)

 Yesterday Tom with his friends

 82 多吃蔬菜水果对你的健康有好处。(health)

 It to eat more vegetables and fruit

 83 Tom和Sam一起勤奋。(as)

 Tom is Sam


 I live in a big house


 Did you go last week

 C 书面表达。共1题,计15分。







 第一部分 听力(25分)

 1-5 DCABE 6-10 CAABA 11-15 BABCB 16-20 CABCA

 21 May 1st 22 cloudy 23 his parents 24 English

 25 For 8/ eight hours

 第二部分 语言知识及运用 (30分)

 26-30 BDABD 31-35 DCACC 36-40 DDBCB

 41-45 BACDB 46-50 CADAD 51-55 CDABB


 56-60 DCBDC 61-65CBADB 66-70 EDABC

 71 top 72 hungry 73 duck 74 excitement 75 rode

 76 bored 77 died 78 competition 79 clearly 80 heart

 81 visited the Palace Museum

 82 is good for your health

 83 as hard-working as

 84 with a swimming pool

 85 anywhere interesting


1 八年级下册英语Unit1试卷及答案

2 八年级英语试卷及答案

3 初二英语上册Unit 1单元检测卷

4 初二上册英语Unit 6测试试题及答案

5 初二英语上册第一次月考试卷及答案

第一版:1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 D 8 C 9 B 10 A 11 D 12 B 13 C 14 B 15 A 16 D 17 C 18 B 19 A 20 C翻译:1 由于各种原因去上学的人群中,学龄前儿童和女性占比较高。 2 学生们感到,这个问题只有学校和一起解决才能真正得到解决。 3 一项新研究表明,睡不好可能会导致人食量增加,从而导致体重增加。 4 有些人担心,机器人的兴起将导致很多 工人失业。 5 此次会议的主题是如何应对气候变化和环境问题。 6 他认为,只有通过更多的训练和实践才能提高自己的英语水平。 7 相信他是一位好医生,并且能够帮助们解决健康问题。 8 听说这个上有很多有趣的视频,想去看一看。 9 由于他犯了错误,他被公司开除了。 10 和家长及老师建立良好的关系对你的学业和人生都有很大的帮助。第二版:1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 A 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 A 12 B 13 C 14 A 15 D 16 B 17 D 18 C 19 A 20 B翻译:1 卡梅伦宣布,英国将在2017年进行脱欧公投。 2 刚学英语的学生们通常会犯很多常见的语法错误。 3 在短短2天时间里,全球最大的风能机组就已经停了下来。 4 有很多人都在用手机和平板电脑上网冲浪,而不是使用电脑。 5 这个小镇上最著名的景点是一座大教堂,吸引了很多游客。 6 越来越多的国家设立了国际班,为学生提供更好的英语教育。 7 随着电子书的流行,越来越多的人放弃传统纸质书。 8 如果你要迟到,请务必打电话给老师并解释原因。 9 这家餐厅供应的美食非常新鲜美味,每个人都应该去尝试。 10 父母应该给孩子更多的自由及独立机会,以帮助他们成长。


时间:100分钟满分:1 0 0分

第 一 卷听力部分(20分)










()6 A By bike B Next to her school C With her parents

()7 A Yes,I am B Yes,there is C Yes,it is

()8 A Just cross Center Street

B For about ten minutes

C About one kilometer

()9 A It's delicious B For lunch C Hamburgers

()10 A In the park B My cousins C It's relaxing



()11 Where is the park

A Next to the bank

B Across from the bank

C Behind the bank

()12 How far is it from here to the bank

A About one kilometer

B Not far

C About two kilometers


()13 What is John doing

A Watching a video

B Reading a book

C Studying

()14 Where is Mary's house

A On Fifth Street

B On the corner

C On New Street

()15 When will they meet

A At 2:30

B At 3:30

C At 2:00


Bridge Street

Susan's school is on this street Across from the school is a 16 __________

Next to the bookstore is a small 17 ________

18 ________ the school is a park

Just go down this street and turn 19 ________ There is a clothes store

A 20 ________ is next to the clothes store



()21 —Excuse me Where is the shopping center

—It's in ____ front of the police station You can find it ____ your left

A /; in B /; on C the; at D the; to

()22 —Where is Frank

—He is in the ____ He is sending some letters

A library B bank C restaurant D post office

()23 —Is the post office on the left of the pay phone

—No, it's ____ the pay phone We have to cross the street

A between B next to C in front of D across from

()24 —How much are the hamburgers

—Haha, we don't need to buy them They are ____

A busy B free C right D early

()25 —What does Mary like to do in the morning

—She enjoys ____ a walk in the park

A to take B taking C talking D to talk

()26 —Why do you take the bus to school,Jim

—____ earlier

A Get there B Getting to there

C For get there D To get there

()27 —Excuse me, ____ can I get to the Red Star Bookshop

—Go along this road and you can find it in front of you

A why B how C when D where

()28 Linda thinks the math homework is ____ and she can finish it ____

A easy; easy B easily; easily

C easily; easy D easy; easily

()29 —Are there any booklets (小册子) on the flu(流感) in your school

—____ They tell us how to protect ourselves(保护我们自己)

A Yes, they are B Yes, there are

C Yes, there is D Yes, it is

()30 —Thank you for helping me


A No problem B No, thanks

C Sounds good D You, too

六、 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

My name is Peter I study in No 1 Middle School My school is in a __ 31 __ neighborhood It's far from the busy streets When you get to my school, you can see a(n)__ 32 __building (建筑物) It is for teachers Behind it, there is a __ 33 __ It is my favorite place because I like reading After school, I always__ 34 __ time reading books or doing my homework there __ 35 __ is the teaching building It is next to the library Behind the library is the dining hall There are different__ 36 __of foods there, such as rice, bread and vegetables Students need to __ 37 __ $3 to have lunch there There is also a gym (体育馆) in my school It's__ 38 __from the teaching building My friends and I __ 39 __ playing games there It is really fun

The teachers in my school are very friendly They __ 40 __take us to climb mountains on weekends We all have a good time

()31 A quiet B busy C noisy D dirty

()32 A post B police C office D hospital

()33 A restaurant B library C bookstore D park

()34 A show B take C make D spend

()35 A Where B What C When D Who

()36 A places B kinds C groups D years

()37 A pay B fight C call D buy

()38 A front B between C near D across

()39 A follow B enjoy C forget D stop

()40 A often B never C too D either




()41 Next to Green Garden,you can see a ____

A hotel B school C library D cinema

()42 The restaurant is on ____

A Long Street B Park Street

C Green Street D Third Avenue (大街)

()43 Which is TRUE according to the map

A The post office is between the bank and the bus stop

B The library is behind the sports club

C The restaurant is next to the supermarket

D There is an English club across from the sports club


Hi! I'm Kathy I live in Valencia It is in the east of Spain (西班牙) There is an old castle (城 堡) in my neighborhood There is a river in front of the castle

But there isn't any water in the river now There's a big park near the castle It is my favorite place I often take a walk there after supper In the park, there is a 3­D cinema We can go to watch the movies there

My house is behind the castle There is a sports center next to my house I often play volleyball there on weekends There's a small library behind my house I usually go to the library on Saturday mornings, because I love reading

There are lots of things to do in Valencia I'm never bored!

()44 Kathy comes from ____

A America B Australia C Spain D Canada

()45 Kathy's house is ____

A behind a sports center

B across from a library

C next to a 3­D cinema

D in front of a library

()46 We can learn that ____

A Kathy lives in an old castle

B Kathy enjoys reading in the park

C Kathy likes reading and playing volleyball

D Kathy usually spends her weekends at home


Cindy is a Grade 7 student She lives with her parents and grandma in Beijing Cindy doesn't have any brothers or sisters She has a pet dog It's from her friend It's black and it's only one month old It likes sleeping on the sofa

There are five rooms in Cindy's house: a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom (浴室) There is a computer in her parents' bedroom Cindy often uses it to write e­mails to her cousins Cindy's favorite room is the living room because it's big and painted blue Blue is her favorite color

Cindy's birthday is in January Her parents usually have a birthday party for her But this year, they will take Cindy to Hainan to celebrate (庆祝) her birthday Cindy is very happy about it Now she is reading a book about Hainan and she thinks she will enjoy her trip

()47 What can we know about Cindy's pet from the passage

A It's a black cat

B It likes sleeping on the bed

C It's just one month old

D It's from one of Cindy's cousins

()48 Which is Cindy's favorite room

A The kitchen B The bathroom

C Her bedroom D The living room

()49 How will Cindy's parents celebrate her birthday this year

A They'll take her for a trip

B They'll have a party for her

C They'll buy her some books

D They'll buy her a new computer

()50 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

A Cindy lives in Hainan

B Cindy likes the color blue

C Cindy's birthday is in December

D There are four rooms in Cindy's house


Welcome to Xiangshan City!

Xiangshan City is an interesting place to visit (1) It is a beautiful city with many old buildings

Take a walk through the center of the city on Main Street Look at the Xiangshan City Hotel first It is on the corner of Main Street and Park Avenue It is about 150 years old and people like to stay there There is an interesting old building across from the hotel This is the old post office Now it is a store for books and videos There are many places to eat on Main Street You can have lunch or dinner in one of these places There is a park between Main Street and Bridge Street You can sit on a bench(长凳)in the park (2) It's nice and quiet, and you can enjoy the clean air and sunshine

You can also take a walk down Park Avenue to look at the old buildings and interesting stores


任务一:将(1)处画线句子改为“There be…”句型。





53 How old is Xiangshan City Hotel


54 What's between Main Street and Bridge Street


55 Can we buy books and videos in the old post office




56 Harbin is a very beautiful city It lies in the n of China

57 Playing sports is fun We can s time with friends when we play together


58 Jack doesn't feel well Let's take him to the h

59 Mom, I need some m to buy a book in the bookstore

60 I want to e the clean air and the warm sunshine in the village



Dear David,

I'm happy that you will arrive in China next week and you are welcome to my home Now let me 61 ________ (tell) you how to get here First, 62 ________the No 10 bus from the bus station Then get off (下车) 63 ________ North Street You will see a bank in front of you Go 64 ________North Street and turn left at the first 65 ________ (cross) My home is on 66 ________ right It is near a middle school You will find it 67 ________ (easy) Oh, there is a park across 68 ________ my home I can show you around After I get up, I like 69 ________ (spend) time there with my parents We usually walk to the park 70 ________ (enjoy) the clean air and sunshine I'm sure you will like it too

Write to me soon





提示:1 出了机场乘坐30路公共汽车,在终点站下车;

2 沿着风华路向前走,在第二个十字路口左拐,走大约十分钟后她会看到阳光超


3 你家离海边不远,你们可以步行去那里。


参考词汇:airport机场;get off下车
















一、 1 There is a restaurant on Green Street

2 Go along the street, and then turn right

3 You can take a taxi to the bank

4 The pay phone is in front of the library

5 The post office is next to the supermarket

二、 6 Where does Lucy live

7 Is your school on Bridge Street

8 How do you get to the bank from your home

9 What food do you like in the restaurant

10 Who do you usually spend weekends with

三、 Text 1

W :Where is the park

M :The park It's across from the bank

W :Where is the bank

M :It's not far from here, about one kilometer from here

Text 2

W :Hey, John

M :Hi, Mary

W :What are you doing

M :I'm reading a book

W :Do you want to come over to my house We can watch a video

M :OK Where is your house

W :It's on New Street It's a quiet street off Fifth Street

M :Oh, OK I know where it is There is a new hotel on the corner

W :Yes There is a small supermarket on the street Our house is across from the


M :OK I'll see you at two thirty

四、 W :Hello! I'm Susan I'm a middle school student My school is on Bridge Street Across from the school is a bookstore Next to the bookstore is a small hotel Behind the school is a park Lots of people come to the park to exercise every day I like reading books in it Just go down Bridge Street and turn right You can see a clothes store I often buy clothes there with my mother A restaurant is next to it We can enjoy nice food there after shopping


一、 1 ~ 5 :ACCBA二、 6 ~ 10 :BCACB三、 11 ~ 15 :BABCA

四、 16 bookstore 17 hotel 18 Behind 19 right 20 restaurant


五、 21 B

22 D点拨:考查名词辨析。根据问句句意“弗兰克在哪儿?”及答句句意“他

在……。他正在寄一些信。”可推知弗兰克在邮局,post office“邮局”,符

合句意,故选“post office”。

23 D

24 B点拨:考查形容词辨析。根据句意“——这些汉堡包多少钱?——哈



25 B 26 D

27 B点拨:考查特殊疑问词辨析。根据答句句意“沿着这条路,你可以在



28 D

29 B点拨:“Are there…?”的回答应用“Yes, there are ”或“No, there

aren't ”。故选B。

30 A

六、 31 ~ 35 :ACBDA 36 ~ 40 :BADBA

七、 ( A ) 41 ~ 43 :BAD( B ) 44 ~ 46 :CDC( C ) 47 ~ 50 :CDAB

八、 51 There are many old buildings in the beautiful city

52 它 / 那儿又美丽又安静 , 你可以享受清新的空气和阳光。

53 It's about 150 years old /About 150 years old

54 It is a park /A park

55 Yes, we can

九、 56 north 57 spend 58 hospital

59 money 60 enjoy

十、 61 tell 62 take 63 on 64 along/down

65 crossing 66 your/the 67 easily

68 from 69 to spend/spending 70 to enjoy

十一、One possible version:

Dear Zhao Hui,

Welcome to my home! Now let me tell you the way to my home After you get out of the airport, you can take the No 30 bus and get off at the last stop Walk along Fenghua Road and turn left at the second crossing After walking for about ten minutes, you can see the Sunshine Supermarket My home is behind the supermarket You can't miss it My home is not far from the sea We can walk there The sea is very beautiful I hope you will have a good trip


Wang Li


 每到英语考试的来临之际,教师们要怎样开展好自己的课堂教学的复习工作呢让我们来为学生们制订一份良好的考试卷吧!以下是由我收集整理的外研版八年级上册英语Module 3测试试题,欢迎阅读!

外研版八年级上册英语Module 3测试试题

 一、 听力测试(满分15分)



 6 Lucy likes running very much( )

 7 Lucy runs faster than Mary( )

 8 Both Lucy and Jack like the long jump( )

 9 Jack likes the high jump and the long jump( )

 10 Jack is going to be in the high jump team this year( )


 11 ______is/are popular with all the people in the world

 A Films B Music C Sports

 12 Lots of people like sports because_______

 A they can make us have a healthier body

 B they can help people make friends

 C both A and B

 13 In many Chinese schools there are_______

 A school cars B sports teams C dance parties

 14 Girl students like playing _______at school

 A volleyball and table tennis

 B football and basketball

 C clothes and books

 15China got_______ medals (奖牌) in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

 A fifty B seventy C one hundred


 16 —How about watching TV at home

 —It’s too _______Let’s play football

 A boring B interesting C exciting D relaxing

 17—Do you mind ________ the window It’s a bit hot

 —Of course not

 A open B to open C opening D opens

 18 I think playing basketball is_______ dangerous than swimming

 A more B very C better D much

 19 The teacher was very pleased_______ Tony’s answer

 A with B on C in D for

 20 I’m sure we can ________ the game In my mind, nobody can _________ us

 A win; win B win; beat C beat; beat D beat; win

 21(2016•山东威海)I looked through my test paper again and again _______ I wouldn’t make any mistakes

 A so B because C so that

 22 (2016•陕西)_______ you speak, ___________ your English will be

 A The less; the more B The more; the better

 C The less; the better D The more; the less

 23 It’s important_______ the piano well

 A of him to play B for him to play

 C of him playing D for him playing

 24(2016•南宁)I have _______ finished my homework I finished it an hour ago

 A yet B already C ever D never

 25—I made some mistakes at the dinner table last night

 —_______ I’ll tell you some table manners later

 A Of course B Never mind

 C You’re welcome D I’m sorry


 There is a saying, “No sports, no life” Sports are very important to us Sports help us to stay

 26 and get good grades

 Everyone in our class 27 sports Our favourite 28 is PE We only have PE lessons

 29 a week, but we play sports every day The most popular sport in our class is basketball The boys enjoy 30 it, and many of the 31 like it, too Another popular sport is football and there

 32 a lot of football fans (球迷) in our class When the weather is 33 ,we often play ping-

 pong outside We hardly ever (几乎不) play volleyball We think it’s 34 We have a basketball team Our team often has friendship (友谊) matches (比赛) with teams from other schools When there is a match, many of us go to 35 it It’s very interesting

 26 A fit B cool C fat D thin

 27 A love B loves C loving D loved

 28 A food B drink C subject D fruit

 29 A two B two time C second D twice

 30 A play B playing C played D to play

 31 A students B teachers C girls D people

 32 A were B are C is D was

 33 A cloudy B windy C fine D wet

 34 A boring B relaxing C exciting D interesting

 35 A watch B read C look D look at

 四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


 (2016•x疆)Kelly’s favorite subject is PE But she had a hard time in PE class She was not good at jumping very far,she had trouble throwing a ball,and she couldn’t run really fast Sometimes,some kids made fun of (取笑) her So why does Kelly love PE class

 The reason is that her teacher Mr Burns always tells her to do her best Though she only ran for a few minutes,Mr Burns said,“Good job! Next time you will be able to go a little longer”Mr Burns even put a small box on the floor,so Kelly would be able to practice jumping over it

 That night when Kelly finished dinner,she put three boxes and began practicing jumping over them She made it! Kelly thought to herself,“Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in PE class”

 There was a relay race (接力赛) on Tuesday Kelly was scared that she would not be able to go very far When Kelly ran around the track (跑道),she heard many cheers and kids shouting,“Go Kelly! You can do it!” That was all she needed to hear Kelly ran fast She finished first! The kids cheered for her Kelly felt so good“Thank you,Mr Burns,” said Kelly“Kelly,you ran the race,not me”“Yes,but you always said I could do it”


 36 According to Paragraph 1,we can learn that Kelly has trouble in PE class

 A playing soccer B skating

 C swimming D running

 37 How did Mr Burns help Kelly practice jumping

 A By jumping with her

 B By asking other kids to help her

 C By putting a small box on the floor

 D By giving her a book on how to jump

 38 In Paragraph 3,Kelly jumped over box(es) after dinner

 A1 B2 C3 D4

 39 Kelly was scared before the relay race because she was afraid that

 A she would fall

 B she would not run very far

 C other kids would make fun of her

 D other kids would run faster than her

 40 At the end of the story,we can learn that Kelly felt

 A happy B bored C upset D independent


 The Dover Club together with Skyhawks Sports Centre is offering(提供) new sport camps for children this summer

 41 Children can learn how to play t-ball in _______

 A Mini-Hawk Camp B Roller Hockey Camp

 C Multi-Sport Camp D Fishing Derby Camp

 42 Roller Hockey Camp’s fee is _______

 A $15 B $78 C $88 D $102

 43 Fishing Derby Camp is held at _______

 A Skyhawks Sports Centre B Dover Stadium

 C Butterfield Gym D Willand Pond

 44 What does the underlined word “skills” mean

 A技巧 B熟练 C巧妙 D影响

 45 The passage is from _______

 A an ad B a movie magazine C a diary D a TV newspaper


 46 Your listening is not very good You need a lot of p_______

 47 Playing table tennis is_______ (有乐趣的)We all like it

 48 Sam h_______ his foot when he was playing basketball yesterday

 49 You shouldn’t do your homework_______ (粗心地)

 50Don’t worry You will have another _____(机会)tomorrow





1要作好“四个”准备——认识职业、专业、学校和招生政策的准备。实施素质 教育 中的高中在读生,正如本书前面已经谈到的,要提早做好“ 职业规划 ”,越早越好,边学习、边浏览和掌握这方面的资料,到高中 毕业 报考时,自然水到渠成。随着素质教育实施的正常化,规模化,高中学生对这一择业准备工作,是会越做越到位的。





1估分填报志愿的考生,如何找准位置——可能被录取的是哪个批次呢由于录取是根据考生志愿,以高考总分排序投档(艺术、体育考生除外),所以考生自我估分要准,有效的作法分五步进行:①在读期间,德智体美及考试成绩在班、在校所处的上、中、下的位置;②高考后对照高考答案及评分参考标准评估出的总分及单科分的得分状况,有无可享受的政策降分;③参照与掌握近三年,各批次划定 分数线 的年平均分;④参照当年高考试题难易度的变化是升,是降,还是平稳状态的情况;⑤参照当年各批次高校招生计划数的变化是增,是减,还是相对于去年持平的情况。这五个方面即是影响和确定自我本、专科各批次所处位置的主要因素。综合分析,反复斟酌,所定位置就比较到位。



根据自已的 兴趣 爱好 和志向确定选报的学科专业门类(也可以找专业人士通过计算机测试确定自己的专业倾向与方向)。

这一步在确定学科门类及专业志愿时由于专业=职业的观念确立,在选报专业时,首先要了解教育部关于本科、高职高专学科门类的分类,各类二级学科(分类)及其下分设的专业,还要看高职高专是否文理兼收;其次对自我的特长、爱好、兴趣等心理特征作出理性和准确的评估,确定其主攻的学科门类及专业方向;第三,当自我特长不十分明显时,要据自我平时学习成绩,高考各科成绩的高低状况,择其科分高的学科而确定相关专业;第四,学科门类的选择不能太多、太杂,专业的学科门类最多不过三,如主学教育类,可兼学 其它 1-2类的相关专业,亦可主学工学类,选报工学类的三级学科专业等等。总的要根据自我平时的爱好兴趣和特长以及高考单科成绩,扬长避短而定学科门类及专业方向。






























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