



 A : I'm sorry for last time,上次很抱歉

 B:"Oh, what's wrong Why do you apologize"有什么问题吗你干嘛道歉

 A:"Don't you remember that last time”难道你不记得上次了吗

 B: "Oh that's okay No problem for that"哦,那没什么,不要紧的。

 A:"But I'm feeling so bad for it, you need to accept my apologize"


 B: "Of course, I forgive for that, its all right, don't keep it in mind"


 A: “What can I do for you to regret"


 B:"I don't think that is a good idea, you're forgiven"


 A:” But"但是我……

 B: "Let this off, please, if you keep this going, then I'll not forgive you anymore"让这件事过去吧,如果你继续这样的话,我就不原谅你了。

 A: “You’re a good friend for me"你是我的好朋友。

 B: "I'm glad for you thinking that"很高兴你能那样想。

 A: “Okay then I’ll say sorry for this last time, I sorry"我最后一次跟你说对不起,对不起啦!

 B:"You are fine; I will bless you for your honest"没关系,为你的诚实祈福。

 A:” Thank you so much" 非常谢谢你!


 Chinese: customer ordered a dish in a restaurant, sit waiting in front of the table

 The waiter came, she said: "the gentleman, because restaurants have something, so please wait"

 The customer said impatiently: "your restaurant how to engage in, really bad luck!"

 The waiter apologized again and again: "sorry, sorry! Could you wait a moment"

 The customer said: "for a while!"

 The waiter said: "thank you for your cooperation!"

 After 10 minutes, the customer asked: "how not to serve!"

 The waiter explained: "soon"

 Customers to fly into a rage: "very soon, how fast!"

 Waiter: "sorry sorry · · · · · ·"

 The customer looked at the crowd, blushing, said: "I was wrong, I should not talk loudly in public places"

 顾客在一所餐厅点了菜,就坐在餐桌前等待。 服务员来了,她说:“这位先生,因为餐厅有点事,所以请您多等一会。” 顾客不耐烦地说:“你们餐厅怎么搞的,真倒霉!” 服务员连连道歉:“对不起、对不起!您能等一会吗” 顾客说:“就一会!” 服务员说:“谢谢合作!” 过了十多分钟,顾客又问:“怎么还没上菜啊!” 服务员解释:“很快就好了。” 顾客火冒三丈:“很快很快,到底有多快啊!” 服务员道歉:“对不起······” 顾客看了看众人,脸红了,说:“是我不对,我不应该在公共场所大声喧哗。”


 A: I am coming to ask about the shoes I ordered last Monday Here's my receipt

 B: Just a moment, please I am sorry It isn't ready yet

 A: But you promised it would be ready at the end of last week and you would deliver it to my door this Monday

 B: Yes, I see I beg your pardon; we're really quite busy these days So could you wait for three more days I am sure it will be ready and delivered free of charge

 A: All right I just hope you can do things more efficiently Time is important for everyone, you know

 B: Yes, I understand how you feel Again, I am sorry for the trouble Please accept our sincere apologies








 A: Hi, Jack

 B: Hi, An! How was the bike trip Oh, what happened to my bike

 A: I'm really sorry, Jack It got smashed by a truck

 B: Oh, my God! Are you all right

 A: I had it locked to a telephone pole; a truck bowled it over

 B: How awful!

 A: Jack, I'm terribly sorry I feel so stupid I'm going to replace it








对不起真的很抱歉的英文:I am sorry

sorry 读法  英 ['sɒrɪ]  美 ['sɔri] 

1、adj 遗憾的;对不起的,抱歉的

2、int 对不起,抱歉(表示委婉的拒绝等)


1、sorry for 为…感到可惜

2、so sorry 非常抱歉

3、feel sorry 感到遗憾,觉得难过

4、sorry to hear that 听到…消息很难受/难过

5、feel sorry for 难过;为感到可惜



1、sorry的基本意思是“感到伤心,觉得难过”,指因损失、创伤、不幸和烦恼等引发的或大或小的悲伤,往往夹有一种遗憾的感觉; 若用以表示批评,往往含有怜悯、讥讽或关心的意味。引申可表示“对不起的”,主要用于表示道歉和对自己所做的表示后悔。作此解时只能作表语。


3、sorry后可跟that从句,动词不定式,也可跟for〔about〕短语(其后跟名词,动名词,代词或wh-从句), at短语(其后跟动名词)。


unhappy,wretched, sorry这组词都有“不幸的”的意思,其区别是:

1、unhappy 侧重指精神上的不快或失望。

2、wretched 多指由于疾病、担忧、忧伤等造成的不幸和痛苦,在外表上显得沮丧、可怜、失望,语气比miserable强。

3、sorry 常作礼貌用词,表遗憾、婉惜。也指说话人表示同情、悲哀等,感情色彩较强。

  抱歉是指心有愧疚不安,对不住别人。下面是我给大家整理的表示抱歉的英文 短语 ,供大家参阅!



(1) 简单的表达道歉:

A)Now, sometimes, especially with people you don’t know, it’s more polite to say ‘I’m sorry’ For example, imagine you’re in a library and you step backwards without looking and step on someone’s foot In this situation, it would be polite to say: (有时候,对于你不认识的人,说“我很抱歉”——‘I’m sorry’要显得更礼貌点。 例如,假设在图书馆,你后退的时候没看见后面有人所以踩到了别人的脚。 在这种情况下,礼貌的道歉应该是):

Ah! I’m sorry! 啊,我很抱歉!

B)Now, if you need to say sorry for doing something wrong to someone you know well or care about a lot, we often add the words ‘really’ or ‘so’ to emphasize how we feel For example:(如果是做错了事,需要向你熟悉或是非常在乎的一个人道歉,须得在sorry前加上really(非常)或者so(实在是)来强调你的歉意。 例如:)

I’m really sorry, Pete, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings (Pete,我真的很抱歉,我不是有意要伤害你的。)

I’m so sorry I forgot your birthday, Oliver! (Oliver,忘记你的生日,我真的很抱歉。) I was well out of order I've been having a hard time lately but that's no excuse I'm awfully sorry 我(那天)特别不对劲! 最近什么都不顺,但是我知道我不可以把这个作为借口。 真的很对不起。

(2) 表示道歉并同时告知对方理由:

1 I am sorry + 一个有主谓宾的完整 句子


I’m sorry I’m late! 对不起我迟到了!

I’m sorry I forgot my text book Or I’m sorry I’ve forgotten my text book 很抱歉,我忘带课本了。

2 (I am) sorry to + 动词原形:


I am sorry to have given you so much trouble 很抱歉给你带来那么大麻烦。

Sorry to be a bother/pest 不好意思打扰你

Sorry to disturb you again 抱歉, 又来打扰你

3 用上about的句型:Sorry about/ I am sorry about + 名词


Sorry about the mess I’ll clean up later! 弄得乱糟糟的,真是不好意思。 我待会儿会收拾的。 Sorry about the inconvenience 对不起添麻烦了

I’m sorry about the trouble I’ve caused 给您造成了麻烦,真是不好意思。

I’m so sorry about last night 昨晚上真是抱歉!

4 用上for的句型:

Sorry for/I am (really) sorry for/I want to apologize for/I do beg your pardon for + 动名词/从句,或者:

I want to say sorry to sb for sth/I would like to apologize to sb for sth


I owe you an apology for what i did last night我应该为昨天晚上的事向你道歉 I'm sorry for what I've done 我为我的所作所为向你道歉

I'm sorry for lying but it seemed the best thing to do at the time! 我很抱歉,我说了谎;但是在当时,那是最好的选择。

I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you the other day 那天那样跟你说话,我向你道歉!

I do beg your pardon for the mistake I've made请您一定原谅我所犯的错误。 I would like to apologize to all the ladies and to all their families for any harm or hurt that they have been feeling I'm sorry Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people in Hong Kong I give my apologies sincerely to you all, unreservedly and with my heart 我向所有的相关的女士和他们的亲属,为他们受到的任何的伤害进行道歉,我很抱歉。最重要的是,我想向所有香港人民道歉,我向你们诚恳的道歉,毫无保留,衷心的向你们道歉。

5 It's (all) my fault/My mistake/It was so stupid of me /Forgive me, + 一个完整的



It's my fault I really feel bad about it 是我的错 我真的感到很难过。 It's all my fault I’ll try to make it up to you这事儿全怪我 我会尽力补救。 My mistake It won't happen again 是我的错 不会再发生类似的事情了。 It was so stupid of me I really do apologize 非常抱歉, 我当时真糊涂。 Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you 请原谅, 我不是有意惹你生气

6 其他:

Please excuse my careless words 请原谅我那些无心的话。

I shouldn't have done that I should have asked you first 我不该那么做。我应先征得你的同意。

I honestly didn't mean it 我的确不是故意的。

I didn't mean to do that 我并不想要那么做。

I didn't mean it that way 事情闹成那样并非我的本意。

I don't know how that could have happened 我不知道怎么会发生那样的事。 You were right and I was wrong I apologize 你是对的, 我错了。我道歉。

7 接受道歉:

I won't hold it against you 我不会记仇的

I'll let you off this time I'll give you another chance 这回我放过你我再给你一次机会

Apologies accepted 接受你的道歉。

Okay I accept your apology 好吧 我接受你的道歉

You're forgiven 我原谅你

It doesn't matter at all 一点也没关系。

It's ok That can happen to the rest of us 没关系,谁都会发生这种事情。 No problem We all make mistakes 没问题 人人都有犯错的时候

Never mind about that/That's all right 没关系。

That's okay 没事儿

No harm done 没什么

Forget it 忘掉它吧

It's not your fault 那不是你的错

It really doesn't matter at all 真的没关系

Never mind 无所谓

Don't worry about it 别放在心上

Think no more of it 别再想它了

Don't give it another thought 不要再想了

8 不接受道歉

It's easy to say sorry, but who will make up for the loss


To tell you the truth, your apology can't be accepted



1 表示道歉的常用交际套语

I must apologize 我必须道歉。

I must apologize about that 我的确要为此向你道歉。

I must apologize for what I said 我必须对我说的话表示歉意。

I beg your pardon 请你原谅。

I‘m very sorry for that 我为此非常抱歉。

Please forgive me, I really didn‘t mean that 请原谅,真的不是那个意思。 I‘m sorry but I can’t 对不起,我不能。

I‘m very sorry, it was all my fault 很对不起,那都是我的错。

I‘m sorry for giving you so much trouble 对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。 Excuse me 对不起;请原谅。

Excuse me for not phoning you 请原谅,我没给你打电话。

Please excuse me (my) coming late 对不起,我来迟了。

I‘m sorry to have bothered you 对不起,打扰你了。

Pardon me 对不起,请原谅。

Pardon my (me for ) interrupting you 对不起,打断你的话了。

Sorry 对不起。

I‘m sorry 对不起。

Oh, my fault 哦,是我的错。

Oh, I‘m sorry That was really clumsy of me 哦,对不起,我太笨了。

2 用于回答道歉的常用套语

That‘s (It’s) all right 没关系。

That‘s quite all right 那真的没关系。

That‘s (It’s) OK 没关系。

It doesn‘t matter (at all)。 没关系。

Never mind 没关系。

Not at all 一点也不;不要紧;没关系。

It‘s nothing 没什么。

Think nothing 没什么。

Think nothing of it 没什么。

It‘s not your fault 这不是你的错。

Please don‘t worry 请别放在心上。

Don‘t let it worry you 不要为此不安。

No problem 没什么;没事。

No harm 没什么;不碍事。


1 英语中表示道歉的方式很多,但使用的中心词通常有以下三个:sorry, excuse, pardon, 所以掌握这三个词的用法及使用场合,就成了掌握“道歉”的关键。

2 有时道歉时由于责任不明,一方说 Oh, my fault (哦,是我的错)。而另一方也可以这样回答:Oh, no, my fault entirely (哦,不,这完全是我的错)。

3 表示询问或提出异议,通常要在 Excuse me等之后用连词but(当然有时也可省略),但一般不宜用连词and,or 等。

Excuse me, (but) is this the way to the station 请原谅,这路通车站吗 I‘m sorry, but I disagree with you 对不起,我不同意你说的。

对某人感到抱歉 用英语怎么翻译

feel sorry for



"We apologiz龚 for the inconvenience"


I am sorry for any inconvenience this situation may have brought to you


Fault last time, I feel very sorry to here

是不 是这样的#17#55

“对于昨天我说的话我感到十分抱歉“用英语怎么说 20分


I am very sorry for what I said yesterday

I feel so regretted about what I said yesterday


我对我的所作所为感到非常的抱歉英语答:I am very sorry for my mistake and I didn't do a good job at all有不明白的地方欢迎追问,如果满意,请采纳~ 谢谢!

对自己的无能感到抱歉 英语怎么说


I am sorry for my inability

I am sorry for my inpetence

be sorry for:对。。。感到抱歉 inability/inpetence:无能,没有能力




I'm sorry to hear that



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