我们的翻译人员在翻译的时候也要注意一些 短语 的意思,接下来,我给大家准备了翻译中容易出错的英语 句子 ,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
1 A cat may look at a king
[字面意思] 猫也可以看国王。
[解释] 无名小卒也可以评论大人物。人皆可以为尧舜。不要因为别人的资格不够老,或 经验 不如你多,就不让他发表意见。
2 A penny saved is a penny earned
[字面意思] 节省一个便士就等于挣了一个便士。
[解释] 省钱是明智的做法。省一分就是赚一分。不要因为钱的数目不大就不把它当一回事,瞧不起小钱是不对的,要记住A penny saved is a penny earned这条经验。
3 A watched pot never boils
[字面意思] 眼睛盯着看的壶永远不会开。
[解释] 事情在进行中,不到时候就不会有结果,要水到渠成才行。心急锅不开。你着急着急也没用!用眼睛盯着它看也无济于事,事情不会因为你着急就会有较快的进展。
4 A word to the wise
[字面意思] 送给智者的一句话。
[解释] 给明智而愿意接受别人意见或建议的人提出忠告。我知道你能听进去话,所以我才跟你这么说。我说的是正确的,对你有好处,而且我知道你也会听取我的意见。
5 All is well that ends well
[字面意思] 结尾好就意味着一切都好。
[解释] 结局好,一切都好。出自莎士比亚剧本名。在开始或中间环节出现的一些小的差错或麻烦无关紧要,没什么大不了的,只要最终的结局令人满意,那就是好的。
6 Bad news travels fast
[字面意思] 坏消息传得快。
[解释] 好事不出门,坏事传千里。
7 Beauty is only skin deep
[字面意思] 美貌只是肤浅的。
[解释] 美貌只是表面现象而已。以貌取人靠不住。你不能只看到她有漂亮的面孔就向她求爱,你还应该考虑 其它 方面的因素。找结婚伴侣是要过日子,不是当海报招贴画来看的。我的忠告是两句话:Beauty is only skin-deep True feelings are more important
8 Beggars can't be choosers
[字面意思] 乞丐不可能有选择。
[解释] 你得到的不完全是你想得到的,可能条件或质量等方面差一些,但没有再选择的余地,只能接受不十分满意的事物。这就叫Beggars can't be choosers
9 Better safe than sorry
[字面意思] 安全比遗憾好
[解释] 最好不要去冒险。即使不冒险你得多费些功夫,多做些枯燥无味的工作,这都值得。总比为了省事而冒险强。变体:Better to be safe than sorry
10 Easy come, easy go
[字面意思] 来的容易,去的快。
[解释] 这句话适合讲给那些把什么事都看得容易的人。尤其是对那种认为挣钱容易,不把钱当钱,对任何事情都不担心的人最适合。应该提醒这种人"钱不是长在树上的"。钱不是像树上的果实一样,今年吃光了明年还会自动长出来。有些人自己不挣钱,不知道挣钱的艰辛。
11 Every little helps
[字面意思] 每一小部分都有帮助。
[解释] 点点滴滴,有其助益。一颗颗粮食堆成山,一块块铜板成千万。偏远地区的孩子没学上,我们有义务帮助他们。希望大家多支持,捐钱、捐书、捐铅笔,什么都行。多捐多感谢、少捐也不嫌,Every little helps
12 Good wine needs no bush
[字面意思] 好酒不需要做 广告 。
[解释] 好的产品不需要做更多的广告。酒好不怕巷子深。或许这话在全球化经济竞争的年代不太适合。
13 I am all ears
[字面意思 我浑身上下都是耳朵。
[解释] 我在洗耳恭听。我很感兴趣,我在集中精力,全神贯注地等你往下说。比如:女朋友说"我今天下午去参加 面试 了。你想知道结果吗"女朋友没往下说,就等男朋友开口,希望他说:"Tell me! Tell me! I'm all ears!"
14 If the cap fits, wear it
[字面意思] 如果帽子合适,就戴着。
[解释] 要是言之中肯,就接受吧。你的作业没做好,老师认为你看电视太多,影响了你的学习。老师说你是"电视迷"(TV addict),你不承认。你我同住一个宿舍,我很清楚老师说的是对的,所以If the cap fits, wear it
15 In for a penny, in for a pound!
[字面意思] 赌一便士是赌,赌一英镑也是赌。
[解释] 类似"一不做、二不休"的说法。这是当你要准备参与某个项目,准备投入你的财力,时间或精力的时候可能说的一句话。你买股票时,拿不定主意,是买进100股,还是再多买一点。我劝你:"我看能赚大钱,干脆多买点儿,In for a penny, in for a pound!
16 It gets my goat
[字面意思] 动了我的山羊。
[解释] 某事使你生气,你可以说It gets my goat(真让人生气!)比如我看到有人站在路中间说话,挡着道,我还得绕着过去,我就特别生气。变体:It gets on my goat
17 It slipped my mind 。
[字面意思] 从大脑里溜走了。
[解释] 忘记了。没记住。我本想告诉你,你的女朋友来电话了,但是我把这事给忘记了。I meant to tell you your girl friend had called, but it slipped my mind
18 It takes two to tango
[字面意思] 跳探戈舞需要两个人。
[解释] 一个巴掌拍不响。孤掌难鸣。如果两个人在吵架,我认为错不在一方,两人都不对,那就可以说It takes two to tango
19 It's all my eye!
[字面意思] 都是的我的眼睛。
[解释] 表示不同意或惊讶。大意相当于:我根本不相信;他说的都是骗人的鬼话;胡说八道。也可以说:That's all my eye 如果你听到了某人说的假话,你就可以说It's all my eye!劝别人也不要相信。
20 It's my word against his/hers
[字面意思] 我的话对他/她的话。
[解释] 我跟他发生争执,我俩各执一词,没有人可以证明谁对谁不对,公说公有理,婆说婆有理。你该相信谁的话,真是个难题。There were no witnesses to the accident, so it's my word against hers 这是说不清的事情。
21 It's not my pigeon
[字面意思] 不是我的鸽子。
[解释] 不关我的事。不是我的责任。跟我没关系。那家公司倒闭了幸好我没买它的股票,倒就倒了吧,It's not my pigeon
22 Keep your chin up
[字面意思] 抬起下巴颏。
[解释] 这是对处在困境中的人说的一句话。是对别人的鼓励和关心,要他勇敢地面对困难,不要因为受到挫折而灰心丧气。你的女朋友又找到新的男朋友了没关系,Keep your chin up!
23 Let bygones be bygones
[字面意思] 让过去的就过去吧。
[解释] 忘掉过去不愉快的事情。我们俩有过不和的时候,但希望以后我们还是朋友。昨天我跟你吵架了,今天我对你说:I am sorry we had a row last night Let's become friends again and let bygones be bygones
24 Like father, like son
[字面意思] 儿子像父亲。
[解释] 有其父、必有其子。也可以说Like mother, like daughter
25 Little leaks sink the ship
[字面意思] 小漏洞会使一条船沉没。
[解释] 千里长堤,溃于蚁穴。不能轻视出现的小问题,时间长了可能会引起烦。
26 Love begets love
[字面意思] 爱可以带来更多的爱。
[解释] 情生情,爱生爱。你不爱他,他就不会爱你。希望你多给他些爱,这样他会更爱你,我们都应该记住:Love begets love (Like begets like的意思是"有其因必有其果")。
27 Love is blind
[字面意思] 爱情是盲目的。
[解释] 情人眼里出西施。究竟他为什么爱上了她我是不理解,但谁也说不清。爱情就是这样,正像人们常说的一样,Love is blind 典出罗马神话,爱神丘比特Cupid用布蒙着眼睛,生有双翅,持弓箭,"爱情之箭"会盲目地射出。
28 Love me, love my dog
[字面意思] 如果爱我,也应该爱我的狗。
[解释] 你要是爱我,那也应该爱我所爱的一切。相当于汉语的"爱屋及乌"。我离了婚,还带着两个孩子。你说你爱我。但两个孩子不能离开我,我认的就是Love me, love my dog这个理。
29 Mark my words!
[字面意思] 记下我说的话。
[解释] 给别人提出建议或警告,要别人按你的意见办事。我说的没错,相信我的话。我知道这匹马能赢,你该把赌注下在这儿。You will regret it if you don't put your money on this horse Mark my words!
30 Marriage is a lottery
[字面意思] 找对象是碰运气。
[解释] 婚姻要碰运气;婚姻就像买**。很难说好女子就一定能找到好丈夫,或好男子就一定能碰上好妻子。有不少人认为Marriage is a lottery
31 Marriages are made in heaven
[字面意思] 婚姻是由上天决定的。
[解释] 姻缘是命中注定的。你找对象挑了又挑,拣了又拣,最终能找到什么人,谁也难说。但好多人都相信Marriages are made in heaven
32 Money doesn't grow on trees
[字面意思] 钱不是长在树上的。
[解释] 钱是有数的,有花光的时候。花钱要仔细,要精打细算,不要花钱如流水。你昨天买了家用电脑,今天又要买一个 笔记本 电脑晚上还打算带你的女朋友去五星级饭店去吃饭你该懂得Money does not grow on trees 家里这点钱花完没了,不会自己再长出来。
33 Money isn't everything
[字面意思] 钱不是一切。
[解释] 生活中还有更重要的东。不要把钱看的太重。金钱不代表一切。你不要爱情,不要亲情,不讲友情,为了钱你什么也不顾。那挣钱有什么用你该明白这个道理:Money isn't everything
34 My ears are burning
[字面意思] 我的耳朵在发烧。
[解释] 在西方也有人相信,如果你的耳朵发热,那可能是有人在其它地方议论你。有的中国人还有左耳烧和右耳烧的区别(好话和坏话的区别)。这是感觉到别人在说起你的时候说的一句话。
35 My fingers are all thumbs
[字面意思] 我的指头都成了大拇指了。
[解释] 可能由于紧张或劳累过度,手指头发僵,不听使唤。昨天打字,工作到晚上12点,今早感觉手指麻木,现在I can't operate the keyboard properly; my fingers are all thumbs
36 New lords, new laws
[字面意思] 新主人,新规矩。
[解释] 一个将军一个令。
37 No news is good news
[字面意思] 没消息就是好消息。
[解释] 这是一句劝别人不要着急,要耐心消息的等待的话。
38 One man's meat is another's poison
[字面意思] 一个人喜欢吃的肉对另一个人来说是毒药。
[解释] 你喜欢的可能其他人不喜欢。比如:不要给所有的朋友送一样的礼物。Don't give all your friends Chinese made drinking glasses, one man's meat is another's poison
39 Out of sight, out of mind
[字面意思] 眼不见,心不想。
[解释] 好长一段时间没有某人的消息,就可能不再想到他。汉语"眼不见,心不烦"指的是"希望不好的事情远离自己",只作贬义词用。但英文的说法属中性。
40 Patience is a virtue
[字面意思] 耐心是美德。
[解释] 遇事不要急躁。做事都要有耐心。这句话送给性情急躁的人合适。
41 Pigs might fly!
[字面意思] 猪也许会飞起来
[解释] 第一个意思是:根本不可能的事!第二个意思是:下事无奇不有,不可能的事也许可能发生。变体有两个:Pigs may fly! 和When pigs can fly!
42 Practice makes perfect
[字面意思] 多实践能使技术完美。
[解释] 熟能生巧。
43 Seeing is believing
[字面意思] 看见才相信。
[解释] 亲眼见到才相信, 类似"口说无凭,眼见为实"。如:I would never have imagined my daughter could cook, but seeing is believing 也含有"眼见为实"的意思。
44 Silence means consent
[字面意思] 沉默意味着同意。
[解释] 沉默就等于同意。变体:Silence gives consent
45 That makes two of us
[字面意思] 现在是我们俩个人了。
[解释] 这是对处于困境,心情不好或持否定意见的人说的一句话,表示"我也跟你一样","我跟你有同感"。比如我说"这个**真没意思",如果你也有同感,那你就可以说 "That makes two of us!" 在此情景,就等于I agree或I agree with you
46 The ball is in your court
[字面意思] 球在你的场内。
[解释] 这个说法来源于 网球 。该你行动了,看你的了,你不行动我们就无法继续进行下去。
47 The die is cast!
[字面意思] 色子已经扔出去了。
[解释] 已成定局,没有改变的可能,木已成舟。当你破釜沉舟,义无反顾地要做一件事的时候,或一件事的发生将使整个局面朝一个特定的方向发展的时候,你就可以引用这句话。 "War became inevitable, the die was cast"这是恺撒将渡Rubicon河时说的一句话,表示"木已成舟","决心已下","义无反顾"或"破釜沉舟"。(名词die是古代的用法,意思是"骰子" 或"色子"。现在的"色子"用dice,单数、复数相同)
48 The sooner begun, the sooner done
[字面意思] 开始得越早,完成得越早。
[解释] 早开始,早完成。
49 The unexpected always happens
[字面意思] 想不到的事情总会发生。
[解释] 没想到的事情总会发生。没想到的好事或坏事都可能发生(中性 谚语 )。
50 There is no accounting for taste(s)。
[字面意思] 谁也无法解释各人有各人的品位或口味的原因。
[解释] 每个人都有他自己喜欢的事物;人各有所好;百人百味。有人喜欢 集邮 ;有人喜欢收集香烟盒;还有人喜欢收集钥匙链:There is no accounting for tastes
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2 翻译英语句子的窍门
3 关于经常用的英语句子翻译成英语
4 经常用的英语句子翻译有哪些
5 英语翻译中常用的十种技巧大盘点
6 最好用基本英语句子翻译大全
To be honest with you, I don't really know what to say to make you feel better I've been through all these before and I know exactly how you are feeling right now But listen carefully my friend , things happened sometime and we can not let them to beat us down so from now on pull your self together and to be the one that I used to know If you want to find some to talk ,please feel free to give me a call and I will always be there when you need me My dear Ali, keep your chin up And I believe that you will get it done when you fully prepared your examination
All the best from you best friend
Kind regard
Mary feels very bad todayYou know whatShe failed in the English exam,what's more,she quarrelled with her friend TomI am so worried about her!So,I must cheer her up!I have a plan to help MaryFirst,I will teach her English,because I'm not bad at English,I sure I can make her improve!And at the same time,I will ask her to tell me what's wrong with her and Tom,and through this,let them become good friends again!
1 英语作文,写朋友
I have a good friend named He lives near my home, so we often play together We have the same hoppy that is playing basketball But to be honest, I don't play as well as him But he often encourages me and help me improve my skill When I feel sad, he always acpany me and help me out Last year, I kept a dog named Nimo He likes him quite a lot We ofter walk Nimo(溜狗狗啊) in the evening together
I hope we could be forever friends
2 写朋友的英语作文 带翻译Everyone has a really good friend or Zhixin Ren, so I have a friend like her grown very ordinary, very pure, performance is also very good, she is adorable, but her character is very cheerful, I particularly like him
He helped me a lot of busy, I have once physical education class, careless, wrestling has Her to send me to school medical room, and she still takes care of me and asked if I have things to buy me water to drink, I am very grateful to her, so呀was my best friend
3 Myfriend的英语作文My Good Friend My good friend is MeiShe's a girlShe is my clas ateMei is tall and thinShe has o big eyes and long hairShe likes listening to music and reading booksSometimes we listen to music togetherShe likes summerBecause she can swim in the summer holidayShe likes pink and whiteShe is in Class Four,Grade Six with meShe usually goes to school by motor cycleSometimes she goes to school on footWe often go shopping together on the weekendWe will be good friends foreverMy Good Friend I have a good friendShe is my clas ate,her name is TracyShe is a pretty girlShe studies in Tiandong No2 Middle school,she is in Class 1,Grade 1She studies hard all dayAnd she can speaks Japanese English and Chinese very wellSo she often help my English and JapaneseI thank you for her helpAnd I help her math,tooBecause my math is very goodWe learn from each other and help each otherTracy often in a white T-shirt and a black skirtWe are all think shi is a lovely girlAnd Tracy likes sports very muchShe likes playing basketball,bas all,ping-pongball and badminton very muchSo we are often play themTracy has a big famili,there are nine people in her familyThey are her mother,her father,her brother sister,her uncle,her aunt,her grandparents ang herShe loves her family very muchMy good friend My name is MichelleIn my class,there is a girlShe has a round face,a all nose,o big eyes,a all mouth and o big earsHer eyes look like grapesHer hair is short and blackShe is tall and beautifulShe looks like a middle school studentDo you know who is sheYes,she is Fanny,one of my good friendsFanny is a good girl at schoolIn class,she listens to her teachers carefullyShe studies English very wellShe often helps us to solve problemsShe is very quiet,sometimes she is very activeWhen class is over,she goes out of the classroom to play games with her clas atesShe is very friendly to themShe is a good girl at home,tooAfter supper,she always helps her mother clean the roomThen she watches TV for a short time if mother permitsShe seems to have a special interest in musicAny time she hears the music,she will danceThough she dances badly,she still loses herself in the musicI think she will be a dancer in the futureBut she wants to be a writerThis is my good friendWe feel happy when we are togetherWhat about your good friendCan you tell me something about your good friend。
4 我要写一篇关于朋友的英语作文友谊是一个多么美好的字眼!而能够建立友谊是很不容易的。
有时也需要别人的帮助,也许别人的帮助会成为你生活、学习、事业的动力! Friendship is a wonderful word! To establish friendship is not easy When you feel lonely, if you want to make a friend When you are sad, if you need a friend What is the true friendship Let me think deeply, make me confused Each person's life have a friend, and friends are also different But I think if it is a friend, there is one mon point: when you need help, he will lend a helping hand to help you, in your time of grief, give you fort and encouragement 。 。
I want to either the or the child, all need friends Although each one of us is independent, but life is fragile Sometimes also need the help of others, perhaps with the help of others will bee your life, learning, career motivation!我一直认为要想与别人成为朋友,那么首先你要真诚对待别人。当然在人际交往中也需要我们学习,它是我们一生必备的。
虽然我是一个不是很会和人交往的人,但是我很真诚,我也希望别人能对我真诚一些,大家岂不都很快乐吗?最近经历的一件事情,让我很痛苦,很失望。我在问自己:为什么我真诚对待别人给我的回报让我无法接受? I've always thought to bee friends with others, you should treat people with sincerity In the course of interpersonal munication is also necessary for us to learn, it is necessary to our life Although I am a not good person, but I am very sincere, I also hope that others can sincere to me, you are not happy Recently experienced a thing, let me be very painful, very disappointed I ask myself: why I treat people with sincerity repay me so that I can not accept?在刚上初中时,我结识了一位好朋友!我们俩很有缘分,是在军训时候认识的,我们俩人还挨着呢。
我决定五一放假回来和她换桌。 In the just middle school, I met a good friend! The o of us are very fate, is in the military when understanding, both of us still lingered In school, the teacher let me and she sat at a table I really feel very happy! Over time, our relationship is not so well Every time a little unfortable, I have tried to her good munication, active to speak with her I was her best friend And I found, in need of my help, she will take the initiative to look for me, but nothing ever ignored me I take the initiative to talk to her, she would bring the rationale I remember once they were at odds, she is a bit ironic I feel, to see my clas ates to my face that I was particularly large, always talk nieen to the dozen Once I just can't help it, they had a quarrel Then cried, reconciled In recent days do not know how she, talk to me so big temper I feel so that she hates, whereas for others is another kind of attitude I was very angry, why should I endure Although I know people will need to learn tolerance, but I think anything is limited I decided to leave to e back for her and table five one开运动会的时候,我与张老师聊天了。
但是我觉得作为一个人要善良、要真诚,这样才能赢得更多人的喜爱。 On sports day, I chat with Miss zhang The teacher told me that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, to remember her merits It is because you are very close, you can see her faults Even if the o is not in a table, but also to get along I think I hope so But I think as a person must be good, to be sincere, so as to win more people's favor希望通过这件事情,我们都能有。
5 初一英语作文myfriend作文一:My friend I have a good friendShe is a pretty girlShe lives in JiujiangShe is a middle school studentShe has big eyes,a all mouth,a all nose and a round faceShe is tall and thinShe likes watching TV and playing the basketballOn the weekend,she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the eveningShe is a good studentShe is good at EnglishShe likes speaking in EnglishShe always reports news in English in her schoolShe says we are good friendsWe often send e-mails to each other everydayI like her very much作文二:My FriendMy friend Jane is a pretty and cute girlShe has a pair of big and bright eyes,which seem as if they can speakUnder her all lovely nose,there is a little naughty mouthHer hair is straight and long,hanging down to her shouldersIn one word,she is a healthy girlShe is the best student in her classShe always gets full marks in the examsWhat's more,she can play the piano,and she sings and dances wellIn every New Year's party,she plays the piano and sings sweet songs for her clas atesEverybody loves her very much作文三:My Good FriendMy good friend is MeiShe's a girlShe is my clas ateMei is tall and thinShe has o big eyes and long hairShe likes listening to music and reading booksSometimes we listen to music togetherShe likes summerBecause she can swim in the summer holidayShe likes pink and whiteShe is in Class Four,Grade Six with meShe usually goes to school by motor cycleSometimes she goes to school on footWe often go shopping together on the weekendWe will be good friends forever希望对你有所帮助,有不会的可以再问,。
6 以我的朋友写一篇英语作文急My friend
I have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends One of them is my best friend We are both elve years old He is fat and tall He likes to eat oranges and meat He is very straight and generous We always help each other He is a nice boy and his math is very good He likes to play football and basketball I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot from him He can always e up with art answers to those difficult questions We usually play together after school in the afternoon He is very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets me up After all we get a long well But sometimes we fight each other His goal is to be a math teacher He lives in LinShan and I live in Xiangshan But we are good friends
7 谁能帮我写一篇关于朋友的英语作文我愿意把自己的友谊与你分享,这篇部分经过我的 修改,我相信初三的你也和我一样,有这样的朋友陪你度过3年!
简简单单的快乐,充满了温暖的时光。 ——题记
8 英文作文(mybestfriend)My best friend is Mike我的好朋友是Mike(你没说你的好朋友的名字只好写你的名字了文中不用出现你的名字因为是你介绍你的好朋友)She is a clever girlShe's very friendly to meSo we are being best friend她是一个聪明的女孩她对我非常友好所以我们成为了好朋友She's very fit,and taller than meShe has a big eyes,and she is a beautiful girl她非常苗条,还有比我高她有一双大眼睛,她是一个漂亮的女孩She is a sports fans,and be keen on swimming the same as meShe swims better than me,but I study better than her她是一个运动迷,和我一样热衷于游泳她游泳比我好,但我学习比她好We always study everthing together,and we have the same dream,being a great people我们常常一起学习任何东西,还有我们有同一个梦想,成为一个伟大的人!That's the reason for we are best friend这就是为什么我们是最好的朋友And she will be my best friend forever她会是我永远的好朋友以上绝对不是用任何网页或工具翻译的,初中水平。
9 用“myfriend”写一篇英语作文(不少于45字)最好是写男孩我有一个非常好的朋友她叫胡丽丽她今年14岁她有一双漂亮的大眼睛,短头发她又高又壮,但不胖她对人非常友善 她喜欢做运动,比如打网球、羽毛球和踢足球她有许多爱好,她喜欢听音乐、读书、画画、唱歌和跳舞有时我们在校内说英语;有时我们在校外玩羽毛球我们经常在星期六或星期日去游泳或去钓鱼我们上学时,她非常刻苦地学习功课 在下午,我和我的朋友胡丽丽在操场上玩游戏我们总是玩得十分开心! 她永远是我的好朋友!I have a very good friendHer name is Hu LiliShe's fourteen years oldShe has big beautiful eyes,and short hairShe is tall and strong,but not fatShe's very kind to peopleShe likes doing sports,such as tennis,badminton and soccerShe has many hobbies:listening,reading,drawing,singing and dancingSometimes we speak English in our schoolSometimes we play badminton out of the schoolWe often go swimming or go fishing on Saturdays or on SundaysWhen we are at school,she studies very hard at our lessonsIn the afternoon I play games on the playground with my friend Hu LiliWe always have a good time!She is my best friend forever!虽然不是写男生,。
Dear xxx:
I am sorry to hear that you are very sad nowYou said you had a quarrel with your best friend,I think you should go apologize to him,because you built a deep friendship with him ,after all But just ,your failed the English testBut you needn't upset,because it was just a small testSo you should learn lessons,So that you can play in the next test wonderful!So ,don't worryI hope you see these mood could be happy See you!
※注:go apologize 主动道歉(可能你不太熟悉)