Go Natural English的讲师Gabby Wallace提出了两个在吵架时不应该使用的句型,与两个可以用来取代的句型。她希望任何人在吵架时都能试着保持理智,并用平和的语气、不过度情绪化的说词来沟通喔!
1 Two phrases to avoid 两个该避免的句型(1) You always / never Eg You have always been so selfish 你总是这么自私。 eg You never care about me! 你从不在乎我!
(2) If you really…, you will… eg If you really love me, you will buy the purse for me 如果你真的爱我,你就会买那只皮包给我。
2 Two suggestions to say instead 两个建议的句型(1) I’m upset that…… eg I’m upset that we didn’t meet the deadline 我对于我们没有在时限内完成感到沮丧。 eg I’m upset that you didn’t take care of the dirty dishes 我对于你没有洗完这些碗盘感到不高兴。
(2) I feel like…… eg I feel like we should work harder 我觉得我们应该更努力。
always, anger, angry, feel like, fight, never, upset, 吵架 英文, 英文 吵架
1 关于歧义的句子
⑧你为什么打他?歧义语体现了语言含义的丰富性,但它同时又是一种病态语言,妨碍语言表达的准确性,影响人们交际活动的正常进行。(2)造成歧义的原因 一同读音易造成歧义 (1) 有的词可轻读,也可重读。
(“起来”读qǐ lǎi 时,表示“我想起身了”;读qi lai时,表示“我想到了”。) (2) 逻辑重音不但能表示强调,有时也可表示不同的意思。
(3) 多音词在口语中不产生歧义,在书面语中因为没有注音,有时便会出现歧义。例如:他在办公室看材料。
(“看”读kān 时,表示“看守”;读kàn 时,表示“阅览”。) 空房间做什么用?(“空”读kōng 时,表示房间里没有东西;读kòng 时,表示把房间腾出来。)
二、不同停顿易造成歧义 在某种情况下,同一句话,说或读的停顿位置不同,显示出的语意和结构往往不同。例如:这苹果不大/好吃。
(苹果味道好) 这苹果/不大好吃。(苹果味道不好) 我们五人/一组。
(我们这一组有五个人) 我们/五人一组。(每五个人分为一组) 三、词语限制模糊易造成歧义 (1) 某些方位词、时间词因区界不严,容易产生歧义。
例如:他在永春旅社前一站下车。(A未到旅社; B过了旅社; C旅社对面) (2) 相对意义之间有中间概念,容易出现歧义。
(3) 词语选择不当,使限制范围出现漏洞,结果出现歧义。例如:A 2002年元月1日前按时交货。
B 2002年元月1日前必须交货。C 2002年元月1日前全部交货。
C无歧义,A、B在量方面缺少限制,会造成不同的理解,将引起合同纠纷。四、词语含义的多义性易造成歧义 (1) 兼具有施动和受动意义的词语,有时易产生歧义。
例如:小王租小周二间房子。(A租房给小周;B向小周租房) (2) 兼类词易造成歧义。
例如:思维科学。(A“科学”为名词,关于思维方面的科学;B“科学”为形容词,思维方式很正确) 例如:他爬过山没有?(A他爬过去这座山没有?过,动词B他以前有没有爬山?过,助词) (3) 多义词产生歧义。
在某种情况下,一个词可作几个义项理解,便会产 生歧义。例如,我要炒白菜。
(“要”可以是:A将要;B需要) 例如,如:他走了一个多钟头了。(“走”可理解为“行走”、“离开”。)
(4) 偏正短语有时也会产生歧义。例如:他的故事讲不完。
(A他讲的故事;B关于他的故事) 如:他的小说看不完。(A他收藏的小说多,看不完;B他写的小说多,看不完。)
两个师范的学生来到锦江公园。(A两个学校;B两个学生) 如:学校来了三个医院的医生。
(A学校来的医生只有三个,是一个医院的;B学校来的医生共三个,来自三个医院。) (2) 多个定语或状语易产生搭配上的歧义。
例如:大红皮箱拿来了。(A大红色的皮箱;B又大又红的皮箱) ① 介词短语做定语常产生歧义。
(介词的管辖范围不确定而产生歧义) 如:对大家的批评。(A大家的/批评;B对/大家的批评) 如:对老师的看法如何?(A老师的看法;即看法是老师的;B对老师 的 看法;即看法不是老师的) ② 并列短语的搭配易产生歧义。
(连词的管辖范围不确定而产生歧义。) 如:张连和黄惠的朋友。
(A张连和黄惠的/朋友;B张连/和黄惠的朋友。) 例如:主要的领导和记者都来了。
(A主要的领导 和 记者;B主要的 领导和记者) (3) 动词与名词搭配,即可以构成动宾结构,也可构成偏正结构,因此易 产生歧义。例如:爱护人民的军队。
(A爱护 人民的军队——动宾结构;B爱护人民的 军队——偏正结构) 红烧牛肉(A一种厨事活动;B菜名) (6)“动词 名词(的) 名词”易造成歧义。(动词的支配范围不确定而产生歧义)例如:发现了敌人的哨兵(A发现了敌人的 哨兵,即哨兵发现了敌人的;B发现了 敌人的哨兵,即发现了哨兵) 六、指代与省略等易造成歧义 (1)“的”字结构指代不清引起歧义。
例如:开刀的是他的父亲。(A父亲是医生,由他主刀;B父亲是病人,要开刀) (2)代词指代不明产生歧义。
例如:妈妈要王玲和她的同学一起去。(A同学;B王玲的同学) 例如:当他把钱还给美兵时,他对他笑了笑。
(A 他对美兵笑了笑;B美兵对他笑了笑。) (3)省略造成的歧义。
例如:看到你那年才8岁。(A我8岁;B你8 岁) (4)施事者和受事者不清造成歧义。
(5) 数量词和有关词汇不明产生歧义。如:一边站着一位同学,守卫着校门。
2 常用英语特殊句式一、强调式
1 倒装结构强调式
(1)In wine there is truth 酒后吐真言。
(2)Happy is he who owns nothing 无债一身轻。
2 一般"IT"强调式
这类句子通常以句型"It is(was)+被强调部分+that/who+⋯"为载体,突出句子的主体部分。在英语谚语中,一般强调部分为主语。这类强调句简单易懂,不会引起任何歧义。例如:
(3)It is a sad heart that never rejoices 不知世间有乐事最可悲。
(4)It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor 让狼当其忏悔师是的羊是笨羊。(不可将秘密告诉敌人。)除此之外,还有双重否定结构强调式,如:It is never too old tolearn( 活到老,学到老)等。
这类句子最大的特点是其语义为反语,很容易与上述"一般'IT'强调式"混淆,造成误解。因此,必须了解其特点,仔细推敲其含义。 例如:
(5)It is an ill wind that blows nobody good 不论怎样的恶风,也不会使人人都不舒服。(误恶风吹的人人都不舒服。)
(6)It is awiseman that nevermakesmistakes 智者也有失策时。(误智者从不犯错。)
(7)It is a long lane that has no turning 路不会老不转,事不会一成不变。(误长路不转弯。)
(8)It is a wise father that knows his own child 父再明也未必知其子。(误明智父亲知其子。)
(9)It is a bold mouse that nestles in the cat's house再勇敢的老鼠也不会在猫的耳朵里安家。(做不必要的冒险算不得真勇敢。)(误只有勇敢的老鼠才在猫的耳朵里安家。)
总结上述例子,这类反语式强调句实际上隐含了让步意味,其反语意思需要从上下文或谚语本身的逻辑中分析出来(注意与一般"IT"强调式相区分)。简单说来,这类句子语义可理解为:语义否定"that" 后的部分。如例(5)(6)中,"that" 后的部分为否定,其实际意义为肯定;例(7)(8)(9)反之。
这类句式成分省略较少且省略成分显而易见,如句中前后重复部分、小品词、be 动词、have 等简单实义动词等等。例如:
(10)A bird in hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手胜于两鸟在林。
(11)Everyone to his tastes 人各有所好。
(12)Lookers seekers, finders keepers 丢失者寻找,寻到者拥有。
很明显,例(10)中" two"后省略了重复成分"birds"从而使句子更简洁;而例(11)和(12)中则分别省略了使用频率极高的谓语动词"has" 和"is",读者很容易理解,从而使句子"短益求短"。
3 求高手帮忙看看这个英文句子中的插入语有没有问题,如果有怎么改正第二个短句应修改In addition, not only do these disposable plastic bags enable the harmful element,which are radiative , ----- which 已经代替they 了, 而且 radiate 一般用作动词,这里应该用起形容词形式to get into the soil reducing the production of the soil, but also enable the harmful element to get into our body making us sick ---- make sb sick 有让人恶心和生病的意思; get sick 也有让人生病的意思, 可以简化其一; 当然原句不该也可以,make sb get sick 也无错误 ps 回复“我爱上天蝎女”,如果which 做代词 they 也做代词,那就变成名词累加 且 缺乏谓语动词---harmful element plastic bags; 再说了,这里指的 有辐射的是harmful element,不可能是plastic bags。
Darcy: Miss Elizabeth I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer These past months have been a torment I came to Rosings only to see you I have fought against judgement, my family's expectation,the inferiority of your birth, my rank I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony
Elizabeth: I don't understand
Darcy: I love youMost ardently Please do me the honour of accepting my hand
Elizabeth: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain It was unconsciously done
Darcy: Is this your reply
Elizabeth: Yes, sir
Darcy: Are you laughing at me
Elizabeth: No
Darcy: Are you rejecting me
Elizabeth: I'm sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it
Darcy: Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed
Elizabeth: I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse But you know I have other reasons
Darcy: What reasons
Elizabeth: Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined the happiness of a most beloved sister Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to censure for caprice and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes, involving them both in acute misery
Darcy: I do not deny it
Elizabeth: How could you do it
Darcy: I believed your sister indifferent to him I realised his attachment was deeper than hers
Elizabeth: She's shy!
Darcy: Bingley was persuaded she didn't feel strongly
Elizabeth: You suggested it
Darcy: For his own good
Elizabeth: My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me I suppose his fortune had some bearing
Darcy: I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour It was suggested
Elizabeth: What was
Darcy: It was clear an advantageous marriage
Elizabeth: Did my sister give that impression
Darcy: No! No There was, however, your family
Elizabeth: Our want of connection
Darcy: No, it was more than that
Elizabeth: How, sir
Darcy: The lack of propriety shown by your mother, younger sisters and your father Forgive me You and your sister I must exclude from this
Elizabeth: And what about Mr Wickham
Darcy: Mr Wickham
Elizabeth: What excuse can you give for your behaviour
Darcy: You take an eager interest
Elizabeth: He told me of his misfortunes
Darcy: Oh, they have been great
Elizabeth: You ruin his chances yet treat him with sarcasm
Darcy: So this is your opinion of me Thank you Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt
by my scruples about our relationship I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances
Elizabeth: And those are the words of a gentleman Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realise you were the last man in the world I could ever marry
Darcy: Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time
一、吵架的英文是quarrel,音标英 [ˈkwɒrəl]、美 [ˈkwɔ:rəl]。
A quarrel had estranged him from his family
Hurstwood noticed it, but felt in no position to quarrel with her
三、第三人称单数: quarrels
四、复数: quarrels
五、现在分词: quarrelling quarreling
六、过去式: quarreled quarrelled
七、过去分词: quarreled quarrelled
n (名词)
v (动词)1、quarrel用作动词的意思是“争吵,争辩”,引申可表示“不同意或挑剔某事物”。
n (名词)
quarrel, altercation, bicker, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle
这组词都有“争吵”的意思。其区别在于:quarrel指口头上的争论; altercation常指一种坚决的口头上的争论或争执; bicker指不停的口头争吵;
spat指短暂而激烈的争论; squabble指对某些小事进行糊涂的、孩子气的争执; tiff指因情绪不佳而发生的争吵,常常没有结果; wrangle则指高声的、持续的、不调和的或无益的争论。
What nerve!
How impudent you are to say such a thing! impudent “厚颜的”,“不知羞耻的”。
How impolite! (怎么那么厚颜无耻!)
That's a rude thing to say! (那样说太野蛮。)
What he says offends me offend “得罪人,使人生气,给人不愉快的感觉”。
What he says offends me (他说的话多气人呀。)
I know what you mean (我理解你的心情。)
What he says bothers me (他说的话让人心烦。)
We've got to get even get even “回击,报复”。
We have to get him back
I wasn't born yesterday 直译“我可不是昨天才生下来的”。
It's a great deal (那可是件好事呀。)
I wasn't born yesterday (我又不是不懂。)
I didn't just fall off the turnip truck! turnip 蔬菜中的“芜菁”,直译“我又不是刚从货车上掉下来的芜菁。”用该短语表示“我知道得十分清楚”。
I'm not stupid! (我没那么傻。)
I'm not naive! (我又不是没见过世面。)
Don't think you can make a fool out of me! make a fool out of 表示“轻视,看不起”。直译是“别以为你可以轻视我!”
Don't try to make me look foolish! 直译“别把我弄得像个傻瓜”。
You can't make me look stupid!
You're making fun of me make fun of 表示“看不起人,把……作为取笑对象”。把它作为一个短语来记。
You're teasing me (你耍我呢。) tease “逗弄,戏弄”、“愚弄”。
Are you trying to make a fool out of me (你是不是在把我当笑料呀)
That's asking too much
I'll do it for ¥50,000 (给五万,我就干!)
That's asking too much (真是狮子大开口。)
You're being too greedy (你也太贪了。)
You're pushing your luck (你还真来劲!)
He has a quick temper
He has a short temper
He has a bad temper
Who do you think you're talking to 表示“你对我能用这种口气说话吗”。
You can't talk to me like that (你不能这样对我说话。)
Do you know who you're talking to
Do you have anything to say
Do you have anything to complain about
Do you have any objection to it (你有什么不同意见)
I won't let you have your own way let “同意让……”、“让……”、“随便让……”。
You can't have everything your own way
I'm not giving in (我绝不让步。)
That's blackmail! blackmail“勒索”、“恐吓”。
A) If you don't help me, I'll turn you in (你要不帮我,我就把你交给警方。)
B) That's blackmail! (你这是恐吓。)B做了坏事,而被A知道。
Don't insult me
Don't insult my intelligence 直译“你别侮辱我的才智”。用于吵架开始时。
You're a filthy liar filthy“污秽的,卑鄙的,肮脏的”。
You'll be sorry
I lent him money (我把钱借给他了。)
You'll be sorry (你会后悔的。)
You'll regret it
You'll wish you hadn't done it (你会后悔这么做的。)
Are you crazy
Isn't he cool (他是不是很酷)
Are you crazy (你是不是疯啦)
Are you nuts
Are you out of your mind
Are you insane
Are you delirious
Are you all there
Are you confused 更尖锐的说法。
Don't look at me like that!
Don't look at me like that! (别用那种眼神看着我!)
Like what (什么眼神)
Don't stare at me! (别盯着我。) stare at“一直盯着看,凝视”。
I want to get even with him
I'll pay him back (这个仇我一定得报。)
That sneaky, low life creep! sneaky“鬼鬼祟祟,卑鄙的”,low life “社会下层的人,卑怯的家伙”,creep“阴郁得让人讨厌的人”、“非常讨厌的人”。
Is not! Is too! 孩子们吵架时常用。
Is not! Is so!
Uh-uh! Uh-huh! 因为Is not和Uh-uh表达的是No的意思,所以是一边摇着头一边说。
Have it your way!
We should turn right (我们该往右拐。)
I think we should go left (我觉得该往左拐。)
Okay, okay, have it your way! (好吧,好吧,你随便吧!)
Do it your way!
Do whatever you want!
Do as you please
It's your choice
Suit yourself! 用于好心好意给人出主意却不被接受时。“那随你便吧,爱怎么着就怎么着吧。”
● 厌烦
It's boring
Do you want to watch that movie (你想看那部**吗)
No, I hear it's boring (不,听说那**很无聊。)
My life is dull (我每天都这么无聊。)
It's dull (没劲。)
It's for the birds 直译“帮不了谁,最多只能帮帮鸟罢了”,即“无聊,没有意思”。是比较旧的说法,但现在仍然在用。
I hate this class (我最讨厌上这课。)
I agree It's for the birds (没错。真无聊。)
It's no good
It sucks
I'm not interested
So, when do you want to go out with me (你什么时候能和我约会呢)
I'm not interested in you (我对你不感兴趣。)
It's nothing great
How's your new job (你的新工作怎么样)
It's nothing great (没什么了不起的。)
It's nothing much
I'm not satisfied
I'm dissatisfied
I'm not happy about it
I'm not content
I'm discontent
It was just another meeting just another“常有的,不稀奇的”。
How was the meeting (那个会怎么样)
It was just another meeting (很平常。)
It was just a meeting
That meeting was nothing special (那个会没有什么特别的。)
I can't get into my work get into“专心做……”、“对……抱有兴趣”。
I can't concentrate on my work (我不能集中精力工作。) concentrate on“集中精力做……”。
I can't get excited about my job (我没有工作的热情。)
I've lost interest in my work (我对我的工作失去了兴趣。)
It's outdated
It's out of date
Give me a break
I don't know her, I promise (我发誓我不认识她。)
Give me a break! (算了吧,别玩花样了。)
Get real (你认真点儿。)
Tell me the truth (告诉我实话。)
Stop joking (别开玩笑。)
Get serious (说正经的。)
Stop kidding! (别耍弄我。)
Stop pulling my leg! (别跟我逗!)
I can't stand it stand “容忍,忍耐”。
Tom is very rude (汤姆太粗鲁了。)
Yeah, I can't stand it (就是,我真受不了他。)
I can't take it (anymore)
I can't bare it (anymore)
I can't take the strain
I can't stand it any longer
I can't put up with it any longer! put up with“忍受……”。
That's enough 表示不想再听下去时。
Mom! She won't leave me alone and she keeps playing with my toys and (妈妈,她不让我一个人呆着,还拿我的玩具玩。)
That's enough Stop complaining (够了,别那么多牢骚了。)
I've had it (我受不了了。)
I've had enough
I've heard enough! (我听够了。)
That's it
Enough is enough (够了,别再说了!)
Have a heart!
Finish your homework first, then wash my car (你先写作业,然后再把我的车洗了。)
Have a heart, dad! (饶了我吧,爸爸!)
The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get The more, the more “越……越……”、 “越来越……”。
The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I become
The more I know, the sicker I feel
There she goes again 用于常说同样话的人又开始重复同一话题时。
A) Are you listening I said (你听着呢吗 我是说……)
B)(To C) Oh, no! There she goes again ([对C说]得,她又来了。)
She's starting it again
She's saying it again (她又说上了。)
Oh, man!
No, you can't go (不行,你不能去。)
Oh, man! You never let me do anything (哦,真烦!你总是什么都不让我做。)
I don't want to hear it
I don't want to hear about it
Now what 当一个计划接着一个计划,一个问题接着一个问题时,用来表示“下一个是什么”、“怎么样”、“这次又是什么样的事情”。多用于坏事的不断发生。
There's one more problem (还有个问题。)
Now what (这次又是什么)
What else (还有什么)
What's next
What else is wrong (还有什么不对劲的吗)
What is it this time
Shut up! 常用于吵架等场合,语气非常严厉。
Shut up! I don't want to hear it! (住嘴!我不想听。)
You shut up! (你住嘴!)
Shut your mouth
Keep your mouth shut
Be quiet! (安静!)
Shut the fuck up 这是一句语气尖锐、很难听的脏话,最好不用。
Can it
Don't be a back seat driver 这种说法是源于开车的时候坐在司机后边的人指示司机这么走那么走,唠唠叨叨地说个不停的情况而产生的一种表达方式。
Stop shouting!
Stop yelling! (别吵!)
Keep your voice down! (小点声!)
Stop complaining! complain “抱怨”。用于针对絮絮叨叨地诉说不满、痛苦和悲伤的人。
You always come home late (你总这么晚回来。)
Stop complaining! (别抱怨了!)
Calm down, will you calm down “安静下来”、“镇静”、“平息”。
Calm down, will you (安静点,行不行)
Okay I'll try (好的!我尽量。)
Stop nagging! nag多用于女性。是男性对爱叨叨的、小声嘟囔的女人说的。因此和stop complaining(发牢骚)的语气不太一样。
Did you fix my car I told you to do it before dinner (我的车修了吗我不是让你晚饭以前给我修好的吗)
Stop nagging me! I'll do it (唠叨什么呀!我这就修。)
Get off my back! 直译“从我背上下来”。这是句惯用短语,表示“少说废话!别多嘴!”。
But you promised! (可是,你答应我了呀!)
Get off my back (别再啰嗦了!)
Stop pestering me! pester 含有“使人为难,烦恼”的意思,特别是带有“缠磨得人难受,使人苦恼”的语感。
Quit bothering me! (别再死气白赖地缠着我了!)
Don't tell me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做!)
Quit telling me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做。)
Don't talk back to me! talk back “顶嘴”。带有孩子对父母、晚辈对长辈还嘴的语感。
I won't do it! (我才不干呢!)
Don't talk back to me! (别跟我顶嘴!)
That's the end of it (就这样。) 表示已经没有商量的余地。
That's final (就这么着。)
That's it (就这样。)
It's settled (就这么定了。) settle “解决、决定(日期)、决定做某事”。因此该句含有“已经决定了,就别再多嘴了”的语感。一般情况下settle 表示决定的用法如以下例句。
Let's meet at 5∶00 (我们5点见吧。)
It's settled (好,就这么定了。)
Big mouth! 直译是“大嘴”。用来说那些说多余话的人。
He doesn't have a girlfriend (他还没有女朋友呢。)
Shut up, big mouth! (闭嘴,用你多话!)
You've got a big mouth
You talk too much (你真多嘴多舌。)
Leave me alone!
Hey, baby, what's your name (嗨!小宝贝,你叫什么名字)
Leave me alone! (离我远点儿!)
None of your business 表示“别多管闲事、跟你有什么关系,用不着你帮忙,用不着你管”等等。
It's none of your business
Mind your own business (先管好你自己吧!)
It is not your concern
It doesn't concern you
Stay out of it (你别瞎搀和。)
I don't need your input (用不着你帮忙。)
It's personal (这是我的私事。)
I don't need your two cents 直译“我不需要你这两分钱”。俚语,表示“用不着你指导我,这和你没关系”。
I don't think you should do that (我觉得你不该做。)
Thanks, but I don't need your two cents (谢谢,用不着你来说。)
Who asked you
I think you're wrong (我觉得你错了。)
Who asked you (谁问你了)
Who cares what you think (谁管你想什么!)
I didn't ask you (我又没问你。)
If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked you (我要想问你的话,早就问了。)
I can't talk to you now
I don't need your help
Your kindness is unwanted
Your kindness is unwelcome
I don't want your kindness
Get out of here! 语气强烈地让人离开某地。口语中连读。
Get out of here! (给我出去!)
They're just kittens (它们不过是几只小猫呀。)
Go away! (一边去!)
Get lost! (你给我消失!) 这样说起到把人轰走的效果。
Take a hike!
Get out of my face! 惯用短语,“离开我的视线”、“躲我远点儿,走开!”。
Get out of my face! (别让我看见你!)
What did I do wrong (我做错什么了)
Beat it! 俚语。
Buzz off! buzz 是蜜蜂或苍蝇发出的“嗡嗡”的声音。比喻对方像蜜蜂、苍蝇一样地吵人,所以该短语表示“你一边呆着去!”
Leave me alone
Back off! 打架的时候粗暴地对对方说“后退,躲开!”
Step back! (后退!)
Don't bother me!
Let's play this game (玩游戏吧!)
Don't bother me! I have to finish my homework (别打扰我,我得写完作业。)
Are you trying to get rid of me get rid of“轰走,去掉,摆脱”。Are you trying to 带有“你想试试做……吗”的语感。
Are you trying to get rid of me (你想赶我走)
No, I've just been busy (不是,我只是太忙了。)
Are you trying to avoid me (你想躲着我)
关于生气:1make sb angry 使某人生气例:他的粗鲁让我生气His rudeness made me really angry2be angry over sth 因某事而生气例:别为这些琐事生气Don't be angry over such trivial matters3get angry with; get annoyed with 对(人)生气 4be enraged 使动怒,使气愤He was enraged at the waste他觉得这样荼毒生灵实在令人气愤He was enraged that he was shut out他对被拒于门外一事极为愤怒He was enraged to hear the news他听到这消息而发怒关于吵架:1quarrel with sb 和某人吵架我理论,而不是和他吵架I reasoned rather than quarreled with him2have a row吵架He have a row with his wife and just walk out on her他和妻子吵架后就把她抛弃了。
2用英语骂人的句子有1 stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2 you make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3 what's wrong with you? 你怎麽回事? 4 you shouldn't have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5 you're a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6 don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7 who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8 what's your problem? 你怎麽回事啊? 9 i hate you! 我讨厌你 ! 10 i don't want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11 you're crazy! 你疯了! 12 are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13 don't bother me 别烦我。
14 knock it off 少来这一套。 15 get out of my face 从我面前消失! 16 leave me alone 走开。
17 get lost 滚开! 18 take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇著去吧。 19 you piss me off 你气死我了。
20 it's none of your business 关你屁事! 21 what's the meaning of this? 这是什麽意思? 22 how dare you! 你敢! 23 cut it out 省省吧。 24 you stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25 you have a lot of nerve 脸皮真厚。
26 i'm fed up 我厌倦了。 27 i can't take it anymore 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用) 28 i've had enough of your garbage 我听腻了你的废话。
29 shut up! 闭嘴! 30 what do you want? 你想怎麽样? 31 do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗? 32 what were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 33 how can you say that? 你怎麽可以这样说? 34 who says? 谁说的? 35 that's what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的! 36 don't look at me like that 别那样看著我。 37 what did you say? 你说什麽? 38 you are out of your mind 你脑子有毛病! 39 you make me so mad你气死我了啦。
40 drop dead 去死吧! 41 i don\'t give a 我才不管(理都不理)呢。 42 don't give me your 别跟我胡扯。
43 don't give me your excuses/ no more excuses 别找借口。 44 you're a pain in the ass 你这讨厌鬼。
45 you're an asshole 你这缺德鬼。 46 you bastard! 你这杂种! 47 get over yourself 别自以为是。
48 you're nothing to me 你对我什麽都不是。 49 it's not my fault 不是我的错。
50 you look guilty 你看上去心虚。 51 i can't help it 我没办法。
52 that's your problem 那是你的问题。 53 i don't want to hear it 我不想听! 54 get off my back 少跟我罗嗦。
55 give me a break 饶了我吧。 56 who do you think you're talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话? 57 look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子! 58 you' re so careless 你真粗心。
59 why on earth didn't you tell me the truth? 你到底为什麽不跟我说实话? 60 i'm about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了! 61 what a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个! 62 i'm not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦! 63 i never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你! 64 that's terrible 真糟糕! 65 just look at what you've done! 看看你都做了些什麽! 66 i wish i had never met you 我真后悔这辈子遇到你! 67 you're a disgrace 你真丢人! 68 i'll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你! 69 don't nag me! 别在我面前唠叨! 70 i'm sick of it 我都腻了。 71 you're such a ! 你这个婊子! 72 stop screwing/fooling/ messing around! 别鬼混了! 73 mind your own business! 管好你自己的事! 74 you're just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处! 75 you've gone too far! 你太过分了! 76 i loathe you! 我讨厌你! 77 i detest you! 我恨你! 78 get the hell out of here! 滚开! 79 don't be that way! 别那样! 80 can't you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。
81 you're impossible 你真不可救药。 82 don't touch me! 别碰我! 83 get away from me! 离我远一点儿! 84 get out of my life 我不愿再见到你。
/ 从我的生活中消失吧。 85 you're a joke! 你真是一个小丑! 86 don't give me your attitude 别跟我摆架子。
87 you'll be sorry 你会后悔的。 88 we're through 我们完了! 89 look at the mess you've made! 你搞得一团糟! 90 you've ruined everything 全都让你搞砸了。
91 i can't believe your never 你好大的胆子! 92 you're away too far 你太过分了。 93 i can't take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦! 94 i'm telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次! 95 i could kill you! 我宰了你! 96 that's the stupidest thing i\'ve ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事。
(比尔盖茨常用) 97 i can't believe a word you say 我才不信你呢! 98 you never tell the truth!你从来就不说实话! 99 don't push me ! 别逼我! 100 enough is enough! 够了够了。
1 Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!33 How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说
2 You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!34 Who says? 谁说的?
3 What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事?35 That's what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!
4 You shouldn't have done that! 你真不应该那样做!36 Don't look at me like that 别那样看着我。
5 You're a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!37 What did you say? 你说什么?
6 Don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!38 You are out of your mind 你脑子有毛病!
7 Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?39 You make me so mad。你气死我了啦。
8 What's your problem? 你怎么回事啊?40 Drop dead 去死吧
9 I hate you! 我讨厌你!41 off 滚蛋。
10 I don't want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!42 Don't give me your shit 别跟我胡扯。
11 You're crazy! 你疯了!43 Don't give me your excuses/ No more excuses 别找借口。
12 Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 44 You're a pain in the ass 你这讨厌鬼。
13 Don't bother me 别烦我。45 You're an asshole 你这缺德鬼。
14 Knock it off 少来这一套。46 You bastard! 你这杂种!
15 Get out of my face 从我面前消失!47 Get over yourself 别自以为是。
16 Leave me alone 走开。4
4用英语吵架的句子英语吵架100句 1 You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 2 What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 3 I'm very disappointed 真让我失望。
5 You're a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6 Don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7 Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8 What's your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9 I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10 I don't want to see you ce! 我不愿再见到你! 11 You're crazy! 你疯了! 12 Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗? 13 Don't bother me 别烦我。 14 Knock it off 少来这一套。
15 Get out of my face 从我面前消失! 16 Leave me alone 走开。 17 Get lost滚开! 18 Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19 You piss me off 你气死我了。 20 It's none of your business 关你屁事! 21 What's the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22 How dare you! 你敢! 23 Cut it out 省省吧。
24 You stupid jerk! 你这蠢! 25 You have a lot of nerve 脸皮真厚。 26 I'm fed up 我厌倦了。
27 I can't take it anymore 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用) 28 I've had enough of your garbage 我听腻了你的废话。 29 Shut up! 闭嘴! 30 What do you want? 你想怎么样? 31 Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗? 32 What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 33 How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? 34 Who says? 谁说的? 35 That's what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的! 36 Don't look at me like that 别那样看着我。
37 What did you say? 你说什么? 38 You are out of your mind 你脑子有毛病! 39 You make me so mad你气死我了啦。 40 Drop dead 去死吧! 41 Don't give me your 别跟我胡扯。
42 Don't give me your excuses/ No more excuses 别找借口。 43 Nonsense! 鬼话! 44 You're a pain in the ass 你这讨厌鬼。
45 You're an asshole 你这缺德鬼。 46 You asked for it 你自找的。
47 Get over yourself 别自以为是。 48 You're nothing to me 你对我什么都不是。
49 It's not my fault 不是我的错。 50 You look guilty 你看上去心虚。
51 I can't help it 我没办法。 52 That's your problem 那是你的问题。
53 I don't want to hear it 我不想听! 54 Get off my back 少跟我罗嗦。 55 Give me a break 饶了我吧。
56 Who do you think you're talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话? 57 Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子! 58 You're so careless 你真粗心。 59 Why on earth didn't you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话? 60 I'm about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了! 61 What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个! 62 I'm not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦! 63 I never want to see you ce again! 我再也不要见到你! 64 That's terrible 真糟糕! 65 Just look at what you've done! 看看你都做了些什么! 66 I wish I had never met you 我真后悔这辈子遇到你! 67 You're a disgrace 你真丢人! 68 I'll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你! 69 Don't nag me! 别在我面前唠叨! 70 I'm sick of it 我都腻了。
71 Don't you dare come back again! 你敢再回来! 72 Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 别鬼混了! 73 Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事! 74 You're just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处! 75 You've gone too far! 你太过分了! 76 I loathe you! 我讨厌你! 77 I detest you! 我恨你! 78 Get the hell out of here! 滚开! 79 Don't be that way! 别那样! 80 Can't you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。 81 You're impossible 你真不可救药。
82 Don't touch me! 别碰我! 83 Get away from me! 离我远一点儿! 84 Get out of my life 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。
85 You're a joke! 你真是一个小丑! 86 Don't give me your attitude 别跟我摆架子。 87 You'll be sorry 你会后悔的。
88 We're through 我们完了! 89 Look at the mess you've made! 你搞得一团糟! 90 You've ruined everything 全都让你搞砸了。 91 I can't believe your never 你好大的胆子! 92 You're away too far 你太过分了。
93 I can't take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦! 94 I'm telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次! 95 I could kill you! 我宰了你! 96 That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事! (比尔·盖茨常用) 97 I can't believe a word you say 我才不信你呢! 98 You never tell the truth! 你从来就不说实话! 99 Don't push me ! 别逼我! 100 Enough is enough! 够了够了。
5跟情绪有关的英文短语有关情绪的英语短语 be alive and kicking 生气勃勃 be crossed in love 爱情受挫 be on edge 紧张,急躁不安 be thrilled to bits 兴奋至极 burn up 发怒 calm down 镇静下来 feel an urge to 有强烈的欲望或冲动想。。。 feel down 情绪消沉 feel left out 感到受冷落 have a fit 大怒,大惊 have a short temper 脾气暴躁 lose one's temper 发脾气
上班时,不是去打电话,就是跑到医务室去看病。Xiao Wang's always goofing-off -- either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours汉语中“偷懒耍滑头”很接近英语goof-off这一短语的意思。
此语主要用于逃避工作或故意偷懒的场合。14〔大动肝火]be up in arms由于公司最近几个月的销售业绩不佳,老板正在大动肝火。
The boss is up in arms about the company's poor sales record in the past few months 汉语中“大动肝火”或“愤怒已极”之类的概念除了可以用fly into a rage, be filled with indignation的片语表示外,还可以用be up in arms的习语来表达。此语的意思是“举起双臂,抖动两个拳头”,表示愤怒。
15[保持冷静〕keep cool即使是在十分气愤的情况下她也能保持冷静。She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger汉语中“保持冷静”的说法在英语中有以下几种表示方法:to keep cool, to keep calm, cool it, hold one's horses,等等。
但是在口语中,英美人通常keep cool和keep calm两种。16[说话兜圈子]beat about the bush别跟我兜圈子了,快说你到底想干什么吧!Stop beating about the bush Just tell me what you want!“说话兜圈子”意指“说话拐弯抹角”或不能“直来直去”。
可以用 beat about (around) the bush的片语来表示。此语直译为“在灌木丛中胡乱拍打”,意思就是“分敲侧击”或“兜圈子”。
17[心怀叵测]have an ax to grind她总是心怀叵测,对她说的话你得多留神。She always has an ax to grind You should take whatever she say with a pinch of salt“心怀叵测”相当于汉语口语中“没安好心”或“没好心”的意思。
接近于英语have an ax to grind的说法。此语直译为“有一把斧子要磨”。
据说,此语源于美国政治家本杰明·富兰克林(Benjmin Franklin,1706--1790)的少年生活,一天有一男子想磨斧子。由于他不知怎样使用磨石,于是,年幼的富兰克林便用尽全身力量把重达一百多公斤的grindstone推转很多次。
后来此语转喻“心怀叵测”。18[心术不正〕not have one's heart in the right place他的心术不正,动不动就在别人的背后涌刀子。
He doesn't have his heart in the right place He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others上面谈到的“心怀叵测”强调“另有企图”或“用心不良”的某段时间内的行为,而“心术不正”则指人坏的品质。因此,偶尔“心怀叵测”的人倒不一定是个一贯“心术不正”的人。
有人曾用not have a good heart译之,但不如用not have the heart in the right place的表示法更符合口语习惯。此语直译为“心没长在正地方上”,即“心术不正”。
19[背后捅刀子]stab in the back我万万没有想到张某会在背后捅我一刀。我过去太信任她了。
I was taken aback and didn't think Zhang would stab me in the back I placed too much trust in her汉语中“背后捅刀子”、“暗下毒手”以及“脚底使绊”之类的概念在很多情况下都可用 stab somebody in the back的片语来表示。此语与汉语的“背后捅刀子”几乎是形合意切。
20[说某人的坏话〕badmouth somebody我从来没说过任何人的坏话。I've never badmouthed anyone“说人的坏话”在英语口语中有两种表示方法:一是speak evil of somebody, 二是badmouth somebody。
音标:英 ['kwɒr(ə)l] 美 ['kwɔrəl]
vi 吵架;争论;挑剔
n 吵架;反目;怨言;争吵的原因;方头凿
quarrel bicker 吵嘴
They quarrel 他们吵了一架
quarrel l 争吵 ; 吵架 ; 争论吵架 ; 争论
Love quarrel 爱的争吵
Dispute quarrel 争吵
1、They had a quarrel, but have made it up now
2、We'll stay together although we often quarrel
3、Don't nibble, I don't want to quarrel with you now
4、They should resolve that quarrel on its merits and keep the China scare out of it
5、She was the instigator of their quarrel
英 ['kwɒrəl];美 ['kwɔːrəl]
n 吵架;争论;怨言;vi 吵架;争论;挑剔
1、avoid a quarrel:避免争吵
2、cause a quarrel:引起争吵