陈慧琳的Love Paradise
You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days
I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life our love paradise
You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days
I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life our love paradise
I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life our love paradise
陈慧琳唱的《love paradise》(阁楼英文版)
you're always on my mind
all day just all the time
you're everything to me,
brightest star to let me see
you touch me in my dreamed,
we kissed in everything
i pray to be with you
through all the shinging day
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go
need you all my life
you're my heart up you're my pride
in your arms i found my heaven
in your eyes my see is sky
then nothing i love pair of time
you're always on my mind,
all dayall the time
you're everything to me,
brightest star to let me see
you touch me in my dreamed,
we kissed in everything
i pray to be with you
through all the shinging day
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go
need you all my life
you're my heart up you're my pride
in your arms i found my heaven
in your eyes my see is sky
then nothing i love pair of time
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go
need you all my life
you're my heart up you're my pride
in your arms i found my heaven
in your eyes my see is sky
then nothing i love pair of time
1、《a groovy kind of love》意思是深深的爱恋,《老友记》里莫妮卡结婚出场曲,建议选择Phil collins演唱的版本。
时常在结婚典礼上播放的音乐,如结婚进行曲等,较著名的有: 华格纳的歌剧《罗恩格林》中的《婚礼合唱》,通常是用来当作进场时的音乐,也称做“新娘来了”(Here Comes the Bride)。
孟德尔颂为莎士比亚的戏剧《仲夏夜之梦》所作的插曲《结婚进行曲》,通常是用来当作退场时的音乐。 夏尔-玛丽·魏多的《第五号交响曲》中的《托卡塔曲》,也用来作为退场音乐。