







欧洲: 1、丹麦王国(1989) 2、挪威王国(1993) 3、瑞典王国(1994) 4、冰岛共和国(1996) 5、荷兰王国(1998) 6、西班牙王国(1998) 7、法兰西第五共和国(2000) 8、德意志联邦共和国(2000) 9、芬兰共和国(2001) 10、瑞士联邦(2002) 11、葡萄牙共和国(2002) 12、比利时王国(2003) 13、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(2005) 14、捷克共和国(2006) 此外奥地利、匈牙利、斯洛伐克、爱尔兰等国也陆续承认同性伴侣关系美洲: 1、加拿大(2003部分地区、2005全国) 2、美利坚合众国(最早1996,最晚2004,目前有38个州同性婚姻合法) 3、巴西联邦共和国(2005) 4、墨西哥合众国(2007) ===================================================== 美洲的国家少。。。而且,据我所知,美国最早允许同性结婚应该是2004年的马萨诸州 非洲: 1、南非共和国(2005,2006正式执行)







Marriage Law Brazil


巴西的婚姻是对配偶的结婚省地方法律问题,并通过公证的巴西葡萄牙语称为“Cartório”办公室完成。 Marriage in Brazil is a matter of local law of the province of the marrying spouses, and is accomplished through a Brazilian notarial office known in Portuguese as "Cartório"


结婚的最低年龄为18岁,男人和女人16。 Minimum age for marriage is 18 years for men and 16 for women 父母的授权,或者监护人的,须如果一方当事人是未成年人(未满21岁)。 Parental authorization, or that of a guardian, is required if one of the parties is a minor (under 21 years old)


登记结婚的打算 Registering the intention to marry

各缔约方应亲自到民事登记处(Cartório德Registro土木)由两名证人的陪同。 Parties should go in person to the Civil Registry Office (Cartório de Registro Civil) accompanied by two witnesses 证人必须是年满21岁,有一个有效的ID和巴西公积金(Cadastro德佩索阿Física)文档。 Witnesses must be 21 years or older, have a valid Brazilian ID and CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física) document 所有签名必须经过认证的“Registro德简讯”。 All signatures must be certified by the "Registro de Notas" 这些表格将用于注册和所需费用的支付。 These forms will be used for registration as well as the payment of a required fee

登记结婚的意图是不一样的实际婚姻登记同样的事情。 Registering the intent to marry is not the same thing as registering the actual marriage

所有文件都必须提交他们的原始形式的副本时,登记结婚的意图,以及。 All documents are required to be submitted in their original form as well as a copy when registering the intent to marry 如果文件在EnglisHh语言的,当事人必须提供由宣誓翻译及公共翻译由当地公证人(Tabelião)认证。 If the documents are in the EnglisHh language, the parties must provide a translation by a sworn public translator and authenticated by a local public notary (Tabelião)

文件要求提交打算结婚 Documents Required to File Intention to Marry

下列文件必须结婚 The following documents are required to get married

1护照(原件)或原RNE(Registro全国德Estrangeiros),也是护照复印件,包括传记资料页和任何其他网页,如在该国去年入境签证(身份验证和宣誓翻译包含的信息公开翻译家,由当地公证,“Tabelião”)认证。 Passport (original) or an original RNE (Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros), also a copy of the passport, including the biographical data page and any other pages containing information such as the last entry visa in the country (authenticated and translated by a sworn public translator and authenticated by a local public notary, "Tabelião")

2原始出生证明书 Original Birth Certificate

3如果一方当事人离婚或丧偶,他们就必须提出适用以前的婚姻,离婚或死亡证明。 If one of the parties is divorced or widowed, they will have to present previous marriage, divorce or death certificates as applicable 如果这些文件不是来自巴西,他们必须通过身份验证由巴西大使馆或领事馆在原籍国和翻译成葡萄牙文宣誓公共翻译。 If these documents are not from Brazil they must be authenticated by the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin and translated into Portuguese by a sworn public translator 在“统帅联邦法庭”在巴西利亚合法化的国家也必须比其他巴西颁布离婚令。 The "Supremo Tribunal Federal" in Brasília must also legalize divorce decrees from countries other than Brazil 此过程通常需要一个巴西律师协助。 This procedure generally requires the assistance of a Brazilian attorney

4阿罩单或由伊塔马拉蒂认证没有婚姻记录证明书。 A Certificate of Single hood or Record of No Marriage certified by Itamaraty

5“Certidão德Inscrição领事”,这份文件要求,如果党的出生证明并没有显示家长的全名。 "Certidão de Inscrição Consular", this document is requested if the party's birth certificate does not show the parent's full name

6申请表格:要登记结婚的打算。 Application form: To register the intention to marry

7巴西身份证(如适用),该文件的复印件,如果需要党是巴西临时或永久居民,由当地公证认证。 The Brazilian Identity Card (if applicable), photocopy of the document is needed if the party is a temporary or permanent resident of Brazil, authenticated by a local public notary

如果党是巴西的一个永久居民签证(Carteira德Residente Permanente的),或者作为一名临时工(Carteira德Temporário),上述一些文件可能被放弃。 If the party is in Brazil on a permanent resident visa (Carteira de Residente Permanente) or as a temporary worker (Carteira de Temporário), some of the above documents may be waived


一旦上述文件已存档及支付的费用,30天的等候期,开始了结婚证,予以通过。 Once the above documents have been filed and the fees paid, a waiting period of 30 days begins for the marriage license to be approved 从这一点上,结婚证是三个在此期间,当事人可以依法结婚个月内有效。 From this point, the marriage licence is valid for three months during which time the parties may legally get married


另一种是收取登记费在民事登记处(Registro德Títulos é documentos)结婚。 Another fee is charged to register the marriage at the Civil Registry Office (Registro de Títulos e documentos) 这必须进行事先登记的民事婚姻。 This registration must take place prior to the civil marriage

巴西民事婚姻是官僚。 Civil marriage in Brazil is bureaucratic 这个过程可能会很慢和法律规则是刚性的。 The process can be slow and legal rules are rigid 所有人,无论国籍,谁愿意在巴西结婚,必须遵守巴西法律。 All individuals, regardless of nationality, who desire to be married in Brazil, must comply with the Brazilian Law

这个过程必须开始在巴西公证处(Cartório),并根据当地法律,该厅选择取决于各方的巴西居住。 The process must begin at a Brazilian notarial office (Cartório), and according to the local law, the office chosen depends on the parties' Brazilian residence 婚姻演出,在民事登记处已经超过了党的居住登记管辖权。 Marriages are performed at the Civil Registry Office that has jurisdiction over the residence of the registration of the party

民事登记处提供一切所需的表格和有关程序所需的信息在巴西结婚。 The Civil Registry Office provides all the required forms and pertinent procedural information necessary to be married in Brazil 这是明智的,参观当地的民事登记处获得一个为婚姻所要求的文件清单是合法注册的,因为列表可能因国家而异态。 It is wise to visit the local Civil Registry Office to obtain a list of the documents required for the marriage to be legally registered since the list may vary from State to State 如果任何一方是巴西公民,他们可以访问的民事登记处最近的地方,他们想结婚。 If neither party are Brazilian citizens, they may visit the Civil Registry Office closest to where they would like to get married

宗教仪式进行,但他们可能没有法律认可,因此它们也不能视为具有法律约束力。 Religious ceremonies may be performed but they are not legally recognized, therefore they are also not considered legally binding 可以执行民事仪式在民事登记处(Registros Civis)。 Civil Ceremonies may be performed at Civil Registry Offices (Registros Civis)



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