

是陶喆先唱的,stewart mac是翻唱。

史都华麦克Stwart Mac,这位来自英国伦敦北部的「摇滚情人」,在2009开春的「炫音之乐」舞台上,以不同他人的文采创作与音乐潜力,当下征服初次见面的台湾乐迷!其实,史都华麦克的优异现场演出,在英国当地不但让他获得传媒的正面肯定,更获邀成为摇滚乐团邦乔飞Bon Jovi世界巡回演唱会的开场嘉宾,博得现场将近六万两千多名摇滚乐迷的热烈掌声与高喊安可。此外,一句「他有著令人屏息的音乐才华!」的星探赞扬,更精准点出史都华麦克所独具的迷人歌曲与现场魅力。

为了首张个人创作专辑《I Love You》,史都华麦克与全英音乐奖金奖制作人David Bryant(曾制作过Mis-Teeq、Liberty X)花费将近一年时间进行录制。史都华麦克的创作探讨著各式各样的议题,从希望、热情、挫败到拒绝等的爱情故事,都在他纯熟的音乐魔力中,畅快宣泄、高呼激昂!率性的吉他刷弦与振臂高呼,〈Turn This Thing Around〉是对坚定爱情的正面宣示;踩著轻快的空心吉他,〈California (On My Mind)〉以加州阳光巧妙比喻爱情降临时的浪漫悸动;一展纯熟吉他指法的〈Look That Far〉,则有著男孩期待心仪女孩的回心转意;在黑白琴键与抒情摇滚的交错中,〈Invisible〉带出爱情里的难以启齿与默默相依;在一听就朗朗上口的轻快旋律中,〈Change Your Mind〉将挫折转为契机,有著永不放弃爱情的正面宣示。

而为了更贴近亚洲乐迷,史都华麦克特地将陶喆经典作品〈爱很简单〉翻唱成英文版〈I Love You〉,并作为专辑开场曲,以为进军亚洲的最佳献礼!在爱情的天旋地转中,这位「摇滚情人」带著吉他和创作,率性骄傲唱出他对爱情的坚定不移。

要说谁唱的更好啊,只能说各有千秋吧!stewart mac是摇滚风……陶喆是R&B曲风的。


[ti:i love you]

[ar:Stewart Mac]

[al:Coast To Coast]


[00:0000]Edit by Milo for Vivi

[00:0200]Love you forever! 2010-01-12

[00:0403]歌名:i love you

[00:0542]歌手:Stewart Mac


[00:1167]There was once a broken man

[00:1582]Who walked a lonely road

[00:1921]And Gave up all his dreams

[00:2535]I was once this broken man

[00:2967]Stared into the sun

[00:3319]and Just refuse to see

[00:3948]I was

[00:4062]lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade

[00:4627]I was looking for an answer

[00:5328]I was searching but I didn’t take the time

[01:0022]I was down


[01:0236]out and

[01:0324]feeling so afraid

[01:0660]I love you

[01:1240]the Way that you turn me round

[01:1700]And chase away my blues

[01:2028]I love you

[01:2668]the way that you change my world

[01:2998]when I’m with you

[01:3523]Love may come and love may go

[01:3926]but now its here to stay

[01:4273]Forever and a day

[01:4757]And when I See you smile

[01:5328]I fall into your eyes

[01:5673]to Never fade way

[02:0288]I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away

[02:0992]And to make the mornings bright again

[02:1680]I’m right here for you theres nothing more to say

[02:2376]I’m just happy that your mine and here to stay

[02:2985]I love you

[02:3603]the Way that you turn me round

[02:4025]And chase away my blues

[02:4363]I love you

[02:5061]the way that ypu change my world

[02:5334]when I’m with you

[02:5875]It doesn’t matter where we're from and where we are going

[03:0549]as long as your with me all the way

[03:1168]And the nights are long and lonely and

[03:1492]I’m waking up

[03:1679]to find a brighter day

[03:5056]I love you

[03:5618]the Way that you turn me round

[04:0047]And chase away my blues

[04:0391]I love you

[04:1058]the way that you change my world

[04:1346]when I’m with you



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