


2, Hugo words: "All things are in all this is not a humane America in the United States next to the ugly and deformed near the beautiful, vulgar hiding behind the noble, evil and good coexist, total darkness and light phase "that only makes people" full of spear with shield, mixed with good evil, both talent and insignificant "in order to make the image of the literary works of art is more real, more produced a strong artistic effect 在我看来,亚克雷集圣洁与鄙俗、崇高与卑下、利他与利己、人性与兽性与一身多重性格特征互相交叉融合的艺术典型。 In my opinion, Yake Lei Set holy and profane, noble and humble, altruistic and self-interest, human nature and the wild animal with a cross-cutting and integration of multiple personality traits typical of the art

爱情心理学角度讲:爱情价值观是由爱情选择者的思想、性格、行为习惯决定的,因此一千个人就有一千种追求爱情的方式,既不能因为一个人追求爱情的热情过于强烈就据人千里之外,也不能因做处阶层不同而断定爱就是一种占有欲。 From the psychological point of view of love: love, love, choices and values is the thinking, personality, behavioral habits decision, so there are a thousand thousand individuals a way to pursue love, we can not because one person's enthusiasm for the pursuit of love is too strong, according to the people a thousand miles away, it can not afford to do so at different levels to determine is a possessive love 亚克雷初次见到来认本家的苔丝•德贝菲尔时,就被她的美丽所征服,充满激情地、执著地疯狂的爱上了她;而苔丝却对他心存芥蒂,不去感受亚克雷对她表达的情感。 Yake Lei first see to recognize Tess • Debeifeier when the capitalists, they were conquered by her beauty, full of passion, the dedication to crazy in love with her; while telling Tess held a grudge, not Yake Lei for her to feel the sentiments expressed “爱美之心,人皆有之。”亚克雷一个未婚青年男子为美驱动去追求一个未婚女子是无可厚非的,抛开阶级的观点,从人性角度看,亚克雷爱上苔丝是人的正常情感的释放。 "Amy's heart, in everyone" Yake Lei an unmarried young man for the US drive to pursue an unmarried woman is nothing wrong, and put aside the class point of view, from the human point of view, Yake Lei fell in love with Tess yes the release of normal human emotions 他对苔丝的态度是“和蔼可亲”的,亲手摘草莓,往苔丝嘴里塞,慷慨的送她很多玫瑰花,亲手为她弄吃的,初次见面就坦诚的告诉苔丝:他不是它的本家,他不姓德伯维尔,“完全是另一个姓”,给苔丝家送去维持生计的好马,为她弟妹送去玩具,请她来自家鸡场做工,不断帮助她克服和解决各种困难。 He was Tess's attitude was "amiable", and hand-picking strawberries, plug into Tess's mouth, a generous number of roses sent to her personally for her get food, first met on the frank and tell Tess: He is not that it The capitalists, he did not name Deboweier, "is another name," sent to the Tess family subsistence good horse for her younger brother and sister sent toys and asked her to come from family farms to work, continue to help her overcome and solve the difficulties 亚克雷作为现实社会中生存的生命个体,他主观意志非常强烈。 Yake Lei survive as a real social life of the individual, his subjective will is very strong 执著地追求美好的爱情,但这种奔向幸福的努力,却因一件意外事件改变了它原有的走向。 Persistent pursuit of a beautiful love, but the efforts towards the well-being, but because an accident has changed its original direction 亚克雷在帮助赶集回家的苔丝逃脱“黑桃皇后”姐妹的辱骂时,一心只想快速逃离“现场”,它们迷路了,“是我把你带到了这块远离大路的地方,我有责任把你平平安安地送回家。亲爱的,你看这片大雾笼罩了一切,连我自己也拿不准我们到底是什么地方,待我辨明我们的确切位置,回来以后,我会详详细细地告诉你该怎么走,到时候你若坚持步行你就不行,你若愿意骑马你就骑马—什么都随你的便。”〔5〕亚克雷始终如一地在自己爱情的田园里真诚地耕耘着,可事件发展的轨迹出乎亚克雷的意料,他弄明白了他们的确切位置,转身返回时,周围一片黑暗,他听到了苔丝轻微均匀的呼吸声,“一个优美的女性,像游丝一样敏感,像雪一样纯洁……”〔6〕一个青春激情萌动的青年在漆黑的夜晚的野外林中与自己苦苦追求、美若天仙、丝毫不设防的少女独处……亚克雷追随自己的天然意向,不可抑制的肉欲战胜了一切,他虽然执着于爱情,但他人性的另一面暴露无遗。 Yake Lei Tess to return home to help go to the market to escape, "The Queen of Spades," and sisters when the abuse was only intent on quick escape "from the scene," they lost it, "I brought you a piece away from the road where I have a responsibility to you safely land back home My dear, you look at this piece of thick fog enveloped everything, even I myself was not sure where we are in the end and wait for me to identify the exact location that we come back later, I will detail in how are they going to tell you, that time if you insist on walking you will not work if you are willing to ride you ride a horse - as you would anything else "〔5〕 Yake Lei consistently in their own love garden where the hard work in good faith may be the trajectory of events beyond Yake Lei's expectations, he find out their exact location, turned back, the surrounding darkness, he heard a slight uniform breathing Tess, "a beautiful women, as sensitive as gossamer, as pure as the snow "〔6〕 a youthful enthusiasm of young germinating in the dark night of the wild forest, with its own hard in pursuit of, the United States if the angel, the slightest defenseless girl alone Ya Kelei to pursue their own natural inclination, can not be suppressed carnal beat all, though he sticks to love, but he exposed the other side of human nature

哈代本人也认为:“人们的每种性格在爱情的体验中深刻地表露出来。”亚克雷在占有苔丝之后,并为抛弃她反而表现出一种积极地赎罪意识和强烈的责任感,来挽救他从前有可能得到而现在即将失去的爱情,在苔丝要离开时积极挽留她,谴责自己的罪孽,愿意补偿一切。 Hardy himself said: "The people of each character in a profound experience of love to show it" Yake Lei Tess in the possession, after, and abandoned her in a positive way to demonstrate the contrary, awareness and a strong sense of atonement, to to save his past, there was likely to be about lost love and now, in Tess had to leave a positive retention of her condemnation of his sins, is willing to compensate for everything

在苔丝执意离去时,亚克雷尊重她的意愿并表示:“……遇到哪怕一点点困难,就写几个字寄给我,你需要什么我就会给你什么……”[7]亚克雷四年后再次遇到苔丝时,已分明是一个虔诚的布道者了,当他了解苔丝的遭遇后,一种偿还意识油然而生,他愿意娶苔丝做太太,去非洲传道。 In Tess insisted on leaving, Yake Lei respect her wish and said: " even a little bit of difficulty encountered, they sent me to write a few words, what you need I'll give you anything " [ 7] Ya Kelei met again after four years, Tess, has been clearly is a devout preacher, and when he understood that after what happened to Tess, a repayment of consciousness arises spontaneously, he did marry his wife Tess, missionary to Africa 几经反复结果被苔丝杀害。 The results have been repeated several times Tess killed 苔丝的做法实在是有点忘恩负义。 Tess's approach is a little ungrateful

亚克雷生活在没有正确只需的混乱世界里,无所适从,他强奸苔丝,社会不主持公道,任其逍遥法外,不给他教育改造的机会,导致最后的悲惨结局;亚克雷甚至可以摇身一变做牧师,再次遇见苔丝,求婚不成却一夜之间放弃了布道传教。 Yake Lei living in chaos is not correctly just world, at a loss, he rapes Tess, society does not uphold justice, he was allowed to get away, not give him the opportunity to re-education, leading to the final tragic outcome; Yake Lei can even be transformed the ministry, once again met Tess, courtship is not a mission overnight to give up preaching 可见社会法律制度的荒诞,宗教的虚伪,因而他是那个社会的牺牲品。 The legal system can see the absurdity of society, religious hypocrisy, and thus he was the victim of society 他的悲剧是性格的悲剧、社会的悲剧。 His tragedy is the tragedy of personality and social tragedy 他一生在个体生命意志的驱使下,欲求、抗争,结果却在现实困境中陷入悲惨结局。 In the individual lives his life, driven by the will, desire, fight, only to fall into difficulties in the real tragic end


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/2880751.html

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