

Junior Brother

英语是母语的人,说brother就是亲弟弟或者亲哥哥。不用加任何修饰,当然,为了表示是“弟弟”,可以说“junior brother”,表示是哥哥可以说“senior brother”或者“elder brother”。

如果不是亲的,老外是不说brother的。如果是表哥/堂哥,用cousin。 如果是姐夫,就是brother-in-law。

如果非要强调血缘关系,可以说brother by blood 亲弟弟就可以说是“junior brother by blood”



close 英[kləʊz] 美[kloʊz]

adj 亲密的; 紧密的; 亲近的;

vt 关; 结束; 使靠近;

vi 关闭; 关; 结束;

[例句]I'm close with her


1intimacy n1亲密,亲近,友好 2〔委婉语〕私通,亲热3亲昵行为4亲密关系,亲密的联系;亲密的气氛;息息相通 5亲密行为;接近;投机例句:Create intimacy in the master bedroom先在主卧室创造亲密度2Cohesionn


英语祝贺信 篇1

Dear Wei Fang,

 I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations

 You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news As your best friend, I am proud of you! Your pronunciation and fluent English left me with deep impression It came as no surprise to me that you won the contest Could you share with me how you improve your spoken English Your experience will be of great help to me in learning

 I will be grateful if you can write me back and give me your advice I am looking forward to your early reply


 Li Hua

英语祝贺信 篇2

Dear Lucy,

 It was a pleasure to hear of your promotion to the position of Credit-Manager of your bank Congratulations!

 I really think that you deserve the position after years of service and experience you have had in this field of business Now you possess the ability to be an excellent leader and manage the business successfully

 I do believe that you will achieve one success after another on this new stage And I am looking forward to hearing more good news from you Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion again

 Yours sincerely,

 Li Ming

英语祝贺信 篇3

Dear Friend,

 I’m writing this letter to express my congratulations that you are going to get married You can’t imagine how excited I am when I hear the news I’m just as happy as you, so I’d like to send my hearty congratulations to you

 Please accept my warmest regards, “ I hope your future will be glorious I hope your love will be sweet I hope your happiness will be eternal I hope your dream will come true”

 Yours Sincerely,

英语祝贺信 篇4

XXXX students:

 In this hot summer season, the good news for you to be accepted by xxxxx University We feel very happy Here, give you the warmest congratulations!

 You from primary school to high school, experienced twelve studying hard, positive, work hard, overcome difficulties, especially to overcome family economic difficulties You have not failed to live up to the expectations of parents, schools, friends and friends, and finally the dream of going to college In the primary stage of life, a good period is made

 But it is only the first step, the road ahead will be even longer and more arduous After the summer vacation, you will step on the new mileage and enter the University This is also a very important stage in life

 I hope you can adapt to the learning and living environment of the University as soon as possible More diligent and hard learning, lay a solid foundation for life, set up the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values and honor and disgrace, and become a healthy, healthy, virtuous, knowledgeable and talented person

 I hope you will have lofty ideals and firm belief, study harder, learn knowledge skills, cultivate skills in all aspects, and contribute to the motherland and the people in the future

 I hope you will be responsible and grateful You have today, first of all is to feed your parents training followed by bear bitter hardships, primary and secondary school teachers as hepatobiliary for you Lek's teachings, there are a large number of students and alumni help, these will remain in your memory To be worthy of his own, worthy of the parents, worthy of the alumni of the students, worthy of the Qing Hua feeling

英语祝贺信 篇5

Dear Mr Smith,

 It is a pleasure to congratulate you on your recent promotion to Deputy Managing Director ABC Trading Company

 Because of our close association with you over the past ten years, we know how well you are qualified for this important office You earned the promotion through years of hard work and we are delighted to see your true ability win recognition

 Again, congratulations and best wishes for continued success

 Sincerely yours,

 Li Ming

英语祝贺信 篇6

Dear Ruth,

 I offer my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Vice President of the company I know how talented you are and how hard you’ve worked to attain this goal No one could have been more deserving How exciting it must be for you to realize your ambitions after all those years of hard working It’s been a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded

 Sincere congratulations to you Your expertise and dedication will bring out the best of everyone on your staff They’re learning from a real professional

 I wish you still further success

 Sincerely yours,

 Ma Lin

英语祝贺信 篇7

Dear Mr Li:

 I learned from Wang Ying that you were graduated with high honors from Huabei University yesterday I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now, who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon I wish you greater success in your studies and research work

 With best wishes

 Yours sincerely,

英语祝贺信 篇8

Dear Mr John,

 Just a note to wish you a very happy new year May the new year bring you joy, love and peace My memory of you is one of the most delightful experience I have ever had I would very much like to continue our friendship

 As another year draws to close, it gives us great pleasure to say how much we have appreciated(感激) working with you over the past twelve months We sincerely hope that our pleasant business relationship will continue for years to come

 Our staff here join me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year

 Yours sincerely,

 Li Ming

英语祝贺信 篇9


 I am much delighted to learn that you have been elected the Chairman of ourUniversity Students' Union This is a specialand happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement

 The Students' Union plays an essential role in our campus life Managing andleveraging such an organization not only poses a great challenge to you, butwill also fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively I believe thisposition will be a new beginning, and a chance for you to embrace a fuller lifeand pave the way for a brilliant future career

 Please accept my most sincere congratulations!

 Best wishes,


英语祝贺信 篇10

Dear Henry,

 I am writing to offer my sincerestcongratulations on your admission into the Biology

 Departmentof Peking University as a graduate As your close friend, I just want you to know

 how luckyI am to be able to share your pride and how pleased I am at your admission

 In my view, you work hard and besides that, you are a very intelligent person This admission

 is a rewardwhich you richly deserve I am sure you will make  greaterprogress in your

 study and obtaina bright future in your life

 I wishyou greater success in your school career and I am looking forward to good newsfrom you soon

 Best wishes Englishtec


 Li Hua

1 ①separate:To set or keep apart; disunite 分隔设置或保持隔开;使隔开

eg In the darkness and confusion, the bands of these commanders became separated from each other“在黑夜或混乱中,那帮指挥者互相分离”

To sort:分类separate mail by postal zones根据邮政地区分拣邮件


We divided the orange into segments 我们将橘子分成几部分。

Let's divide ourselves into several groups 我们分成几个小组吧。


None shall part us from each other “没有什么能将我们分开”


The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away


2 ①injure是指对健康、形象、未来、前途和幸福带来危害的行为或动作:

She was badly injured in an accident 她在一次事故中被重伤。

Malicious gossip could injure his chances of success It can also mean to treat another unjustly or wrongfully: 恶意的流言会危及他成功的希望。它也用于不公平地或错误地对待另一个人:


My feelings are hurt我的感情收到了伤害。

Is that tight shoe hurting那只紧鞋把脚弄痛了吗?


Gypsy moths harm foliage 蛾对叶子有害。

Failure to pay his bills has harmed his credit 无法付帐会对他的信用带来损害。

④wound创伤伤口,尤指由于皮肤或其他表层被撕裂、刺伤、割伤或其他形式破坏而造成的损伤The soldier was wounded in the arm 这个士兵的胳膊受伤了。

3 ①common指习惯上的,经常发生的,被广泛使用的,或大家都知道的

a common problem; 共同的问题;

② ordinary 指种类普通且不能从其他中加以区别的。在后一意义上,它有时是贬义的:

A ballpoint pen is adequate for most ordinary purposes 原珠笔适合最普通的用途。

③ usual通常的,平常的经常碰到的、经历的或奉行的:

the usual summer heat 常有的暑热

④ general全体的,全面的与一个集团或类别的全部或每一成员有关系的、适用的、有影响力的:

4 scenery布景,道具布置;自然景物,天然风光

The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful 山里的景色非常美。


he scene of the crime 犯罪现场 ;a scene of prosperity一派繁荣景象

view视野; 视界

The house has a view over the sea 这座房子面向大海视野开阔。

I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside 我坐在汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光


What is your view on school punishments 你对学校的处罚有什么看法?


hoping for a sight of land; caught sight of a rare bird


Peace is in sight和平在望。Out of sight, out of mind眼不见,心不烦。Love at first sight一见钟情。

1open relationship是指跟一个人保持长期的恋爱关系,同时不排除与他人发生关系的可能性,但是双方都把彼此当成稳定的伴侣。


可能有些人很反感open relationship,觉得是不道德的。但我觉得也许还是观念的原因吧。




另外,有些人反感open relationship可能是因为他们错误地将其和到处留情或是滥交等同起来了。



2开放式婚姻(Open marriage)可以简单理解为结婚后夫妻双方约定不受传统的一夫一妻制的限制,对待性生活方面所采取的随意生活方式,即性生活随意,互相不约束。

Open marriage,是夫妻双方的选择,不在这段关系中的人没有任何立场评判(人家夫妻俩并没有睡你家的床,吃你家的饭,种你家的田)站在关系的角度,这是两位的自由意志。


Open marriage,是你一种选择,但绝不是你婚姻进行不下去选择的另一种打开方式,不说一生一世一双人,不提执子之手,与子偕老。只谈问题与解决问题,不逃避不闪躲。



另外一种“开放式关系”是指双方目前没有其他伴侣但同意保持炮友关系“亲密友谊(英语:Intimate friendship)”,炮友又或者称为性伴侣是指可能包含性关系的传统友谊关系。


另外一种“开放式关系”是指双方目前没有其他伴侣但同意保持炮友关系“亲密友谊(英语:Intimate friendship)”,炮友又或者称为性伴侣是指可能包含性关系的传统友谊关系。





- He's got a lot of honey in the bank(他在银行里有很多钱。)




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