




★Craigie hill——Cara Dillon★


★When you say nothing at all——Ronan Keating★

Ronan Keating 曾经是风靡全球的偶像团体Boyzone的主唱,拥有许多辉煌的成就与头衔:歌手,词曲作者,还曾做过Westlife的经纪人等等。一个专为音乐而生的爱尔兰人。在WESTLIFE之前,几乎没有人不知道一个由五个帅气的小伙子组成的团体Boyzone,正是因为他们的成功,也成就了爱尔兰流行音乐,也为WESTLIFE等开辟了道路。单飞后的Ronan Keating并没有停滞不前,各种荣誉接踵而来,其中这首被称为是他个人音乐的标志的为**《Notting Hill》演唱的单曲''When You Say Nothing At All' 为他赢得了众多殊荣。随之,一系列专辑的推出使他称为欧美音乐界顶尖的,具有创作天分的流行歌手。


★Moonlight shadow——Dana Winner★


★Should It Matter——Sissel Kyrkjebo★


★She——Groove Coverage★

德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。原本不知道。。。后来才发现原来那首网络紫透的《God is a girl》就是他们的作品,这首歌相信不用我多介绍了吧!!!

★Love In December——Club 8★

瑞典的一男一女清新民谣团体Club 8的“Love in December”(十二月之恋)


★down by the sally gardens ——Calum Malcolm★

此歌是根据Yeats(叶慈,1865-1939,爱尔兰剧作家、诗人,获1923年诺贝尔文学奖)的同名诗歌〈Down By the Salley Garden〉谱曲而成,最初翻译为《柳园里》,是Yeats早年的诗作。他的早年诗歌韵律优美,感情细腻,辞藻华丽,象征意味浓郁,明显受到英国浪漫主义和法国象征主义诗歌的影响。

喜欢神秘园的人一定听过这首曲子,这首曲子的歌曲版有10来个版本,原版是Calum Malcolm的,很难找哦。。。如果有人找到的话告诉我啊!!!轻音乐版的苏格兰风笛版让我想起了《勇敢的心》那委婉柔美又哀伤的曲子!!!据说有人听了这首曲子自杀了。。。大家要把持住啊!!!

★Never had a dream come true--s club 7★

来自英国的S Club 7(七小龙),出道不到1年就得到全英音乐奖的肯定,可说是继Steps之后备受瞩目的男女混合组合。他们的专辑S Club在1999年5月份推出。其实,台湾歌手蔡依琳的“Don\'t Stop”,就是翻唱自S Club 7的冠军单曲“Bring It All Back”(买出300多万张~~差点追平SPICE GIRLS当年创造的WANNBE单曲的记录)。

从S Club 7的名字来看,就能知道他们是个7人演唱组。他们是乌龙Bradley、宝贝龙Jo、舞龙Tina、豆豆龙Jon(我的最爱!)、水灵龙Rachel、酷龙Paul和漂漂龙Hannah。3男4女、7个平均年龄不到20岁的年轻人,分别来自英美,其中部分成员还有亚洲、拉丁和非洲血统。他们自成立以来最常被问到的问题莫过于是“S Club 7”中的“S”到底是什么意思——“各种涵义都有可能,对学生而言S是Study Hard,当面临沮丧挫折时就要以Smile来化解,对我们来说,我们则梦想成为一个Super乐团!”


★I Could Be the One -Donna Lewis★

作者及歌手donna lewis是英国流行歌手兼词曲作者。这首歌节奏轻快,风格清新,配合donna悦耳脱俗的嗓音,成为绝对讨好大众的流行佳作!

donna lewis的声音宁静、臃懒,水一样的温柔,好象是躺在你怀里,轻轻地向你诉说心事一般 ,

★There You ll Be——Faith hill★











沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特(英语:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756年1月27日-1791年12月5日),出生于神圣罗马帝国时期的萨尔兹堡,欧洲古典主义音乐作曲家。


弗朗茨·舒伯特(Franz Schubert,1797年1月31日—1828年11月19日),又译弗朗茨·泽拉菲库斯·彼得·舒伯特,奥地利籍Germanen(日耳曼人),作曲家。



罗伯特舒曼(robert schumann,1810年6月8日—1856年7月29日),19世纪德国作曲家、音乐评论家。舒曼自小学习钢琴,7岁开始作曲。





路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770年12月16日—1827年3月26日),出生于德国波恩,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一,欧洲古典主义时期作曲家。









1、In a Broken Dream--Kathryn Williams(女声)

被誉为“英国民谣第一夫人”的Kathryn Williams 清澈干净的翻唱In a Broken Dream 细腻优伤

2、Sugar Man--Rodriguez(男声)




4、In the End--Dexter's Moon(男声)

Dexter's Moon是偏执的浪漫主义者,擅长诗化歌词,在忧伤情境化的氛围中唱出低调的忧郁之声

5、Different Stars--Trespassers William(男声)

梦吟般的轻柔小调 旋律优美,透露淡淡阴郁舒缓且带有迷离的特质

6、Isabelle--Gregory And The Hawk(女声)


7、Day Is Done--Nick Drake(男声)

几乎所有人都用“孤独”来形容Nick Drake 的音乐,他的演唱总让人有种遥远疏离的感觉,彷佛他只是在唱给自己听“孤独”可以很美丽,也可以很残忍,因服用了过多的抗抑郁剂,Nick Drake 在26岁时英年早逝,生前仅出过3张唱片,真是天妒英才!

8、Back to Beginning--Damien Rice & Carrie Tree(男女和声)

来自爱尔兰的忧伤…合作的女声是Carrie Tree 很流畅动听 但似乎又伤心要死的一首爱尔兰民谣,唤醒你的梦想,回到开始

9、Love Is Dead--Brett Anderson(男声)


10、Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes--Beck(男声)





Rock music began in the United States in 1950’s, but it has influenced and in turn been shaped by a broad field of cultures and musical traditions, including gospel music, the blues, country-and-western music, classical music, folk music, electronic music, and the popular music of Asia, Africa, and Latin America In addition to its use as a broad designation, the term rock music commonly refers to music styles after 1959 predominantly influenced by white musicians

There is basic agreement that rock is a form of music with a strong beat, but it is difficult to be much more explicit The Collins Cobuild English Dictionary, based on a vast database of British usage, suggests that rock is a kind of music with simple tunes and a very strong beat that is played and sung, usually loudly, by a small group of people with electric guitars and drums, but there are so many exceptions to this description that it is practically useless

Other major rock-music styles include rock and roll, the first genre of the music; and rhythm-and-blues music (R&B), influenced mainly by black American musicians Each of these major genres encompasses a variety of substyles, such as heavy metal, punk, alternative, and grunge While innovations in rock music have often occurred in regional centers such as New York City; Kingston, Jamaica; and Liverpool, England, the influence of rock music is now felt worldwide


Classical music is probably more familiar than we might at first imagine Indeed, nowadays it is all around us, whether it be in restaurants, supermarkets, lifts, for advertising or as theme and incidental music on television A great deal of film music either directly uses or draws from the 'classical' tradition; a good example of the former might be '2001: Space Odyssey', and of the latter, the many scores John Williams has composed in recent years for such blockbusters as the Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies

In the vast and wide-ranging world of 'classical' music there is truly something there for everyone - pieces which once discovered represent the start of an exciting and irresistible journey which will provide a lifetime's listening pleasure For example, those who are particularly excited by hearing instrumentalists working at full stretch will thrill to the likes of Liszt and Paganini, or if something a little more reserved and self-contained is required, the chamber music of Haydn or Mozart would be a good starting point If a full symphony orchestra in overdrive is more to your taste then Tchaikovsky or Richard Strauss could well fit the bill, whereas those who have already warmed to Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' might well try the music of some of the great Italian's contemporaries such as Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach or Domenico Scarlatti Whatever your tastes may be, there has never been a better time to start building a 'classical' music collection on CD

Any attempt to define what is meant literally by the term 'classical' music is fraught with difficulty How does one encapsulate in just a few words a musical tradition which encompasses such infinite varieties of style and expression, from the monastic intonings of Gregorian chant to the laid-back jazz inflections of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, from the elegant poise of Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik to the despairing, heightened emotionalism of Tchaikovsky's "Pathetique" Symphony One is treading on very dangerous ground indeed if one pre-supposes that it is simply 'superior' to other musical types such as popular, jazz, rock and the like, let alone the music of other cultures

In general 'popular' music may be as clear in expression as the longer examples of 'classical' music One important difference, however, lies in the logical connection that exists in 'classical ' music between the beginning and end, with the latter a logical extension and development of the former 'Popular' music, on the other hand, tends to present its material without development, the music ending when interest is exhausted

Sadly, whilst 'classical' music is socially undivisive in itself, it has unfortunately become associated in most people's minds with the intellectual elite Even now, and with certain honourable exceptions, the attending of a 'live' concert can be an intimidating (not to say costly) experience for the uninitiated, especially in that most jealously guarded of establishments, the opera house The wonderful thing about the technological age in which we live, and particularly the advent of the compact disc, is that we can bypass all irrelevant social and intellectual pretence, and enjoy in the comfort of our own home (often at far less cost) some of the finest music ever composed

With such a breathtaking variety of material available, it is an awesome task to know just where to begin your disc collection, and as a result expensive mistakes are often made as tempting looking purchases turn out to be something of a disappointment This is where the Naxos catalogue really comes into its own, and where it is hoped this guide will help prospective purchasers to make an informed choice about the kind of music they are likely to enjoy

The Naxos label provides a library of high quality performances of music by the great masters in modern digital sound; accompanied by authoritative and user-friendly booklet notes and at the lowest possible price There are already nearly 600 titles from which to choose, and with new releases emerging at the rate of about eight every month, even the enthusiastic collector is well and truly catered for With every historical period and genre covered, there is something in the Naxos catalogue for everyone, especially those who wish to build a truly representative collection of the central masterworks in the 'classical' tradition


Born in America, jazz can be seen as a reflection of the cultural diversity and individualism of this country At its core are openness to all influences, and personal expression through improvisation Throughout its history, jazz has straddled the worlds of popular music and art music, and it has expanded to a point where its styles are so varied that one may sound completely unrelated to another First performed in bars, jazz can now be heard in clubs, concert halls, universities, and large festivals all over the world

The Birth of Jazz:

New Orleans, Louisiana around the turn of the 20th century was a melting pot of cultures A major port city, people from all over the world came together there, and as a result, musicians were exposed to a variety of music European classical music, American blues, and South American songs and rhythms came together to form what became known as jazz The origin of the word jazz is widely disputed, although it is thought to have originally been a sexual term

Louis Armstrong:

One thing that makes jazz music so unique is that it’s focus on improvisation Louis Armstrong, a trumpet player from New Orleans, is considered the father of modern jazz improvisation His trumpet solos were melodic and playful, and filled with energy that could only result from being composed on the spot A leader of several groups in the 1920s and 30s, Armstrong inspired countless others to make the music their own by developing a personal style of improvisation


Thanks to early records, the music of Armstrong and others in New Orleans could reach a broad radio audience The music’s popularity began to increase as did its sophistication, and major cultural centers around the country began to feature jazz bands Chicago, Kansas City, and New York had the most thriving music scenes in the 1940s, where dance halls were filled with fans that came to see large jazz ensembles This period is known as the Swing Era, referring to the lilting “swing” rhythms employed by the Big Bands


Big Bands gave musicians the opportunity to experiment with different approaches to improvisation While members of a Big Band, saxophonist Charlie Parker and trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie began to develop a highly virtuosic and harmonically advanced style known as "Bebop," an onomatopoeic reference to the rhythmic punches heard in the music Parker and Gillespie performed their music in small ensembles all over the country, and musicians flocked to hear the new direction jazz was taking The intellectual approach and technical facility of these pioneers of Bebop has set the standard for today’s jazz musicians

Jazz Today:

Jazz is a highly developed art form that continues to evolve and expand in numerous directions The music of each decade sounds fresh and distinct from the music that preceded it Since the days of bebop, the jazz scene has included avant-garde music, Latin jazz, jazz/rock fusion, and countless other styles Jazz today is so diverse and broad that there is something unique and interesting about every artist’s style






《Rehab》 Amy Winehouse



《River: The Joni Letters》 Herbie Hancock



《Rehab》 Amy Winehouse, songwriter (Amy Winehouse)



Amy Winehouse

无疑,Amy Winehouse成了这次GRAMMY的最大赢家最近负面新闻频出、因护照和健康问题被迫留在英国而未能亲临格莱美颁奖现场她在自己所得到的六项提名中一共命中了五项(年度最佳唱片、最佳歌曲、最佳新人、最佳流行女歌手、最佳流行演唱专辑),追平了去年The Dixie Chicks所创造的不俗成绩。

不知道是不是为了安慰千里之外的Amy Winehouse,一贯守旧、后知后觉的格莱美评委们竟给了这位有“毒后”之称的个性歌手五项大奖,这在以往是并不多见的哦。



《Rehab》 Amy Winehouse (还是她)


《What Goes AroundComes Around》 Justin Timberlake



《Makes Me Wonder》 Maroon 5

把我迷的神魂颠倒的Maroon5除了有型还是有型!推荐歌曲:she will be loved, this love, makes me wonder, sunday monring, wake up call, i won't go home without you


《Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)》

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss


《The Mix-Up》 Beastie Boys


《Back To Black》 Amy Winehouse



《LoveStoned/I Think She Knows》 Justin Timberlake


《We Are The Night》 The Chemical Brothers



《Call Me Irresponsible》 Michael Bublé




《Radio Nowhere》 Bruce Springsteen



《Icky Thump》 The White Stripes


《The Pretender》 Foo Fighters


《Final Six》 Slayer


《Once Upon A Time In The West》

Bruce Springsteen


《Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace》 Foo Fighters


23、最佳R&B女歌手 ,最佳R&B歌曲

《No One》 Alicia Keys


顺便提一下NO ONE这歌,标志性的钢琴原声伴随鼓点的缓缓进入,Alicia极具灵魂味道的唱腔加上感人旋律,极易在心底找到共鸣,我是哭着把这歌听完的 )


《Disrespectful》 Chaka Khan Featuring Mary J Blige


《Daydreamin'》 Lupe Fiasco Featuring Jill Scott


《Funk This》 Chaka Khan


《Because Of You》 Ne-Yo




《Stronger》 Kanye West



《Umbrella》 Rihanna Featuring Jay-Z



《Good Life》

Kanye West Featuring T-Pain


《Graduation》Kanye West

(这张专辑的封面超级可爱的!!一只卡通版的小黑熊!估计是Kanye West自己的化身,他好多专辑的封皮上都是那只小熊...)



《Before He Cheats》 Carrie Underwood

(这是特别爽的一首歌。歌词里被欺骗的女人把男人狠狠地整了一通,再加上Carrie狂野愤恨的演唱,真是让人听着不禁叫绝。个人觉得Carrie Underwood和Kelly Clarkson简直太像了,长的像,声音像,就连处理歌曲时的小技巧都那么相似)


《Stupid Boy》 Keith Urban

(Grammy每年评出来的乡村音乐我都特别喜欢,淡淡旋律里面带出深邃的感情,简单的乐器配搭却能给你的心灵带来强烈的震撼,就象原来爱上过的<<Bless the broken road>>,它会让你眼泪慢慢地,静静地流淌下来)


《How Long》 Eagles




《Love》(The Beatles)


《Love You I Do (From Dreamgirls)》

后面还有新世纪类,爵士类,灵乐类,拉丁类,蓝调类,民谣类,雷鬼类,世界音乐类,波尔卡类,儿童类,朗读类,喜剧类,音乐剧类 都不太了解也就不多说了

夏雨 104

热浪假期 104

Ichiban兴奋 104

海底深 103

桃红结他 103

冬令时间 107

精选 108

18变 108

爱情当入樽 108

二人世界杯 108

千金 110

夏日狂哗 110

狂想曲 111

救生圈 112

大红大紫 112

我决定走了 113

德州的故事 116

一时无两 116

丢架 117

星星月亮太阳 117

鱼蛋歌 118

梨涡浅笑 119

女仔歌 120

明爱暗恋补习社 121

乱世佳人 122

朋友的爱 124

饮歌 124

大浪漫主义 125

士多啤梨苹果橙 126

眼红红 130

幼稚园 130

黑色喜剧 131

天下有双 133

女人味 128

双失情人节 137

零4好玩 137

我们的纪念册 138

森巴皇后 145

女校男生 147

多谢失恋 147

恋爱大过天 151

见习爱神 152

你不是好情人 160

小心爱 160

星光游乐园 175

八十块环游世界 179

飘零燕 184

下一站天后 209

我很想爱他 260

我们相爱6年 566

宝贝不是他 9786

你不是好情人 519

桃红结他 548

非君不嫁 749

热浪假期 260

你不是好情人 386

眼看心勿动 444

自以为是 508

我决定走了 231

Burn It Up 174

天下有双 193

我不储钱 166

夏雨 149

你不是好情人 7127

跅跅步哈姆太郎 38

200%的咒语 46

光之美之女 51

热浪假期 8103

光之美少女 15507

幼稚园 161

救生圈 124

一时无两 93

今天星期几 91

一个人看** 98

一时无俩 128

黑盒子 146

森巴 130

流金摇摆 177

一个人看** 205

森巴 209

一时无俩 185

今天星期几 187

流金摇摆 232

你最勇敢 219

翱翔的小鸟 211

变身派对(OKWAP手机广告曲) 243

你最勇敢 277

变身派对 590

八十块环游世界 926

八十块环游世界 1353

我很想爱他 2135

我很想爱他 3144

下一站天后 1784

恋爱大过天 940

风筝与风 953

大浪漫主义 768

我们的纪念册 812

一时无两 596

女人味 720

幼稚园 695

假如让我说下去 547

啼笑姻缘 536

爱情当入樽 278

Opening 368

多谢失恋 241

Medley 259

救生圈 440

倾心 503

爱是最大权利 485

森巴皇后 493

士多啤梨苹果橙 412

丢架 191

失忆谅解备忘录 176

三人行 170

好事多为 172

千金 151

作词人的错 128

夏日狂哗 109

Ichiban 兴奋 105

梦想黄金屋 1570

程咬金 845

作词人的错 789

天对地 516

海底深 708

佳偶天成 595

德州的故事 597

寻宝 260

幼稚园 3400

一时无两 3515

寻找莫札特 1513

红睡星 203

快乐红白蓝 160

黑色喜剧 654

森巴(“森巴皇后”国语版) 759

森巴皇后 761

救生圈 745

热粉红 104

一点一滴 96

两星期 78

咖啡迷 83

狂想曲 153

大红大紫 1065

梨涡浅笑 561

明爱暗恋补习社 549

风筝与风 569

双失情人节 584

明爱暗恋补习社 523

风筝与风 729

朋友的爱 641

恋爱大过天 646

恋爱大过天 803

乱世佳人 1036

我们的纪念册 1206

眼红红 1209

女校男生 1252

大浪漫主义 1285

多谢失恋 1335

饮歌 165

Girls - Boy’Z 160

变变变 178

友谊第一 223

士多啤梨苹果橙 243

Medley:夏日狂哗/Show Up/零4好玩 263

饮歌 422

多谢失恋 135

和平日 110

Ichiban兴奋 119

乱世佳人 124

女校男生 127

眼红红 134

陈永仁 89

慌心假期 80

Kids Medley:Little Indian Boys/Head And Shoulder Kness and Toes/Bingo/Five Little Ducks/Twinkle Twin 83

大浪漫主义 74

童子军 99

Medley:爱情当入樽/二人世界杯 91

你讲你爱我 94

我们的纪念册 108

Beautiful Day 107

下一站天后 22486

人比人 58

Medley:你讲你爱我+千金+明爱暗恋补习社 66

明爱暗恋补习社(After School Mix) 89

盲头乌蝇 119

明爱暗恋补习社(Assembly Mix) 160

香浓 173

无敌超人 413

同样的两个梦 512

只要我长大 1366

数彩虹 549

一半女生 583

莫斯科没有眼泪 27534

瓶中沙 2686

星光游乐园 9104

见习爱神 12731

精选 471

18变 126

追女仔 126

冬令时间 83

音乐家贝多芬 77

Everybody Jump 83

齐来手牵手 81

Fishes, FishesWhere Are You 86

美国总统华盛顿 93

Three Blind Mice 39

How Do You Do 59

Ring A Ring Of Roses 58

科学家牛顿 56

Froggie Froggie 57

Our School Will Shine 57

Three Little Kittens 55

How Much 52

To The Circus 52

The More We Get Together 53

Table And Chair 42

The Train 43

I Have Got Six Pence 47

I Had A Little Nut Tree 49

When I Was A Young Girl 67

Sunny Day 65

Goodbye To You 61

Starry Skies 61

Friends 64

天地骄阳 73

爱全能 144

安全感 144

施比爱 135

爱无敌 114

约会自己 85

07 奥运 90

美丽无比 106

受之有愧 109

拍住上 300

烈女 604

女人味 1814

丢架 1195

我爱你 124

I’ve Got No Strings 9

The Music Room 11

Hide And Seek 12

The Hokey Pokey 13

Ten Green Bottles 13

The Library 14

Did You Ever See A Lassie 14

Cuckoo Clock 14

伟大的发明家 - 爱迪生 14

Can Tou Tell Me What This Is 15

By The Beach 16

Merry Go Round 16

Are You Sleeping 19

护士之母 - 南丁格尔 19

Ding Dong Bell 20

Follow Me 20

I Have Two Hands 20

童话作家 - 安徒生 20

Donkey Donkey 21

Boy & Girl 21

Sing A Song 24

On The Way To School 24

Good Morning To You 28

陈永仁 60

Gimme 5 69

蜜月 72

世界儿女 89

轻功 115

帅哥无用 (国语) 162

双失情人节 1672

士多啤梨苹果橙 852

饮歌 737

零四好玩 215

两个好 195

Do Re Mi 416

Bingo 136

得意忘形的蚊子 119

Old MacDonald Had A Farm 126

Auld Lang Syne 90

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 90

Colour Song 90

Little Bird 85

葡萄园的农夫 74

Head And Shoulder Knees And Toes 63

The Morning Song 56

I Saw Three Ships 56

Baa Baa Black Sheep 53

ABC 55

Two Little Eyes 55

Finger Song 50

Hickory Dickory Dock 48

Oh! Suzanna 49

背盐的驴子 54

Looby Loo 45

Silent Night 51

Row Row Row Your Boat 41

Hust Little Baby 36

You Know What I Mean 60

慌心假期 75

Beautiful Day 86

香港纽约 93

三角圆舞 114

乱世佳人 149

高温瑜伽 145

夏日狂哗 168

你讲你爱我 651

朋友的爱 598

You`re My Sunshine 1205

If You Are Happy 286

Jingle Bells 143

Long Long Ago 127

Ten Little Inidan Boys 114

Mary Had A Little Lamb 88

Happy Birthday 88

Red River Valley 88

My Bonnie 90

London Bridge Is Falling Down 73

Hello How Do You Do 82

Five Little Ducks 83

The Farmer In The Dell 58

I Went To School One Morning 55

The Muffin Man 56

This Is The Way 52

This Old Man 53

自取其辱的乌鸦&老鹰报恩&旅行者与熊 51

The Mulberry Bush 47

Skip To My Lou 65

A For Apple B For Boy 66

怪你过份美丽 55

明暗补习社 remix 44

盲头乌蝇 remix 31

和平日 90

飞线 135

有所不知(Disney卡通 135

爱情当入樽(Air Mix) 129

女校男生(Back To School Mix) 198

我们要睡觉 190

多谢失恋 1128

千金 918

我的爸爸妈妈 570

女朋友 548

咩世界 146

那天很爱笑 164

童子军 90

讲玩 102

下一站天后(Charlene独唱版) 10735

下一站天后(Twins合唱版) 4292

风筝与风 2721

恋爱大过天 2395

NO1 96

快熟时代 148

换季 145

星星月亮太阳 716

女校男生 991

学生手册 210

暗恋补习社 308

爱情当入樽 244

百试不厌 495

人比人 476

Melody Fair(一碌蔗插曲) 182

朋友仔 2331

跅跅步哈姆太郎(哈姆太郎主题曲) 610

大红大紫 638

梨涡浅笑(一碌蔗插曲) 537

ICHIBAN兴奋(日清合味道杯面广告主题曲) 541

魔法王国 136

200%咒语(哈姆太郎片尾曲) 130

你是我的UFO(国) 95

你是我的UFO(日清UFO广告主题曲)O 106

活动教学 105

发梦见到你 150

友谊第一 559

二人世界杯 595

分飞燕 1069

眼红红 875

我们的纪念册 812

哥哥 185

高手看招(古龙群侠传广告主题曲) 498

没法做足一百分 308

神奇两女侠 435

孖宝668 237

着睡衣跳舞 1115

大浪漫主义 156

涉谷车站见 102

跳舞街 2049




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