Tourists have been evacuated from one of the most iconic bridges in Paris after it began to crumble under the weight of thousands of 'love locks'。
法国巴黎最具有代表性的“爱情桥” 因为不堪诸多“同心锁” 的重压,开始发生部分垮塌现象,游客们已经被从桥上疏散。
提起法国,人们的第一联想就是浪漫:塞纳河边的散步,香榭里舍林荫下的低徊,酒吧里的慢酌,咖啡馆里的细语---。法国式的浪漫无一例外地与鲜花、烛光、香水、拥吻联系在一起。只有你真正到了法国,才会发现其实法国人的这些浪漫表达体现了他们对优雅、精致、舒适生活的追求。 初到法国时,很不习惯他们的亲脸礼节。男人与女人之间,女人与女人之间,无论初见、再见或是分别,总会彼此贴一下两边的脸颊,同时伴随嘴里响亮地“啵“一声,法语称之为“BIZOUX”(必租)。到得后来,入乡随俗,虽然那声“啵”无论如何学不标准,但对亲脸却习以为常,而且还慢慢体会出它的好处来。这种近距离接触无形中拉近了陌生人之间的距离,能使原本可能拘谨的气氛马上缓和起来;而好朋友之间再加上拥抱,更觉得亲切。无疑,在非正式场合,这种礼节是结交朋友的敲门砖。 鲜花是法国人生活中不可或缺的东西。与其说是点缀,不如说上生活的一部分。集市上,大街上,超市里,随处可见卖花的店面或摊位。那些花儿或是插在花筒里,或是各种花扎成花束,颜色之鲜艳,种类之繁多,让人眼花缭乱,叹为观止。走在路上,常常可见怀抱一束花的男人,面露微笑,眼含温柔,此时的他一定是心中充满柔情吧?而收到花的人又将是怎样一种心情呢?家中有花的日子,即使在再阴霾的天也将是阳光明媚,法国人深谙这一点。不论花的贵贱,不论生活贫富,只在花瓶里插上几支姹紫嫣红,整个房间即被照亮。 香氛,是法国人生活的另一个方面。作为世界上最大的香水生产国,法国人的香水消费量也位居世界第一。他们对用香的讲究已达到无与伦比的地步。且不说冬夏有别,昼夜有别,光是配套使用的香氛产品就让人瞠目结舌:同一种香型同一种品牌的肥皂、沐浴乳、按摩膏、体霜、面霜、淡香水、香精、熏香油---陈列在货架上,林林总总,目不暇接。男人、女人、年轻人、年老人,每个人都想让自己的味道与众不同,个性张扬。而当人们劳累一天回到家里,点上香熏,沉浸在充满香气的热水里,空气中弥漫着自己喜欢的香味,那种放松,那种惬意!对香氛的追求已在不经意中变成了对生活的实实在在的享受。 法国人无论用什么买什么都讲究色彩和气氛的搭配,穿衣戴帽如此,日常生活中的一些琐事也是如此。比如请客吃饭,讲究的家庭会端上色彩雅致、做工精细的陶瓷餐具或银制餐具:餐巾与餐桌布是成套的,刀、叉、勺、盘、碗也是搭配得完美无缺;有些单身汉则使用一次性纸餐具,但花形图案颜色同样完美融合,反映着主人的个人品位和喜好。每个家庭几乎都备有烛台,蜡烛有高矮胖瘦,各色各样,完全随心情而用。朋友小聚时点上几枝蜡烛,弹上几首曲子,烛光曳曳,人影婆娑,乐声缈缈,偶尔呷上一口红酒,酒不醉人人自醉。 其实,法国人的浪漫无处不在。在街上行走,随时可以见到激情拥吻的年轻情侣,他们那种旁若无人的忘我情景只会引人羡慕;也常常看到发色苍苍的老夫妇携手挽臂,躅躅而行,那自然又是另一种让人感动的浪漫;甚至商店橱窗竖立的身穿情侣装的模特情侣,超市货架上一排排精心摆置、颜色协调的用品,街头广告牌上匠心独具、创意无限、令人浮想联翩的广告,还有街角那家橱窗和内部装饰一周一变换的小小点心店以及那一款款小巧精致、点缀鲜艳水果的甜点,--- 目之所及,无处不映现着他们在不经意中流露出来的优雅。 浪漫已经渗透于法国人生活中的一点一滴。它是一种优雅,一种从容。在法国人的眼中,浪漫已不是为了达到某种情调的可以追求,而是融于生活的每一时刻,每个方面,是一种的现实的生活方式。 『异国风情』浪漫的法国 作者:梦中的你 提交日期:2001-4-4 16:49:28 版块刚刚开张,一时之间,也不知道要写些什么才好。就慢慢地来整理出头绪吧。 法国是我们所公认的最浪漫的地方,偶然想起它,就先从这里开始吧。 法兰西共和国(La Republique Francaise),位于欧洲大陆西部。它三边临海,三边靠岸,领土的六边形体就首先给了我们一些它特有的味道。 法国是欧洲浪漫的中心,它的悠久历史、具有丰富文化内涵的名胜古迹及乡野风光吸引着许多向往着那里的人们。风情万种的花都巴黎,美丽迷人的蓝色海岸,阿尔卑斯山的滑雪场等也都会为我们留有一丝幻想。 法兰西共和国始建于5世纪。它在15世纪末形成中央集权国家。 1789年曾经爆发过资产阶级革命。此后,先后建立过五次共和国和两次帝国。1958年第五共和国诞生。第二次世界大战前,法国是仅次于英国的第二号殖民帝国,殖民地面积等于本土20倍。战后,法属殖民地大部先后独立。 法国的巴黎圣母院、星形广场、埃菲尔铁塔和凡尔赛宫,都极具意义代表着法国的悠久文化历史,它们所蕴藏的奥秘与文化内涵,都曾令人类为此自豪和慨叹。 每一个国家都有自己的民俗,法国是香槟酒、白兰地酒的故乡。法国人认为除夕之夜家中若有剩酒,来年便要交厄运。法国最名贵的菜是鹅肝,法国人最爱吃蜗牛和青蛙腿。 法国时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆,制作技术高超,使法国时装一直引导世界时装潮流。在巴黎有2000家时装店,老板们的口号是:“时装不卖第二件”。而在大街上,几乎看不到两个妇女穿着一模一样的服装。目前高级时装最有名的有:“吉莱热”、“巴朗夏卡”、“吉旺熙”、“夏奈尔”、“狄奥尔”、“卡丹”和圣洛朗”。近年来,特别引人注目的是巴黎女郎的裙子,其式样之多。款式之新,在别国很难见到。法国人是把收入的最小部分用于穿着的欧洲国家,法国人一般很注意服装方面的鉴赏力,也接受比较便宜的而不十分讲究的仿制品。 哺养庞物在我国现今的家庭中开始有了一定的潮流,然而当今的法国家庭,对小动物的恩宠更加悉心,且不惜耗费巨金收买哺养。法国现今有一半以上的家庭中都饲养着各种小动物,总头数在3000万只以上。1/3的家庭养狗,狗的数量已近4万条。各种狗医院、狗服装店屡见不鲜。但是,动物不仅给法国人带来了乐趣,也造成一定灾难。法国每年发生狗伤人的事件50多万起。 但法国人却仍然与他们的庞物保留着很深厚的感情。 法国是一个讲文明礼貌的国家。对妇女谦恭礼貌是法国人引以自豪的传统。法国人见面打招呼,最常见的方式莫过于握手。不过握手时一是握时间不应过长,二是没有必要握住人家的手使劲晃动。一般是女子向男子先伸手,年长者向年幼者先伸手。上级向下级先伸手。 法国是第一个公认以吻表示感情的国家。法国人的吻有严格的界限:他们在见到久别重逢的亲友、同事时,是贴贴脸或颊,长辈对小辈则是亲额头,只有在爱人和情侣之间,才亲嘴或接吻。 法国的婚俗也有其独特的方工。法国人结婚前要先行订婚,订婚的仪式比较简单,一般由女方的家长宴请男方的家长及兄弟姐妹,也可同时邀请其他亲戚、甚至一两名好友出席。现在法国的婚礼也已慢慢趋向简单化,但却仍不失为最隆重的家庭节日,带有庄严神圣的色彩。婚礼由市长或他的一名副手主持,习惯上是在周二、四、五、六早9时至下午5时之间。婚后也同样会大宴宾客。法国农村有的地方在婚前要签订财产婚约并办理公证。婚约中要写明未婚夫妇的全部财产、未婚妻的嫁妆和未婚夫的产业。婚龄纪念在民间已成为一种喜庆的风俗。女子守寡300天后,或宣布与丈夫分居300天后可以再嫁,男子则无时间上的限制。 每年11月1日是法国的圣灵节,它相当于中国的清明节。法国人习惯上在这一天去墓地祭奠,缅怀为国捐躯的先烈。 法国还有一个节日叫做圣喀德琳娜节。它是巴黎“大龄女青年”的节日。每年11月25日这一天,年满25岁而尚未婚配的姑娘们到喀德琳娜塑像前献一束鲜花,再到大时装店跳舞,饮酒狂欢,最后会选出一位最美的姑娘作为节日的王后。 每一个国家都有其不同的历史,每一个国家都会蕴藏着不同的文化历史与背景,慢慢地探究,原来生活真的是可以以丰富多彩的面孔面对我们。 法国人很喜欢喝酒,他们对酒有着特殊的爱好。 法国是产酒大国,其葡萄酒产量居世界之首。法国白兰地和香槟是闻名于世的美酒。法国也是酒的消费大国,据统计,就葡萄酒一项,平均每个法国人一年消耗量就超过75公斤。 在法国,许多家庭有酒窖,里面珍存着各种好酒。在生活比较讲究的家庭里,有大小不同、颜色各异和度数高低的众多的瓶装酒作为陈设品,有的数以百计,琳琅满目,令人眼花缭乱。 在大小饭店和餐馆里,餐桌上摆放的菜单只有二三页,但酒谱却是洋洋大观,厚厚的一本 法国人不仅喜欢喝酒,而且喝酒的方式也别出心裁:饭前有饭前酒,吃时有送饭酒,饭后有饭后酒。除了饮酒的程序外,还要根据上菜的品种喝相应的酒。如果是鸡、鸭鱼类(呈白色),就喝白酒;如果是猪、牛、羊肉(呈红色),则饮红酒。一般居民尤其是体力劳动者,经常在中午劳动者,经常在中午吃饭前,到附近酒店喝一二杯酒下午下班后,又照例去喝一二杯,每天喝好几次酒。
1 描述法国的某个特点的英语作文
France officially the French Republic is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe, and that is further made up of a collection of overseas islands and territories located in other continents Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and North Sea, and from the Rhine River to the Atlantic Ocean French people often refer to Metropolitan France as l'Hexagone (the "Hexagon") because of its geographical shape France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain In some of its overseas parts, France also shares land borders with Brazil, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles France is also linked to the United Kingdom via the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel The French Republic is a democracy which is anized as a unitary semi-presidential republic It is a highly developed country with the fifth-largest economy in the world in 2005[2] Its main ideals are expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen France is one of the founding members of the European Union, and has the largest land area of all members France is also a founding member of the United Nations It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council wielding veto power, and it is also one of only eight acknowledged nuclear powers这是描写法国的 Green Olympics Olympic Games, as we all know, is a historic sports meeting "Green Olympics", is one of the three themes of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games At present, people's life is being flooded with exhaust gas from automobile, blue film, waste water and so on Owing to these phenomena, we should advocate "Green Olympics", and I am positive of this point Two possible reasons are as follows Firstly, environmental protection benefits people's health In terms of increasing number of trashes around us, such as white plastic bags, one-off cups and chopsticks, it is sensible of disposing of them reasonably So we ought to use clean technology, renewable and recyclable materials Secondly, environmental protection is crucial to our country, and even to the world Lots of countries attached more attention to embrace the Olympic spirits---"higher, faster, and stronger" well In conclusion, as college students and the young generation, we should try our best to advocate "Green Olympics" The 2008 Olympic Games will be a green and unique Olympics 这是奥运会的。
2 描写法国的英语作文Last summer I went to Paris with my parents I was very excited and happy
Since we don't speak French, we joined a tour to Paris It last a week
We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace Louvre and Palace Versailles I like palace Louvre most because I saw Da Vinci's the Last Supper there I also liked the Eiffel Tower because we could see most part of Paris at the top
We also sightsee many churches Honestly, seeing church after church bored me to no end
The trip was mostly enjoyable I promise myself to go back to Paris again Next time, I am going to stay longer and will not join a tour Paris is such a big city that I want to take a closer look
That trip was a memorable one!
3 用英语写一段介绍法国的短文~France is a developed contry,and it is very beautifulIt is said that franch is very romance ,so I think it also is a romance contryThere are a lot of famous people e from France,such as Voltaire(伏尔泰)、Jean-Jacques Rousseau(卢梭)and so onThis contry has lots of tourist spots,many people e around the world to visit here every year France is the world's fourth largest economic, trade, financial and technological powerNevertheless, the French remain contemporary political, economic, cultural and technological power, the world remains a blue star。
4 写一篇英语作文,去法国旅游的,要求不知道你想要什么程度的,我就按我自己的想法写了This winter vacation I went to French with my family French is a romantic place where I have expected to be there for long time And before I arrived there, I did some homework to know some basic knowledge about the local place Then we got to French by air and arrived at nine o'clock the next morning We traveled a lot of beautiful places and ate delicious food We went to the Louvre Palace, and saw the painting of Mona Lisa It's a really great experience。
5 用英语写一篇有关法国的文章法国是访问量最大的国家,在世界上。
这一地区产生许多著名的葡萄酒,包括宏伟的黑皮诺noirs和chardonnays价值世界各地,以及著名的“黄酒”从汝拉山区的葡萄园。 该中心的法国在许多方面是最安静的一部分,法国。
但伟大的瑰宝,这一地区是卢瓦尔河谷,与许多伟大的城堡和美丽的城镇。 chartres与著名的大教堂和旅游率最美丽的法国城市。
France is the most visited country in the world It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on France is also a very pleasant place to stay It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands The Grand' Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the pla West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comtand Burgundy regions The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Stra ourg, Nancy and Dijon This region produces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees The Provence is dotted with pleasant all villages In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays The Languedoc has its own language and culture In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination。
6 用英语写一段介绍法国的短文~France is a developed contry,and it is very beautifulIt is said that franch is very romance ,so I think it also is a romance contryThere are a lot of famous people e from France,such as Voltaire(伏尔泰)、Jean-Jacques Rousseau(卢梭)and so onThis contry has lots of tourist spots,many people e around the world to visit here every year France is the world's fourth largest economic, trade, financial and technological powerNevertheless, the French remain contemporary political, economic, cultural and technological power, the world remains a blue star。
7 关于法国的英语短文france's performance in the 2002 world cup brought back painful memories of a time when france was a weak contender in world and european football – a time when national or club teams rarely won, and the french were renowned for having little interest in the game today, football plays a unique role in french society french players and coaches are highly sought after abroad an尝尝佰妒脂德拌泉饱沪d the national team has chalked up significant recent victories, including a world cup and european championship this book is the first in english to examine the extraordinary cultural, economic, and political history behind french football's development throughout the entieth century and up to the present day it focuses on the past enty years and concludes with a discussion of the fallout from the world cup 2002 imported from britain by the middle classes in the late nieenth century, football entered french national consciousness beeen the wars as with everywhere else in europe, the game helped to unite munities and fe new social identities although the state has generously supported youth coaching, the evolution of the professional sport has been slow due to tight munity control, high taxes and lack of ine from paying spectators in a bid to pete successfully in europe, the owners of france's big city clubs are seeking to mercialize the game, despite the resistance of central and local authorities hare traces the gradual evolution of traditional french football values and explores the impact of new and controversial business practices have french football's influential club chairmen sold out to business values and television why has the national team been so successful when club teams have not how are top clubs being re-branded to catch a national and international audience of consumers what role does the modern supporter play, and what are the links beeen busines en, politics and the mercialization of the sport what is peculiarly french about french football, and what does football tell us about france a good investigation is worth making。
8 谁能帮我写一篇关于法国的英语作文Paris City, river port, capital of France It is now located on both banks of the Seine River The original settlement from which Paris evolved, Lutetia, was in existence by the late 3rd century BC on an island in the Seine Lutetia was captured and fortified by the Romans in 52 BC During the 1st century AD the city spread to the left bank of the Seine By the early 4th century it was known as Paris It withstood several Viking sieges (885–87) and became the capital of France in 987, when Hugh Capet, the count of Paris, became king The city was improved during the reign of Philip II, who formally recognized the University of Paris с 1200 In the 14th–15th centuries its development was hindered by the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War In the 17th–18th centuries it was improved and beautified Leading events of the French Revolution took place in Paris (1789–99) Napoleon III missioned Gees-Eugène Haus ann to modernize the city's infrastructure and add several new bridges over the Seine The city was the site of the Paris Peace Conference, which ended World War I During World War II Paris was occupied by German troops It is now the financial, mercial, transportation, artistic, and intellectual centre of France The city's many attractions include the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Louvre, the Panthéon, Pompidou Centre, and the Paris Opera, as well as boulevards, public parks, and gardens 巴黎 Paris法国城市、河港和首都。
9 谁能帮我写一篇关于法国的英语作文Paris City, river port, capital of France It is now located on both banks of the Seine River The original settlement from which Paris evolved, Lutetia, was in existence by the late 3rd century BC on an island in the Seine Lutetia was captured and fortified by the Romans in 52 BC During the 1st century AD the city spread to the left bank of the Seine By the early 4th century it was known as Paris It withstood several Viking sieges (885–87) and became the capital of France in 987, when Hugh Capet, the count of Paris, became king The city was improved during the reign of Philip II, who formally recognized the University of Paris с 1200 In the 14th–15th centuries its development was hindered by the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War In the 17th–18th centuries it was improved and beautified Leading events of the French Revolution took place in Paris (1789–99) Napoleon III missioned Gees-Eugène Haus ann to modernize the city's infrastructure and add several new bridges over the Seine The city was the site of the Paris Peace Conference, which ended World War I During World War II Paris was occupied by German troops It is now the financial, mercial, transportation, artistic, and intellectual centre of France The city's many attractions include the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Louvre, the Panthéon, Pompidou Centre, and the Paris Opera, as well as boulevards, public parks, and gardens 巴黎 Paris法国城市、河港和首都。跨塞纳河两岸。鲁特提亚是最原始的居民点,位于塞纳河中一座岛屿,在公元前3世纪末就已存在。公元前52年罗马人夺占此地,并构筑要塞。公元1世纪时,该城已发展到塞纳河左岸。到了4世纪初,这里已被称作巴黎。885~887年抵挡住了几次维京人的围攻,987年巴黎伯爵于格·卡佩当上国王,巴黎成为法兰西的首都。腓力二世位期间,巴黎得到大规模发展,国王在1200年左右正式批准巴黎大学成立。14~15世纪时,因为黑死病和百年战争巴黎的发展受阻。17~18世纪城市有了进一步的改善并得到美化。1789~1799年法国大革命就是从这里开始的。拿破仑三世时,他命令奥斯曼把整个城市结构现代化,并在塞纳河上搭建几座新桥。第一次世界大战结束后,这里是召开巴黎和会的地方。第二次世界大战期间遭德军占领。现为法国的金融、商业、交通、艺术和学术中心。城内的许多景点包括埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫博物馆、先贤祠、篷皮杜中心、巴黎歌剧院,以及一些林阴大道、公园和花园。
Fontaine de Vaucluse,音译为Fontaine de Walrus。法国有最大最重要的地下泉水,也是世界第五大泉。泉水从山上缓缓流下,形成一条小溪,当地居民沿河而居,建造了这个看起来像天堂的小镇。清澈碧绿的湖水,耳边潺潺的流水声,餐厅和咖啡馆仿佛栖息在湖面上,清凉的湖水触手可及。