

Jacqueline 贾桂琳……愿上帝保护

Jamie 婕咪……取而代之者

Jane 珍……上帝是慈悲的 少女

Janet 珍妮特……少女 上帝的恩赐

Janice 珍尼丝……少女 上帝是仁慈的

Jean 琴……上帝是慈悲的

Jennifer 珍尼佛……白色的波 施魔法 妖艳 迷人的女人 太神奇了

Jenny 珍妮……少女

Jessie 婕西……上帝的恩宠 财富

Jessica 杰西嘉……上帝的恩宠 财富

Jill 姬儿……少女 恋人

Jo 乔……恋人

Joan 琼……上帝仁慈的赠礼

Joanna 乔安娜……上帝仁慈的赠礼

Joanne 希伯来……上帝仁慈的赠礼

Jocelyn 贾思琳……愉快的 快乐的

Jodie 乔蒂……非常文静 赞美

Josephine 约瑟芬……增强 多产的女子

Joy 乔伊……欣喜 快乐

Joyce 乔伊丝……快乐的 欢乐的

Judith 朱蒂斯……赞美 文静之女子

Judy 朱蒂……赞美

Julia 朱丽亚……头发柔软的 年轻

Julie 朱莉……有张柔和平静脸庞的

Juliet 朱丽叶……头发柔软的 年轻的

June 朱恩……六月






































我的前世也许是只鸟。 —如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。出自**《手札情缘》。



[ 你走的那天,阳光如此灿烂 躲在黑暗里的我 竟然相信了你那句 “祝你 幸福”]

The day you left , I hide in shadowThere is full of beautiful sunshine outside, which make me even believe yours '' wish you happy "

[ 对你的爱 是无休止的追逐 奇怪的是 即使知道总也追不上你 也觉得 很幸福呢 ]

The way I like you , it is like playing carouse I wonder why even I know I will never catch you , but still I feel lucky

You're always with me

你喜欢我 陪了我这么久 即使我骄傲 自私 做作的时候 你都在


"最喜欢早上 好像什么都可以重新开始




我是傻瓜还是糊涂蛋 明明是那麽认真地快乐与担忧过 怎麽就这様彻彻底底地忘记了呢

爱是旅程 彼此要好好地对待 因为要结伴走很长的路




在这之前 我 到底是谁 你 出现我 眼前 一瞬间 一切都改变

为什麽快乐也会流下眼泪 灌溉了我的荒野 开满了玫瑰 我不累 我不睡 我不休息 我不合眼 我不想浪费 每一秒 在这 有你 的世界

你是否 正在爱着某人呢 如果是的话 一定要很用力 很用力地爱

可是毕竟不是用 windows media player

不可以暂停 不可以后倒 也不可以重来

原来过得很快乐 只我一个人未发觉

我深知 快乐 没有寂寞长久坚强

我在每一个地方 想你 人很多的时候想你 自己一个人的时候 你更是成了思想的主角 这样的你 让我羡慕

回想 和你在一起的 时光 发现连夜都更黑

只是 我会在 这个时候 遇见 你么

即使是 这样 我也很开心 因为 带著我到处走的人是你


还能 更坚强 能 更幸福

有的时候 我觉得 所谓的幸福 都是别人眼裏的

我们总是很容易觉得别人幸福 觉得自己可怜

看到 灯塔的时候 我会很自然地想起你 只是 现在 我觉得 就算有天你不再指引我了 我也能找到回去的路

有些人你会很认真地相信 他们会一辈子在一起

如果你 喜欢我…… 是不是 就会……也会这样想

[ 高106米 一圈15分 52个舱 你 在世界的顶端 抱住了我 ]

Height 106M , time of one round 15min , number of gondola 52 You cuddle me without notice , when we come up to the top of sky

这些 是你给我的爱2

[ 阳光充足的 三千高尺 我突然明白了 我不能坐在 悲伤的你 身旁 ]

I just can't sit by your side , to see your sorrow under such beautiful sunshine

[ 他说 如果我为你偷来全世界的云朵 你会爱我吗 ]

{He will do anything he can to see her smile}

[ 她说 不 ]

If I bring all the cloud of the world for you will you love me


[ 我要去 有你的未来 ]

I am on my way to future , where you are there

[ 我把喜欢你的那些 小心思 抽成了驼绒 在想你的时候 织成了围巾 ]

[ 谁知道 最后只是 温暖了自己 ]

Do you know that I love you

是的 我很清醒 不论是公转还是自传 潮涨还是潮退 不论是暖流改变气温带来鱼群或者海水淹没岛屿失去踪迹 不论是我的世界车水马龙 繁华盛世还是它们都瞬间消失化为须臾 我都会坚定地走向你 不迷惑 不慌张 不犹豫

My mind is clear No matterwhat happens ,I well always walk towards you, unwavering,unhurried, and unhesitant

你出现的时候“哔”的一声 世界就只剩下我们了

When you show up, it seems only you and me left in the whole world

If walking with you,every street seems like no end for me

一起看**时买的薯片 放到保鲜袋里干燥保存 两天过期

一起逛花街买的清香栀子 天天浇水晒太阳 花开一季

一起拍的宝丽来相片 小心翼翼的藏进相册里 几十年后过期

那么 一起制造的回忆 只剩下我一个人保管 多久……会过期呢?

You left me alone in my memory

Spring tickles your nose

Summer whooshes through your sleeves

The sky stands high in the fall

By the time we realize,most of the winter has passed

如果你喜欢的人 不喜欢你

那么就算全世界的人都喜欢你 还是会觉得很孤独吧

If the person you like doesn't like you,

wouldn't it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you

If you can't find it,don't be too sad

We can't always have what we want…it's just life

爱也像咖啡啊 你要细心烘焙打磨 然后小心翼翼地煮 它才会美味 咖啡末本身也是咖啡的一部分你要享受咖啡的味道就也要忍受咖啡末儿的酸涩口感 不过只要你把咖啡放一放 咖啡末儿就会沉到杯底……恩 我是说 如果你口渴了 应该喝水咖啡是用来享受的

——真的是一个悲伤的 故事 难道玫瑰不喜欢小王子么?为什么她 不好好喜欢他却一直刁难他?既然小王子那么爱玫瑰为什么会狠心离开他呢?

——玫瑰当然爱小王子 不过当你真的喜欢一个人的时候 就会想很多 会很容易办蠢事说傻话 更别说 那个人像小王子那么可爱 玫瑰很温柔其实她只是不知所措罢了 至于小王子 他还太小了 不明白玫瑰的温柔 他的离开也许并不是坏事 “爱”有的时候好像买新衣服要站在远处才能看清

后来 我终于能接受 我们不会再在一起这个事实 我想我唯一能做的就是 继承那些你拥有的让我着迷的品质好好地生活下去

他就那样的 笑着说 “我们都会一天天 变老 然后死掉 多好”

He was laughing, just like that,

"We will all grow old with the passing of each day ,and dieIsn't that great"

不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没有开

Don't walk too slowly,the flowers will wilt;

But don't walk too fast either, then the flowers won't be blossoming yet

——觉得 好寂寞哦 你做我的朋友吧

——不行 我太喜欢你了 不能和你做朋友 之前当我是朋友的人 我把他们都弄丢了我不想 有一天把你也弄丢

I thought about it,and told him honestly,"NoI like you too much to be your friendThere have been so many friends that I've lost before,and I don't want to lose you either"


找工作 找住处 找恋人 找一段记忆 找一个梦

有一些在找另外一个人 还有一些在找自己

有一些人在找东西 但是他们也说不清自己在找什么

Everybody is looking for something

Looking for a job,looking for a place to stay,looking for love,looking for a piece of memory,or looking for a dream

Some people are looking for someone else,and some are looking for themselves,

Some are looking,but they can't even tell what they are looking for

不知道 如何爱你 看着你 是我唯一的方式

I don't know how to love youLooking at you is the only way I know

现在 执着追求的事 将来必定有一天变成 不重要的

The things that we persistently chase after now,will become unimportant someday

我的一个朋友说 人死的时候 能带走的只有回忆

我觉 得回忆只是在 当下影响我们的感受 带不走 也留不下


不过 爱一朵花就为她浇水 喜欢一朵花就把她摘下来


喜欢一朵花就把她摘下来 讨厌一朵花夜会把她摘下来

希望 迷路的时候 前方有车 可以让我跟随

冷的时候 有带电热毯的被窝

拉肚子的时候 就离家不远

困的时候 有大段的时间可以睡觉

不知道说什么的时候 你会温柔的看着我 笑我词穷

不可爱的时候 会适可而止

寂寞的时候 知道你在爱我

I hope to have a car in front of me to follow when I'm lost;

I hope to have a blanket to snuggle into when I'm cold;

I hope to be close to home when I have the stomach flu;

I hope to have great stretches of time to sleep when I'm tired;

I hope to have you watching me gently when I don't know what to say;

I hope to know to stop in time when I'm not being good;

I hope to know that when I'm feeling lonely,you still love me

所谓人生 便是取决于 遇见谁

The so-called "life",all depends on who you meet

那些我本来说好 我很喜欢很喜欢的人



会不会 就在我做别的不重要的事情的时候 把他们忘记的时候

他们已经死了 或者说 对我 死了心呢

不要让那个喜欢你的人 撕心裂肺地为你哭那么一次

因为 你能把他伤害到那个样子的机会 只有一次 那一次之后 你就从 不可或缺的人变成 可有可无的人了 即使他 还爱你 可是 总有一些真的 东西改变了

我知道有一天我会忘记你 我没有期盼 我没有悲伤 我只是知道了而已 恩

I know that one day I will forget you

I don't have anticipation

I don't feel sad

I just know,that's all

我一直相信 等你出现的时候 我就知道是你

I've always believed that when you show up,I will know that it's you

那些我们一直好奇 而又有一些惴惴不安的未来 有时候 在我心里 隐隐约约地感觉到它们是明亮的

The future that we are curious and worrying about the same time,will be bright

Or so I sometimes feel in my heart

如果 只是我呢 如果只是 味道 眼神 拥抱 泪水 笑容 你做的吃的 在一起的时间走过的旅程 住过的城市消磨的时光

那些 陪我一起傻过的人 你们在我身上 留下了什么

我要不要死心塌地地找回你 还是微笑后坚定地转身 从此变得聪明

之前那个我 和现在的我之间的距离 被许多细小琐碎的事填充着

这些都是 你给我的 爱吧

The distance between the me from before and the me right now,is filled with all sorts of little things

All of them ,are the love you've given me

这是安东尼的 他很有爱 望支持

We Have to Say Goodbye

No rose, no diamond ring, that’s the simple and romantic love stories in college The graduates have to face the approaching of June, a time to farewell their beloved When their future is confronted with love, which one is more important What will the lovers do in June


Don’t cry, my baby

There are so many love stories in college If the lovers met each other by note passed, the story was called “note love”; if they knew each other in fast food restaurant, then “fast food love”; if they became lovers in a picnic, then “picnic love” Liu Bing got to know Xiao Yu through QQ chat, and they got the so-called “QQ love”

Their love story started at the end of 2nd Grade Liu failed again in CET4 test and felt very upset So he entered an Internet cafe near the school to kill time While he was roaming about on the net, a stranger asked him through QQ, “May I chat with you” Then he began chatting with him or her Liu poured his trouble out and the other side appeased him patiently and asked him not to be discouraged, for there was still chance After that, they promised to come to chat at 8 every day and it lasted for a week Liu felt very happy On the seventh day, the other side asked him, “Do you want to see me” Liu typed “Yes!” without any hesitation “Then you can turn your head back” And Liu saw a lovely girl, whose name is Xiao Yu

However, with the approaching graduation they also face a difficult choice Xiao Yu is a local girl and her home is in Wuhan While Liu Bing comes from Xi’an They are both the only child in their family Their parents aren’t against their being together, but both wish their kid being at home They quarreled about the orientation furiously and the focus of their conflict always was which city they would choose Xi’an or Wuhan They were up a gum tree and couldn’t come to terms

Finally, Liu and Xiao Yu went to the Internet cafe and they were still back to back this time When Liu typed out “Let’s break up”, Xiao Yu couldn’t restrain her tears any more

Still a long way to go

Chen Li has been unhappy recently With the coming of graduation, she’s become even more depressed She and her boyfriend Jia Hao don’t have a special story; they got to know each other in the library Both of them enjoy learning and staying in the library They would go to cinema or walk on the streets at weekends Three years have passed quietly They promised to take the postgraduate exam to Beijing at the 3rd grade Unfortunately, Chen Li failed because of 2 points margin in English

Jia Hao wanted Chen to go to Beijing with him and take exam there Considering the economic condition, Chen thought it would be better to stay on campus On the one hand, the living expense is lower here On the other hand, she is familiar to the surroundings and can set her heart at studies

At night, thinking that her lover would leave for Beijing, Chen Li’s tears fell down her cheeks silently, making her pillowslip wet all over Although Jia Hao encouraged her over and over again that she would succeed at the second try and they would reunion in Beijing, however, he said so at the last time Will their love still go on in case she fails

A new life for us

Different from those sorrowful lovers, Ye Qing is like a happy bird flying in and out of her dormitory She and her boyfriend were in the same class in high school Fortunately they both came to Beijing though not in the same university They’re not far from each other, although they can’t be very much in love every day like other love birds Ye Qing feels contented that they can spend weekends together Sometimes, Ye Qing would call her boyfriend and asked him to see her in half an hour and bring some snacks passingly

Her boyfriend majors in the pop Communication He has been employed by a well-known communicating corporation in Shenzhen Ye Qing hasn’t found a satisfying job, but they’ve planed that she also goes to Shenzhen to hunt a job As a major in Economic and Trade English, Ye thinks it not difficult in finding a job such as secretary or assistant As far as buying house and car, she told us secretly, “He promised that I needn’t consider that kind of things”

To the moment they have enough time to wile away Ye has decided it was time to make up for the past 4 years’ loss of romance Now they’ve been shopping around, going to movies and playing badminton every day Seeing her boyfriend being “tortured”, Ye felt as happy as a princess in fairy tales

Point of view

Hu Juan, graduate of 2002

My love came to the end with the coming of graduation Nobody could taste my sorrow at that time I felt I lost the man I loved most in the world Such is not the fact I worked, fell in love with another guy and then got married Looking back on my love in college, I found that we were just in the same camp on entertainment While my husband and I are living our lives

Liu Xiaoming, graduate of 2003

I’ve been married Of course, my wife was my girlfriend in the university We had been in love for 3 years Compared with other husband and wife, we feel it a superiority to own each other’s past We would talk about our university life and recall dribs and drabs Whenever we recollect together, we could feel each other’s heartbeat And the expression in our eyes would become very gentle The beautiful memory will always nourish our marriage

Li Rong, senior

It’s enough that each love starts with a beautiful beginning As for whether it will come to an end, I feel it unnecessary to think too much Love out of campus doesn’t always have a happy ending Therefore, when love comes, we should enjoy the pleasure of loving When love comes to an end, we could also taste its grief of parting Tears taste sweet as long as you love your life

Wang Qin, senior

I don’t have a boyfriend, but some boys are wooing me I feel they’re not my cup of tea, so I refused I have a wish that they could give me a hug before I leave by train when I graduate I admire those who are in love on campus and at the same time I felicitate myself on not choosing at random During the four years in university, as long as you live in earnest, you won’t regret, whether you own love or not, whether your love has future or not
















Do not look at me with a secular perspective, because you can not see through

Don't look at me with the eyes of the world, because you can't see it


1:I you谁也别想让我离开你。

3:Have the opportunity to there is hope

4:Tell a joke to commemorate my讲个笑话纪念我

5:Beauty is like a rich stone best plain set美貌就像是宝石,不用装饰更好。

6:You make me a ent I saplete fragments心碎的声音就像是气球被扎破,然后留下残缺的碎片。

21:Betray me,I pany you to the old-我有颗陪伴你到老的心。

27:SmileIts easier than explaining Me Cry,Just to be the next to be with you〖只想成为下一个永远陪伴你的人〗

38:Is missing you in the dream在梦里想着你

39:With my strong I give myself to the world待我强大我给自己天下


You dont laugh tears aan is me make you her cry


I wouldnt say love, but I said is true。


The thorough revenge is to forgive and forget


He is no longer my world, because my world collabrsed


I love men had married my mothernbsbr;


Keebr long hair love red eyes through lovenbsbr;


Fool,The brerson I love best is you。


Music is my escabrenbsbr;


Every story has an end, but in life every ending is a new beginning




Sharing the beauty of the e anything, before fate, then memories


If the deer has no horns, if I have no you, if the forest is black, I eone else, that person is still you


ent of flint, it's okay to go from an


Love is a etimes, life can only be a hindsight, but ent is missing a lifetime


Laugh, for some people It's just like a mask


The grievance that can be said is not grievance; the love that can be taken a you , both can be discarded


Lost oneself once, in order to make oneself better understand the way ahead


When I first saw you, the sky was a little restless and my heart was a little thumping


Age here, how to hope for love, is also the ashes never to revive



Change my heart, give me a heart of stone。


Love is two things, not their own solo。


I like to laugh, the kind of unrestrained laughter。


No, because I endure tears, smile very embarrassed。


The tin bus is hard, soft and supple。


In fact, he is a child, the pain will cry baby。


I do not bother, just love feeling too obvious。


War: bite it with your tongue!


Some people, some things。 See, also underestimate。


Back not to, not once I, but once we。


To youth without regret, the guy must be brave。


When the time, now it still has a my sorrow。


Dont treat me as a good person, because in addition to their own everyone may be bad。


passing by your love, for a long time for a long time, I still remember that tender。


Teacher, when you put on this robe, you are my people。


But the wound in my heart, but no one can heal。


You are the scenery, I am a tourist, can not avoid let me through。


After losing to know to cherish, all understand, why should do so?


Give me a fulcrum, I put Alice neighbor kid car into the ditch, save him see me on the horn。


Drunk before the wine is thick, loved only informed。 You cant be my poem, just as I cant be your dream。


My strong is separated by a door, the tears are not on the down。


And humble love you。 Can not satisfy you, but the arrogant and hypocritical heart!


Wine is empty, color is empty, my wife and people go; money is empty, gas is empty, the phone has no money。


Just those who never look up at the stars will not fall into the pit。


Women not only to their own good, but also to their own ruthless。


Never had a thing to go, only to have no mood to go。


Workers work, small boss to do things, the boss in the city, big boss to do potential - you are what kind?


I turned over and over again you give the map, but can not find my home。


Im busy making others happy, but I forget my good。


This age, love too early, say love and feel too little。


Time, not let people forget the pain, but let people used to。


The best friend in the world, is the one who asks you to eat five cents。


At the time, I often ask myself, had decided to come to the earth, what is right or wrong。


My wife wants to see the lightning, with a kitchen knife cut wire。


When you need me to accompany you, I need you when you are?


In a bad mood, go to the school gate to kick a bike, kick a row。


Theres nothing in the world, and its not permanent。 Just look for a reason。


In class, someone handed a note, I really want to see the contents of the flat he wrote: in it?


Flirt with hot chicks like hanging QQ, two hours a day, her bubble will soon be the sun。


When the kite is tired of the sky, whether you threw into the sea。


When I tried to smile in the face of life, I found myself laughing is so ferocious。


Look at the green mountains and rivers near far, far see Lushui Hill show ones teeth, close look with spots。


Want to go on a trip without you。 Want to be born again for yourself。


I am chowhound how, none of your business, its not like you to support me。


Take me through the most memorable trip, and then leave the most painful souvenirs。


Like a song, a lot of time is not because like, just by one way, to miss a person。


Dream of eating noodles last night, second days to find the shoe is gone。


There is no such a person, you hear his name, will suddenly silent。


Real forget, not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, there is no waves in my heart。


Internationally, there is really a man who is attached to you, love you, but not close to you。


Success is a kind of idea, become rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power。


We used to talk every day, but now we do not know the same as。


We always for the so-called dream, to give up the most simple happiness。


Five pieces of chewing gum can not only fill the stomach, but also to lose weight。


Is there such a person around you, you angry he was happy?


Who like me, do not stop to change the signature, in fact, just want to let a person feel。


The world is still a big encounter you, the world is still a little lost you。


The people who know you know you are not your friend, but your enemy。


The wealth of knowledge of happiness belongs to, trust and emotional communication is the cornerstone of marriage。


There is no one like me, in order to a no results of the persistence and perseverance。


On the way, to see the world; on the way, recognize themselves。


You dont have to like criminals in exile, has loved me is suffering。


Sometimes feel like a nervous, not only to their own, but also disturb others。


Youth is a beautiful sad, I didnt cry, but the tears flow down。


I love him, but he does not like me, every time he broke up with others, I accompany him。


My dream is: let each Japanese drink a glass of milk every day。


Good woman is a school, good man graduated can teaches。


If my hand accidentally touch your hand, you will escape, still subconsciously hold。


We are all actors, in someone elses story, I shed tears in my eyes。


A man is like a woman choose shoes dont fit me, finally, only you know。


We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the outcome。


A person who dare to listen to the truth, need courage, a man who dares to tell the truth need courage。


Sometimes, even if separated, or think hes in your side, watching you。


Tired of the mountain is not far away, but a grain of sand in my shoes。


Be nice to yourself, because no one else has the ability to make you happy。


Stone tells us: those who really love the last are scattered, always mix finally reunited。


Man is a greedy animal, get this, and forget that, reluctant to three words delayed the number of people。


Heart words, said it may be a poem, may be a history, it may be an oath, but in the stomach will certainly become feces。


Intend to open innovation business, one or two out of ten people favor when you can start, before its too late。


Those who have been on the age of the people, mostly against too much, too long to negotiate, the action too late, regret too early。


What is the failure of the monk, the people around whether the enemy is still friends all want to send him to the west。


Each persons life has many dreams, but if one constantly troubling you, the rest is just for action。


You can lead the industry having foresight in hindsight, struggling to catch up, to be eliminated or imperceptibly。


Love like deposit the money in the same pitiful, lonely and desires are the same as the loan kept active。



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