

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter Named after the Roman god of agriculture, its astronomical symbol 。represents the god's sickle Saturn is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that of Earth[ While only one-eighth the average density of Earth, with its larger volume Saturn is just over 95 times more massive

题目:Romantic Meteor Night(意译:浪漫流星夜)

内容:When you look at this article,please don't be so surprised,my dearBecause I have already fallen in love with(爱上) youBut I don't have enough courage to face you to express(表达) my love,maybe I‘m too timid(胆小)I write a letter for you,and I think you could understand thay why I do thisSometimes, I imagine that you and I sat on the lawn(草坪)one night,we are looking the stars in the skyThe night is very beautiful,and you,my best love,say to me:"Why does the stars in the sky look so beautiful"And I would just say:"Because of you,you are the most beautiful person that I think in the world "Aren't you the most beautiful person in the worldThen I will imagine(想象)there is a meteor(流星) shower(雨) in the sky,and you looks so cute that let my heart beat too quicklyAnd then,you fall asleep(睡着了) quietly(静静地),I would just say"I love you,my dear"What a romantic meteor night!


Exploring outer space

Star gazing and curiosity about the space were from the very ancient times of human history, it wasn't new at all In October 4, 1957, the USSR (Soviet Union) successfully launched Sputnik I, a space satellite into the Earth's orbit but the first manned spaceflight was not until 1961, when again, the USSR launched their first space craft with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin

Ever since then the space race between the USA and the USSR were nonstop, which has cost both countries a great deal After the breaking up of the USSR, The space race has become Russia against the USA, but then the late comer China also has joined in the fun

As the matter of fact the space exploration over the years has not advanced a lot It has been confined to the inner and near space due to the limitness of the space travel technology Mainly and the most useful thing that had been gained from all these were sending satilites into Earth's orbits for communications use and other purposes Ever since the first satellite Sputnik I had been sent to the space, now our Earth's orbit is trashed by countless of all kinds of satellites, apart from communications satellites, there are weather satellites, Earth Science satellites, military satellites and others These kind of space satellites apart from military use ones were mostly funded by private enterprises for commercial uses

The outer space explorations have been dominated by both USSR and the USA for a long time, and the first country successfully with human landed on the moon was the USA Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, stepped out from the landing craft of Apollo 11 onto the Moon on July 20, 1969 But after that there were no more further progress until now, no man has ever went pass the moon into further outer space Also after the retirement of the USA's space shuttle in 2011, there are now only China and the Russians have the human spaceflight capabilities

The outlook for the space explorations will now be mainly focused on private space programs though it seems rather flourishing People were talking about civilians space travel for quite some time For those people who can afford to pay half of a million dallors or more for a ticket, they will soon be able to have a spaceship ride into the space and back But the thing is, apart from having enough money to pay for the journey, you must have a good health too and willing to go through an intensive astronault's training before you are allowed to step into the spaceship!


The Universe has a lot of suns and planets But most of it is stil dark The Milkway galaxy is a very small part of it but a very great part for human beings to explore The solar system is very small in the Milkay Still it has eight planets including th earth The colsest planet to the earth is Mars and closest celestial body is the moon Human beings creat spaceships to explore the space Till now human beings had landed on the moon but there is still a long way to land on the Mars It's so fantastc!


In the Jack London to write this book - "Call of the Wild", I walked into a dog's world Dog named Buck, was a St Bernard and Scotch shepherd dog of mixed blood The difference is that Barker is not the fantasy of human mythology is full of dogs, nor are interspersed in the human society, the role of dogs as a friend, but in the snow in the northern part of the life stories of dogs shocked with readers Barker had grown up in the South a judge's home, where Buck enjoying abundant life, universal respect for, and take the crucial importance of status to all human beings in the north because of the yellow metal find a change With a somewhat aristocratic atmosphere for the first time Barker has suffered rude treatment, it was sold to a person abducted guys there wear red wool sweater Followed by repeated blow to stick meal, once again to play it fainted From Buck to understand a truth: that holding the stick in front of him there is no hope I would like to stick that is a key one for Buck to understand the nature of the original key, it learned the rule of law of the jungle of the original rules, while giving the body hidden in the wild Barker is gradually waking up If the stick is a key, then Buck's companion is the body of this course, Professor Barker was again complete the transaction It adds a pull-sled team, and from peers groping in a plethora of survival Dog Park Church, how it stealing to comfort empty stomach In fact, Barker is not like stealing, in order to be able to eat right and wrong, he can not be stolen Billy from the dog there, Buck quickly learned how to quench their thirst in the snow, ice-breaking techniques such as the Kap Shui Here I would like to mention a Spitz dog, because from its body, Buck "learning" to a lot, so that in the twilight of the Buck remembered the original killings Spitz is a dog sled team in the first row, that is, leaders It is to Barker as a potential rival, always provocative finding fault, surface and good, the actual cruelty At first, for Sri Lanka are always horses everywhere Ci Bake patient, try to avoid head-on collision On the one hand, he learn from the other hand, the body's instincts as a provocation revived again and again Gnawing the end of their ancestors, tear, and wolf-style assault on it alive to Spitz Doudao of Once the wild awake, it cries from the depths of the forest will be constantly tempted with Barker, it was a bleak one weird and tells the people chilling tone, can be very happy to Buck howl along with them Powerful primitive animal behavior on it is a growing sense, in a hunt, the Buck tasted kind of bloodthirsty lust and pleasure gained by killing eventually become a long long The existence of competition in human society and human with the spirit of upward is a manifestation of the ancient wild bar Wild, is that it brings the desire to conquer all things and barbarism Like Buck, like, when all the facts are telling the world it is only when the conquerors and the conquered, from the depths of the indomitable nature of the fighting has been awakened, because it knows that all this is that the value of life In today's competitive society, winning in a flash, leading to humans can not have the slightest hesitation, breathing with the face of crisis can only be brave to accept, and ultimately conquer the wild but it is not only cruel, it also brings the age-old friendship, can be said that the crystallization of ancient civilization When the last owner, John Buck died, he look up to heaven, sent a long howl This growl is a sad, is loyal, is stirring Deep sense of love of John Buck Wild is another means of expression The nature of recovery, the author depicted the coordination of a gradual nature makes the whole story at one go, people let them go, was also in that slow and orderly process, made this call for strong and far-reaching implications, people have to create some kind of association, would like to to explore their own nature, and want to face it So I want to say life is paradoxical that the world is complex, but this complex world is that there are naturally created by the easiest way The world is that it is full of vitality, while the world into hell, no different is that it - wild It has cunning, but also loyal; it brings brutal, but also brought the friendship So be it, this is real life, colorful, bright and prosperous





狗派克教会它如何偷食以慰饥肠。其实巴克是不喜欢偷,为了能吃饱他是非偷不可。从狗比利那儿,巴克很快学会了如何在雪地里破冰汲水解渴等技巧。这里我要提到一只狗斯匹茨, 因为从它身上,巴克“学”到了很多,让在朦胧中的巴克记起了原始的杀戮。







The Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal In many places people like to set off firecrackers Dumplings are the most traditional food Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes They can also get some money from their parents This money is given to children for good luck People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ” People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest


春节是中国最重要的节日。它是为了庆祝农历的新年的。在除夕,各家都会聚在一起吃团年饭,许多地方的人们喜欢燃放鞭炮。饺子是最传统的食品。孩子们非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们可以吃美味的食物并穿新衣服。他们也可以从他们的父母那儿得到一些钱。这笔钱是为孩子祈求好运的。人们将春联贴上墙壁以求好运。春节持续约15天。人民探亲访友互道“恭喜”.人们很喜欢春节,在此期间,他们可以好好休息。 An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the significance of health maintainence Just as the basic need of human beings for survival , like food to prevent starvation , and clothing to keep away from cold , being healthy is one essential element , which would be easily ignored Here , tips for keeping good healthy are to be : work regularily and rest adequately , keep in good hours and have a healthy diet If you do not intent to get yourself sick , exercising every moring would surely be the best way to prevent disease Often can be seen that there are senior folks jogging and playing Taiji on the square or garden And many young peers would much like to take sports gathering , such as table tennis and badminton , instead of spending the whole night getting drunk in bars And as is known to all , tobacco an alcohol are the two greatest evils that creat negative affections on our health Thus a man should definitely be sure of what to eat and what not , what to drink and what not Besides , joining a family outdoor pinic in a shining weekend would be a lovely way to keep psychologically/mentally healthy Anyway , health is the most precious gift that man can ever have


Recently, we discover the aliens on the planet They looked like human, but they have blue skin and six fingers each hand They have strong power, so they can run very fast They also have high technology, so they can help us solve some problems If I can, I will ask them to help us to clean our air, because the air polution is very severly in China And I also hope they can invent a new vehicle that generate lower pollutant to replace the car It's also very important for us to have a healthy body, so I also want to ask them how they make there body strong in order to make us become stronger

  Astronaut Wang Yaping god ten flying, and space docking, beauty teacher, as China's first space with own experience teaching space science knowledge, her powerful voice through the clouds, passing to the country and every corner of the world, let our the earth mother and for shock It should be said that this is China's space sector feat, it not only marks the Chinese have been able to skillfully use of manned space technology, also means that our country's aerospace science and technology has put out an olive branch to the education field

  In fact, the space is not to teach in China first astronaut As early as in 1986, the United States, has formulated the "challenger" "teacher in space" program, female teachers cowley, drafted by lucky Counterproductive, however, not only does livni failed to smooth realization space, even because of accidental explosion, "challenger" become the victim of a space experiment 21 years later, the teacher Barbara Morgan and space, and taught in the endeavour to human history of the "space" the first class Although the whole process only in just 25 minutes, but it has epoch-making significance, opens the new chapter of human space journey The Wang Yaping as an excellent representative of Chinese astronauts, 300 kilometers in space transmission of scientific knowledge, and all kinds of space experiments to show the charm of the universe, but also has inspired countless students interest in the mysterious space

  So, a compassso to reassure also But, personally to teach scientific knowledge with space lecture way, this also is only human to complete the modern history of the feat Confucius the almond shaped study how can think of one day, his successors will like the goddess of the moon towards the space, and on the space a compassso solutions All say "teacher is the most glary vocation under the sun", while Morgan and Wang Yaping sprinkle this career glory into space, lets the entire universe all bathe in the glow of your humanity

  If the vastness of the universe is a book of words, so powerful comprehensive national strength, solid space technology is the key to the wisdom of the book Wang Yaping teaching space, Wang Yaping has been opened for us a sense of space, she gave the "Chinese good voice" is infection and move around us each and every one However, the vast space and profound education significance is unknown to the cause of China's manned space put forward higher request Want to draw more nutrients from the universe, we must vigorously develop manned space and education programs Shenzhou 10 and we are looking for the the space adventures will we to more distant places, to make more places to be able to listen to the "Chinese good voice"

  神十飞天,太空对接,美女航天员王亚平作为中国第一位太空教师,用自己的亲身经历讲授太空科学知识,她铿锵有力的声音透过云层,传递到全国乃至世界的每一个角落,让我们的地球母亲也不禁为之震撼。应该说,这是中国航天事业的壮举,它不仅标志着中国已经能够熟练的运用载人航天技术,也意味着我国的航天科学技术已经向教育领域伸出了橄榄枝。  其实,太空授课并不是我国航天员的首创。早在1986年,美国“挑战者”号就曾经制定了“教师在太空”计划,女教师考利夫被幸运选中。然而,事与愿违,不仅考利夫没能顺利实现太空发声,就连“挑战者”号因意外爆炸,成为了太空实验的牺牲品。时隔21年之后,美国教师芭芭拉·摩根再战太空,并在“奋进”号内讲授了人类有史以来的“太空第一课”。尽管整个过程只有短短的25分钟,但是,它却具有划时代的意义,开启了人类太空旅程的新篇章。此次,王亚平作为中国航天员的杰出代表,在300公里的太空传递科学知识,并用各种太空实验向世人展示宇宙的魅力,更是激发了无数学生对神秘太空的兴趣。  师者,传道授业解惑也。但是,用太空讲课的方式亲自传授科学知识,这也只能是人类现代史上才能完成的壮举。孔子当年杏林游学时又怎会想到有一天,他的后辈会像嫦娥一样奔向太空,并在太空上传道授业解惑呢都说“教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业”,而摩根和王亚平却把这种职业的光辉洒向太空,让整个宇宙都沐浴在人性的光辉下。  如果说浩瀚的宇宙是一本书籍的话,那么强大的综合国力、扎实的航天技术无疑是打开这本书的智慧钥匙。王亚平的太空授课,王亚平已经为我们开启了神奇的太空之旅,她发出的“中国好声音”也正在感染和感动着我们身边每一个人。然而,广袤太空的未知以及教育意义的深远也给中国的载人航天事业提出了更高的要求。要想从宇宙中汲取更多的营养,就必须大力发展载人航天和教育事业。而我们也期待神舟十号的此次太空历险记将我们带到更遥远的地方去,好让更多的地方都能够倾听到“中国好声音”。

ch are the, her mother see not only not criticize her, but humorously said: "daughter! Where's your left hand" The little girl immediately put the book aside and have a good meal, and the mother and daughter both laughed



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