

he film begins in Halloween Town, a magical world inhabited by various creatures who make elaborate plans for a dark ceremony every year on October 31, hoping for each Halloween to be superior to the last Though the residents of Halloween Town are always up for a trick or a good scare, they never truly mean to hurt anyone with their holiday The land is led by Jack Skellington, a slender undead creature who is thought to be the scariest being in the entire world As the townspeople celebrate their annual ceremony, Jack feels depressed, wishes for variety, and wonders whether there is more to life than scaring people Meanwhile, Jack's secret admirer, Sally the Rag Doll, watches him from afar, although she is constantly abused by her control-seeking creator, Doctor Finklestein

While wandering in the woods, Jack and his ghostly pet dog, Zero, encounter portals leading to other holiday-themed worlds Jack accidentally enters Christmas Town, a land of eternal joy and winter, and is amazed by the population's joyous behavior Jack, wishing to embrace this culture, quickly returns to Halloween Town, where he presents the townspeople with his slightly inaccurate impressions of Christmas The townspeople, interested in the holiday, agree to celebrate Christmas this year

Jack decides to operate the holiday, eventually becoming obsessed with Christmas and deciding to usurp the role of Santa Claus Every resident is assigned a task, although Sally believes that his plans will lead to ruin There is some foreshadowing to suggest that she is correct; because the people of Halloween Town have lived all their lives by scaring people, the Christmas gifts and decorations they create are more frightening and grotesque than pleasing Jack ignores Sally's warning and commissions her to create his Christmas outfit Jack then assigns Lock, Shock, and Barrel, a trio of mischievous, child-like monsters representing trick-or-treaters, to transport Santa to Halloween Town They, after mistakenly capturing (and, on Jack's orders, returning) the Easter Bunny, successfully kidnap Santa Claus Against Jack's wishes and largely for their own amusement, the trio deliver Santa to the lair of Oogie Boogie, a sadistic, compulsive gambler who plots to play a game with Santa's life

December 25 soon arrives; although Sally attempts to stop him, Jack embarks into the sky on a coffin-like sled pulled by skeletal reindeer (all three created by Finklestein), hoping to deliver presents to children around the world; while the townspeople are overjoyed, Sally wanders off alone to be miserable As Jack begins delivering gifts, children are horrified by their monstrous, animated presents, while their parents believe Jack to be a monster attempting to imitate Santa Claus The military shoot him out of the sky, destroying his sleigh Although Jack is initially depressed, he realizes he is still the ruler of Halloween Town and can bring joy to the world in his own way

Sally attempts to free Santa, only to be captured by Oogie Boogie Just as they are about to be killed by immersion in a foul stew, Jack arrives and challenges their captor Oogie Boogie flees, placing his complex, sophisticated, deadly gaming machines in Jack's path as obstacles However, Oogie Boogie becomes tangled in one of his own machines and is (with Jack's intervention) split open, revealing himself to be merely an animated sackful of insects Most of Oogie's "bugs" fall into the stew and are boiled alive

Santa Claus, freed, reprimands Jack, and then sets off to correct Christmas by exchanging Jack's frightening toys for more pleasant playthings This he does successfully Jack and Sally return to Halloween Town, aided by a reformed Lock, Shock, and Barrel There, they kiss atop a spiral-shaped, flexible extension of land, while Zero looks on from afar Sally has been replaced in Doctor Finklestein's service by another mannequin, leaving her free to live with Jack

片名:Step up


导演:亚当·麦凯 Adam McKay

主演:钱宁 ·塔图姆 Channing Tatum

珍娜·迪温 Jenna Dewan

瑞切尔·格里菲斯 Rachel Griffiths

达米安·拉德克里弗 Damaine Radcliff




发行:Buena Vista**发行公司






Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠Introduction Sam is an architect in Chicago After his wife Maggie died of illness, Sam and his eight-year-old son Jonah move to Seattle to avoid the sad memories But he fails to cast off the deep sorrow because of his deep love for Maggie On Christmas Eve, Jonah calls to a radio program and tells the psychiatrist that he hopes his father could find a new wife At the MC's request, Sam tells his love for his wife Annie is a journalist in Baltimore, she happens to listen to the program and is deeply moved by Sam's sensitivity She can't help trying every opportunity to approach him This is a comic movie love story made in 1993 Tom Hanks, the Academy winner, and the sweetheart of Hollywood Meg Ryan, their wonderful performance makes the movie a heart-throb, and the songs in it are so beautiful that a thick warm feeling is made to encircle it 西雅图不眠夜 影片简介 萨姆是芝加哥的一名建筑师。在妻子玛姬不幸病势之后,他就带着八岁的儿子乔纳远离那个伤心地,来到西雅图,以避免触景生情,勾起难过的回忆。但是他对玛姬的爱太深了,他拼尽了全身所有的力量,还是深陷悲哀,无法自拔。在圣诞前夜,小乔纳拨通了电台的热线,告诉主持人他希望给父亲找一位好妻子。在主持人的请求下,萨姆吐露自己对妻子的深深爱意。这话正巧被安妮--巴尔的摩一家报社的记者--无意中听到了,她收听着节目,被萨姆的款款深情深深打动。电波切断之后,她回过身来,情不自禁地想方设法、通过各种途径,一定要把萨姆找出来……(但此时,安妮已和男友沃尔特定了婚。如何面对一往情深的未婚夫,如何处理这突如其来的意外情愫?安妮面临着抉择……)电子情书:现今的世界已进入了网络时代,人与人之间的交流更加的快捷、方便,剧中的男女主角就是相识在网络上,他们互相发送电子邮件,诉说心曲。那种方式看来是没有我们今天的QQ方便,不过我觉得那更有另一番情趣! Nowdays we are in the interent world and people cantact with each other in a more efficient and convinient way The mean actor and actress in this film are met through the net, they contact and talk with each other by emails that method didn't seem convinient that the QQ we uses today, nevertheless I found it very interesting in another way 影片一开始,两个人都是在男(女)友出门后,迫不及待地打开电脑,查看自己的电子邮件,那种急切的心情,就像个贪吃的孩子,等父母出门以后,悄悄地打开饼干筒偷糖吃一样,又像恋爱中的少女,按捺住跳动的心,急急地撕开恋人的来信! The film starts with two people, they couldn't wait to turn on their computers and checking their emails straight after their current girl friend ad boy friend are out That urgent feelings are just like a kid wanted to have a candy, waited until their parents are out, they quietly to steal the candy's from the round box to eat It was also like a girl in love, hope her breath tear off the envelop to read her lovers letter 在网络上,他们无话不谈,互相诉说自己的烦恼,自己的开心。我总认为,人们在网络上更容易敞开自己的心扉,当然前提是2个人互相吸引。虽然互相看不见对方,可是心的交流却能让彼此心灵相通,真切地感受到对方的存在!那种知心的感觉,我以为在现实中也未必能得到! On the internet, they talk about everything, about their worries and happiness I've always thought that people are more easily to open up their mind on the the interent, of course they must like each other first Although thy can't see each other, but teir similar thoughts brought them together to truly feel the exsting of each other That kind of feeling I've never felted before 片中有几个细节让我印象特别的深,一个是当男女主人公得知他们是现实中的竞争对手时,(当然还不知道网络上的关系),两人在大街上、超市里,互相躲避,像躲猫猫的小孩儿一样,汉克斯的憨态,梅格瑞恩的俏皮,真是让我乐不可支。超市里付款那一段,梅格瑞恩的气恼和无奈,汉克斯的窃笑和得意,让我笑出了声来! Several seens in the film had make a deep impression on me One is when the acter/actress found out they were the competitors in their actual life(of course not knowing of their relationship on the interent) Both of them tried to avoid seeing each other on the street, in the supermarket They were like childrens plays hidden cats The stupidity of Hanks, and the naughty Maggery, they made me laugh Especially the part while paying at the supermarket, Maggerin was anger and hopeless while Hanks was happy and feel advantaged They made me laugh loud 当他们真的决定走出网络,在现实中见面时,那份期待,那种心跳,那种心神不定,被两位演员演绎的出神入化!汉克斯在约定见面的咖啡店外激动的不知所云,不敢自己去看心仪的女孩儿什么模样,却让朋友去帮自己看,当得知对方竟然是自己生意上的对手时,心里的那种矛盾难以言表,不敢说出真情,挨骂以后黯然离去,那份失落让我有种心痛的感觉! When they decided to walk out from the net and to meet up in the real life That expectation, heart beating and unsureness was been acted by those two actor/actress Hanks didn't know what to do while outside the cafe where they were going to meet, he was afraid to look at her face, asked a friend of his to look at the girl for him When he found out she was his business competitor in real life, the conflic feeling of whether teel her the truth was strong He left after they argued That scene made me wanted to cry 梅格瑞恩的书店终于关门了,而两人在现实中的关系反而有所好转!他们仍然在网络上互发电子邮件,只不过汉克斯在明处,梅格瑞恩在暗处了,汉克斯一会儿在现实中为梅格瑞恩提出良好的建议,一会儿在网络中为她出谋划策,那份良苦用心让我好生感动! Maggerine's book shop has finally close down, as the result of it, their relationship turned out better in real life! They still contact each other on the interent by emails, but with Hanks knows her real identity and Maggerine does not know his real identity Hanks help and advised her in real life as well on the interent What he did was touchy 时机成熟时,他们终于决定再次见面,见面之前,汉克斯问梅格瑞恩:“你能原谅放你鸽子的人,为什么不能原谅我呢?如果没有生意上的竞争关系,我们一定会在一起的!”那一刻,她的心里充满了矛盾,可是她仍然舍不下网络上的那个他!她回家换上漂亮的衣服,来到约定见面的地方,充满期待地四处张望,当眼前出现的人是汉克斯时,她的眼里先是惊喜,而后就是那种如释重负的感动!她对他说:“刚才,我真的希望那就是你!”泪水盈满了她的眼眶,当两人热情相拥相吻时,我发现,自己的眼泪也开始滑落! When it was time, they decided to meet again Before they meet, Hanks asked Magrinre:"Will you forgive the one who lied to youwhy can't you forgive me If we weren't competitors, we will be together!" That time, she was confussed, but Magrine still can't let go of Hanks of the interent! She went back home put on her favourate dress and come to the place where they would meet She looked everywhere searching for Hanks The impression I had from her face was firstly surprised, then thankfullness She said to him: "Just then, I really hoped that was you!" They cried and kissed I felt my tears were also came out from my eyes 真是好美的爱情,无论在现实中,还是网络上,只要是真心付出,都会是那么的美,不是么? What a beautiful love story No mater in real life or the interent, as long as you really give out from your heart, everything will bebeautiful, isn't it

Princess Anne of Great Britain's royal family as the heir to the throne will visit major cities in Europe, the news caused a great sensation

Trip to Europe last stop is Rome, Princess Anne wanted to enjoy her view of the beautiful scenery, they can be de-camp to the identity of the noble princess, not the people in front of Lai Man in the spotlight refused, and gave her a sedative injection, Princess pretended to sleep, they go out to be de-camp, the more she secretly slipped out of the window However, not long visit, the doctor gave her the injection of a sedative effect on the occurrence, she square pool of water near a bench at best Mimi and fell asleep

At this time, the US news agency the poor reporter just after Job Lai Deli here, thinking that this is a carnival in the middle of the girls were drunk, they rented a taxi home, she wanted to, but you can sleep in the special Princess Shen, also known as how ground, but Joe had no choice but to put her back to his home

The next day, a special newspaper to make Joe aware of the announcement that he is back to the girl's Princess Anne, and he went into raptures, and intends to write an article on Princess exclusive insider reports Princess wake up after the discovery of unfamiliar Joe, Joe quickly explained that the princess before the peace of mind She told Joe borrowed some money and then bid farewell to him, and to wander around the streets of Rome

Joe quickly to his photographer friend called Owen, Princess track at the same time, in the garden square and pretend she Hwa and volunteered to do for the Princess tour guide, riding a motorcycle with her to visit Rome City, at the same time, Owen also Driving a car with them in the back, took a lot of valuable lenses, and all of this, Princess unaware

Princess Margaret's disappearance aroused panic, the king secretly sent a number of plain clothes looking for the whereabouts of the princess Joe led the princess came to dance the dance of water was found in plain clothes, they asked the princess, and they go back, and resolutely refused to Princess Margaret, the police were forced to go back to her abduction, Joe and Owen Sida up with them, and the willfulness of the naughty Princess is also out, very happy Taking advantage of the chaos, with Joe Princess away

One day later, Princess finally to the Hui Gong, and Joe at this time, she found the love between them together to make a spark, the fall in love Zennai is, after all, Princess Princess, after all, civilians are civilians, two of only Yiyixibie Joe's married to abandon the opportunity to send photos to pictures of Princess Margaret, four deep in Heads of hope, of the Princess gently Joe said goodbye

  乱世佳人》 《罗马假日》 《角斗士》 《爱国者》 《魂断蓝桥》 《指环王》(任意一部) 《黑客帝国》(任意一部)《珍珠港》 《哈里波特》

  1燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall 1994

  关于成长,亲情和爱情的故事 是一幅波澜壮阔的美国西部画卷,一部经典的唯美派**,一个恍如隔世的成人童话。

  主演:Brad Pitt

  Anthony Hopkins(安东尼· 霍普金斯,英国演员,主演过出演过《教父》三部曲。获得2006年第63届金球奖终身成就奖( Award),绝对的好莱坞老牌巨星)


  2肖申克的救赎(The Shawshank Redemption,1994)


  主演:Morgan Freeman( 摩根 弗里曼)

  Tim Robbins (蒂姆 罗宾斯)

  3变脸 (Face Off,又译夺面双雄,1997)


  主演:Nicolas Cage(尼古拉斯·凯奇)

  John Travolta(约翰·特拉沃尔塔)

  4 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump(1994 )


  经典台词:“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get”(生活就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道你会得到什么。)

  主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯



  又译《逍遥法外》Catch Me if You Can (2002)

  主演:Tom Hanks

  Leonardo Dicaprio6泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)



  Kate Winslet 凯特·温斯莱特 7 A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 (2001)


  主演:Russell Crowe 罗素·克罗

  8 这个杀手不太冷 Léon (1994)


  主演: 让·雷诺 Jean Reno

  娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman



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