


201 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is recapping last season, and as she talks we see a montague of scenes from Ross and Rachel]

PHOEBE: Ok, so this is pretty much what's happened so far Ross was in love with Rachel since, you know, forever, but every time he tried to tell her, something kind of got in the way, like cats, and Italian guys Finally Chandler was like "forget about her" but when Ross was in China on his dig, Chandler let it slip that Ross was in love with Rachel She was like, "Oh my god" So she went to the airport to meet him when he came back, but what she didn't know was, that Ross was getting off the plane with another woman Uh-Oh! So, that's pretty much everything you need to know But, enough about us So, how've you been


[Scene, The Airport, continued from last season, Rachel is waiting for Ross to come of the plane, when she sees he's coming off with another woman]

RACHEL: Oh my god Oh my god (She decides to make a break for it) Excuse me Move! Move! Emergency! Excuse me! (She tries climbing over a bench and falls down)

ROSS: Rache!

RACHEL: Oh, there you are! Hi! Oh, so, so, how was China, you (Hits him with the flowers)

ROSS: It was, it was great Oh, what happened


ROSS: You're bleeding

RACHEL: I am Oh, look at that, yes I am Enough about me, enough about me, Mr Back from the Orient I wanna hear everything! (Looks at Julie)

ROSS: Well, where do I start This is Julie Julie, this is Rachel

RACHEL: These are, these aren't for you (to Julie) These are for you (Loudly, thinking she can't speak English) Welcome to our country

JULIE: (Loudly, proving she can speak English) Thank you I'm from New York

RACHEL: Ok, well, not a problem We'll just use them to stop the bleeding Ok Baggage claim Ok

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the gang is waiting for Rachel to return from the airport with Ross]


MONICA: I'm telling you, she went to the airport, and she's gonna go for it with Ross!

PHOEBE: Oh my god This is huge This is bigger than huge This is like, all right, what's bigger than huge

JOEY: Um, this


MONICA: Guys, you got your hair cut

CHANDLER: Yes, yes, we did, thanks to Vidal Buffay

PHOEBE: 'Cause, you know, (in that voice) if you don't look good, we don't look good I love that voice

RACHEL: (entering, out of breath) Airport, airport Ross, not alone, Julie, arm around her Cramp, cramp

CHANDLER: Ok, I think she's trying to tell us something Quick, get the verbs

RACHEL: (to Chandler) You, you, you said he liked me (Ross and Julie enter) You, you slowpokes!

ROSS: That's all right, Rache, we got the bags Hi, hello Julie, this is my sister Monica This is Chandler Phoebe Joey, what up

JOEY: What up!

ROSS: Everyone, this is Julie

RACHEL: (out of breath) Julie

ALL: Ohh (Happily) Hi!

JULIE: Hi, but I'm not here, you haven't met me I'll make a much better first impression tomorrow when I don't have 20 hours of cab and plane on me

ROSS: And bus

JULIE: Oh my god

ROSS: The screaming guy

JULIE: And the spitting

ROSS: You gotta hear this story

JULIE: We're on this bus, that's easily 200 years old

ROSS: At least

JULIE: and this guy--

RACHEL: And the chicken poops in her lap Oh, I'm so sorry I just gave away the ending, didn't I Oh! It's just, I just heard this story in the cab, and it is all I can think about

MONICA: This is amazing I mean, how, how did this happen

JULIE: Well, Ross and I were in grad school together

ROSS: But we haven't seen each other since then Well I land in China, guess who's in charge of the dig

RACHEL: Julie! Julie, isn't that great I mean, isn't that just kick- you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic

MONICA: It's an expression

ROSS: Well, we just wanted to say a quick hi, and then we're gonna go see the baby

JULIE: And then we've gotta get some sleep

ROSS: Yeah, it's really 6:00 tomorrow night our time

CHANDLER: Well, listen, don't tell us what's gonna happen though, 'cause I like to be surprised

(Ross and Julie exit)

RACHEL: Bye (She closes the door and everyone tries to sympathize with her)

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross and Chandler enter]

ROSS: Hey, Rache, can I get some coffee

RACHEL: Yeah, sure

ROSS: Thank you

CHANDLER: Hey, Rache, can I get--

RACHEL: Did you talk to him


RACHEL: Then, no

(He goes to sit down next to Ross)

CHANDLER: So what the hell happened to you in China I mean, when last we left you, you were totally in love with, you know

ROSS: I know, I know I was, but there was always this little voice inside that kept saying it's never gonna happen, move on You know whose voice that was


ROSS: It was you, pal

CHANDLER: Well, maybe it was God, doing me

ROSS: Look, you were right She looks at me and sees a friend, that's all But then I met Julie, and I don't know, we're havin' a great time And I have to say, I never would've gone for it with her if it hadn't been for you

CHANDLER: Well, you owe me one, big guy

RACHEL: Here's your lemonade

ROSS: I didn't order lemonade

RACHEL: Oh Well then, you better go take that back because they're gonna charge you for that

ROSS: But--

RACHEL: Go go go go, come on! (to Chandler) So then, well, what did you find out

CHANDLER: He said, he said that they're having a great time I'm sorry But, the silver lining, if you wanna see it, is that he made the decision all by himself without any outside help whatsoever

RACHEL: How is that the silver lining

CHANDLER: You have to really wanna see it

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross and the gang is watching TV]

ROSS: Ironically, these are the guys who were picked last in gym

[cut to Phoebe and Monica in the kitchen]

MONICA: Phoebes, you know what I'm thinking

PHOEBE: Oh, ok How, it's been so long since you've had sex, you're wondering if they've changed it

MONICA: No, although now that's what I'm thinking

PHOEBE: All right, so what were you thinking

MONICA: Well, I was thinking, that you gave the guys such great haircuts, I thought, maybe you'd like to do mine


MONICA: Why not

PHOEBE: Because, I'm just, I'm incredibly anal and an unbelievable control freak

MONICA: No you're not

PHOEBE: I know I'm not, but you are, and I was trying to spare your feelings

(The phone rings)

JOEY: (answering the phone) Hello Oh, hi Yeah, hold on a second Ross, it's Julie, for you (Throws him the phone)

ROSS: (on phone) Hello Hi

CHANDLER: (entering) Hi Anybody know a good tailor

JOEY: Needs some clothes altered

CHANDLER: No, no, I'm just looking for a man to draw on me with chalk

JOEY: Why don't you go see Frankie My family's been goin' to him forever He did my first suit when I was 15 No wait, 16 No, 'scuse me, 15 (still confused) All right, when was 1990

CHANDLER: You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!

ROSS: (on phone) Ok, ok, sweetheart, I'll see you later Ok, bye What Oh, that is so sweet No, no, ok, you hang up Ok, ok, one, two, three (motions for Rachel to be quiet) Well you didn't hang up either

RACHEL: She didn't hang up either!

ROSS: Ok, no, no, you hang up You, you, y--

RACHEL: (taking the phone and hanging it up) Sorry, I thought you were talking to me

ROSS: Rachel! I'll just call her back


ROSS: (calls Julie back) Hi Sorry, we got disconnected

RACHEL: Ok, ok, ok How did this happen to me How did this happen to me A week ago, two weeks ago, I was fine Ross was just Ross, just this guy Now he's Rrrooossss, oh, this really great guy that I can't have

MONICA: Sweetie, I wanted you to have him too

RACHEL: I know you did I'm just gonna deal with it, I'm just gonna deal with it (Ross comes by, smoching with Julie on the phone) I gotta get out of here

CHANDLER: Ok, I don't care what you guys say, something's bothering her

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the next morning]

JOEY: You know, I think I was sixteen

MONICA: Please, just a little bit off the back

PHOEBE: I'm still on "no"

RACHEL: (poking her head in from her bedroom) Uh, morning Do you guys think you could close your eyes for just a sec

JOEY: No no no no no, (grabs his pants) I'm not fallin' for that again

PHOEBE: What's goin' on

RACHEL: Well, I sorta did a stupid thing last night

CHANDLER: What stupid thing did you do

PAOLO: Bon giorno tutti!



[Scene: Monica and Rachel's continued from earlier]

RACHEL: Ok, Paulo, why don't you just go get dressed, and then you be on your way, ok, bye-bye

MONICA: Rachel, how did this happen

RACHEL: I don't know, I just kinda ran into him last night


RACHEL: At his apartment Is this juice

JOEY: Whoa, whoa And the fact that you dumped him because he hit on Phoebe

RACHEL: Oh God, I know I'm a pathetic loser

MONICA: Honey, you're not pathetic, you're sad

CHANDLER: People do stupid things when they're upset

MONICA: My god, if I had a nickel for every guy I wish I hadn't--but this is about your horrible mistake

ROSS: Hi Sorry we're late but we were--well, there was touching

PAOLO: Hey, hey Ross

ROSS: Hey, Paulo What are you doing here

PAOLO: I do Raquel

ROSS: (to Rachel) So, uh, he's back

RACHEL: Yeah, he's back Is that a problem

ROSS: No, not a problem

RACHEL: Good! I'm glad it's not a problem

PHOEBE: Ok, you're gonna have to not touch my ass

CHANDLER: Well, in spite of the yummy bagels and palpable tension, I've got pants that need to be altered

JOEY: Hey, Chandler, when you see Frankie, tell him Joey Tribbiani says hello He'll know what it means

CHANDLER: Are you sure he's gonna be able to crack that code

MONICA: You know it's funny, the last time Paulo was here, my hair was so much shorter and cuter

PHOEBE: All right Ok, but, but you have to promise that you will not be all like control-y and bossy and Monica about it

MONICA: I promise

PHOEBE: All right Now some of you are gonna get cut, and some of you aren't But I promise none of you are gonna feel a thing

[Scene: Monica's bedroom, Phoebe is finishing with her haircut]

PHOEBE: All right, that's it, I quit

MONICA: What I didn't say anything

PHOEBE: Yeah, but this isn't the face of a person who trusts a person Ok, this is the face of a person who, you know, doesn't trust a person

MONICA: I'm sorry I'm sorry, Phoebe It's just a little shorter than what we had discussed

PHOEBE: Would you relax I know what I am doing This is how he wears it

MONICA: How who wears it

PHOEBE: Demi Moore

MONICA: Demi Moore is not a he

PHOEBE: Well, he was a he in Arthur, and in Ten

MONICA: That's Dudley Moore I said I wanted it like Demi Moore

PHOEBE: Oh, oh, oh my god!

MONICA: Oh my god!

PHOEBE: I'm sorry, I'm sorry Which one's Demi Moore

MONICA: She's the actress who was in Disclosure, Indecent Proposal, Ghost

PHOEBE: Oh, she's got gorgeous hair


[Scene: Frank's tailor shop, Chandler is getting his pants altered]

FRANKIE: How long do you want the cuffs

CHANDLER: At least as long as I have the pants

FRANKIE: I just got that Ok, now we'll do your inseam

(He slowly measures it up his leg, and Chandler makes a rather surprised face)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is recovering from her haircut, Phoebe is playing her doctor and is coming in from the bedroom]

RACHEL: How is she

PHOEBE: It's too soon to tell She's resting, which is a good sign

ROSS: How's the hair

PHOEBE: I'm not gonna lie to you, Ross, it doesn't look good I put a clip on one side, which seems to have stopped the curling

JOEY: Can we see her

PHOEBE: Your hair looks too good, I think it would upset her Ross, you come on in (They go into the bedroom leaving Joey and Rachel alone)

JOEY: How're you doing

RACHEL: I'm ok

JOEY: Ooh, that bad, huh Look, I can sense when women are depressed and vulnerable It's one of my gifts

RACHEL: When I saw him get off that plane with her, I really thought I hit rock bottom But today, it's like there's rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then me

JOEY: You gotta tell Ross how you feel

RACHEL: Come on How can I just tell him What about Julie

JOEY: What about her They've only been going out for two weeks Ross has been in love with you for like 10 years

RACHEL: I don't know, I don't know

JOEY: Look, Rache, Rache, I've been with my share of women In fact, I've been with like a lot of people's share of women The point is, I've never felt about anyone the way Ross felt about you

CHANDLER: (entering, angry) Yo, paisan! Can I talk to you for a sec Your tailor is a very bad man!

JOEY: Frankie What're you talking about

ROSS: (entering from teh bedroom) Hey, what's goin' on

CHANDLER: Joey's tailortook advantage of me

ROSS: What

JOEY: No way I've been going to the guy for 12 years

CHANDLER: He said he was going to do my inseam, and he ran his hand up my leg, and then, there was definite--

ROSS: what


JOEY: That's how they do pants! First they go up one side, they move it over, they go up the other side, they move it back, and then they do the rear What Ross, Ross, would you tell him Isn't that how they measure pants

ROSS: Yes, yes it is In prison! Whatsa matter with you

JOEY: What That's not Oh my god

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, later that day Monica is now out and about]

MONICA: Even Mary Tyler Moore would've been better

ROSS: I like it I do, I think it's a Ten

MONICA: Thank you My hair is very amused

CHANDLER: Come on, Monica, things could be worse You could get caught between the moon and New York City I know it's crazy, but it's true

PHOEBE: Thank you

ROSS: Well, I gotta go Bye Bye, Rache

RACHEL: (sticking her head in from the balcony) Wait, are you leaving

ROSS: Yeah, that's kinda what I meant by "bye!"

RACHEL: Well, can I talk to you for a sec

ROSS: Okay (goes out onto the balcony)

JOEY: Hey, when the doctor does that hernia test

CHANDLER: That's ok

[Out on the balcony]

ROSS: What's goin' on

RACHEL: Well, first of all, Paulo and I are not back together It was just a stupid thing I did, and if I could go back in time and do it again, well, I wouldn't Um, second of all, what (Ross laughs)

ROSS: Ok Well, before I say anything, I just need to know, is this one of those things where you break up with a guy, and then I tell you what I think, and then the next day you get back together with the guy, and I look like a complete idiot

RACHEL: No No-no-no-no

ROSS: Well, then, I think, I think the guy is scum I hate him I physically hate him I always have You are way too good to be with a guy like that You deserve to be with someone who appreciates you, and who gets how funny and sweet and amazing, and adorable, and sexy you are, you know Someone who wakes up every morning thinking "Oh my god, I'm with Rachel" You know, someone who makes you feel good, the way I am with Julie Was there a second of all

RACHEL: No, I think that was the whole all

[Cut back inside, Joey is on the phone]

JOEY: I swear to god, Dad That's not how they measure pants


[Scene: Central Perk, Julie is wanting to get her hair cut from Phoebe]

JULIE: I was thinking of doing it a little shorter, you know, like Andy McDowell's new haircut

PHOEBE: You wanna do it right now

JULIE: Great! (Julie leaves)

PHOEBE: (to Rachel) Ok, I just wanna be really sure this time Andy McDowell's the girl from Four Weddings and a Funeral, right

RACHEL: No No no no no no That's Rodney McDowell Andy McDowell is the guy from Planet of the Apes

PHOEBE: Oh, yeah Ok, thank you

RACHEL: You're welcome





Speaking of Shaanxi lasagna, it can really startle you, especially for some southerners because they don’t know how to eat it The noodles are as wide and long as the belt One piece of noodles can fill a whole bowl, and the bowl is as big as a basin 

You will feel a little desperate when you see them, but the taste is undeniable 



Jello stew with rice noodles is a typical snack in Xi'an The jello made from lamb blood is fresh and tender, smooth and soft, spicy and delicious The typical characteristics of jello stew with rice noodles include “peppery, spicy, salty, smooth, and tender”

It is enjoyed by all most all consumers after eating What’s important is that it can also be eaten together with steamed buns Especially in winter, it is the first choice for warming up and strengthening the stomach 



Shaanxi cold noodles is one of the traditional snacks It is mainly made of wheat flour, rice flour or other starch Generally, it is eaten coldly with sauce Besides, it has large varieties, different making methods, and different mixing ingredients and tastes













































The mutton made by Xinjiang people is famous for its delicious taste It tastes smooth and tender, and has no smell of mutton It's refreshing and you don't have to worry about getting hot


Roasted mutton kebab can be said to be a popular traditional snack in Xinjiang The authentic roasted mutton kebab is roasted in a special barbecue tank, using anthracite as fuel


The barbecue is very atmospheric First of all, remove the clean meat, wear it on the thin iron bar with fat and thin, and place them evenly on the trough shaped iron sheet barbecue stove burning anthracite


The Uygur man, holding the iron bar in his left hand, kept turning and baking on the coal fire He skillfully sprinkled refined salt, hot pepper noodles, cumin powder and other seasonings on his right hand, and cooked them in a few minutes


Its color is burnt yellow and bright The lean meat is tender in the mouth, the fat meat is crisp and scorched outside, the taste is slightly spicy with fresh fragrance, not greasy and not smelly, fresh and delicious


There are so many excellent cuisine in my hometown Now I am going to tell you about something that you will never come across elsewhere



1、This fine grain, coarse run stomach精粮合口味,粗粮润肠胃。

2、Hot chili peppers, and food to help digestion辣椒尖又辣,增食助消化。

3、Bean curd with kelp, often eat in addition to disease豆腐配海带,常吃除病害。

4、diet cures more than doctors 自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。

5、leave off with an appetite 吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。

6、Compared to found a new star, found a new dishes have more benefits for the happiness of mankind与发现一颗新星相比,发现一款新菜肴对于人类的幸福更有好处。








也可以用Foodaholic 表示 特别喜欢吃的人,吃货

I am a total foodaholic I'm already thinking about what to eat for dinner when I'm still at lunch


Foodie - Foodie和Foodaholic的区别在于Foodie更像一个美食家,不仅爱吃­,还懂吃,对本地的美食了如指掌

A: I'm an expert on Italian food I've been to every Italian restaurant in town

我爱意大利菜 / 我对意大利菜很有研究。镇上每一家意大利餐馆我都吃过!

B: Wow You are a real foodie


Eat one's feelings - 靠吃东西改善坏心情

When I'm stressed, I eat my feelings You know what they say, STRESSED is DESSERT spelled backwards


Guilty Pleasure - 带有罪恶感的快乐,心里喜欢却不敢告诉别人的东西

French fries are such bad junk food But I can't help eating them once in a while It's my guilty pleasure


Humpty-dumptyHumpty-dumpty sat on a wallHumpty-dumpty had a great fallAll the King's horsesAnd all the King's menCan not put Humpty-dumpty together againHumpty-dumpty 是一只大鸡蛋。


英语里的Humpty-dumpty 比喻一经损坏就无法修复的东西。


1、The words about food contains vegetables, fruits, drinks, meat and others


2、My favourite food is apples Do you know why Let me tell you


3、Not every day cream cakes instead of long fat man


4、An apple a day, keep the doctor away


5、I don't want junk food anymore I'd like to try some healthy foods


6、Healthy foods are more and more unpopular among pupils


7、Healthy foods don't include most snacks as they are high in suger


8、It's time for you to swap your chips for a healthier diet


9、Eat to live,but not live to eat


10、Radish and ginger keep away from doctor


5关于中国美食的英语作文 80字左右 有中文翻译

In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed(芦苇)leaves), another popular delicacy


In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food


The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household



酱猪肘 braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg 盐水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 咸水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 酱肚 braised pork tripe with soy sauce 红油肚丝 boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili oil 凉拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce 拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce 凉拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 炝腰花泡菜 boiled kidney with pickled vegetables 酱牛肉 braised beef with soy sauce; spiced beef 红油牛筋 boiled beef tendons with chilli/chili oil 盐水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton 咸水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton 凉拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce 拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce 白油鸡 steamed chicken 白切油鸡 sliced steamed chicken 白片鸡 sliced steamed chicken 盐水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken 咸水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken 童子油鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken 白沾鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken 白斩鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken 蚝油白鸡 boiled chicken with oyster sauce 白露鸡 plain boiled chicken with mustard 白片鸡 boiled tender chicken slices 红油鸡丁 boiled diced chicken with chilli/chili soil 麻辣鸡 boiled chicken with chilli/chili and wild pepper sauce 卤鸡 boiled chicken with spices; spiced chicken; pot-stewed chicken in soy sauce 卤鸡杂 boiled chicken giblets with spices; spiced chicken giblets 酱鸡 braised chicken with soy sauce 酱鸭 braised duck with soy sauce 盐水鸭 boil duck with salt; salted duck 咸水鸭 boil duck with salt; salted duck 盐水鸭肝 boiled duck liver with salt; salted duck liver 咸水鸭肝 boiled duck liver with salt; salted duck liver 卤鸭 boiled duck with spices; spiced duck; pot-stewed duck in soy sauce 卤鸭翅 boiled duck wings with spices; spiced duck wings 姜芽鸭片 boiled sliced duck with ginger 红油鸭丁 boiled diced duck with chilli/chili oil 红油鸭掌 boiled duck webs with chilli/chili oil 拌鸭掌 duck webs with soy sauce; soy duck webs 腌鱼 salted fish 咸鱼 salted fish 熏鱼 smoked fish 糟鱼 pickled fish with distilled grains liquor dregs; pickled fish with wine; pickled fish 姜汁鱼片 boiled fish slices with ginger sauce 红油鱼肚 boiled fish maw with chilli/chili oil 红油虾片 boiled prawn slices with chilli/chili oil 盐水大虾 boiled prawns with salt; salted prawns 咸水大虾 boiled prawns with salt; salted prawns 盐水虾 boiled shrimps with salt; salted shrimps 咸水虾 boiled shrimps with salt; salted shrimps 凉拌海带 shredded kelp with soy sauce 拌海带 shredded kelp with soy sauce 凉拌海蛰 shredded jelly-fish with soy sauce 拌海蛰 shredded jelly-fish with soy sauce 小葱拌豆腐 bean curd mixed with chopped green onion 凉拌豆芽菜 bean sprouts salad 凉拌干丝 shredded dried bean curd salad。














































酱猪肘 braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg 盐水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 咸水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 酱肚 braised pork tripe with soy sauce 红油肚丝 boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili oil 凉拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce 拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce 凉拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver 炝腰花泡菜 boiled kidney with pickled vegetables 酱牛肉 braised beef with soy sauce; spiced beef 红油牛筋 boiled beef tendons with chilli/chili oil 盐水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton 咸水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton 凉拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce 拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce 白油鸡 steamed chicken 白切油鸡 sliced steamed chicken 白片鸡 sliced steamed chicken 盐水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken 咸水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken 童子油鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken 白沾鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken 白斩鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce; soy tender chicken 蚝油白鸡 boiled chicken with oyster sauce 白露鸡 plain boiled chicken with mustard 白片鸡 boiled tender chicken slices 红油鸡丁 boiled diced chicken with chilli/chili soil 麻辣鸡 boiled chicken with chilli/chili and wild pepper sauce 卤鸡 boiled chicken with spices; spiced chicken; pot-stewed chicken in soy sauce 卤鸡杂 boiled chicken giblets with spices; spiced chicken giblets 酱鸡 braised chicken with soy sauce 酱鸭 braised duck with soy sauce 盐水鸭 boil duck with salt; salted duck 咸水鸭 boil duck with salt; salted duck 盐水鸭肝 boiled duck liver with salt; salted duck liver 咸水鸭肝 boiled duck liver with salt; salted duck liver 卤鸭 boiled duck with spices; spiced duck; pot-stewed duck in soy sauce卤鸭翅 boiled duck wings with spices; spiced duck wings 姜芽鸭片 boiled sliced duck with ginger 红油鸭丁 boiled diced duck with chilli/chili oil 红油鸭掌 boiled duck webs with chilli/chili oil 拌鸭掌 duck webs with soy sauce; soy duck webs 腌鱼 salted fish 咸鱼 salted fish 熏鱼 smoked fish 糟鱼 pickled fish with distilled grains liquor dregs; pickled fish with wine; pickled fish 姜汁鱼片 boiled fish slices with ginger sauce 红油鱼肚 boiled fish maw with chilli/chili oil 红油虾片 boiled prawn slices with chilli/chili oil 盐水大虾 boiled prawns with salt; salted prawns 咸水大虾 boiled prawns with salt; salted prawns 盐水虾 boiled shrimps with salt; salted shrimps 咸水虾 boiled shrimps with salt; salted shrimps 凉拌海带 shredded kelp with soy sauce 拌海带 shredded kelp with soy sauce 凉拌海蛰 shredded jelly-fish with soy sauce 拌海蛰 shredded jelly-fish with soy sauce 小葱拌豆腐 bean curd mixed with chopped green onion 凉拌豆芽菜 bean sprouts salad 凉拌干丝 shredded dried bean curd salad。


你的来信我已经收到,你在信中写的,现在开始要注意合理饮食,多吃鱼,豆类,肉,特别是新鲜水果,还有不要吃太多的甜食!I've received your letter, you write the letter, now begin to notice reasonable diet, eat more fish, beans, meat, especially fresh fruit, and don't eat too many sweets!Also note that physical exercise, running, swimming, mountain climbingAs a student, we must assure enough sleep time, can't stay up every day, sleep eight hours!Only in this way can we keep the body healthy! 还要注意锻炼身体,多跑步,游泳,爬山。

作为一名学生,我们要保证足够的睡眠时间,不能熬夜,每天要睡上八个小时!只有这样,才能保持身体健康! 问题补充:这本来就是一个互相帮助的平台,大家都是朋友。不要把分数看到这么严重好不好?!既然嫌少就不要写嘛,由此可见,在生活中你很注重自己的利益吧?劝你一句,不要这样做人!到头来一个朋友都没有,这是一件很可悲的事呀! "Art, mo prior to eat" Using the nutrition of the food for the prevention and treatment of disease, can promote health and longevity As the saying goes: "diet cures more than the doctor" So-called supplements can drug, supplements is not the function In our country, using adjust dietary as a health fitness means our ancestors as early as 2000 years ago in slavery society period has realized the importance of health food In the court has equipped with specialized real food "feed", namely the doctor to take food The diet is the human life support basic conditions, and to make people live healthy and happy, energetic and wisdom, not only eat satisfied belly, must also consider the diet, ensure reasonable allocate the human body needs many kinds of nutriment absorb balance and enough, and can be fully absorbed by human body use Nutrition balance, we must first formed the good eating habits Do not starved, unfavorable also meals, or some food, not certain food axiomatization also Also note that diet and health, according to their physical condition of certain foods, contraindication to prevent the happening of the disease, and achieve the purpose of longevity health food Health food to eat is through Application of daily food, according to the different economic conditions and different physiological pathology needs recuperate regimen, can not only cure hunger, can complement nutrition, health, extend, is a kind of diseases to be accepted by people's important means of health “养生之道,莫先于食。”

利用食物的营养来防治疾病,可促进健康长寿。 俗话说:“药补不如食补。”


在宫廷里已配有专门从事皇家饮食的“食医”,即专门进行饮食调养的医生。 饮食是人类维持生命的基本条件,而要使人活得健康愉快、充满活力和智慧,则不仅仅满足于吃饱肚子,还必须考虑饮食的合理调配,保证人体所需的各种营养素的摄入平衡且充足,并且能被人体充分吸收利用。


还要注意饮食的卫生,并根据自身的身体状况禁忌某些食物,这样才有利于防止疾病的发生,达到饮食养生长寿的目的。 饮食养生是通过吃来进行的。




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