cafe 是什么意思
——cafe:咖啡馆, 小餐馆
美 ['kæfeɪ]英 ['kæfeɪ](百度翻译发音)
英文例句Turning around the corner, there is a small coffee shop with flowers hanging on the door called "Fuyeor Cafe"
Get out among the locals Make it a point to relax at a local cafe or bar, even if you're traveling solo
Pizza originated 3,000 years ago when small round flat bread or pies were made on hot stones Pizza was the bread or pie eaten on the tin-plate, and it was the first non-fermented bread in human history
"Pizza Hut" is the giant in the pizza industry In 1958, according to the recommendations of the landlady,the Carney brothers who were still in college rented a small bistro with only 25 seats at the grocery store next to the parents and they named it "PIZZAHUT" based on its appearance This is the world's first Pizza Hut restaurant
射雕英雄传 《The Legend Of The Condor Heroes》
天龙八部《The semi Gods and semi Devils》
笑傲江湖《The Smiling Prond Wonderer》
书剑恩仇录——《The Book and The Sword》
碧血剑——《The Sword Stained with Royal Blood》
神雕侠侣 《The Return Of The Condor Heroes》
倚天屠龙记——《Heavenly Sworld and The Dragon Saber》
飞狐外传——《Other Story of Flying Fox》
雪山飞狐----《Other Storiette of Flying Fox》
鹿鼎记——《The Duke of Mountain Deer》
越女剑——《The virgin of Zhao country》
Book and Sword: Gratitude and Revenge (The Romance of the Book and Sword)书剑恩仇录
Sword Stained with Royal Blood (The Crimson Sword)碧血剑
The Legend of the Condor Heroes (The Condor-Shooting Heroes)射雕英雄传
Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain雪山飞狐
The Return of the Condor Heroes (The Condor & The Lovers)神雕侠侣
Other Tales of the Flying Fox飞狐外传
Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse白马啸西风
Blade-dance of the Two Lovers (Lovers' Sabers)鸳鸯刀
The Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Saber[citation needed]倚天屠龙记
Requiem of Ling Sing (A Deadly Secret)连城诀
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (Eightfold Path of the Heavenly Dragon)天龙八部
Ode to Gallantry侠客行
The Smiling, Proud Wanderer笑傲江湖
The Deer and the Cauldron (Duke of Mount Deer)鹿鼎记
Sword of the Yue Maiden越女剑
Club其实是night club的简称,一般指的是我们所说的夜店、舞厅,和club这个词本身作为一种会员组织的意思差别有点大。Club和其它酒吧的区别在于里面有舞池(大的club可能有2-3个相互分开大小不一的舞池)而座位较少。
由于横木在英语里念"bar" ,所以人们索性就把酒馆翻译成“酒吧”,就跟把糕饼"pie"译成“派”一样。
Mrs Jones, a chairwoman of a big drug pany, was waiting for an important official telephone call But she had no sugar and vinegar in the house, so she left the baby at home and said to his 5-year-old brother, "I am going to the canteen, Jimmy And I will be back in a few minutes"
While she was out, the telephone rang and Jimmy answered
"Hello," said a man, "Is your mother there"
"No," the lively boy sucked a chocolate pole and answered
"Well, when she es back, say to her,' Mr Baker telephoned'"
"Mr Baker Write it down B-A-K-E-R"
“贝克先生。你记下来: B-A-K-E-R。”
"How do you make a 'B'"
"How do I make Listen, little boy! Is there anybody else with you Any brothers or sisters"
"My brother Billy is here"
"Good! I want to talk to him please"
"All right!" Jimmy took the wireless telephone to the baby's bed and give it to Billy
When their mother came back, she asked: "Did anyone telephone"
"Yes," said Jimmy, "a man, but he only wanted to talk to Billy"
A busines an entered a bar and ordered a double wine After he finished the drink, he peekedinside his shirt pocket, then he ordered the Bartender to prepare another double wine After hefinished that one, he again peeked inside his shirt pocket and ordered the Bartender to bringanother double wine
The bartender who observed him the whole night said to him, “Look buddy, I'll bring you wineall night long, but you have to tell me the riddle why you look inside your nylon shirt pocketbefore you order another”
The customer replied, “I'm peeking at an unpleasant photo of my wife When she starts tolook good, then I know it's time to go home”
Johnny lived with his mother and father in a restful mountainous town in Switzerland
One day there was an earthquake near the town Many houses were injured Everybodythought that there would soon be another earthquake They were worried that the secondearthquake would be worse than the first
"We must send Johnny to a safe place," Johnny's mother said to her hu and, "many of ourfriends are sending their children to relatives in other towns"
"We'll send him to my brother, Peter" "Johnny's mother said, "He lives a long way away Johnnywill be safe with him"
He telephoned Johnny's Uncle Peter, an expert in botany, and asked him if he would let Johnnylive with him
"Your nephew is a good boy," he said, "He won't give you any trouble"
"All right," Johnny's Uncle Peter said, "But I'm not used to children I live a very quiet andpeaceful life"
"You won't know Johnny's in the house," his father told him
So Johnny, who was five, went to live with his uncle
Two days later, his mother and father received a telegram from Peter It said: "An returningchild Please send earthquake"
第3部分 商业服务业
1 范围
DB11/T 334本部分规定了商业服务业双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 规范性引用文件
GB 18106 零售业态分类
3 术语和定义
商业 commerce
服务业 service industry
4 分类
5 具体要求
51 企业名称及业态类
业态类的分类参照GB 18106 执行。
511 购物中心、广场、商场和商店
5111 规模巨大,集购物、休闲、娱乐、饮食等于一体,包括百货店、大卖场以及众多专业连锁零售店在内的超级商业中心译为Mall,如购物中心或大型商场都译为Shopping Mall
5112 中等规模的购物中心译为Shopping Center,如市区购物中心Urban Shopping Center
5113 只针对货品进行分类销售、不具有休闲娱乐等多种功能的较小规模的商店、店铺译为Store或Shop,如百货公司 Department Store,精品店 Fancy Shop
5114 商业性写字楼群或购物中心译为Plaza,如中环广场 Central Plaza;而一般在城市中用作花园或休闲场所,周围被街道和建筑物环绕的四方形开放区域则译为Square,如西单文化广场Xidan Culture Square某大型超市或商场的分店,一般译为Branch表示,如北京翠徽大厦(股份)牡丹园店 Beijing Cuiwei Tower (Holdings), Mudanyuan Branch
512 酒家、酒楼、酒店
513 文化娱乐场所
剧院通常译为Theater,书店通常译为Book Store,图书馆通常译为Library,文化馆通常译为Cultural Center,音像店通常译为Audio-Video Shop,网吧通常译为Internet Café,其他娱乐场所可统一翻译为Entertainment Place/Entertainment Area
5131 在剧场中,一般情况下表示功能的区域译为Area,如贵宾区 VIP Area;特殊情况如表示座位的区域译为Seat,如东台单号区 East Platform Odd Number Seats
514 已经被社会普遍接受的单位名称,继续延用,如同仁堂药店 Tongrentang Pharmacy
52 经营服务信息
通常采用英文直接翻译,应符合国际通用惯例,如特卖场,Special Sales;电话号码簿、信息查询,Yellow Pages
53 商品名称
531 服装
5311 作为衣服的总称,包含衣裤、鞋帽、手套等,一般译为Clothing或Clothes,如夏装 Summer Clothing、成衣 Ready-Made Clothes
5312 流行、时尚服饰译为Fashion
5313 妇女、儿童服装或特殊场合穿的礼服译为Dress,如民族服装 Ethnic Dress、晚礼服 Evening Dress、夏季连衣裙 Summer Dress
5314 套装(男人穿的上衣、背心和裤子,或女人穿的上衣和裙子)译为Suit,如男式西装 Men's Suit
5315 男士服装译为Men's Wear; 女士服装译为Women's Wear
532 书籍
通常分为文学类Literature、艺术类Arts、学术类Academic Books、工商类Business Administration、科学类Science、实用类Practical Books、教育类Education、工程类Engineering、电脑类Computer、实业类Industry、其他Miscellaneous等11大类图书销售区。
533 其他商品
54 服务人员名称
服务人员用在不同的行业和场合,采取不同的英文译法。如在餐饮业中,男性服务员用Waiter、女性服务员用Waitress表示;在商店里服务员用Assistant/Clerk表示;如店员 Shop Assistant、 Sales Clerk,火车上的服务人员用Attendant表示;轮船、飞机上的服务人员用Steward/Stewardess(女性)表示。
55 部门名称
在商业服务业企业中,部门一般翻译成Department,如人力资源部 Human Resources Department、财务部 Financial Department