






欺诈性财务报告,是指刻意设计的具有误导性的财务报表。它的产生源于虚假记录(如 控的库存记录)、不真实交易(虚构的销售)或者对各种不同会计政策的滥用。


顺便问一下,你看得是哪本外文教材??《Finacial Aounting》

Money Measure


- Recording of all business transactions in terms of money


- Money is only factor mon to all business transactions


- Basic unit of money determined by country in which business resides


- Exchange rates used to translate transactions from one currency to the other


关于会计的英文翻译 bookkeeping versus aounting









Aounting;aountancy;aountant;bookkeeper;bursar 都是会计的意思






1ratio of expenses to revenue


2ratio of money owed to total resources controlled


3repaying amounts to creditors,plus interest


求英文翻译 有关会计的 谢谢

Aording to the new all and medium-sized enterprises standard, the all enterprise aounts for nearly 95 of legal person's total number of industrial enterprises; The final products of the all enterprise and value of the service aount for nearly 50 of national gross domestic product But in the real work, the aounting bodies of enterprises of quite a few of schools are not very sound, aounting personnel have relatively low quality, every management system is not enough for the norm Check and calculate for the aountant who standardizes the all enterprise, improve aounting information quality, our country made" the aounting system of all enterprise " in 2004 Do not raise the fund to what has been set up within the border to the outside, has managed the economic business of aller enterprises and taken the treatment method of simplifying Reduced greatly by the work load of personnel's daily aounting of this financial aounting, can put more energy inside enterprises to control, financial affairs yze and make policy work e up, can verse invite aountant check and calculate the input of cost not merely, can improve aountant's predicting, ysis, decision ability and efficiency of all enterprise too The difference with the British " reporting the financial report criterion of the subject all-scaly " is pared briefly on our country " aounting system of all enterprise " here

会计制度 : aounting system

会计核算:aount/ aounting

会计准则: aounting postulates/aounting standards




10000 普通股,每股港币$1


10000 普通股,每股港币$1








Organizations That Influence GAAP


1Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)


-Created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act


-Regulates the accounting profession and has powers to

determine the standards that auditors must follow


2Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)


-Most important body for developing and issuing rules one

accounting practice


-Issues Statements of Financial Accounting Standards



3American Institute of Certified Public Accountants



-Professional association of certified public accountants


-Influences accounting practice through activities of

senior technical committees


Organizations That Influence GAAP (cont’d)

1International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)


-An independent board, cooperating with national

accounting standard setters, to develop high quality,

understandable, and enforceable global accounting



-Has published over 40 standards in a series of

international pronouncements


2Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


-Branch of the Department of Treasury


-Administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by



-Interprets and enforces US tax laws governing the

assessment and collection of revenues from income taxes


3Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


-Federal agency set up to protect the public by

regulating the issuing, buying, and selling of stocks and



-Has legal power to set and enforce accounting policies

for companies whose securities are offered for sale to

the general public


4Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)


-Established under same governing body as Financial


Accounting Standards Board (FASB)


-Responsible for issuing accounting standards for state

and local governments


Principles of Accounting 的introduction


You likely have a general concept of what accountants do They capture information about the transactions and events of a business, and summarize that activity in reports that are used by persons interested in the entity But, you likely do not realize the complexity of accomplishing this task It involves a talented blending of technical knowledge and measurement artistry that can only be fully appreciated via extensive study of the subject The best analogy is to say that you probably know what a heart surgeon does, but you no doubt appreciate that considerable knowledge and skill is needed to successfully treat a patient If you were studying to be a surgeon, you would likely begin with some basic anatomy class In this chapter, you will begin your study of accounting by looking at the overall structure of accounting and the basic anatomy of reporting

Be advised that a true understanding of accounting does not come easily It only comes with determination and hard work But, if you persevere, you will be surprised at what you discover about accounting Knowledge of accounting is very valuable to business success And, once you conquer the basics, accounting is actually quite an interesting subject

ACCOUNTING DEFINED: It seems fitting to begin with a more formal definition of accounting: Accounting is a set of concepts and techniques that are used to measure and report financial information about an economic unit The economic unit is generally considered to be a separate enterprise The information is potentially reported to a variety of different types of interested parties These include business managers, owners, creditors, governmental units, financial analysts, and even employees In one way or another, these users of accounting information tend to be concerned about their own interests in the entity Business managers need accounting information to make sound leadership decisions Investors hold out hope for profits that may eventually lead to distributions from the business (eg, "dividends") Creditors are always concerned about the entity's ability to repay its obligations Governmental units need information to tax and regulate Analysts use accounting data to form their opinions on which they base their investment recommendations Employees want to work for successful companies to further their individual careers, and they often have bonuses or options tied to enterprise performance Accounting information about specific entities helps satisfy the needs of all these interested parties

The diversity of interested parties leads to a logical division in the discipline of accounting: financial accounting and managerial accounting Financial accounting is concerned with external reporting of information to parties outside the firm In contrast, managerial accounting is primarily concerned with providing information for internal management You may have some trouble seeing why a distinction is needed; after all aren't we just reporting financial facts Let's look closer at the distinctions

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: Consider that financial accounting is targeted toward a broad base of external users, none of whom control the actual preparation of reports or have access to underlying details Their ability to understand and have confidence in reports is directly dependent upon standardization of the principles and practices that are used to prepare the reports Without such standardization, reports of different companies could be hard to understand and even harder to compare As a result, there are well organized processes to bring consistency and structure to financial reporting In the United States, a private sector group called the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is primarily responsible for developing the rules that form the foundation of financial reporting With the increase in global trade, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has been steadily gaining prominence as a global accounting rule setter

Financial reports prepared under the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) promulgated by such standard setting bodies are intended to be general purpose in orientation This means they are not prepared especially for owners, or creditors, or any other particular user group Instead, they are intended to be equally useful for all user groups As such, attempts are made to keep them free from bias (neutral)

MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING: In sharp contrast to financial accounting, managerial accounting information is intended to serve the specific needs of management Business managers are charged with business planning, controlling, and decision making As such, they may desire specialized reports, budgets, product costing data, and other details that are generally not reported on an external basis Further, management may dictate the parameters under which such information is to be accumulated and presented For instance, GAAP may require that certain research costs be deducted immediately in computing a business's externally reported income; on the other hand, management may see these costs as a long-term investment and stipulate that internal decision making be based upon income numbers that exclude such costs This is their prerogative Hopefully, such internal reporting is being done logically and rationally, but it need not follow any particular set of guidelines

A QUALITY INFORMATION SYSTEM: Both financial accounting and managerial accounting depend upon a strong information system to reliably capture and summarize business transaction data Information technology has radically reshaped this mundane part of the practice of accounting during the past 30 years The era of the "green eye-shaded" accountant has been relegated to the annals of history Now, accounting is more of a dynamic, decision-making discipline, rather than a bookkeeping task

INHERENT LIMITATIONS: Accounting data is not absolute or concrete Considerable amounts of judgment and estimation are necessary to develop the specific accounting measurements that are reported during a particular month, quarter, or year (eg, how much pension expense should be reported now for the future benefits that are being earned by employees now, but the amounts will not be known with certainly until many years to come) About the only way around the problem of utilizing estimation in accounting is to wait until all facts are known with certainty before issuing any reports However, by the time any information could be reported, it would be so stale as to lose its usefulness Thus, in order to timely present information, it is considered to be far better to embrace reasonable estimations in the normal preparation of ongoing financial reports

In addition, accounting has not yet advanced to a state of being able to value a business (or a business's assets) As such, many transactions and events are reported based upon on the historical cost principle (in contrast to fair value) This principle holds that it is better to maintain accountability over certain financial statement elements at amounts that are objective and verifiable, rather than opening the door to random adjustments for value changes that may not be supportable For example, land is initially recorded in the accounting records at its purchase price That historical cost will not be adjusted even if the fair value is perceived as increasing While this enhances the "reliability" of reported data, it can also pose a limitation on its "relevance"


THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION: To decide to be an accountant is no more descriptive than deciding to be a doctor Obviously, there are many specialty areas Many accountants engage in the practice of "public" accounting, which involves providing audit, tax, and consulting services to the general public To engage in the practice of public accounting usually requires one to be licensed as a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) Auditing involves the examination of transactions and systems that underlie an organization's financial reports, with the ultimate goal of providing an independent report on the appropriateness of financial statements Tax services relate to the providing of help in the preparation and filing of tax returns and the rendering of advice on the tax consequences of alternative actions Consulting services can vary dramatically, and include such diverse activities as information systems engineering to evaluating production methods Many accountants are privately employed directly by small and large businesses (ie, "industry accounting") and not-for-profit agencies (such as hospitals, universities, and charitable groups) They may work in areas of product costing and pricing, budgeting, and the examination of investment alternatives They may focus on internal auditing, which involves looking at controls and procedures in use by their employers Objectives of these reviews are to safeguard company resources and assess the reliability and accuracy of accounting information and accounting systems They may serve as in-house tax accountants, financial managers, or countless other occupations And, it probably goes without saying that many accountants work in the governmental sector, whether it be local, state, or national levels You would expect to find many accountants at the Internal Revenue Service, General Accounting Office, Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC" -- the USA governmental agency body charged with regulating accounting and reporting by companies whose shares of stock is bought and sold in public markets), and even the Federal Bureau of Investigation

ACCOUNTING AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: Because investors and creditors place great reliance on financial statements in making their investment and credit decisions, it is imperative that the financial reporting process be truthful and dependable Accountants are expected to behave in an entirely ethical fashion, and this is generally the case To help insure integrity in the reporting process, the profession has adopted a code of ethics to which its licensed members must adhere In addition, checks and balances via the audit process, government oversight, and the ever vigilant "plaintiff's attorney" all serve a vital role in providing additional safeguards against the errant accountant If you are preparing to enter the accounting profession, you should do so with the intention of behaving with honor and integrity If you are not planning to enter the profession, you will likely rely upon accountants in some aspect of your personal or professional life

You have every right to expect those accountants to behave in a completely trustworthy and ethical fashion After all, you will be entrusting them with your financial resources and confidential information









依照被显示在主预算方面的6-2, 销售预算是第一预算准备。每个其它预算依靠销售预算。销售预算从销售展望中被获得的。它表示销售收入管理的最佳估计为预算期。不精确的销售预算可能会影响净收入。比如,过度乐观的销售预算可能会导致过多的存货以至于必须卖掉存货以减少亏损。相反, 过度保守的预算由于存货短缺也许导致销售收入损失。

销售预算由各个产品以它的被期望的单位售价作为准备期望的单位销售量。像Hayes 公司, 销售量在第一季度被预计是3,000 个单位, 以500 单位在各个成功的处所增加根据售价的$60 每单位, 销售预算为年, 被显示在例证6-3 。



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