



“Scrambled Egg with Tomato”(西红柿炒鸡蛋)、“Egg plants with Garlic Sauce”(鱼香茄子),明年1月底,北京市餐饮饭店中的数千种菜品、酒水将拥有统一规范的“英文名”。据了解,北京市首次针对餐饮菜单规范英文译法的工作目前已基本完成,数千种菜品、酒水的英文翻译将从12月20日开始对外公布,邀请市民参与补充建议。





Turnip Cake with XO Sauce


Eight Treasure Rice


Plain Rice Porridge


Stir-fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO Sauce


Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone


Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce


Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce


Stir-fried Liver Beijing Style


Wonton in Chicken Soup


Noodles with Bean Paste


Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables


Stewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus


Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables


Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable


Pork and Vegetable Wonton


Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable


Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits


Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef


Barbecued Pork Bun


Barbecued Pork Dumpling


Cake with Barbecued Pork


Sauteed Rice Noodles


Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables


Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel


Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce


Steamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce


Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce


Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom


Mixed Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Saucewww


Fried Chive Cake


Pancake with Scallions


Crispy Spring Roll


Taro Cake with Preserved Pork


Sichuan Flavor Noodle


Deep-Fried Shrimps and Chive Dumplings


Steamed Rice Rolls with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables


Water Chestnut Jelly Cake


Soybean Milk


Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste


Pan-fried Red Bean Paste Pancake


Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Red Bean Paste Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves


Stir-fried Rice with Bacon and Mixed Vegetables


Steamed Vegetable Dumplings


Spinach and Meat Dumpling


Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings


Chilled Herbal Jelly Served with Honey


Fried Fish and Egg


Dry-fried Rice Noodle and Sliced Beef


Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup



Sauteed Lily and Green Vegetable in XO Sauce


Sauteed Pumpkin with Lily


Sauteed Chinese Cabbage with Chestnuts


Boiled Seasonal Vegetables


Sauteed Kale


Sauteed Lettuce


Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables


Sauteed Bitter Gourd Peel in Black Bean Sauce


Sauteed Snow Beans with Scallion


Sauteed Green Peas and Corn


Braised Vegetables with Black Mushroom


Sauteed Vegetable with Diced Fish and Black Bean Sauce


Braised Asparagus with Scallops


Sauteed Bitter Gourd


Sauteed Diced Squid and Green Vegetables


Braised Seasonal Vegetables in Oyster Sauce


Braised Vegetables in Oyster Sauce


Sauteed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce


Braised Taro in Soy Sauce


Steamed Pumpkin with Red Chinese Dates


Braised Vegetable with Mushrooms


Sauteed Green Chili Pepper


Sauteed Diced Lotus Root with Celery and Walnuts


Simmered Winter Melon with Yellow Fungus


Sauteed Sweet Corn with Salty Egg Yolk


Sauteed Broad Beans with Ham


Sauteed Bamboo Shoots


Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables in Ginger


Deep Fried Diced Eggplant with Spicy Salt


Sauteed Vegetables with Chili Pepper



Xiang Diao Shao Xing (8 Years)


Cai Tan Hua Diao


Xiang Diao Shao Xing (5 Years)


Shao Xing Hua Diao (10 Years)


Shao Xing Hua Diao (20 Years)


Shao Xing Hua Diao & Sake


Hua Diao Shao Xing (30 Years)


Shao Xing Jia Fan


Nu'er Hong (12 Years)


Nu'er Hong (18 Years)


Gu Yue Long Shan



Bei Jing Chun


Er Guo Tou(Superior500ml 56°)

(14)精装二锅头 52度

Hong Xing Er Guo Tou(500ml 52°)


Gu Zhong Er Guo Tou(500ml 46°)


Lan Hua Zhen Pin Er Guo Tou


Red Star Zhenpin Er Guo Tou(500ml 52°)


Niulanshan Brand Jingdian Erguotou (500ml 52°)


Qing Ci Zheng Pin Er Guo Tou(500ml 46°)

(20)京酒 38度

Jing Jiu(500ml 38°)


San Pin Jing Jiu (500ml 38°)


San Pin Jing Jiu (500ml 52°)

(23)酒鬼 38度

Jiu Gui(500ml 38°)

(24)酒鬼 52度

Jiu Gui(500ml 52°)


Xiao Jiu Gui(250ml 38°)


Guo Niang (Mao Tai Liquor Series)

(27)茅台 38度

Mao Tai(500ml 38°)

(28)茅台 53度

Mao Tai(500ml 53°)


Mao Tai (30 years)


Mao Tai (15 years)



Braised Sliced Pork with Bean Curd and Chinese Cabbage


Braised Pork with Small Abalone


Braised Pork with Abalone Sauce


Stewed Diced Pork and Sliced Beancurd with Brown Sauce


Steamed Rice Rolls with Barbecued Pork Intestine and Vegetables


Fried Pork with Chili Sauce Chaozhou Style


Spareribs with Bitter Gourd Chaozhou Style


Steamed Pork with Soy Sauce


Sautéed Shredded Pork(Carrots,Bamboo and Mushrooms) with Hot Sauce


Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potato


Braised Dongpo Pork


Braised Sliced Pork with Preserved Vegetables in Casserole


Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots


Fried Pig's Kidney with Onion


Sauteed Spicy Pork with Dry Bean


Braised Sparerib and Chicken in Clay Pot


Stewed Sweet and Sour Pork


Braised Spicy Trotters


Fried Trotters with Black Pepper


Stewed Meatball with Brown Sauce


Crispy Suckling Pigs


Sauteed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chilli


Stir-Fried Pork Kidney


Pan-Fried Pork Fillet


Braised Spare Ribs with Spicy Sauce


Braised Trotters with Soy Bean Paste


Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt


Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt


Braised Pork with Melon


Braised Pork with Small Abalone


Sauteed Shredded Pork with Sweet-Bean Sauce



1、We've found a great new restaurant near the office我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。

2、The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about这家新餐馆没什么值得特别激动的地方。

3、There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和饭馆。

4、We got really cruddy service in that restaurant last time我们上次在那个饭馆得到的服务实在差极了。

















特别提醒,伊斯兰教不知猪肉,很多外国人都不吃肝脏,吃鸡鸭去头颈尾,肥肠,肚条,驴心可能会让他们看了就恶心,英文菜名太长叫不上来干脆就用中文,他们下次吃还记得叫这道菜,有一位外国朋友很喜欢炒饭,每次吃都叫拼音chaofan,油菜不知道你指的是什么,不同地方叫法不一样,菜名每个单词首字母都要大写,你自己纠正一下。preserved egg with chrysanthemum and peanuts

bitter gourd and pork gristle

the old six ingredients

spinach with peanuts

cold enoki mushroom and cucumber with sauce

花生米 20 deep-fried peanuts

孜然羊肉 38 stir-fired mutton with cumin

葱爆羊肉 38 quick-fried lamb with scallion in ginger sauce

尖椒肥肠 38 pig's large intestines with chilli

炸里脊 40 deep-fired pork fillet

溜肚条 40 quick-fried Shredded Tripe

糖醋里脊 40pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce

溜肉段 40quick-fried Shredded pork

尖椒驴心肉 38 donkey meat with chilli

红烧肘子 50 braised ham in soy sauce

菠菜古老肉 40 spinach and Sweet and Sour Pork

红烧排骨 50 braised spare ribs in soy sauce

香菇油菜 28 mushrooms and coles

油菜虾仁 40 fired-shrimps and cole

松仁玉米 26 fried sweet corns with pine nuts

红烧日本豆腐 30 Braised Japanese Tofu

木须肉 30 Moo Shu Pork/Fried Pork with Scrambled Eggs and Fungus

煎蛋 5 fried eggs


孜然鱿鱼 40 stir-fried squid with cumin

腰果虾仁 40 fried shrimps with cashew nuts

炒蚬子 30 stir-fired Mactra chinensis

溜大虾 48 quick-fired Prawns

盐水虾 48 boiled Prawns in salt water


可乐鸡翅 40Spicy coca cola chicken wings

香辣鸡丁 38 chicken slices with chilli

宫保鸡丁 38 Kung Pao Chicken

鱼类 fish

家闷黄花鱼 40 braied yellow fish

干烧鲤鱼 48 braised carp in brown sauce

水煮鱼 48 boiled fish with chilli

水饺 dumplings/ jiaozi

韭菜猪肉 白菜肉 pork and Chinese chives

啤酒 beer

青岛Qingdao beer天涯




果粒橙Minute Maid(美汁源) orange juice

绿茶green tes 红茶black tea

露露Lulu almond juice

矿泉水mineral water













Special snacks for the mausoleum

1 Stamp rice

Rice is a kind of rice food which the hakka people likeTake the fine japonica rice, glutinous rice each half, the tao slightly steeper, grind into fine powderIn the other mountains, yellow and yellow jingchai is boiled water, filtered yellow soup juice, mixed rice flour, knead doughThe hand is made of a hat, with a red dot on the of the hatDrain on fresh leaves and steamAdhere to white sugar, sweet heartIt also likes to dip in pepper sauce, its spicy and spicy flavor

2 Sanzi of yan ling

Sander is a unique local Fried rice noodle dishGrind the glutinous rice into fine powder, water and noodles, kneading and flattening, all pieces of single side cut into thin strips, ist and shapeIt is like the Olympic rings in the loop, the red pointed image and the longevity peach, as well as the sedan chair and plum blossomFry the frying pan until golden brownAdd salt to flour, add chopped garlic root, sesame, and sprinkle with five spicesSalt and light in mouth, crisp and deliciousIt is also the traditional snack of the folk festival, the red and white wedding, and the sweet flower root, flower chip and cat ear

3 Crispy beans

The bean rice brittle of yan ling is a local special Fried rice noodles foodGrind the glutinous rice into fine powder, add water and stir until it is thick Add the beans, salt and stir well Add chopped onion and sesame seeds aording to your personal preferenceFry the oil pan (pan or pan) until golden, and serve as a pancake

Golden bean rice crispy and salty, crisp and refreshingIt is the traditional snack of the folk festival, red and white wedding dishes

4 Brew tofu

Making tofu is a mon snack of hakka people, cut the tofu oblique triangular piece into one inch in length and breadth, into the pan fry for a while, take out and drain, then cut, inside put with glutinous rice, garlic, spicy and chili powder seasoning mix into the half ripe, eat and sprinkle with some pepper, scallions, taste particularly tastyAlso, during the first month of the month, treat relatives and friends

5 Mugwort

Mugwort, a local mon snack, especially when the family is reunite with new rice or family, the whole family makes it together, the food is lively, the making is lively, it can create the atmosphere of family harmonyBecause the fruit is round, it also means reunion, which will be collected wild in the mountains of unique fragrance, folium artemisiae argyi, wash and cook a bit in the hot water, knead to bitter taste, aording to the proportion of 1:1, deserve to go up with mortar ground to fine glutinous rice powder, on the right amount of water, a few people with the hand hard rub up fullyI don't know, I'm going to make a pieIt can also be made of fresh meat or bacon, bamboo shoots, garlic and other ingredients to make the Amy bag It is delicious when steamed in a panEat, a thick fragrance to the nose, the mouth feel ooth and tender but not greasy, soft and tough, is the local people very much like a way to eatThe snack is said to have been around for thousands of years

6, soup

This is the hakka food made from rice pulp, also known as the belt rice, dustpan riceWhen making the first japonica rice on the water soak for several hours (can also be supplemented by a little soybean), ground into a paste with a all spoon after sheng on the dustpan, soak in hot water pot fire evaporate quickly, hence bee white sheet jelly, lean meat, eggs, tofu skin, on the shop, pickle, bean sprouts and mushrooms, etc for filling, fold belt shapeThe flavor is seasoned with oil salt, peanut rice, onion and other ingredients, the taste of the mouth is supple and ooth, very delicious


Three Flavor Mikuriya





The characteristics of Hainan delicacy海南的特色美食

青岛特色美食有哪些 舌尖上的青岛特色美食

青岛的特色美食? 海鲜就不必说了 关于青岛那些十大小吃吧 我真没觉得有什么 要吃就吃海鲜


宁国市山核桃具有粒大壳薄、核仁肥厚、含油量高、商品性佳的特点。 目前全市山核桃面积已达9300公顷,最高年产量3249吨。 而且随着山核桃基地规模扩大,运销、加工业应运而生,初步形成山核桃加工、销售体系,加工产品有椒盐、五香、奶油、多味山核桃和山核桃仁、山核桃油等系列产品,已形成超亿元的产业。1996年宁国市被授予“中国山核桃之乡”的称号。




酱鸡是一道乌镇的汉族特色名菜,外观酱红油亮,入口脆嫩鲜美,后味无尽。选用本地农民当年放养的土种雌鸡作原料。加工时整体烧制,原汁浸烧,三次出汤;再放入上等酱油、黄酒、白糖和香料等佐料浸烧 ;出锅后又得涂上一层麻油 ,方告完成。成品酱鸡由于是原汁原汤反复烧制,鸡体内的水分已基本蒸发,所以特别容易保存,有"六月不馊,腊月不冻"之说。




面食嘛可以去吃杭州的奎元馆(解放路154号 官巷口)或者慧娟面馆(望江路132号),人气很旺的。



The first plate, salad

Bacon pesto baked mussels Pui

Frozen beef lettuce acid Rosa de vol

Garden vegetable salad

Garden Salad

Thin beef with mustard sauce

Hawaii fruit salad

Fruit Salad

Chef salad


Dragon Emperor shrimp soup

All kinds of cream soup (corn, mushrooms, tomatoes)


Russian Borsch

French onion soup

Oxtail soup

Princess Chicken

Pa meal

Super naked eye steak

Lemon juice, fried silver cod fish steaks

Filet mignon

French lamb chops (marinated)

West cold steak

American T-bone steak (salted)

牛仔骨platoon (salted)

Beef row

Black Pepper Sirloin Steak (salted)

California chicken row

Guillermo sea bream

Plum pork chops

香煎pork chops

(The above meal distribution; salad, corn soup罗宋汤or one-off)


Curry pork chop / steak meal

Curry even Quarter

Sirloin curry rice

Curry chicken rice

Seafood curry rice

Powder, rice, noodle (hereinafter stew meal delivery one-off)

Spanish seafood fried rice

Traditional baked pork chop rice

Baked fish cream corn meal / Spaghetti

Saddam grilled pork chop with rice

Pa瑶柱imperial fried rice

Emperor baked chicken with rice / pasta

Pate cheese baked spaghetti

Black pepper beef baked rice

Baked beef tomato pasta

Mushrooms cheese bacon baked spaghetti

Black pepper pasta fried cow柳丝

Singapore fried rice noodles

Desktop sausage fried rice

Indonesian fried rice

Fried seafood udon noodle

Tablets of salted fish chicken fried rice

Yangzhou fried rice

Sandwiches, eggs

Confluence sandwiches

Acid melon beef sandwiches

Crispy chicken tomato sandwiches

Tuna sandwich

Fruit Sandwiches

French toast

Ham, double egg fried chicken sausage

Spain suddenly out

Black pepper beef suddenly out

Castrate cheese chicken out

Snacks, desserts


Japanese-style octopus

Salt and pepper salmon head

Salt and pepper duck chin

Fried chicken wings

Desktop sausage

Spring香煎many fish (or Guillermo)

Chuan Xiang chicken breast strips

Cuminum mutton string

Snow pumpkin pie


French Fries

Durian cake

Caramel pudding

Flavor Musil

Spicy beef


Business Package (hereinafter meal distribution; day stew and vegetables are one-off

Three cups of chicken desktop Chicken In Three Cups Sauce Rice

Japanese eel rice

Gomi ribs rice Pork Ribs Mixed Flavor Rice

泡椒肥肠rice Chitterling With Pickled Pepper Rice

Spicy sirloin rice Spicy Hot Stewed Beef Brisket Rice

Chuan Xiang回锅肉rice Double Cooked Pork Slices Rice

Code of肉燥rice Famous Minced Pork Rice Taiwan Style

Cephalomappa mushroom rice Fried Beef And Mushroom Rice

Black pepper beef rice Beef With BLACK PEPPER Rice

Soy sauce rice pork ribs Pork Ribs With Black Bean Sauce Rice

Spicy Chicken Rice干椒

Braised fresh eel rice Grilled Eel Rice

Double mushroom rice cod


汤粉, Noodles

Mushroom soup chicken rice / udon noodle

Sirloin soup noodles / Udon Noodles

Mustard pork soup noodles / Udon Noodles

Ham double doll蛋汤Noodles / (or luncheon meat)

Desktop braised beef noodle


皮蛋瘦肉粥Minced Pork Congee With Preserved

Waterloo鸡粥Chicken And Mushroom Congee

Nest egg Beef Congee

Ribs salted egg porridge


Preserved meat煲仔/ stone rice

Chicken mushrooms煲仔/ stone rice

Frog煲仔/ stone rice

Soy flavor ribs煲仔/ stone rice

Mushroom Cephalomappa煲仔/ stone rice

Fresh eel煲仔/ stone rice

Sirloin煲仔/ stone rice

(The above meal distribution; stew and vegetables are one day off)


Black-bone chicken stewed fresh ginseng

Agrocybe old chicken stew

Sydney papaya stew bone

Root of Ficus hitra old chicken stew

Style packages

A French-style packages

French onion soup with garlic law package

Grape wine

West cold steak sauce allocation method referred

Pate pasta

Caramel pudding

Coffee / tea

American Package B

Corn chowder with American butter toast

Grape wine

American T-bone steak

Ketchup spaghetti

Caramel pudding

Coffee / tea

Russian Package C

Moscow packet vegetable soup garlic

Grape wine

Cow bones small row

Characteristics of fried rice

Strawberry Musil

Coffee / tea

D Italian-style packages

Italian Dragon Emperor shrimp garlic soup packets

White wine grape

Shannon雪鱼silver with lemon juice

Milan pasta

Strawberry Musil

Coffee / tea

E characteristics of Code Package

Corn chowder garlic鸡茸package

Grape wine

Code of Yuanyang row

Tomato pasta

Caramel pudding

Code of coffee / tea





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