All Chinese dialects share one writing system of about 40000 symbols which are 'universally' comprehensible Spoken Chinese varieties often are mutually incomprehensible
Chinese is a tonal languageThe meaning of a word changes according to its tone There are 4 tones in Mandarin Chinese: flat, rising, falling then rising and falling Other dialects feature up to 9 different tones
All words have only one grammatical form only There is no grammatical distinction between singular or plural, no declination of verbs according to tense, mood and aspect
The distinction between singular or plural is accomplished by sentence structure Tenses are indicated by adverbs of time ('yesterday', 'later') or particles
Sounds great Well, 2 different types of aspects which are unlike anything in any European language give information as to the relevancy of an occurrence and a complex system of suffixes to distinguish the direction, possibility, and success of an action help complicate this apparently easy grammar…
Questions are formed by usage of particles, the word order (mostly Subject, Verb, Object) remains unchanged
官话有四个音调: 降调、升调、降调、升调和降调。其他方言有多达9种不同的声调。所有的单词只有一种语法形式,只有单数和复数没有语法区别,动词没有时态、语气和体态的倾斜。
单数和复数的区别是通过句子结构来实现的。时态由时间副词(“ yesterday”、“ later”)或粒子表示。听起来不错吧?两种不同类型的方面不同于任何一种欧洲语言,它们提供关于事件的相关性的信息,以及区分行动方向、可能性和成功的复杂后缀系统,这些都使这个应用程序复杂化。
1A: How is the weather in spring
B: It is warm and aften windy(windy)
2A: How is the weather in summer
B: It is hot and aften sunny(rainy)
3A: How is the weather in autumn
B: It is cool and aften cloudy
4A: How is the weather in winter
B: It is cold and aften snowy