英语阅读理解a three-year-old boy,maddox talloqin

英语阅读理解a three-year-old boy,maddox talloqin,第1张

A three-year-old boy saved his mum's life by using her mobile phone to call for help

One morning, Aaron Green, found his mum Cally Wooton lying on the floor of her bedroom, and was not able to wake her up He immediately turned to his mum's Blackberry mobile phone on the bed, opened it, found the address book, and called his mum's grandmother, even though he had never been shown how to use the phone Little Aaron told her: Mummy's sick, she's very ill

The grandmother called Cally's best friend Kara McCoy, who lived nearby Kara ran to Cally's house She found Cally was lying on the bedroom floor She must have fallen off the bed She was moving but wouldn't answer Kara was scared She didn't know what to do She was helpless, so she called the ambulance(救护车)

Cally was sent to hospital and was found that she had a diabetic seizure(糖尿病发作)After five days in hospital, Cally was well again

Aaron has just started learning his ABCKara said, But he was very brave and calm He did better than me

If it wasn't for Aaron, 1 wouldn't be here now The doctors said 1 was lucky to be alivethe boy's mother said,“ I don't know how he did it It is not easy to use that phone It feels like I must have been watched over by an angel who was guiding him through what to do I want everyone to know what a Superman he is”

46What did Aaron do when he found his mum lying on the floor

AHe ran away at once

B He didn't know what to do

C He called his mum's grandmother

DHe called his mum's best friend, Kara

47From the passage we know that

A Cally was well the next day

B Cally told his son to call for help

C Cally's mother sent her to hospital

D Cally's son saved her life by using her mobile phone

48 The underlined word shein the passage refers to____

A Cally B Kara C the doctor D Cally' s grandmother

49This passage may be _______

A an advertisement B a piece of news

C a poster D a survey


A wonderful trip with some special soldier

In a beautiful morning, me and my father hit the roads to begin a wonderful trip to visit the emperor qin's terra cotta warriors When i came into the musume, the first thing came into my eyes is nothing but mud but when i walked closer, the impressive view just took my breath away there are hundreds and thousands of mud warriors in the mud and they all look seriousely, so serious that i woudn't dare to even walk a little bit closer the great landmark reminds me of how great my country is, and i should be proud of it from that moment on, i decided to be a warrior to defend my country! what a wonderful trip~!


hit the roads to do sth=出发去做什么事情



took my breath away= 让我感到惊奇~


热闹非凡、 载歌载舞、 高朋满座、

门庭若市、 人欢马叫、 盛况空前、

川流不息、 摩肩接踵、 花天锦地、

人山人海、 喜气洋洋、 鼓乐喧天

红飞翠舞、 鼓乐齐鸣、 笙歌鼎沸、



成语: 车龙马水

拼音: chē lóng mǎ shuǐ

解释: 车像流水,马像游龙。形容车马往来不绝,繁华热闹的景象。

成语: 繁华胜地

拼音: fán huá shèng dì

解释: 繁华:热闹,繁盛;胜地:有名且风景优美的地方。热闹的名胜之地。

成语: 鼓乐齐鸣

拼音: gǔ yuè qí míng

解释: 击鼓和奏乐声一齐响。形容热闹景象。

出处: 郭沫若《虎符》第二幕:“群众起来,鼓乐齐鸣。”

成语: 花天锦地

拼音: huā tiān jǐn dì

解释: 形容繁华热闹。

出处: 明·冯梦龙《古今小说》第五卷:“行至长安,果然是花天锦地,比新丰市又不相同。”

成语: 门庭若市

拼音: mén tíng ruò shì

解释: 庭:院子;若:象;市:集市。门前和院子里人很多,象市场一样。原形容进谏的人很多。现形容来的人很多,非常热闹。

成语: 人喊马嘶

拼音: rén hǎn mǎ sī

解释: 人喊叫,马嘶鸣。形容纷乱扰攘或热闹欢腾的情景。

出处: 唐·卢纶《送韦判官得雨中山》:“人语马嘶听不得,更堪长路在云中。”

成语: 十字街头

拼音: shí zì jiē tóu

解释: 指纵横交叉、繁华热闹的街道。也借指人世间,现实社会。

出处: 宋·释普济《五灯会元·黄檗运禅师法嗣》:“一人在孤峰顶上无出身路,一人在十字街头亦无向背,且道那个在前,那个在后。”


































When the prosperity is gone, the world has lost its color, and the rose has turned into dust, my heart is hard to cover even in the dark, it is you who make me yearn for disaster


The hub of chariot can be hurt by the bustling business The teachers are more senior than Hunan


Nowadays, the bustling city is shrouded by all kinds of dazzling lights, which always gives people a feeling of suffocation But in addition to the noise, there is a light It is not as colorful as neon lights, as dazzling as sunglasses, or as happy as lanterns It emits dim yellow but soft light


Whether it's a thousand years of loneliness or a hundred years of prosperity, it's not something we can touch Instead of being stabbed deeply, why not avoid its sharp point and make a detour Many scars are actually made by everyone himself But I don't know It's just plain


Fame and fortune are flourishing, gathering and dispersing gains and losses, and running around in a hurry It's family and friends who are always with us A greeting to let you run forward, tears, friends, this greeting is to send you forever warm World greetings day, I wish you happiness and peace of mind


Only when the prosperity is gone can we know that the ordinary is true; when we look back on the vicissitudes of life, we just want to be plain as water


I always hide in the depths of the season, listening to the flowers and the night singing the nightmare, singing the prosperity, singing off all the memories


Following the warm call of Shanghai Customs Building bell and feeling the gentle breath of Huangpu River, I stepped on the broad riverbank dike along the barrier free channel of the Bund dike, looked around, and saw the scenes of cultural landscape My thoughts and Huangpu River gathered together, like surging river, waves and waves, and emotions rolling Thousand


Your world is a song that I forget the melody; my loneliness, but I can't cry Your Cangsang, the way to meet my prosperous and desolate, I chant repeatedly, but it has become the sadness that the time can't stop


The noisy age is gone like the wind The heart honed by life has become quiet and soft It sows the seeds of tenderness and sprouts a peaceful state of mind No longer to pursue a prosperous, know that time is a ruthless sword, will entertain everything in the world, good flowers will inevitably be a colorful place, the grand scenery also has a dim day Plain years, with our simple life, overlooking the long stream, listening to birds and flowers, together to the end of life


Who regretted a prosperous feast, who escaped from a growing party first, the joys and sorrows of youth, who inadvertently brightened the scenery all the way Time is drawn into the clouds of love


Life is a play, with uncertain blessings and misfortunes; gathering and dispersing; sharing sorrows and joys; the difference between the rich and the poor; gains and losses follow each other, with a certain number of flowers blooming and falling, sometimes high and low What we pass by is scenery What we have experienced is knowing that it is not necessarily warm to live in a prosperous and peaceful life We can see the true feelings when we have no food and drink The glory will come to an end We can also see the life in the absolute place The boat will pass through the water more quietly, the cloud will pass through the sky more blue, and the peak circuit transfer will see a better scenery The sun and the moon are two lights, a dream in spring and autumn When the world of mortals sees through it, it is only floating; when life sees through it, it is impermanence; when love sees through it, it is gathering Fenghua refers to quicksand, a period of old age, a hundred years later is just a blooming time


It seems that for many years, I have been watching the prosperous world alone, watching other people's happiness and bustle, and then squatting down to hug myself, standing up and moving on It's the Mid Autumn Festival again, a little sad


In our inclined world, the whole city is noisy and prosperous We walk in the dim yellow light The suffocation of the city brings us a little despair and a shock to our hearts People live in such an environment They are all only concerned with their own lives, and they have no time to consider the city that is surrounded by danger carved by engineers, and they have no time to dress up the spider The city civilization of the



Missing, like the leaves in the autumn wind, flutters lonely, swings out the silk melancholy, sinks in the loneliness Perhaps only by grasping the monologue of the moment can we realize the bitterness I secretly feel sad, leaving the bustling city, a person waiting for emptiness and self-sufficiency, leading a monotonous but regular and quiet life


The fragrance is continuous and the oke is curling Flying clouds and shadows, the breeze is like this, the old green dye window The delicate warbler hides skillfully, the weak willow shoots, the rain and the clear crescent moon, the plain string who plucks, in the Qin Zheng of the next floor, the singing is faint, the tears dye cinnabar Leaning against the window, listening to the Huanxi sand, no intention to continue Bing Si writes about the sentimental tears The all court is quiet In the shade, he still cuts the lanterns and spends his time After years of old, it has become idle talk Who can understand the prosperity After all, the butterfly dream is a moment, a thousand miles off the mountain, and the dream is sent to the end of the world


How to live in the prosperity of flowers, dreams, how to present dreams


Dreams fall three thousand feet deep sorrow like the sea, bustling scattered scattered In the reincarnation of memory, I raise my glass and drink all over the bridge


More and more cars, we are blocked; more and more buildings, we are short; more and more money, we are poor: the prosperous end, see the heart; simple is pure, happy is true



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