

为了给小星星们更多展示自我的机会,创造独属于自己的舞台,和全国的同龄人思维碰撞、激发灵感,“希望之星暨希语盛典”携手《英语周报》社打造了融专业度、趣味性和互动性于一体的英语演讲月刊——《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》,自征稿活动启动以来,就引起热烈的反响,受到家长和同学们的广泛好评!






A: Having a little brother or a little sister is a good thing for a kid in the family

B: Having a little brother or a little sister is not a good thing for a kid in the family




Having a little brother or a little sister is a good thing for a kid in the family

Hi! I'm Li Jiaming, I think that having a younger brother or a sister is a good thing Here are the reasons:

First, having a younger brother or a sister can make children learn to share with others, so that children will be more generous and loving

Second, having a younger brother or a sister can teach children how to get along with others and cooperate, which is helpful to cultivate teamwork spirit and lay a good foundation for children from school to society

Third, having a younger brother or a sister is beneficial to cultivate children's sense of responsibility The elder child can take care of the younger brother or sister, it can also increase the happiness of the family

Frankly speaking, I have a little sister I’m very happy with her Of course, I will try my best to be a good brother In general, I believe that having a younger brother or a sister is a good thing!



Having a little sister is not good

Many parents want to have little sons or daughters Some children think it is good to have brothers or sisters for us, while some think it is bad As for me, I think there are a lot of disadvantages Take my sister as an example

Firstly, she always disturbs my life She often uses my objects without asking me When we both make mistakes, mum always shouts at me instead of my sister Sometimes when she is angry with me, she usually hits me on my head I feel unhappy because I have to bear all of these

Secondly, she often makes noises and I can’t focus on my study Once, she finished her homework, but I didn’t She asked me to play with her At last, I forgot to do homework on time and my mum punished me I felt very sad for it

Thirdly, my sister shares the love from parents with me When we are ill, my mum gives more care to my sister and doesn’t care me so much She always says: “You are the brother and you should take care of yourself”

Finally, I think my sister is not polite at all If my mum is angry with my sister, she will talk back impolitely

The above reasons are why I think having a sister is not a good thing However, since she is my sister, I will still look after her as an elder brother But I hope parents should talk with us before having a brother or sister, because maybe it is not so good to have little ones



Sibling’s benefits

Are you the only child in your family I am But I think having a little brother or a little sister is a brilliant thing There are two main reasons

The first reason is that you won't feel lonely I find it easier to tell my friends things that I might not say to my parents So, if I have a younger sister, there'll always be someone who understands me and comforts me when I'm sad I want a social circle at home

Another reason is taking care of parents in the future I can't imagine that when I'm old enough to leave home, my parents can't rely on me because I'm too busy at work If I have a sibling, we can take turns to take care of our parents and other seniors in our family I believe it's one of the reasons that the government allows every family to have up to three children

However, some students are sensitive and worry that their parents' amount of love will be less if they have a little sibling I have the opposite opinion We love each other in our families

So, do you want more brothers or sisters



Having A Sister Or Brother Is Not So Good

The arrival of a new baby is a truly joyous event for most of us But for the elder child in the family, it is different The family atmosphere, family relationship and fellowship change since the birth of the younger child, which has a great impact on the elder kid They cannot get all love and care of their family and cannot be the center of attention as before They may be depressed for a long time

Take my personal example From the day I was born to the moment my brother was born, I was the queen of my family for several years I could ask for everything I wanted such as yummy food, interesting toys and so on, and didn't have to share it with anyone else In addition, I could enjoy my parents' company as soon as possible, But everything has changed since my little brother was born

Needless to say, I have to give up the exclusive ownship of everything at home I even feel more lonely, although it seems that the family is more lively because of one more family member When I want to have some sports with my parents or do some parent-child reading or just have a leisurely chat, they usually don't have time for me because they are taking care of my little brother

Frankly speaking, having a sister or brother is not a good thing for a kid in the family, especially for his or her physical and mental health




A: It's important to love others

B: It's important to be loved



It’s important to be loved

There’s a highly contentious topic discussed among people regarding the affection to receive or to give Some people are of the opinion that there’s no denying the fact that the ones who are loved by others are blessed and the blessings play a major role in lifetime journey, while other people stick to the idea that devotion is a virtue and should be advocated for a better place to be for return I am in favor of the former idea with persuasive reasons

Being loved by others is the driving force for us to advance to higher level of what we do In the setting of education institution where we are routinely surrounded by teachers and classmates, we need their recognition on our ability to learn and our achievement made on the school subjects, since their admiration always serves as the power for us to stay motivated, even when we are under pressure and facing difficulty in study

The understanding and unconditional love given by our parents makes home a haven against all odds in life During our lifetime journey, it’s inevitable to avoid the setbacks and frustrations of all kinds At this crucial moment, our parent’s love enables us to survive and move on They give the priority on the problem we have a hard time dealing with through chatting and words of comfort All their time and efforts encourage us to overcome the hardship eventually

Thanks to the loves given by the people around us, we make miracles both in life and study Without their affection, we would never deal with the major drawbacks or even conquer them



Loving others overweight being loved

Love is one of the most important things in the world and love is needed by each person I suppose that loving others overweight being loved

If you think that it's important to be loved, then what the world will be like if everyone thinks so The world will be filled with selfish and people won't pay much attention to loving others, which will cause the disappearance of the source of love As a result, no one can get love

However, instead of valuing being loved,if people consider loving others as the more important thing, what can be seen then Your neighborhood may take out the trash for you The poor may get enough money to survive from the kind-hearted  Disabled people will be helped instead of being laughed at As can be seen, the world will become a better place to live and work, which can bring us a higher life quality Meanwhile, happiness will rush towards you, just as the old saying goes “rose presented, smell remained ” Love will be passed from one to another as fire be passed from torches to torches The whole world will be lit up gradually Only if people love others, can people get love from others More love,better world Thus, I think loving others is more important than being loved



Which is more important,love or be loved?

Different people have different answers As for me I suppose it's significant for us to love others

Loving others means giving Someone will ask what we will get from giving Some people may give you something as a gift Some probably give you sweet smiles in order to show their gratitude Sometimes you will get nothing after giving so much I just want to say that love others don’t need pay off However, why someone still choose to love others?

Because it is the traditional virtue of China and it is also the main idea of Confucius This kind of love is not limited to love some people but all living things in the earth It is a great love When you really love them they can feel it Everyone you loved will give you a helping hand when you get into trouble Thus,you ought to believe good people have good rewards

Additionally, the medical workers during the Covid-19 made every effort to save the lives of patients But why they did it without any hesitation Were they not afraid to die No! There’s no doubt that they have great love for the country and the people What they get was not only bonuses, but also the respect from people all over the World! They use action to explain how to love

In my point of view, every teenager are expected to learn to them on loving others All in all, if we can start with small things, our society will be more harmonious

That's all



It’s important to love

There was a long time I couldn’t see love in my heart, I was ungrateful, for all the things that I’ve earned, for all the journeys that I’ve taken and all the lessons that I’ve learned I wondered where I was going, what my role was meant to be I didn’t know how to travel, to a future that I couldn’t see

Until I found love in my heart, I understood, it’s important to love Loving someone is more important than all the things that I’ve earned I helped a friend in need, I was there to help him see the love that shines from a true friend At that moment, we understood, it’s important to love We can be providers, provide everyone with love

There was an amazing army in China It’s Red Army It won a lot of wars and created new China Why did Red Army win Because the soldiers love people They protected people and brought then lands, food, money and safety Then people loved them, too When the soldiers were fighting, the people always joined them and gave then food There was an interesting story, one of Jiang Jieshi’s soldiers said angrily, ‘We can’t win! The people all love Red Army We eat noodles, but they eat pork How can we win!’ Now you see, it’s important to love So, when we love each other, combine the love that shines within us, there’s nothing we can’t do, there’s no battle we can’t win

It’s important to love It is true History can prove it When you understand that, you’ll shine like rainbows, you’ll be better than ever

恭喜各位同学,投稿稿件登上《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》12月刊。



《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》 每期将发布一个有趣的辩论话题,并向各位优秀选手征集精彩观点。入选稿件将刊登在《英语周报|希语盛典 演讲专刊》上,并获得由《英语周报》社与希望之星暨希语盛典联合颁发的稿件发表证明书。





A: It's useful to make a new year's resolution list

B: It's useless to make a new year's resolution list



A: True wisdom comes from experience

B: True wisdom is inborn


















Outlook Superstars!

Your Time to Share!

so here we stand in our secret place


with the sound of the crowd


so far away and you take my hand


and it feels like home


we both understand


its where we belong


so how do i say


do i say goodbye


we both have our dream


we both wanna fly so lets take tonight


to carry us through

让我们坚持到底渡过难关(carry through:使渡过难关(或麻烦)等)

the lonely time sill always look back


as i walk away


this memory will last


for eternity


and all of our tears


will be lost in the rain


when i find my way back


to your arms again


but until that day


you know you are


the queen of my heart the queen of my heart so lets take tonight

and never let go


while dancing we'll kiss


like there’s no tomorrow


as the stars sparkle down


like a diamond ring


i'll treasure this moment


till we meet again but no matter how far away you may be


i just close my eyes


and your in my dreams


and there you will be


until we meet ill always look back as i walk away


this memory will last


for eternity


the queen of my heartoh, yeah


your the queen of my heart [queen of my heart]

no matter, amazing tale


i'd give it all to you


oh yeah [queen of my heart]

oh yes you are the queen of my heart

Jason derulo的queen of hearts的歌词

Jason Derulo - Queen Of Hearts

MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

Queen of hearts

歌名:queen of hearts

歌手:jason de

专辑:《jason derulo》

Queen of hearts

She the type of girl to make ya lazy

Don't wanna do a thing

I've been thinking crazy lately;

Like buying her a ring

I used to be at the party with ladies, getting down

I used to play with them girls

But, I'm thinking different now

Oooooh she's a star;

She makes me fly

Takin' me places, I've never seen

Two worlds apart

But, she don't mind,

Cause she's got her wings

I ain't the only one in love,

Reputation is a bad girl;

Cause she the queen of hearts

She had me open from the start,

Having had her I wish I dealt the cards

Shorty's the queen of hearts

Queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)

Shorty's the queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)

Shorty's the queen of hearts

Can't wait to wake up in the morning,

Knowing she'll be around

Heaven shoulda sent a warning;

Before sending me an angel down

I used to chase all the money, the cars, and all them broads

But, I don't care for them thangs ever since she stole my heart

Oooooh she's a star;

She makes me fly

Takin' me places, I've never seen

Two worlds apart

But, she don't mind,

Cause she's got her wings

I ain't the only one in love,

Reputation is a bad girl;

Cause she the queen of hearts

She had me open from the start,

Having had her I wish I dealt the cards

Shorty's the queen of hearts

Queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)

Shorty's the queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)

Shorty's the queen of hearts

I ain't the only one in love,

Reputation is a bad girl;

Cause she the queen of hearts

She had me open from the start,

Having had her I wish I dealt the cards

Shorty's the queen of hearts

Queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)

Shorty's the queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)

Shorty's the queen of hearts

MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source












ATX 12V 22版:+12V电压分两路输出(即+12V1、+12V2),CPU独立供电(+12V2专为CPU供电),两路+12V设立过流保护功能;ATX 12V 23版本新规范是Intel为了适应vista显卡功耗增高,同时处理器功耗降低的现状而发布的新规范,其中300W以下功率级都是单路+12V输出。300W以上功率级还是采用双路+12V输出,主要是为了支持高端vista显卡。

ATX 12V 23版:在+12V输出功率上作了调整,目的是适应目前PC配置功耗需求(即提升了ATX 12V 22版的+12V1输出能力升,满足VISTA系统高功耗显卡供电需求;降低了+12V2输出能力,针对酷睿处理器功耗大幅度降低),同时Intel ATX 12V 23版本相应也加强了+5V及+33V电源输出。




全名:Rattapong Tanapat 或写成 Rattapong Thanapat




学历:University of California, San Diego(USA)



Ruk Nid Nid Kid Tow Rai (Ch3 1998)

Por Gai Gae Mae Plachaon (Ch3 1999)

Barn Rai Sai Sawart (Ch3 2000)

Meaw Kub Pla Yarng (Ch3 2000)

Ruk Loy Lom (Ch3 2000)

Oubut Tee Hua Jai (Ch3 2001)

Nang Sao Warn Cheun (Ch3 2001)

Chun Cheu Syela (Ch7 2001)

Sapai Rye Sukdeena (Ch 3 2001)

Poeb Sanaeha (Ch3 )

Pak Klong Talad (Ch5 2002)

Tow Kin Puck Boong (Ch3 2003)

Seur Sing Krating Soat (Ch3 2003)

Weewah Orlawaeng

Fah Kub Tawan (ITV)

Kom Faek (ch7 2008)

Montra Haeng Ruk (ch7/2008)

Long Reur Ha Ruk with Jieb Sopitnapa Chumpanee (Ch7 2009)

Wung Nam Karng (ch7/2009)

Rook Kard (ch7/ Up ing)



汉字 : 甘

读音 : gān

部首 : 甘

笔画数 : 5

笔画名称: 横、竖、竖、横、横












求over the love的歌词! Florence and the machine的


since I was a child

I've tuned it all in my mind

I sang by the


Tore my yellow dress and

Cried and cried and cried

And I'd

want to see what I've seen

To undo what has been done

Turn off all the


Let the morning e, e

Now there's green light in my eyes

And my lover on my mind

And I sing from the piano

Tear my yellow

dress and

Cry and cry and cry

Over the love of youth

On this

champagne-drunken home

Against the current of old

Everybody see I love


Cause it's the feeling that you get

When the afternoon is set


the bridge into the city

And I want to see what I've seen

To undo

what has been done

Turn off all the lights

Let the morning


There's green light in my eyes

And my lover on my mind

And I

sing from the piano

Tear my yellow dress and

Cry and cry and


Cause you're a hard soul to save

With an ocean in the way


I'll get around it

I'll get around it

Cause you're a hard soul to save

With an ocean in the way

But I'll get around it

I'll get around


There's green light in my eyes

And my lover on my mind

And I

sing from the piano

Tear my yellow dress and

Cry and cry and cry and

Over the love of youth

Cry and cry and cry and

Over the love of


Cry and cry and cry and

Over the love of youth

I can see

the green light

I can see it in your eyes

I can see the green light


can see it in your eyes






KAT-TUN的never again的歌词




What's up girls

Feel up! Come on!

Bringin' on baby

My girls

Bounce Come on! Never love again Yeah

One more chance くれない? もうChance

This situation Frastrate On me

I never understand 若过(わかす)ぎたのさ


Easy e easy go 本当(ほんとう)のことは


Never fet everything you said to me

Never fet everything you've done to me

ためらいの迷路(めいろ)で 彷徨(さまよ)う二人(ふたり)


想(おも)い出(で)まで抱(だ)きしめて 二度(にど)とおまえ离(はな)さない

どんなつらいことからも 爱(あい)を守(まも)る

You're never gonna get my love again



运命(うんめい)は?No fake

You are my everything 安(やす)い言叶(ことば)が


I couldn't help my self 嘘(うそ)でかためた


Never fet everything you said to me

Never fet everything you've done to me

とまどいのキスだけ 重(かさ)ねる二人(ふたり)




感(かん)じたまま濡(ぬ)れた瞳(め)は 本当(ほんとう)の気持(きも)ち

You're never gonna get my love again


(今日(きょう)も朝(あさ)まで二人(ふたり)Body Talk)

运命(うんめい)は?No fake

ThreeTwoOne Never again

Oh yeah baby Comin' here

Bounce Come on! Never love again Come on!

Everything もう一度(いちど)


I believe 今(いま)なら间(ま)に合(あ)う

さびついた Memory

I never understand 若过(わかす)ぎたのさ


You are my everything あきらめてた恋(こい)なのに…

(今(いま)なら言(い)えるただ I Love you)

运命(うんめい)は?No fake

想(おも)い出(で)まで抱(だ)きしめて 二度(にど)とおまえ离(はな)さない

どんなつらいことからも 爱(あい)を守(まも)る

You're never gonna get my love again





感(かん)じたまま濡(ぬ)れた瞳(め)は 本当(ほんとう)の気持(きも)ち

You're never gonna get my love again


运命(うんめい)は?No fake

  是不是那场 [The Freddie Mercury Tribute] ?



  Without Queen

   Metallica - Enter Sandman, Sad But True, Nothing Else Matters

   Extreme - Queen Medley, Love of My Life (Gary Cherone & Nuno Bettencourt), More Than Words (Gary Cherone & Nuno Bettencourt)

   Def Leppard - Now I'm Here (w/Brian May), Animal, Let's Get Rocked

   Bob Geldof - Too Late God

   Spinal Tap - The Majesty of Rock

   U2 - Until the End of the World - played via satellite from the US

   Guns N' Roses - Paradise City, Only Women Bleed (intro), Knockin' on Heaven's Door

   Elizabeth Taylor - AIDS Prevention Speech

  [edit] With Queen

   Queen + Joe Elliott/Slash - Tie Your Mother Down

   Queen + Roger Daltrey/Tony Iommi - Heaven and Hell (intro), Pinball Wizard (intro), I Want It All

   Queen + Zucchero - Las Palabras De Amor

   Queen + Gary Cherone (with Tony Iommi) - Hammer to Fall

   Queen + James Hetfield (with Tony Iommi) - Stone Cold Crazy

   Queen + Robert Plant - Innuendo (with excerpts from Kashmir), Thank You (intro), Crazy Little Thing Called Love

   Brian May with Spike Edney - Too Much Love Will Kill You

   Queen + Paul Young - Radio Ga Ga

   Queen + Seal - Who Wants to Live Forever

   Queen + Lisa Stansfield - I Want to Break Free

   Queen + David Bowie/Annie Lennox - Under Pressure

   Queen + Ian Hunter/David Bowie/Mick Ronson/Joe Elliot/Phil Collen - All The Young Dudes

   Queen + David Bowie/Mick Ronson - Heroes/The Lord's Prayer

   Queen + George Michael - '39

   Queen + George Michael/Lisa Stansfield - These Are the Days of Our Lives

   Queen + George Michael - Somebody to Love

   Queen + Elton John/Axl Rose - Bohemian Rhapsody

   Queen + Elton John (with Tony Iommi) - The Show Must Go On

   Queen + Axl Rose - We Will Rock You

   Queen + Liza Minnelli/Cast - We Are the Champions

  [edit] Backing musicians

  Queen were backed by the following musicians:

   Spike Edney - keyboards, piano, backing vocals

   Mike Moran - piano on "Who Wants to Live Forever" and "Somebody to Love"

   Josh Macrae - percussion in some Queen tracks

   Chris Thompson - backing vocals, acoustic guitar on "I Want It All", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and "Heroes", additional percussion

   Maggie Ryder - backing vocals

   Miriam Stockley - backing vocals

   The London Community Gospel Choir - backing vocals on "Somebody to Love" and "We Are the Champions"

《芒果街上的小屋》 一本优美纯净的小书,一本“诗小说”。由几十个短篇组成,语言清澈如流水,点缀着零落的韵脚和新奇的譬喻,如一首首长歌短调,各自成韵,又彼此钩连,汇聚出一个清晰世界,各样杂沓人生。所有的讲述都归于一个叙述中心:居住在芝加哥拉美移民社区芒果街上的女孩埃斯佩朗莎。生就对弱的同情心和对美的感觉力,她用清澈的眼打量周围的世界,用美丽稚嫩的语言讲述成长、沧桑、生命的美好与不易和年轻的热望与梦想,梦想有一所自己的房子,梦想在写作中追寻自我,获得自由和帮助别人的能力。

Cathy Queen of Cats

She says

I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of France She lives upstairs

over there

next door to Joe the baby-grabber Keep away from him

she says He is full of danger Benny and Blanca own the corner store They"re okay except don"t lean on the candy counter Two girls raggedy as rats live across the street You don"t want to know them Edna is the lady who owns the building next to you She used to own a building big as a whale

but her brother sold it Their mother said no


don"t ever sell it I won"t And then she closed her eyes and he sold it Alicia is stuck-up ever since she went to college She used to like me but now she doesn"t

Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats Baby cats

big cats

skinny cats

sick cats Cats asleep like little donuts Cats on top of the refrigerator Cats taking a walk on the dinner table Her house is like cat heaven

You want a friend

she says Okay

I"ll be your friend But only till next Tuesday That"s when we move away Got to Then as if she fot I just moved in

she says the neighborhood is getting bad

Cathy"s father will have to fly to France one day and find her great great distant grand cousin on her father"s side and inherit the family house How do I know this is so She told me so In the meantime they"ll just have to move a little farther north from Mango Street

a little farther away every time people like us keep moving in






凯茜的父亲有一天会要飞到法国去,找到远方的、她父亲那边的远远远房表亲,去继承家宅。我是怎么知道这些的呢?是她告诉我的。同时,他们要从芒果街向北面搬迁,离开这里一点路,在每次像我们这样的人家不断搬进来的时候。( 要明白这段话,须了解上世纪六十年代的社会背景:在芝加哥,因为文化、经济和种族等方面的差异,相对贫困的拉丁裔移民大量涌入某个社区,原来居住在这里的白人就会选择搬迁,到以白人为主的社区里去。)

Oh, tonight I'm gonna show,


Them what I'm made of for,


The killer queen inside me is,


Coming out, say hello


Oh, tonight I will return,


The fame and riches earned,


With you I'd watch them all be burned


Woah oh, woah oh


When I'm asked how I feel,


A stone-cold bitch in the night,


But I don't need these 14-carat guns to win,


I am a woman, I insist, it's my life


I can be, the queen that's inside of me


This is my chance to release it,


Be brave for you you'll see


I can be, the queen you need me to be


This is my chance,


To be the dance,


Our dream is happening,


I can be the queen


I, wind and hurricane,


The stormy sky and rain,


When you run dry I'll flood your pain


Woah oh, woah oh


In between the moments of,


The lady I've become,


A voice speaks through the noise like drums,




When I'm asked how I feel,


A stone-cold bitch in the night,


But I don't need these 14-carat guns to win,


I am a woman, I insist, it's my life


I can be, the queen that's inside of me


This is my chance to release it,


Be brave for you you'll see


I can be, the queen you need me to be


This is my chance,


To be the dance,


Our dream is happening,


I can be the queen


The queen, the queen,


Queen, queen


Stormy night come inside me like never before,


Don't forget me when I come crying to heaven's door


I will fly on a challenger across the sky,


Like a phoenix so you can remind them of thedream I bore


Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh


Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh


Poop's was the name of a small ice cream shop that opened in South Africa on August 4, 1988 The proprietor of the store, thirty-year-old Sherwood Dick "Sherb" Noble, a native of Clemons, Iowa, had been associated with dairy products from his teenage years What his customers were offered that day in Kankakee for 10¢ was a new semi-frozen, "soft serve" dairy product formulated by a recent acquaintance and new business partner, J F McCullough

A Queen Dairy refreshment stand with the 1955-present logo in Roseville, Minnesota, near St PaulThe first Dairy Queen outlet was opened by Noble in Joliet, Illinois, on June 22, 1940 DQ was an early pioneer of food franchising, with the 10 stores of 1941 expanding to 100 by 1947, 1,446 in 1950, and 2,600 in 1955 The first store in Canada opened in Melville, Saskatchewan in 1953 The present Dairy Queen logo was introduced in 1959 The company became "International Dairy Queen, Inc" (IDQ) in 1962 It was acquired by Berkshire Hathaway in 1998

During the 1950s and 1960s, Dairy Queens in the small towns of the Midwestern and Southern United States, were a center of social life In that role they have often come to be referenced as a symbol of life in small-town America, as for instance in Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen: Reflections at Sixty and Beyond by Larry McMurtry, Dairy Queen Days by Robert Inman, and Chevrolet Summers, Dairy Queen Nights by Bob Greene Some of the popular items on the Texas menu include the Hunger-buster and Belt-buster hamburgers Bob Phillips, host of the popular Texas syndicated television series Texas Country Reporter, was for many years the DQ spokesman in Texas Dairy Queen appears in many small Texas towns, such as Devine, Jacksboro, and Hamilton, and uses the nickname "The Texas Stop Sign" to illustrate its presence

Minnesota, Ohio, and Texas are among the states in which Dairy Queen has a major small-town presence

The oldest operating location is located in Springfield, Missouri This location is operated by Les & Julie Rohr (daughter of franchisee #7, Bud Bergstrom), and offers the brazier lineup of DQ products Located in the downtown area of Springfield, this DQ location caters primarily to Missouri State University students and downtown employees (its hours are reflective of this; its not open past 6pm)

[edit] Today

With 5,700 restaurants in 22 countries as of 2005, Dairy Queen is one of the largest ice cream franchises in the world

Its main competitors today are Baskin-Robbins, Cold Stone Creamery, Braum's, Carvel, Culver's, Fosters Freeze, McDonald's, Sonic Drive-In, Tastee Freez and TCBY

[edit] Stores

The company's stores are operated under several brands, all bearing the distinctive Dairy Queen logo and carrying the company's signature soft-serve ice cream (along with the trademark "curl")

[edit] Dairy Queen

A Dairy Queen store in Moncton, CanadaStores which serve a very abbreviated menu featuring primarily DQ frozen treats These locations may be open only during spring and summer; many year-round locations are located in shopping malls

So-called "Limited Brazier" locations may additionally offer hot dogs, barbecue beef (or pork) sandwiches, and in some cases french fries and chicken, but not hamburgers

The largest Dairy Queen restaurant is in Portland, Texas This small town didn't always own this claim to fame-- the original building was constructed in the late 70's and later redesigned in the mid 90's to make room for weekly meetings and events local organizations and clubs would host The newly added on sitting area offers a southern ambiance as the remaining area of the restaurant carries on the corporate look and feel of other DQ’s Drive-thru access is still made available

[edit] DQ / Orange Julius

Also known as the "Treat Center" concept, an enhanced version of the original DQ also serving drinks and foods from the Orange Julius menu This is the company's preferred concept for new, small-scale locations

[edit] Dairy Queen Brazier

Stores serve a normal fast-food menu featuring burgers, french fries, and processed fried chicken products in addition to frozen treats and hot dogs Due to the protracted rollout of the Grill & Chill concept, Brazier restaurants have been allowed to sell certain products originally restricted to G&C, including GrillBurgers

The "Brazier" name has been slowly phased out of signage and advertising since the early 1990s, although it has not generally been removed from existing signage New locations (ie built since the early 2000s) that feature elements of the Grill & Chill store design, but which are similar to Brazier restaurants in terms of size and menu selection, usually carry the name "DQ Restaurant"

[edit] DQ Grill & Chill

DQ's preferred concept for new and renovated full-service restaurants Stores are larger than older-style DQ Brazier locations and feature a completely new store design In most cases, they offer an expanded menu including breakfast, GrillBurgers, and grilled sandwiches, as well as limited table service (customers still place orders at the counter)

[edit] Texas Country Foods

Most locations in Texas, including those which otherwise resemble the Brazier or Grill & Chill formats, use a separate menu branded as Texas Country Foods Among other differences, "Hungr-Bustr" burgers are available in place of the Brazier and GrillBurger offerings

The Texas Dairy Queen Operating Council is the largest of all Dairy Queen franchises Texas is home to the largest number of Dairy Queens in the US The TXDQOC runs a separate marketing website from the national website, located at wwwdqtexascom

Dairy Queen has been a Texas staple since 1948

[edit] Other stores

DQ also operates the Karmelkorn and Orange Julius brands, the latter often appearing adjacent to DQ's DQ's current franchising efforts are primarily to open shopping mall outlets and Grill & Chill stores

[edit] Products

The company's products expanded to include malts and milkshakes in 1949, banana splits in 1951, Dilly Bars in 1955, Mr Misty slush treats in 1961 (later renamed Misty Slush, then again to Arctic Rush), and a range of hamburgers and other cooked foods under the Brazier banner in 1958 Other popular items include sundaes and the blended coffee drink, the MooLatte, controversial because of its resemblance to the racial descriptor Mulatto [4]

Dairy Queen's one hundred (as of 1997) Japanese stores offered hamburgers, but competition from McDonald's made the chain switch to pita sandwiches

The majority of Dairy Queen locations serve Pepsi products, but unlike most other restaurants such contracts are not mandated onto the franchisee, and as a result some locations serve Coca-Cola products instead Subway (until 2003) and Arby's (until 2006) also allowed such leniency on beverage choice before signing exclusive soft drink deals with Coca-Cola and Pepsi, respectively, making Dairy Queen the last major restaurant chain without an exclusive soft drink contract

[edit] The Blizzard Treat

A very popular Dairy Queen treat today is the Blizzard Treat, which is soft-serve mechanically blended with add-in ingredients such as sundae toppings and/or pieces of cookies, brownies, or candy It has been a staple on the menu since its introduction in 1985, a year in which Dairy Queen sold 175 million Blizzards[5] The Blizzard was invented and copyrighted by Richard, Ronald, and Ralph Medd of Iowa It is traditionally served upside down to prove the thickness The most popular Blizzard flavors include Oreo Cookies, chocolate chip cookie dough, M&M's (Smarties (Nestlé) in Canada), Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, Heath bar, and Butterfinger Seasonal flavors are also available such as November's Pumpkin Pie Blizzard[6] It has been argued that Dairy Queen drew its inspiration from the concrete served by the St Louis based Ted Drewes[7]

As of June 21, 2005 the World's Largest Blizzard Treat was built in Springfield, Massachusetts It weighed 8,22485 pounds at 22-feet tall

In addition, Dairy Queen is marketing its new Blizzard Cake which includes flavors such as strawberry cheesecake and Reese's Much like the restaurant's conventional ice cream cake, this variation is aimed toward celebrations and birthdays[8]



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