

I would like to use this style of jewelry as their own subject I will use the noble jewelry and model coupled with the elegant fonts Jewelry embodies an elegant noble feeling Easy to understand the main topic of this are my thoughts Simple is not easy I want to use to take some hand-painted Taste fonts So easy to become a vivid picture of some The main topic I want to show the glamorous side of jewelry Use some bright colors and simple performance-rich screen fonts

Key Sentences(重点句子)

Would you like jewellery?


Today is Mother’s Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich’s


Do you have gold jewels?


Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chains and earrings


May I have a look?


Sure Here is a nice gold necklace


Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it witha twenty percent discount


It’s very elegant I’ll take it


I want to buy some jewellery


What kind of jewellery do you like to have?


595 I should like to look at some bracelets


Pure gold or carats?


What’s the price for this one?


How about five hundred dollars?


I’m sorry we only sell at fixed prices


I wish to buy a diamond ring,too


Is this one suitable for you?


No,it seems too old fashioned to me


Let me try it on Oh,it’s too small for me,havent’t you got any larger ones?


This fits me well,how much do you charge for it?


Is that a real string of pearls?


You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me

请相信我的话,假如您发现是假的话可以拿来退还给我。Dialogue A

A:Can I help you,madam?

B:Yes I’d like to buy some presents for my friends

A:Would you like jewellery? Today is Mother’s Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich’s

B:That’s great Do you have gold jewels?

A:Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chain and ear-rings

B:May I have a look?

A:Sure Here is nice gold necklace Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount

B:It’s very elegant I’ll take it

A:All right Is there anything else you want?

B:Will you show the that key ring?

A:Yes Here you are

B:It’s very nice Give me ten like this I’m sure they will be good gifts for my friends in ChinaDialogue B

A:I want to buy some jewellery

B:What kind of jewcllery do you like to have?

A:I should like to look at some bracelets

B:May I show you gold ones or platinum ones?

A:Gold ones

B:Pure gold or carats?

A:Pure gold ones,please


A:What’s the price for this one?

B:Five hundred and fifty dollars

A:How about five hundred dollars?

B:I’m sorry we only sell at fixed prices

A:OK I’ll take it I want to have my initials engraved on it

B:Oh,that can be done

A:I wish to buy a diamond ring,too

B:How many carats would you like it to be?

A:I want three carats

B:Is this one suitable for you?

A:No,it seems too old fashioned to me

B:What about this?

A:Let me try it on Oh,it’s too small for me,haven’t yougot any larger ones?

B:Then you may take that one It’s very nice and latest in style

A:This fits me well,how much do you charge for it?

B:One thousand and two hundred dollars

A:It’s too expensive,I can only pay you one thousand dollars

B:I told you before,ma’am,our shop doesn’t ask two prices

A:Is that a real string of pearls?

B:Yes,that’s genuine

A:Will you guarantee it?

B:You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me

A:What does it cost?

B:It costs three hundred dollars

A:Good,I’ll have it Have you got any brooches?

B:With diamond,ruby or saphire?

A:Saphire,please,how much is it?

B:Four hundred

A:All right,how much will it be altogether?Please send it to my address,I’ll pay the messenger on delivery

B:Excuse me,ma’am It’s our rule never to supply goods cash on delivery

A:Well then,I’ll give you a check for the amount on the bank of ChinaWords and Expressions

jewellery n [总称]珠宝,珠宝饰物

jewel n ①宝石②宝石珠物;贵重饰物

necklace n 项圈

chain n 链条;项圈;表链

earring n 耳环,耳饰

discount n vt 折扣,打去(若干)折扣

bracelet n 手镯

platinum n 白金

carat n 克拉(宝石的重量单位;等于二百毫克)

messenger n 送信者;使者

brooch n 胸针,饰针

ruby n 红宝石

珠宝,是装饰用的饰物,其上多是宝石或半宝石镶嵌在贵金属上。追溯至人类的史前时期,已有将取动物的牙、贝壳等物件用来装饰。随着人类社会的发展,珠宝由配饰用途更演变为具有宗教、战略和社会阶级象徵意义的物品,也包含在祈祷或服丧时,穿戴或携带的相似物品。到了19世纪,工业化把珠宝普及至中产阶级。现代,珠宝已为普遍的装饰用品。 材质区分 珠宝一般以材质区分为黄金(gold)、铂金(platinum)与银(silver)。其中黄金及白金又可区分为5k、9K、10k、12k、14K、18K、20k、22K以及24K几个等级(所谓K就是以09999计算1/24的含量)。举例来说,假设有一个一千克的K金,则含金量为:9k=375g、14k=585g、18k=750g、22k=9166g,而24k就等於9999g。-珠宝的分类 珠宝一般分为天然珠宝玉石和人工宝石两大类,天然珠宝玉石又分为天然宝石,天然玉石和天然有机宝石三类,人工宝石分为合成宝石,人造宝石,拼合宝石和再造宝石。特徵 银饰因为质地软且易变色,因此通常会添加一些其他金属来减少这类状况。一般来说通常都是用925/1000的比例来制造,所以一般银珠宝就是标准925银,和金的区分法就有所不同。最近几年有新的金属叫做玫瑰金,其实是加了红铜的18k金,因为红铜的颜色才使的黄金看起来有粉红色,所以又叫粉红金。2006年市场上则出现一种高纯度的白色黄金Au950,含黄金达950克/1000克。</B>英文:Jewellery (pronounced /�0�4d�0�1u�0�9�0�5lri/ or /�0�4d�0�1u�0�9�0�5l�0�5ri/) or jewelry (see American and British English spelling differences) signifies items of personal adornment, such as necklaces, rings, brooches, earrings and bracelets Jewellery may be made from any material, such as gemstones, precious metals or shells, besides other materials, depending on cultural differences and availability of materials Jewellery may be appreciated because of geometric or other patterns, or meaningful symbols (Items such as belts and handbags etc are considered to be accessories rather than jewellery)The word jewellery is derived from the word jewel, which was Anglicised from the Old French "jouel" circa the 13th century Further tracing leads back to the Latin word "jocale", meaning plaything Jewellery is one of the oldest forms of body adornment; recently found 100,000 year-old beads made from Nassarius shells, are thought to be the oldest known jewelleryJewellery is sometimes seen as wealth storage or functionally as holding a garment or hair together It has from very early times also been regarded as a form of personal adornment The first pieces of jewellery were made from natural materials, such as bone, animal teeth, shell, wood and carved stone More exotic jewellery was probably made for wealthy people or as indications of social status In some cases people were buried with their jewelleryJewellery has been made to adorn nearly every body part, from hairpins to toe rings and many more types of jewellery While high-quality jewellery is made with gemstones and precious metals, such as silver or gold, there is also a growing demand for art jewellery where design and creativity is prized above material value In addition, there is the less costly costume jewellery, made from lower value materials and mass-produced Other variations include wire sculpture (wrap) jewellery, using anything from base metal wire with rock tumbled stone to precious metals and precious gemstones俄文:Ювели�0�7рное изде�0�7лие — изделие (кольцо, серьга, браслет, колье, брошь), надевающееся на одежду или непосредственно на тело человека и служащее главным образом (или исключительно) для украшения Часто для его изготовления используются дорогостоящие материалы (золото, серебро, сплавы из других благородных металлов, драгоценные камни и др), поэтому ювелирное изделие может обозначать социальный статус человека Ювелирные изделия из дешёвых материалов называются бижутериейЮвелирные изделия также представляют собой настольные украшения, так как основной характеристикой ювелирных изделий является наличие работы мастера (ювелира), который в свою очередь и создаёт изделия我尽力了,但找不到韩文耶%>_<%,希望帮到你啦~



 Dialogue A

 A:Can I help you,madam

 B:Yes I'd like to buy some presents for my friends

 A:Would you like jewellery Today is Mother's Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich's

 B:That's great Do you have gold jewels

 A:Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chain and ear-rings

 B:May I have a look

 A:Sure Here is nice gold necklace Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount

 B:It's very elegant I'll take it

 A:All right Is there anything else you want

 B:Will you show the that key ring

 A:Yes Here you are

 B:It's very nice Give me ten like this I'm sure they will be good gifts for my friends in China

 Dialogue B

 A:I want to buy some jewellery

 B:What kind of jewcllery do you like to have

 A:I should like to look at some bracelets

 B:May I show you gold ones or platinum ones

 A:Gold ones

 B:Pure gold or carats

 A:Pure gold ones,please


 A:What's the price for this one

 B:Five hundred and fifty dollars

 A:How about five hundred dollars

 B:I'm sorry we only sell at fixed prices

 A:OK I'll take it I want to have my initials engraved on it

 B:Oh,that can be done

 A:I wish to buy a diamond ring,too

 B:How many carats would you like it to be

 A:I want three carats

 B:Is this one suitable for you

 A:No,it seems too old fashioned to me

 B:What about this

 A:Let me try it on Oh,it's too small for me,haven't yougot any larger ones

 B:Then you may take that one It's very nice and latest in style

 A:This fits me well,how much do you charge for it

 B:One thousand and two hundred dollars

 A:It's too expensive,I can only pay you one thousand dollars

 B:I told you before,ma'am,our shop doesn't ask two prices

 A:Is that a real string of pearls

 B:Yes,that's genuine

 A:Will you guarantee it

 B:You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me

 A:What does it cost

 B:It costs three hundred dollars

 A:Good,I'll have it Have you got any brooches

 B:With diamond,ruby or saphire

 A:Saphire,please,how much is it

 B:Four hundred

 A:All right,how much will it be altogetherPlease send it to my address,I'll pay the messenger on delivery

 B:Excuse me,ma'am It's our rule never to supply goods cash on delivery

 A:Well then,I'll give you a check for the amount on the bank of China



读法  英 [ˈdʒuːəlri]   美 [ˈdʒuːəlri]  




1、costume jewelry (用作服饰的)人造珠宝

2、jewelry box 首饰盒;珠宝盒

3、jewelry store珠宝店




jewel, jewellery, stones这三个词都可表示“宝石”。其区别是:

stones常为珠宝商们所使用,指用作饰物的各类矿物石,无论是原状的,还是被切割磨光的; jewel表示珍贵的宝石,指经过了切磨、磨光的; jewellery是“珠宝”的总称,意思范围较广,可指珍贵的宝石,也可指价值不大的仿造钻石。例如:

1、He is a jewel thief他是个珠宝大盗。

2、Her jewellery was insured for one million dollars她的珠宝保险价为100万美元。


1、jewel box 珠宝盒

2、crown jewel 皇冠上的宝石;(镶在王冠、权杖等上面以显示王权的)御宝

3、jewel case 珠宝盒(等于jewel box)






红宝石: ruby

蓝宝石: sapphire

绿宝石: beryl

石英:  quartz


无色水晶:rock crystal

黄水晶: citrine

烟晶:  smoky quartz

紫晶:  amethyst



祖母绿: emerald


石榴石: garnet

尖晶石: spinel

锆石:  zircon

电气石: tourmaline

橄榄石: peridot


托帕石: topaz

玛瑙:  agate

方解石: calcite

磷灰石: apatite

琥珀:  amber

珍珠:  pearl

象牙:  ivory

闪亮拉光石 labradorite

贝壳  sea-shell


硬玉:  jadeite翡翠:jade

软玉:  nephrite

欧泊:  opal

孔雀石: malachite

长石:  feldspar 玉髓:  chalcedony

绿松石: turquoise                                        金属(metal)

铂金:  platinum

纯金:  gold

纯银:  sterling

铜:   copper

黄铜:  brass

铁:   iron

钙:   calcium

锡:   tin

镁:   magnesium

锰:   manganese

铬:   chromium

珐琅:  enamel

白蜡:  pewter

合金:  alloy

非合金: unalloy

块金:  nugget

玉髓:  chalcedony

绿松石: turquoise                                        2.常见首饰

手镯  bracelet

戒指  ring

胸针  brooches

挂件  pendant

耳环  earring

钮扣  button

项链  necklace

皮带  strap

领带  tie

纽扣  button

珠子  bead                                            3物理、化学性质

硬度  hardness

摩氏硬度:Mohs scale 全称 the Mohs hardness

体积  volume

韧性  toughness                                    


美丽的  beauty

稀有的  rarity

耐久的  durability

稳定的  stable

可塑的  malleable 可塑的,有延展性的

malleability  能力,可塑性

平坦地  plainly 平坦地,明白地

客观的  external 外部的

避邪的  talismanic 护身符的

医疗的  curative


传统的  traditional

超自然的 supranatural

象征性的 symbolically

断口  fracture

贝壳状断口:conchoidal fracture

参差状断口:splintery fracture

无断口: smooth or even fracture

锯齿状断口:hackly or uneven fracture

解理  cleavage

裂开  parting

密度  density 相对密度:relative density=specific gravity

比重  specific gravity(SG)

光泽  luster 失去光泽  tarnish

熔点  melt point

炼制合金 alloying

抛  cast

锤  hammer

焊  solder

镀  plate(镀金、银等)电镀

plated ad镀金的,装甲的

plating n(电)镀,喷镀;镀金(术),包覆金属

熔敖 deposit 熔敖,涂,(喷)镀

腐蚀 corrosion

退火 annealing

软焊 soldering                                           Actinolite 阳起石

Chiastolite 空晶石

Jadeite 硬玉、辉玉、翡翠

Ruby 红宝石

Agate 玛瑙

Chrysoberyl Cat's eye 金绿宝石猫眼

Kunzite 孔赛石

Sapphire 蓝宝石

Banded Agate 条纹玛瑙

Citrine 黄水晶

Kyanite 蓝晶石

Sillimanite 硅线石

Fire Agate 火玛瑙

Coral 珊瑚

Lapis Lazuli 青金石

Smithsonite 菱锌矿

Alexandrite 亚历山大变色石

Danburite 赛黄晶

Lazulite 天蓝石

Smoky Quartz 烟水晶

Alexandrite Cat's eye 亚历山大变色猫眼

Demantoid 翠榴石

Malachite 孔雀石

South sea Pearl 南洋珠

Aguamarine 海蓝宝石

Diamond 钻石

Marble 大理石

Spessortite 锰铝榴石

Amber 琥珀 Diopside 透辉石

Moldavite 摩达曼托石、绿曜岩、暗绿玻璃

Sphene 榍石

Amethyst 紫水晶

Dioptase 透视石

Natural Glass 天然玻璃

Spinel 尖晶石

Andradite 钙铁榴石

Emerald 祖母绿

Obsidian 黑曜岩

Spodumene 锂辉石

Apatite 磷灰石

Enstatite 顽火辉石

Oligoclase 奥长石

Talc 滑石

Apophyllite 鱼眼石

Euclase 蓝柱石

Opal 蛋白石

Tanzanite 丹泉石

Augite 普通辉石

Fluorite 萤石

Black Opal 黑蛋白石

Topaz 黄玉、拓帕石

Axinite 斧石

Garnet 石榴石

Fire Opal 火蛋白石

Tourmaline 碧玺、电气石

Barite 重晶石

Green Quartz 绿水晶

Orthoclase 正长石

Tremolite 透闪石

Benitoite 蓝锥矿

Grossularite 钙铝榴石

Pearl 珍珠

Tsavorite 随我来、沙弗来石

Beryl 绿柱石

Hawk's eye 鹰眼石

Mother of Pearl 贝壳

Zircon 锆石

Celesite 天青石

Hydrogrossular 水钙铝榴石

Peridot 橄榄石

Ivory 象牙

Cessiterite 锡石

Iolite 菫青石

Prehnite 葡萄石

Chrysoberyl 金绿宝石  

Rose Quartz 粉晶                                        计量单位:

卡拉  karat(K)

克拉  carat)



 由著名设计师Jean Schlumberger设计的Ribbons Tiffany项链,钻石重达12854克拉,原石重达28742克拉的巨型黄钻,被舍弃将近一半原料,切割和抛光后的黄钻也重达12854克拉,82个切割面比传统 Tiffany的明亮式切割多出24个切割面。

 2、Danseuse胸针 梵克雅宝(Van Cleef &Arpels)

 生动有趣的Danseuse胸针是由钻石和彩色宝石镶嵌而成的完美佳作,Van Cleef &ArpelsDanseuse胸针诞生于1941年,全球仅有几件存世,原版胸针弥足珍贵,但是可以向Van Cleef &Arpels订制。

 3、蓝宝石豹型胸针 卡地亚(Cartier)


 4、顶级珠宝系列项链 宝格丽(Bvlgari)


 5、Diamond de Neige缤霜钻石系列耳坠 海瑞温斯顿(Harry Winston)

 缤霜钻石系列将寒冬中雪片随风有如舞者般翩然起舞的浪漫情景尽显眼前,而钻石在流动的光线中闪耀,彷佛一抹淡雪从天空飘落。白金项链镶嵌马眼型、水滴型、明亮型切割钻石,(左)576克拉 ,(右)510克拉。

 6、Fleurs Fatales项链 宝诗龙(Boucheron) 白金项链镶嵌色彩缤纷的白钻、玫瑰钻与黄钻,再点缀祖母绿与石榴石与黄金。



 These consumers prefer to buy affordable luxury products, particularly expensive garments, handbags, and accessories, not high fashion like haute couture, jewelry and watches


 The high-end jewelry industry is not impervious to economic ruin, as we thought almost a year ago


 It seems that there is a new market for fine jewelry in the post recession years; young women who are looking for luxurious, but less ostentatious pieces they can incorporate into their daily lives


 Those same women see accessorizing with fine jewelry as another way of incorporating luxury into their daily routines; so they are looking for pieces that fit seamlessly into their active schedules

 5包括路威酩轩(Louis Vuitton)、香奈儿(Chanel)以及迪奥(Dior)在内的更多高级时尚品牌如今都成立了自己的珠宝分部,并与不少名人签订了合同。 More haute couture brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Dior, now have their own jewellery divisions and celebrity contracts


 They say that younger women shopping to celebrate a milestone or a hard week at work with mid-priced fine jewelry

1 如何招揽顾客

一般程序:招呼—问候—寻找相关话题—理出商谈头绪。所以,打招呼很重要,无论顾客有没有表现购买意愿,您都应该上前问候一句:“What can I do for you”或“May I help you”,也可说:“Can I be of any assistance”,如果是熟客,可简单说声:“Good afternoon, madam, something for you”

2 如何打开话题

如果顾客不置可否或表现出不耐烦的样子,决不可轻言放弃,可以先说:“Everybody is welcome here, madam Whether she buys or not(这里欢迎任何人光临,买不买都没关系)”,然后婉转地问:“Are you looking for something”。

3 如何拉近距离

首先表达自己身份,甚至可以交换名片,然后说些常用客套话,为后来的推销铺路。一句:“Would you mind my recommending”十分有用。

4 如何游说购买

初次见面就开门见山、滔滔不绝的做法已经落伍。当你要说服顾客时,最好用“Well, let me tell you why”作为解释商品用途、优点的开场白。

5 如何展示商品

可以说:“Please take a look at this”或“That one, madam(那个好吗?)”配合产品加以说明时,则用“As you can see, ~(正如您所见,~)”

6 如何拖延时间

争取时间以便长期抗战要有技巧,再心急也要说“Please take your time”(慢慢看/参观)或“Go right ahead, please”(随便参观)。根据情况也可通过闲聊进入主题,让顾客有一定时间考虑。

7 如何选取工具

36 如何拒绝降价

顾客讨价还价几乎是不可避免的事情,直接说no的推销员估计很少,所以你应该充分解释“We make so little on this line!”(这方面的东西我们没)

37 如何拒绝小费

如果店铺规定不能收取小费,你可婉拒顾客:“It's so kind of you, sir But we can't accept your tips”(先生您太好了,不过我们不能收取小费)

38 如何说明高/低价位

一分钱,一分货。如果顾客抱怨价格太高,您可以说:“We have cheaper products if you want But value depends on expense”(如果您愿意,我们有更便宜的商品,但是价值完全取决于价格高低)

39 如何谢绝讨价还价

如果没有议价的余地,态度虽然要坚定,但口气仍要十分委婉:“We have but one price, sir”(我们不二价的)或“Sorry we can't reduce the price, sir”(很抱歉,我们没办法降低价格)

40 如何说分期付款

如今分期付款很流行,所以要学会说:“You can buy them by installment”

41 如何解释分期付款

还要会解释:“You pay a down-payment of five hundred dollars, and then, within a year, one hundred for each an every month”(可以先付订金500元,然后在一年内,每月付100元)

42 如何收取货款

如果是当场付清货款,就可能用到这个句子:“Could you pay at the Cashier's Desk”(请到收银台付款)

43 如何找零

下列句子要活学活用:“Thirteen dollars and twenty cents from one hundred dollars leaves eighty six dollars and eighty cents You might see if that's all right, sir”(收您100元,减去13元2角,应找您86元8角,请点下数目)

44 如何开立发票、收据

东西卖出后,并非万事大吉,开发票、给收据、找零钱是一贯作业,一句“Here's your receipt”过后,别忘了说声谢谢。

45 找错钱了怎么办

谁都有出错的时候,这时态度一定要诚恳:“I'm very sorry for the mistake”,然后再说:“Here's the right change”(这才是要找您的零钱数)

46 标准买单方式

当顾客问你:“How much will this be”(多少钱?),你可以说“Just a moment, please I'll calculate that for you”(请等一下,我算算看)

47 解释税率及服务费

顾客的疑虑多针对服务费service charge(在国外还有税率tax rate),您的说明一定要明白无误:“A 10% service charge have been added to your bill”(账单已经加了10%的服务费)

48 如何议价

如果愿意降价,可以使用however来转折语气:“However,, we can give you a discount”(然而,由于……,我们可以给您打折)

49 如何优待熟客

对熟客可以说:“Ordinarily we sell them for one hundred and fifteen dollars, but I'll make a concession”(我们一般要卖115元,但您可以优惠)

50 如何给新顾客打折

对新顾客可以说:“I can manage to give you a discount of ten percent, deeming it as a kind of expenditure for advertisement”(给您9折,当作是宣传费吧)

51 如何说明价廉物美

“It's indeed two-pence colored”(真是价廉物美)这句流行用语可是中外皆宜

52 如何解说免税商品

免税商品的标签通常会注明“It's tax-free”,当然,您首先要确认顾客是否属于观光客,可以说:“May I see your passport, please”

53 如何介绍名贵产品

名贵产品通常价格不菲,所以“A good product will always sell”(货好销路好)要比一直强调“pretty good”更具说服力

54 如何收取首付款

分期付款与收取其他货款并没有多大不同,后者除手续稍微复杂一点外,前提是“May I have some money as a deposit”(您可以付部分订金吗?)

55 支票付款时

当今,顾客逐渐习惯使用支票(check)或信用卡(credit card)付款,面对这种情况,您要会说:“Of course you can pay by check”

56 如何说明折扣

方式有多种多样,不过千万不要认为“15% discount to you”是打一五折!

57 顾客批量购买时

此时,通常会给对方优惠价,“I'll let you have everything at bed-rock prices”(每样东西我都以最低价给你)中的red-rock就是the lowest的意思

58 如何利用大甩卖

这可是您大展身手的好机会,“You may not have the same chance again”(请勿错失良机)是使用频率最高的一句话

59 如何削减零头

打折的时候,商品价格通常会有零头,卖方多半会让步:“I will dispense with the odd five”(我会把五元零头减去),或是在此句前做些解释“In order to show deference to our customers”(为尊重顾客起见)

60 如何说明免费修改

衣服的改短(shorten)及改小(take in)多半是免费的,你可以向顾客说清楚“We don't charge for this”

61 如何廉价倾销

告诉顾客,其购买量的大小决定折扣的高低:“If you buy more than four pounds, we can allow you ten percent discount”(如果您购买4磅以上,可以打9折)

62 如何推介品牌

优秀的推销员应该懂得在适当的时机,向顾客推销名牌产品,象“Are you interested in a particular brand”(您有没有感兴趣的品牌?)之类的介绍性开场白,要很熟悉。至于PLAYBOY、issey miyake、LACOSTE、Christian Dior等世界级名牌,只要知道牌子的名字就行了,甚至根本用不着推销。

第63招 如何证明质地

有些特定商品,要证明其品质,有其特别的鉴定法:如果是羊毛(pure wool), 您说:“let me prove it”(让我证明给您看)。接下来要做的是strike a match and burn a thread of it(划根火柴,烧一条毛线)就明白了。

第64招 如何附带推销

一个成功的salesperson除了要充实自己个方面的知识能力之外,还必须熟悉各种推销手法,附带推销就是及其关键的一项。完成推销后,可说:“Now, what about something else”或者“What next today”(还要些别的吗?)常常能收到意想不到的效果。

第65招 如何找出妨碍销售的主因

“推销是由被拒绝时开始的”,这句话是拉人寿保险业绩居全球之冠的EG雷塔门所说的名言。所以,被拒绝时应如何突破妨碍销售的主因是推销员必须多加训练的课题。买东西的人常常都喜欢在购物时征询对方意见,因此,您必须点明“Maybe you must rely on the opinion of your family”(也许,您必须要靠家人来做出决定)然后,顾客就会说出真正的原因何在了。

第66招 如何说明本国制造或是国外进口

人们基本上都有喜欢外国货的心理,这是,推销人员可以分别介绍之,“This is made in China, but that isn't”(这是中国造的,那个是进口的)。

第67招 如何请顾客改换别的样式

没有顾客指定要购买的物品时,千万不要到此为止,必须迅速反应:“Sorry, we haven't got that Do you prefer Salem”(抱歉,我们没有那个。您喜欢用Salem来代替吗?)这种持续维持积极销售的态度,才是制胜的不二法门。

第68招 如何劝顾客定制

如果顾客在成衣柜上找不到合适的服装,您不妨建议他定制一套,同时向他说明定制的优点:“They are fitted to the body, and are much more carefully finished”(特别合身,手工也比较精致)

第69招 如何说明货物可换

一般而言,货物出门,概不退换。但是,如果商品确实有瑕疵,通常可以在一定时间内更换。这时您要说:“We'll exchange it, of course”(当然,我们会帮您换)

第70招 如何保证修理

信誉良好的厂家对于所售的商品都有足够的保证,因为生意不是只做一时,而是长久的,因此您会用到:“The guarantee provides for free service and parts”(保证免费修理)。

第71招 如何保证合用

如果对自己推销的产品有足够的信心,您当然可以拍着胸脯对顾客说:“If they do not fit perfectly, I will have another suit made for you”(如果有一点点不合身,我可以为您另外做一套。) 推销员保证合用的话,极易说服顾客,因为正面的保证必然是令人满意的。

第72招 如何实地xxx作

现场实地xxx作产品的功用,对于推销者来说,是十分必要的训练。如果顾客要您have it operated(请您xxx作一下)时,您就可以立刻派上用场:“Now you see how interestingly it works”(现在大家可以看看,它转动得多有趣。)

第73招 如何列明购物清单

客人大批量购买时,您最好能为其列明一张清单,然后征询顾客意见,重复一遍才算大功告成:“I will give you a bill listing all of them”(我会给您一份列明所购物品的账单)

第74招 如何散装零买

像餐具之类的东西,大都要成套购买比较合算,推销人员通常会说:“It must cost more if you just want a single cup”(如果您只买一个杯子,价格会比较贵)基于贪小便宜的心理,顾客大多会成套购买的。

第75招 如何包装成礼品

顾客为送礼而购买的商品,绝对注重包装。因此,您最好在得知顾客是要送礼之后,用这句:“Gift-wrap it for you”(让我替您包装成礼品吧)主动、积极常能让您立于不败之地。

第76招 如何帮顾客分别寄送

推销者的服务是随时随地的,因此当客人的物品要分别寄送到两地时,您当然得说:“I'll send them for you separately”(我会替您分别寄送的)从交易的细节中,可以考验出一个推销者的应变能力。

第77招 如何确认商品知识

知己知彼,才能百战不殆。推销员必须知道,销售的原动力主要在于您的推销术,而不是商品本身;因此,你的商品知识与经验,相形之下就显得格外重要。“Judging from past sales”(根据我的销售经验)是一句很好的开端,接下来说:“I'd say you'll never have to call on your guarantee”(您永远都无需拿它来修理)。

第78招 如何感谢熟客

对于熟客,推销员不用太过于恭敬客气,像这样说一句“I'm most pleased if you would like to see them, whether you are going to buy or not”(您只要参观看看就可以了,不管您买不买,我都觉得很高兴)就万事OK了。

第79招 如何说明便利快速的服务

推销与广告是一体的,因此“I‘‘ll do my best as soon as possible”(我会尽快为您提供最好的服务)这句话要时时刻刻挂在嘴上,才能有效开展推销工作。

第80招 如何说明营业时间

说明营业时间是保证生意上门的前提,因此,“Our business time is from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM”(我们的营业时间是从早上10点到晚上9点)这类话几乎天天都用得到,推销员应该倒背如流。

第81招 如何替顾客留话

现代商场上,电话应对是相当重要的一项。尤其在百货公司或餐馆里,常会接到要找客人的外线电话,如果广播叫他来听,它却不在,您就要把他有礼貌地要求留言:“May I have the message”

第82招 如何替顾客传达

如果接到顾客的外线电话时,第一步就是要告诉对方“I'll page him for you”(我会帮您呼叫他来接听)。

第83招 如何迅速成交

谈生意提及钱,就离成交不远了。推销员处理钱财的方式必须明快果决,只要价格合理、顾客满意、推销员就要手脚敏捷,马上接口说“Take you sixty dollars, sir”(收您60元,先生)交货找零,一次OK

第84招 如何拒绝退换

拒绝顾客是一门学问,要采取委婉的声东击西法;譬如顾客要退钱、换货等事项时,您只要说:“I'm sorry, it's our store rule”(对不起,这是我们的店规—概不退换)不但能轻松解决问题,还能树立良好的店风行规。

第85招 如何因品质不良向顾客道歉

推销员感到最尴尬的,莫过于出售本身吹嘘推荐的商品之后,却因品质不良而遭顾客质问的。此时,最好的办法就是诚恳地认错:“I'm terribly sorry”然后采取补偿措施“If you'll just wait a minute, I'll give you a new one”

第86招 如何强调售后服务

强调完善的售后服务,是帮助顾客下决定的主因。“We assume all responsibility for service and repair”(我们负责所有的服务和修理事情)

第87招 如何感谢惠顾

通常在成交之后,推销者都会说:“Thank you, please come again”(谢谢,请再度光临)之类的话,顾客大都耳目能详,毫无感觉,如果您能用“You have been very helpful”(谢谢您的帮忙)来代替,必能使顾客耳目一新。

第88招 如何处理抱怨

抱怨事件的处理过程中,稍有不当,问题就会越来越严重;如果处理合宜的话,说不定“因祸得福”。首先,您应该先致歉“I am very sorry”再接着说“I will find out the main reason as soon as possible”(我会尽快查明主要的原因)以示效率及负责。

第89招 如何做好完善的售后追踪

“追踪一个顾客,胜过开发十个顾客”是盛行于推销界的名言。访问、DM、推销信、电话等适时的配合能让您迅速了解市场动态,一般而言,都列入资料卡片中,请顾客填好表格“Please fill out the list”是和顾客保持联络的第一步。

第90招 如何让顾客加价买商品

推销的秘诀在于如何活用问句。像“Do you want to see anything else”(您想看看别的产品吗?)这类典型的发问,就是顺利展开推销成功的关键。更进一步,把目的带入问句中,“What about this one”(这个怎样?)以诱导顾客的想法。

第91招 如何因应顾客特别要求

顾客常常会说:“别人有,你们为什么没有?”如果您可以通融,而增添服务项目,则可以回答“Certainly, we sell coffee by weight, too”(当然,我们也可以按重量零售咖啡)。

第92招 如何坦诚致歉

当您的产品出错,或者由于您本身的疏忽,而造成顾客的不满时,“I'm very sorry for our carelessness”(很抱歉,这是我们的疏忽造成的)这种坦诚的道歉方式,多能圆满解决一切纠纷。

第93招 在保证期发生故障时

售出的商品在保证期限内故障时,当然得享受免费修理的服务。因此,您会用到“Within a period of one year, any repair is free of charge”(在一年的保证期内,修理费用全免。

第94招 提出解决方案

如果顾客认为品质不良,要求退钱而不愿换货时,您最好遵照“We can refund you”(我们会退钱给您)“顾客至上”对于推销员来说永远是对的。

第95招 客满拒绝定位的应答

“顾客盈门,川流不息”是每家商店的希望,但如果生意太好,您也只能说:“I'm afraid we are fully booked for tonight”(今晚的席位恐怕已经订满了。)来婉拒上门的顾客,以免挤上加挤,影响服务质量。

第96招 老顾客介绍新客人来时

老顾客的好处,就是会带新客人来;此时出了称谢、套交情外,还可说“What a great insight you have”(您的眼光真好!)既感谢了顾客,也抬高了自己的身价。

第97招 顾客拂袖而去时

推销员尽一切努力,仍然无法说服顾客购买,或碰上极端难缠的顾客时,要记住“和气生财”,常用“I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help”(很抱歉不能帮上忙)。

第98招 处理节日礼品时

顾客要送礼之前,通常喜爱漂亮的包装,因此揣摩送礼者的心意,是推销员必须研读的课程。介绍礼品时,要这样用“Here is a display of our Christmas parcels”(这里是我们所陈列的圣诞礼品)

第99招 保证满意

要做优秀的推销员,必须对自己和销售的产品有十足的信心,才可以保证顾客满意。通常这招“I'll promise to take it back or exchange it if you find it is not good”

第100招 特别效劳

顾客有特别要求时,您必须马上回答“I would if I could”(如果能够的话,我一定效劳)至于您能不能做得到,就在其次了。因为购买者开始询问时,就是购买意愿达到高潮的阶段,因此,推销者应好好利用

Actinolite 阳起石

Chiastolite 空晶石

Jadeite 硬玉、辉玉、翡翠

Ruby 红宝石

Agate 玛瑙

Chrysoberyl Cat's eye 金绿宝石猫眼

Kunzite 孔赛石

Sapphire 蓝宝石

Banded Agate 条纹玛瑙

Citrine 黄水晶

Kyanite 蓝晶石

Sillimanite 硅线石

Fire Agate 火玛瑙

Coral 珊瑚

Lapis Lazuli 青金石

Smithsonite 菱锌矿

Alexandrite 亚历山大变色石

Danburite 赛黄晶

Lazulite 天蓝石

Smoky Quartz 烟水晶

Alexandrite Cat's eye 亚历山大变色猫眼

Demantoid 翠榴石

Malachite 孔雀石

South sea Pearl 南洋珠

Aguamarine 海蓝宝石

Diamond 钻石

Marble 大理石

Spessortite 锰铝榴石

Amber 琥珀

Diopside 透辉石

Moldavite 摩达曼托石、绿曜岩、暗绿玻璃

Sphene 榍石

Amethyst 紫水晶

Dioptase 透视石

Natural Glass 天然玻璃

Spinel 尖晶石

Andradite 钙铁榴石

Emerald 祖母绿

Obsidian 黑曜岩

Spodumene 锂辉石

Apatite 磷灰石

Enstatite 顽火辉石

Oligoclase 奥长石

Talc 滑石

Apophyllite 鱼眼石

Euclase 蓝柱石

Opal 蛋白石

Tanzanite 丹泉石

Augite 普通辉石

Fluorite 萤石

Black Opal 黑蛋白石

Topaz 黄玉、拓帕石

Axinite 斧石

Garnet 石榴石

Fire Opal 火蛋白石

Tourmaline 碧玺、电气石

Barite 重晶石

Green Quartz 绿水晶

orthoclase 正长石

Tremolite 透闪石

Benitoite 蓝锥矿

Grossularite 钙铝榴石

Pearl 珍珠

Tsavorite 随我来、沙弗来石

Beryl 绿柱石

Hawk's eye 鹰眼石

Mother of Pearl 贝壳

Zircon 锆石

Celesite 天青石

Hydrogrossular 水钙铝榴石

Peridot 橄榄石

Ivory 象牙

Cessiterite 锡石

Iolite 堇青石

Prehnite 葡萄石

Chrysoberyl 金绿宝石

Rose Quartz 粉晶



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