








驱逐舰 Destroyer DD

轻巡洋舰 Light Cruiser CL

重巡洋舰 Heavy Cruiser CA

战列舰 Battleship BB

重炮(潜水重炮舰) bm

正规航母 Aircraft Carrier CVA

轻航母 Light Carrier CVL

水上机母 Seaplane Carrier AV


carrier vessle。前者是运载器的意思,后者是船舶之意。如果后缀还要加个N,CVN,是核动力航母的意思。N就表示 Nuclear核动力


潜水艇 Submarine SS

潜母 Submarine Tender AS

补给舰 Fast Combat Support Ship AOE


网络用语:“菜鸟”比喻很废 :网络用语:“处女”或“ ”





ORV是Off-Road Vehicle的缩写,也就是越野车 ,是一种为越野而特别设计的汽车,主要是指可在崎岖地面使用的越野车辆这些汽车能在质量很差的路面或者根本没有路的地区上行驶。

Off Road Vehicles的缩写是什么?是啥意思?




SBTX是啥意思 TX是什么的缩写?




SM Single Mode

SM Small (size)

SM Service Mark

SM Smooth Muscle (biology)

SM Santa Maria (California)

SM Surface Mount

SM Sales Manager

SM Sailor Moon (anime)

SM San Marino

SM Smart Media (data storage)

SM Shopping Mall

SM Slave Master

SM Sheet Metal

SM Senior Member

SM Santa Monica (California)

SM Systems Management

SM Super Mario (Nintendo game)

SM System Management

SM Service manager (US DoD)

SM Sutton (postcode, United Kingdom)

SM Superman

SM Submarine

SM Security Management

SM Service Module (Russian-made unit No 2 of International Space Station)

SM Service Module (power/propulsion section of US Apollo spacecraft)

SM Senior Manager

SM Silver Medal

SM Master of Science

SM Serbia and Montenegro

SM Service Menu

SM Shared Memory

SM Short Message

SM Simple Minds (band)

SM Samarium

SM Singlemode

SM Security Manager

SM Sergeant Major

SM Size Matters

SM Servicing Mission

SM System Monitor

SM Scientific Method

SM Shader Model

SM Scheduled Maintenance

SM System Manager

SM Skim Milk

SM Skymiles (Delta Frequent Flyer Program)

SM Snail-Mail

SM Stepmania (dance simulator)

SM Service Member

SM Segundamano (second hand bargain stores in the Philippines)

SM Shoot Me

SM Shawn Michaels (Pro Wrestler)

SM Semiconductor Manufacturing

SM Sado-Masochi

SM Sa Majesté (French: His/Her Majesty)

SM Support Manager

SM Senior Minister

SM Shoe Mart

SM Stormed

SM Scoutmaster (Boy Scouts of America)

SM Syringomyelia (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)

SM Su Majestad (Spanish: His/Her Majesty)

SM Shoemart (Manila, Philippines)

SM Smash Mouth (band)

SM Shure Microphone

SM Super Metroid (video game)

SM Saint Marc (French School; Alexandria, Egypt)

SM Self-Mutilation

SM Structural Model

SM Selective Muti (anxiety disorder)

SM Schistosoma Mansoni

SM Shuttle Mission (NASA)

SM Serratia Marcescens

SM Syndicat de La Magistrature (French: Union of Magistrates)

SM Servomotor

SM Set Mode

SM Super Metroid (game)

SM Switching Module

SM Selective Media (cell plating)

SM Spare Me

SM Secondary Mirror

SM Simple Machine

SM Security Monitor

SM SourceMod (gaming)

SM Styrene Monomer

SM Synchronous Motor

SM Shigeru Miyamoto (video game producer)

SM Swollen Members (band)

SM Shawn Marion (NBA Player)

SM Structure Model

SM Silver Medallion (Delta Sky Miles)

SM Super Mall (Philippines)

SM Surgical Margin

SM Selling Manager (Ebay selling tool)

SM Small Manufacturing

SM Satellite Modem

SM Simple Multicast (puter neorking)

SM Sclerosis Multiplex (Latin: Multiple Sclerosis)

SM Samarai

SM Song Meanings

SM Samsung Motors

SM Security Manual

SM Secretaría de Marina (Spanish: Secretariat of the Navy, Mexico)

SM Spiritual Master (religion)

SM Synthetic Media (cell plating)

SM Seamless Mobility

SM Student Manager

SM Single Manager

SM Scanning Mode

SM Soo Man (record pany)

SM Supply Manual

SM Scattering Matrix

SM Sciences de La Matière (French: Science of Matter)

SM Study Manager

SM Smart Munitions

SM Single-Family and Multi-Family (zoning)

SM Shanghai Municipality

SM Spectromètre de Masse (French: Mass Spectrometer)

SM Shipping Manifest

SM Seung Mina

SM Strong Mad (homestarrunner character)

SM Slam Magazine

SM Supervisor Manual

SM Separation Module

SM Silhouette Mirage (video game)

SM Standby Monitor

SM Script Mode

SM Seine Majestät (German: His Majesty)

SM Subscriber Manager (Cisco)

SM Scarlet Monastary (World of Warcraft game)

SM Shading Model (change detector)

SM Skyscraper Museum

SM Sensitivity Measure

SM Synchronous Multiplexer (Alcatel)

SM Societas Mariae (Society of Mary, Marianists, religious order)

SM Sarao Motors (manufacturer of passenger Jeepneys in the Philippines)

SM SONET Multiplexer (Alcatel)

SM Scatterable Mine

SM Short Meter (hymnology)

SM Support Magistrate (courts)

SM Smagorinsky model

SM Secretary's Memorandum (US DoD Joint Staff)

SM Sequence Monitor

SM Shrine Mont (Orkney Springs, VA)

SM Slave Motor

SM Surge Margin (pressor aerodynamics)

SM Sub-Memory

SM Step-Mom/Mother

SM Swine Mycopla osis (swine enzootic pneumonia)

SM Safeguards Measurements

SM Suger Montano (Guatemala Central America, school)

SM Syndicat de La Mesure (French: Union of Measure)

SM Shoals Music (music industry magazine)

SM Systèmes Microbiens (French: Microbial Systems)

SM Directorate for Systems Management

SM Siemens Metering AG

SM Suomen Mestari/Mestaruus (Finnish Champion/Championship)

SM Step/Stepping Motor

SM Sponge Minion (Harry Potter)

SM (USN Rating) Signalman

SM Serial Magnitude

SM Sperm Measurement

SM Steele Matrix

SM Silly Muffins (viral video service)

SM Simple Mastectomy (surgical procedure)

SM Sphingomyelin (protein)

SM Spider Man

SM Spiderman

SM Spinal Meningitis

SM Spectrum Management

SM Space Mapping

SM Space Marine (Warhammer 40k)

SM Space Mirror

SM Space Mountain (Disney park)

SM Spatial Multiplexing

SM Special Mention (variant of OAEM and OLEM)

SM Special Message

SM Special Missions

SM Special Monthly

SM Specification Manual

SM Society of Mary (Marists, religious order)

SM Soft Money

SM Sofare Manager (KPA of CMM monly used by SEI)

SM Soil Moisture (agronomy)

SM Solar Mass (astronomy)

SM Solder Mask (semiconductor process)

SM Soldier's Manual

SM Soldier's Medal

SM Soul Man (song)

SM Soul Master (gaming)

SM Soul Mate

SM Snooker Master (USDAA dog agility title)

SM Social Mobility (sociology)

SM Splash Mountain

SM Stick Man

SM Stipendiary Magistrate (Australia and New Zealand)

SM Stock Market

SM Stanley Man (brokerage firm)

SM Star Museum (Entertainment; South Korean entertainment pany)

SM Stardust Memory (Gundam)

请问 That't是啥意思,是that谁的缩写


英 [ðæts] 美 [ðæts]

abbr那是 (=that is)

that's的用法和样例: that's that就这样







即兴的, 临时穿插的




ad-libbed, ad-libbing, ad-libs


To improvise and deliver extemporaneously



To engage in improvisation, as during delivery of a speech




AB是Asiabill的缩写,全称ASIABILL COMPANY LIMITED,一家做跨境支付的平台

AA always afloat 永远漂浮

AAR against all risks 针对所有风险

ABT about 大约

ACC acceptance/accepted 接受

ACCDG according to 根据

ACCT account 帐,因为

ACOL after completion of loading 装货结束后

ADDCOM address commission 回扣佣金

ADV advise 告知

AFLWS as follows 如下

AGT agent 代理人

AGW all goes well 一切顺利

AHPS arrival harbor pilot station 到达港口引航站

ANCH anchorage 锚地

ANS answer 回答

A/O and / or 和/或

AOH after office hours 工作时间

AP additional premium 附加保险费

APS arrival pilot station 到达引航站

ARR arrive 到达

ASAP as soon as possible 尽可能快的

ASPS arrival sea pilot station 到达海区引航站

ATA actual time of arrival 实际到达时间

ATD actual time of departure 实际开航时间

ATDNSHINC any time,day,night,Sunday and holodays included 包括任何时间,白天 黑夜星期六和节假日

ATDNSHEX any time,day,night,Sunday and holodays excepted 任何时间,白天,夜间星期六和节假日除外

ATS all time saved 所有节省时间

ATSBE all time saved both ends 所有两港节省时间

ATSDO all time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省时间

ATSLO all time saved loading only 所有装货港节省时间

AWTS all working time saved 所有节省的工作时间

AWTSBE all working time saved both ends 所有两港节省的时间

AWTSDO all working time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省的时间

AWTSLO all working time saved loading only 所有装货港节省的时间

BB ballast bonus 空航奖金(空放补贴)

BBB before breaking bulk 卸货前

B/D breakdown 故障

BENDS both ends 两端(装港和卸港)

BIMCO baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会

BIZ business 业务

B/L bill of lading 提单

BLR boiler 锅炉

BLT built 建造

BOD bunker of delivery 交燃油

BOR burker of redelivery 接燃油

B/S bill of sale 买契

BSS basis 基础

BT berth terms 泊位条款

CAP capacity 容量,能力

CAPT captain 船长

CBF cubic feet 立方英尺

CBM cubic meters 立方米

CFM confirm 确认

CGO cargo 货物

CHOPT charterer's option 租方选择

CHTRS charterers 租船人

COA contract of affreightment 包运合同

COMM commission 佣金

CONS consumption 消耗

COT cargo oil tanks 货油舱

COW crude oil washing 原油洗舱

C/P charter party 租船合同/租约

CPD charerter pays dues 租船人付税

CPP clean petroleum products 清洁石油产品

CQD customary quick despatch 按港口习惯速度

CTL constructive total loss 推定全损

CUGR crain capacity in cubic feet 立方英尺散装容积

CUMGR-BL grain/bale capacity in cubic meters 立方米散装/包装容积

DBE(W)ATS despatch payable both ends on(working) all time saved 支付两港所有节省(工作)时间的速遣费

DCL detention clause 滞留条款

D/CL deviation clause 绕航条款

D/D dry docking 进干船坞

DDO Despatch discharging only 卸货港速遣

DELY delivery 交付

DEM demurrage 滞期废

DEP departure 离开,开航

DES despatch 速遣费

DEV deviation 绕航

DF Dead freight 空舱费

DHD Desptch half demurrage 速遣费是滞期费的一半

DISCH Discharge 卸货

DISPORT Discharge port 卸货港

DLOSP Dropping last outward sea pilot 最后出港海区引航员下船

DO Diesel oil 柴油

D/O Dilivery order 提货单

DOP Dropping outward pilot 出港引航员下船

DOSP Dropping outward sea pilot 出港海区引航员下船

DPP Dirty petoleum products 不洁石油产品

DT Deep tank 深舱

DTG Distance to go 还要行驶的距离

DTLS Details 细节

DWCC Deadweight cargo capacity 货物载重吨容量

DWT Deatweight tons 载重吨

ERLOAD Expected ready to load 预计准备装货

ETA Expected time of arrival 预计到达时间

ETB Expected time of berth 预计靠泊时间

ETCD Expected time of completion discharge 预计卸货完成时间

ETR Espected time of readlivery 预计还船时间

FAC As fast as the vessel can receive or deliver 以船舶能接受或交付的尽快的速度

FACCOP As fast as the ship can load/discharge accord-ing to custom of port 根据港口习惯以船舶尽快的装/卸货

FCC First class charterers 一流的租船人

FD Freight,dispatch and demurrage 运费和滞期费

FDND Freight,dispatch and demurrage defence 运费,速遣费和滞期保护

FHEX Friday and holidays excluded 星期五和节假日除外

FHINC Friday and holiday included 包括星期五和节假日副

FI Free in 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

FILO Free in liner out 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

FILTD Free in liner terms discharge 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

FIO Free in and out 租船人承担装/卸货费

FIOS Free in and out and stowed 租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装费

FIOST Free in and out and stowed and trimmed租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装和平舱

FIOT Free in and out and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货和平舱

FLWG Following 下达 下列

FM From 从,自

FO Fuel oil /free out 燃料油/租船人承担卸货费船东承担装货

FOC Flag of convenience 方便旗

FONASBA The federation of national associations of shipbrokers and agents 全国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联盟

FRT Freight 运费

FW Fresh water 淡水

FWD Forward 向前

FYG For your guidance 供你指导

FYI For your information 给你提供信息

FYR For your reference 供你参考

G/A General average 共同海损

GLESS Gearless 无装卸设备

GMT Greenwich mean time 格林威治时间

GRD Geard 有装卸设备

GRT Gross registered tonnage 毛登记吨

HA/HO Hatches/Holds 舱口/舱

HC Hatch Coaming 舱口围

HFO Heavy fuel oil 重燃油

HRS Hours 小时

HSD High speed diesel 高速柴油

HSS Heavy grain ,soyas ,sorghum 重粮,黄豆,高粱

H/STMG Harbor steaming 港内航行

IAC Including address commission 包括回扣佣金

IFO Intermediate fuel oil 1000秒燃油

IGS Inert gas system 惰性气体系统

IMM Immediately 立即

IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织

KTS Konts 节/海里

LASH Lighter Aboard Ship 子母船

LAT Latitude 纬度

LAYCAN Laydays and Cancellong date 船舶受载期和解约期

L/D Loading and Discharging 装/卸货

LDG Loading 装货

LIFO Liner In Free Out 船东承担装货费,租家承担卸货费

LNG Liquified Natural Gas 液化天然气

LOA Length overall 全长

LOI Letter of Indemnity 保函

LONG Longitude 经度

LTBENDS Liner Terms Both Ends 船东承担装货和卸货费

LUBOIL Lubrication oil 润滑油

MDO Medium Diesel oil 混合柴油

MED Meditterranean 地中海

MIA Marine Insurance Act 海上保险法

MOLCO More or less charterer's option 租家选择或多或少

MOLOO More or less owner's option 船东选择或多或少

MOS Months 月

MT Metric ton 公吨

MV Motor vessel 柴油机船

NA Not applicable 不适用

NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai(Japanese Ship Class-ification Society) 日本船籍社

NOR Notice of Readiness 准备就绪通知书

NORA Notice of Readiness accepted 接受装卸准备就绪通知书

NORT Notice of Readiness tendered 递交装卸准备就绪通知书

NORT & A Notice of Readiness tendered and accepted 递交和接受装卸准备就绪通知书

NRT Net registered tonnage 净登记吨


1dugout 独木舟 

2barge 驳船 

3kayak (爱斯基摩人的)木排 

4outrigger 桨叉架船 

5rowing boat 划艇(美作:rowboat) 

6gondola (意大利的)长平底船 

7whale mother ship 捕鲸母船 

8hydrofoil 水翼船 

9catamarans 双体船 

10dredger 挖泥船 

11boat 船 

12brig,brigantine 双桅船 

13canoe 小船,独木舟 

14caravel 快帆船 

15cargo boat 货船 

16coaster 近海贸易货船 

17cod-fishing boat 捕鳕鱼船 

18whaler 捕鲸船 

19collier 运煤船 

20battleship 战船 

21shallop 小型战船 

22coastguard cutter,coastguard vessel 巡逻艇,缉私艇 

23revenue cutter 缉私船 

24patrol boat 巡逻艇 

25minelayer 布雷艇 

26minesweeper 扫雷艇 

27torpedo boat 鱼雷艇 

28frigate 轻护航舰 

29gunboat 炮舰 

30submarine 潜水艇 

31destroyer 驱逐舰 

32corvette 轻巡洋舰 

33cruiser 巡洋舰 

34aircraft carrier 航空母舰 

35ferry,ferryboat 渡船,渡轮 

36fishing boat 渔船 

37freighter 货船 

38galleon 大型帆船 

39galley 大划桨船 

40hovercraft 气垫船 

41icebreaker 破冰船 

42launch 艇 

43lifeboat 救生艇 

44lighter 驳船 

45liner,ocean liner 远洋班轮 

46merchant ship,merchantman 商船 

46motorboat 摩托艇 

47outboard 尾部装有马达的小艇 

48paddle steamer,paddle boat 明轮船 

49passenger boat 客船 

50piragua,pirogue 独木舟 





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