小升初英语专题训练一、写出下列名词的单数或复数形式. bus ___________ sheep

小升初英语专题训练一、写出下列名词的单数或复数形式. bus ___________ sheep,第1张

uses, sheep, women, dresses ,stories, watches, pencil-boxes, apple trees,English stamps,goose, baby, tooth, student ,star, family, farmer, peach ,policemen, fishes, knives,boxes,shelves,men, children, leaves, feet

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更新时间2009-6-10 13:48:25 字数:6379






#三年级# 导语书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。学习从来就不是一件轻松地事情,小学阶段要注重培养学生对待学习能坚持投入进去的决心,把学习当成一种使命。尤其学习一门外语,不像汉语有天然的环境熏陶优势,更加需要学生去坚持。以下是 整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。


一、选出不同类的单词。(5分) ( ) 1 A morning B afternoon C hello ( ) 2 A yes B no C good ( ) 3 A cap B skirt C Yang Ling ( ) 4 A are B am C yes ( ) 5 A,green Bblue C Liu Tao ( ) 6 A,uncle Bfather C friend 二 从下列每组单词中选出一个和其他两个不同类的单词。(10分 ) ( )1 A bike B zoo C plane ( )2 A cinema B supermarket C hamburger ( )3 A girl B man C coffee ( )4 A mango B juice C tea ( )5 A basket B egg B box 三、选出不同类的单词。(5’) ( ) 1 A book B cat C tiger ( ) 2 A sofa B chair C banana ( ) 3 A bike B park C plane ( ) 4 orange B pencil C peach ( ) 5 A cake B panda C hamburger 四、选出不同类的单词。( 每题1分,共5分 ) ( ) 1 A monkey B dog C mango ( ) 2 A blouse B ball pen C ruler ( ) 3 A cinema B park C red ( ) 4 A cake B boy C hamburger ( ) 5 A table B man C desk 五、选出不同类的单词。(5分) ( )1 A book B cat C tiger ( )2 A sofa B chair C banana ( )3 A bike B park C plane ( )4 A orange B pencil C peach ( )5 A cake B panda C hamburger


一、根据所给情境,选择适当的句子。5% ( ) 1当你第一次见到某人时,你可以说: A How are you B Nice to meet you C Oh, thank you ( ) 2当你生病时,别人询问你的身体情况,你可以说: A Not bad, thank you B Not so good C I'm fine, thank you ( ) 3老师叫刘涛回家,会说: AGo home now, Liu Tao B Get up now, Liu Tao CGet up now, Liu Tao ( ) 4客人到你家,你询问他要不要喝杯茶,你会说: A A glass of juice B A cup of tea C Some coffee ( ) 5奶奶请你帮她开门,她会怎么说: A All right BOpen the door, please CThank you 二、选择情景选择答案。(8%) ( ) 1 当告诉别人要坐飞机走时,应该说: A By plane B With plane C To the plane ( ) 2 当你想把介绍给爸爸时,可以说: A I’m Miss Li B This is Miss Li C Hello, Miss Li ( )3 妈妈想让刘涛去睡觉时,她会怎么说: A Get up, Liu Tao B Go to bed, Liu Tao C Go to the park, Liu Tao ( ) 4 当你听到你的好朋友生病时,你一般会说: A I’m sorry B How are you C I’m fine ( ) 5 放学了,和同学们告别时,可以说: A Good night B See you C Hi ( ) 6 当你想赞美对方的衣服时,你可以说: A How nice! B Thank you C OK ( ) 7 妈妈请你开灯,她会说: A All right B Turn off the light, please C Turn on the light, please ( ) 8 当你感到口渴时,你可以说: A A hamburger, please B A glass of juice, please C An egg, please 三、根据所给情境,选出正确答案。(10分) ( )1你看见别人的新T恤衫时,你可以说: A It's great B Look at my new T-shirt ( )2你想询问对方是不是Yang Ling,可以说: A Hi Are you Yang Ling B Good afternoon,Yang Ling ( )3 你想让别人看迈克的新夹克衫时,你可以说: A Look at my new jacket B Look at Mike’s new jacket ( )4 当你与他人告别时,说: A See you! B Hello! ( )5Mike询问对方是不是Liu Tao, Liu Tao怎么回答: A No, I’m not B Yes, I am ( )6当你想拒绝别人的请求时,你可以说: A Yes, please B No, thank you ( )7当你想询问衣服的颜色时,你可以说: A.What’s this B What colour is it ( )8当对方赞赏你的衣服好看时,你可以说: A Thank you B How nice! ( )9当你想问对方要不要一个蛋糕时,你可以说: A: Would you like a cake B: I’d like a cake ( )10当你第二次向对方提出建议时,你可以说: A:Would you like a/an … B: What about a/an … 四、根据情境,选出正确的答案。(8分) 1 Mike想介绍Liu Tao给爸爸认识, 他怎么说 ( ) A He’s Liu Tao He’s my good friend B She’s Liu Tao She’s my good friend 2 傍晚放学了,刘涛和告别,他可以说 ( ) A Good afternoon,Miss Li B Goodbye, Miss Li 3 Mike想告诉妈妈Yang Ling和Liu Tao都是他的朋友,可以说: ( ) A Yang Ling and Liu Tao are my friend B Yang Ling and Liu Tao are my friends 4 询问远处的东西,应该说: ( )www Xkb1coM A what’s this Bwhat’s that 5 苹果是什么颜色,会说: ( ) A what colour is apple B would you like an apple 6 你想问对方是不是Su Hai, 可以问: ( ) A Are you Su Hai B Hello, Su Hai 7 向同学介绍自己,应该说:( ) A Hello, I’m Mike B Hello, Mike 8 放学时应该和老师说:( ) A Hello, Miss… B Good bye, Miss… 五 根据情景选择正确的英文句子。将序号填入题前的括号内。(10分) ( )1 你介绍你的朋友给王兵给你的爸爸。你会说: A. Dad, this is Wang Bing B Hello, I am Wang Bing ( )2 你让南希看你的新钢笔,你会说: A Look, this is a new pencil B Look at my new pen ( )3 别人夸奖你时,你会说: A Yes, please B Thank you ( )4 奶奶请你帮她开窗户,你会回答: A Let’s go B All right ( )5 询问你的朋友要不要吃冰激凌,你会说: A Some eggs B An ice-cream 六、你能根据情景选择最适当的表达吗?请将序号填在题前的括号里。(7分) ( )1 你叫Helen看你的新毛衣,说: A Look at my new sweater B How nice C This is my new sweater ( )2 哪种动物是我国的国宝? A cat B elephant c panda ( )3 询问你的朋友要不要吃冰淇淋,你说: A Some eggs B An ice-cream C Some juice ( )4 做错事向别人道歉,说: A Thank you B How nice C I’m sorry ( )5 询问对方身体状况时说: A Nice to meet you B FineAnd you C How are you ( )6 当妈妈叫你睡觉时,你可以回答: A Go to bed now B OK Good night, Mum C Goodbye ( )7 当你写错字时,你最需要: A a rubber B a pencil C a ruler


一、将下列句子按照正确的顺序排列成完整的一段话。5% ( )Thank you ( )How pretty ( )How are you ( )I’m fine,thank you ( )Look at my new blouse 二、读一读,给下列两组句子排序。(10分) 1、A Good morning, Helen Look at my new cap B It’s red C Good morning, Mike D It’s nice E Thank you What colour is it

2、 A Would you like an egg B What about a hot dog C What’s this D Yes, please E No, thank you F It’s an egg C

三、选择正确的答案完成对话,把序号填在横线上。(5分) A my

B skirt

C red

D nice

E Good morning

A: _________ B: Good morning A: Look at ________new__________ B: It’s __________ A: What colour is it B: It’s _______ 四、将下面句子排序,组成一段通顺的对话。(5分) ( ) 1 look at my skirt ( ) 2 Good morning ( ) 3 it’s nice ( ) 4 thank you! ( ) 5 Good morning, Yang Ling 五 用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序,组成两段完整,独立的对话。(7分) A ( )Fine, thank you And you ( ) I’m fine, too ( ) How are you B ( ) Great But how ( ) OK Let’s go ( ) Let’s go to the zoo ( ) By bike 六、给下列各组句子重新排列,组成通顺的对话。(每题1分,共5分) A Nice to meet you, Nancy B Great! Let’s go C Let’s go to the park by bike D Gao Shan , this is Nancy E Nice to meet you, too, Gao Shan ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 五、将下列句子按照正确的顺序排列成完整的一段话。5% ( )Thank you ( )How pretty ( )How are you ( )I’m fine,thank you ( )Look at my new blouse

一、 判断划线部分的发音,相同的打对号,不同的打错号。

( )1 meat bread ( )2 but bus

( )3 idea peach ( )4 rice right

( )5 post nose ( )6 always face

( )7 elephant set ( )8 seven strong

( )9driver bike ( )10 south the

二、 请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来。(20分)

1、plane 地铁 2、minute 想要

ship 飞机 want 北

subway 轮船 north 南

always 知道 south 分钟

know 总是 west 西

三、 请在B栏中找出A栏句子的答语,将其字母代号填在括号中。


( )How do you go to school A You can go by the No5 bus

( )Can I go on foot B No, it’s not far

( )How can I go to the zoo C Sure, if you like

( )Is it far from here D It’s near the hospital

( ) Where is the cinema E Usually I go on foot

( )Where is the bookstore F My home is near the cinema

( )What are you going to do G I am going at 3 o’clock

( )Where are you going this evening H I’m going to play football

( )When are you going I It’s east of the cinema

( )Where is your home JI’m going to the bookstore


( )1、-______ your birthday

- It’s on the 1st of May

A 、What’s B、When’s C、Where’s

( )2、-Is the running race ______

- Yes, it is

A 、excited B、exciting C、excite

( )3、My birthday is _______

A 、come B、coming C、comes

( )4、My birthday is on the _______ of November

A 、twelve B、twelveth C、twelfth

( )5、I’d like a big cake _______ lots of strawberries _____ my birthday party

A 、of, for B、with, as C、with, for

( )6、It was there _________

A 、now B、just now C、a moment

( )7、Lucy _____ to go shopping with her mother

A 、want B、wants C、wanting

( )8、The earphones ______ on the sofa

A 、is B、are C、was

( )9、The students are _______ the match now

A 、looking at B、seeing C、watching

( )10、-What does it ________

- It______ you shouldn’t touch it

A 、mean, means B、means, mean C、means, means


1 红灯停。

_______at a red __________

2 请看这些漫画书。

Look at these __________ books, _________

3 我坐火车去北京。

I go to Beijing ______ ___________

4 今天下午我准备去邮局。

I’m going to the post _________ this __________

5 今天上午我去了银行。

I went to the bank ________ _____________

六、用所给词的正确形式填空 (15%)

1 There is a letter for ________ (she) mother

2、 Give _______(he) a toy, please

3、 He ______ _______ (go) to the park now

4、 ________ you ________ (go) to school every day

5、 My mother ________ not________ (like) English She _______ (like) Chinese

6、 When_____ you _______ (go ) to school I _____ (go) to school at five every day

7、 He______ (is ) ill yesterday

8 ______ they watch TV on Sundays Yes, they __


1 I’m going to ShangHai by__________(飞机)

2 _______(如何) do you go to the park

3 I’m going to buy a comic book this _________(早上)

4 Go straight, then turn __________(左边)

5 What are you going to do __________ ___________(下周)



I am a bird I fly in the sky I like the clouds They are pretty I live in a tree The tree is near a river There aren’t any fish in the river There is only one tree I feel lonely

One day, I see some students They plant trees They grow flowers, too I like the trees and the flowers They are very beautiful Then there are trees and flowers There are many fish in the river The air is cleaner, the clouds are more whiter Many birds come I am happy

1 ( )In the passage(短文), “I am a _________”

A bird B tree C flower

2 ( )Where is the tree

A On the river B Over the river C Near the river

3 ( )Are there any fish in the river at first(原来)

A Yes, there is B Yes, there are C No, there aren’t

4 ( )Who plants the trees and flowers

A Some students B Some birds C Some fish

5 ( )After reading this passage, what should you do

A Water the flowers and trees B Cook the mealsC Make the bed


阅读理解,对的在括号内写T, 错的在括号内F(5%)

Today is Sunday It’s seven thirty in the morning It’s fine Kate and her parents are going to the Great Wall Kate’s father is a doctor Her mother is a teacher Now they’re getting on a big bus There are twenty-two people in it Some are English, and some are American and Japanese They look very happy They’re going to the Great Wall, too

There are four Chinese on the bus A young woman, she’s a driver A young man, he’s a guide My father and I are going to the Great wall, too

( )1、It’s a fine Sunday morning

( )2、Kate’s father and mother are teachers

( )3、There are twenty-two people in the bus

( )4、They are happy

( )5、The driver is a man 文章



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