种族歧视并非病态的社会现象 而是描述了在发展过程中对于各个文明的了解程度的差异而导致的误解。这种误解一直延续至今。虽然口唇不予 各族各部甚至各民族各城市之间人的心中还是具有一定的所谓“认同感”。有这种认同感的存在 就导致了整个“种族歧视”问题的加深和恶性循环。
英语比较复杂 我就不翻译了 请谨慎翻译 不要去用在线翻译机 那个更糟糕
Compared to Chinese food, Western food is a bland mixture of meat and starch There is a saying in China that goes like this: "People in Guangdong are brave enough to eat anything with four legs except tables and anything that flies except airplanes" In other words, they eat wild animals many of which are taboo for people living in other areas
The foods selected for consumption by various ethnic groups and their outlook on food and eating manners are closely related to religion It is well known that Moslems never eat pork, and followers of Islam cannot eat other animals as well unless the animals are slaughtered by a Moslem The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is a month of fasting, during which Moslems may not eat or drink the whole daylight hours For Hindus, the cow is sacred and the eating of beef is forbidden Many Hindus go further and are vegetarians for religious reasons
In China, the influence of Taoism has led to the deeply-rooted belief in food as a way to long life Food is thus deemed to be medicinal, and all foods are classified according to their medicinal properties In Japan, because of the influence of the Buddhist proscription on killing, meat was not commonly eaten until the late of the 19th century
1 What has happened to the traditional American family of the 1950s, and why
Some of the explanation is demographic一部分的原因可以解释为人口统计学。
In the 1950s, men who had fought in World War II had returned home, married, and were starting their families
There was a substantial increase (or boom) in the birthrate producing the “baby boomers” 因此在出生率上有了大量的增加(或繁盛),由此产生了很多婴儿潮出生的人。
A second demographic factor is that today young people are marrying and having children later in life 第二个人口统计学的因素是,现在,青年人都很迟才结婚和生孩子。
Some couples now choose not have children at all 有些夫妇甚至选择不生孩子。A third factor is that people are living longer after their children are grown, and they often end up alone 第三个因素是,孩子出生后,人们活得更久,而且他们都是晚年孤独生活。
And, of course, there is a fourth factor—the high rate of divorce当然,还有第四个因素----很高的离婚率。
But numbers alone cannot account for the dramatic changes in the family 但仅仅是数字还不能说明戏剧性变化发生在家庭中的原因。
Understanding the values at work in the family will provide some important insights理解家庭中工作的价值观将能提供更好的洞察力。
2 Along with the American emphasis on individual freedom, the belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family 除了美国人对个人自由的注重外,对平等的信念也在家庭中有一个强而有力的影响。
Alexis de Tocqueville saw the connection clearly in the 1830s托克维尔(法国历史学家、社会学家。主要代表作有《论美国的民主》第一卷、《论美国的民主》第二卷、《旧制度与大革命〉。 出身贵族世家,经历过五个“朝代”(法兰西第一帝国、波旁复辟王朝、七月王朝、法兰西第二共和国、法兰西第二帝国)。前期热心于政治,1838年出任众议院议员,1848年二月革命后参与制订第二共和国宪法,1849年一度出任外交部长。 1851年路易·波拿巴建立第二帝国,托克维尔对政治日益失望,从政治舞台上逐渐淡出,并逐渐认识到自己“擅长思想胜于行动”。)在19世纪30年代很清楚地看到它们之间的联系。
He said that in aristocratic societies inequality extends into the family, particularly to the father’s relationship to his children 他说,贵族社会的不平等也伸展到家庭中,特别是父亲对孩子的方式。
The father is accepted as ruler and master 爸爸是统治者和主人这一观点是被普遍接受的。
The children’s relations with him are very formal, and love for him is always combined with fear
In the United States, however, the democratic idea of equality destroys much of the father’s status as ruler of the family and lessens the emotional distance between father and children 然而,在美国,平等的民主观念毁灭爸爸是家庭中的统治者这一形象,并大大减少了父亲和孩子之间的情感距离。
There is less formal respect for, and fear of, the father对爸爸不再是像过去那样,带着敬畏去尊敬或害怕。 But there is more affection expressed toward him 而是更多向他表达自己的喜爱。“The master and constituted [legal] ruler have vanished,” said Tocqueville; “the father remains”主人和约定俗成(或合法)的统治者的统治者形象已经消失,托克维尔说,但爸爸的形象留了下来。