加拿大一直是中国学生留学的热点国家。每年有大约175万名国际学生在加拿大学习。近两年去加拿大的中国留学生每年都超过万人。与此同时,加拿大学校也更加关注中国市场。 申请加拿大留学签证首先必须具备7个条件:完成学业回国;被加拿大院校录取、没有犯罪记录、递交所有必备材料、打算在加拿大学习6个月以上者需要出示体检结果和支付申请受理费。但符合上述7个条件者也未必都能获签,所以送签者要有两方面的心理准备。
中国大陆移民面试地点一般在香港或北京。 如果在香港面试,因气候原因,准备的西装的颜色不宜太深,应以中灰色为最好。且要精心挑选一件与之相搭配的衬衫及领带,如果你有一个beer belly(啤酒肚)、臀部肥大或身材矮胖,就不宜选择前襟是圆角的西装,最宜穿左右两边开叉的成套西装。穿西装,只要剪裁合体,搭配得当,不论高、矮、胖、瘦,都会风度翩翩。 整个世界西服与西服文化的基本模式主要分以下三种流派: 1、欧洲流派 以法国、意大利为主,英国为辅。西服造型比较注重优雅格调,肩部做得较高,胸部也做得较为突出,整套西服的造型为长而苗条,以平肩、侧缝开衩为其基本模式。近年来,欧洲流派的西服文化受女性时装影响,较注意西服款式的多样性,尤其是在面料色彩选择上更是有独到之处。由于英国是西服的发祥地,所以以英国为代表的西服文化比较讲究正统,面料选择、色彩搭配、穿着方法等都有一定的规定,反映出英国绅士气派。 2、美洲流派 以美国为代表。以自然肩型为绝对的基型,肩部不用过高的垫肩,胸部也不过分收紧,以保持其自然形态。美洲流派的西服文化比较重视穿着的功能性和随意性,采用面料比较薄,喜欢使用伸缩自如、略带有弹性的毛涤混纺面料。 3、亚洲流派 亚洲流派的崛起在70年代,以日本、韩国为主要代表。由于该地区男士身材并不高大,因此西服以宽松、舒展、方便为其主旋律,掩盖人种矮小削瘦的缺陷。
总的来说,面试时移民官所提的问题都是围绕着申请者的工作、学习、专业、经历和家庭生活等,都是申请者最熟悉的东西。只要准备充足,临场不紧张,同时又具有一定的英语水平,以平常心对待,面试并非如想象的那么可怕。另外,回答问题要准确、清晰、有条理,不拖泥带水,不过于显示和表现。另外,还要注意扬长避短,对熟悉的东西可以多发挥一些,对不甚了解的东西则尽可能回答得简洁。总之,只要准确、流畅地把问题说明白即可。双城专家为了大家能更好的准备面试,面试取得良好的结果,经过多年的实际从业经验精心整理了下面列出移民官可能提出的问题以供参考:Why do you want to go to Canada你为什么想移民加拿大?What do you know about Canada你对加拿大有哪些了解?You know Canada has one of the best social welfare systems (health systems)in the world How do you think of it你如何看待加拿大的高社会福利制度?What particular things do you like in Canada你最喜欢加拿大什么?Do you go to Canada because you are not successful in China你愿意移民加拿大是否因为你在中国的人生不成功吗?Where are you going to settle (or live) in Canada你想在加拿大哪个地方居住?What do you think about Canadian political system你如何看待加拿大的政治制度?Have you been to Canada你以前来过加拿大吗?What is the biggest city in Canada加拿大最大的城市是哪个?Who is the premier of Canada?加拿大总理是谁?Why don't you go to USA为什么你不去美国?How many people are there in your family你家里有几口人?Why do you leave your spouse/child/parents behind为什么你的配偶/孩子/父母不与你同来?Did your parent agree with you on immigration你的父母同意你移民吗?Does your spouse have any plan when she accompanies you to Canada你的丈夫(妻子)同意你移民吗?What university did you graduate你是哪所大学毕业的?Is your university famous你就读过的大学著名吗?Tell me something about your university谈谈你就读过的那所大学。
Why do you want to go to Canada
What do you know about Canada
How do you think Canadian economy
You know Canada has one of the best social welfare systems/health systems in the world How do you think of it
What particular things do you like in Canada
Why do you want to leave China
How do you think the experience you have in China
Do you go to Canada because you are not successful in China
Where are you going to settle (or live) in Canada
What do you know about Vancouver, the place you're going to live
Tell me anything you know about Vancouver
Why would you like to settle in Vancouver
Tell me any other cities you know in Canada
Have you heard anything about Canada in Chinese media recently
What's your impression on Vancouver (Canada)
What do you think about Canadian political system
Have you been to Canada (any other countries besides Thailand)
What is the biggest city in Canada
Who is the premier of Canada
Who don't you go to USA
How many people are there in your family
Why do you leave your spouse/child/parents behind
Did your parent agree with you on immigration
Does your spouse have any plan when she accompanies you to Canada
Why don't you bring your child with you to Canada
What kind of QUALIFICATION did you get
What university did you graduate
Is your University famous
Tell me something about your university
What's your major
Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast-growing world
What have you learnt in your university
Have the course you studied in the university helped you
Did you get any award in the university
How long have you studied English
Can you speak any other language
Do you have any other languages or skills, which might assist you to find a job in Canada
Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment
How often do you use English
Can you operate the computer
What do you know about internet
Have you received any professional training
Have you received any on-site job training
You studied Physics (or other field), why do you apply as a computer programmer
Do you have any professional license/certificate
How did the training help you in your present career
In what company are you working at present
Can you tell me something about your company
How many employees are there in your companies
Tell me the detail of your colleagues' job titles
How long have you been working in the company
How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation
How long have you been in the position
Who do you report your work to
What is the position in your company
How many staffs do you supervise
What's the main business of your company Name of general manager
What have you done in your work
What are your responsibilities
What are your achievements
Tell me one of your biggest achievements
Why did you work in the same company for so long
Do you know any company in Canada, which offers the same service as your company
What's your routine work
Do you have a reference letter from the present employer
After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will take you before you can successfully get a job offer
Why do you think you can be successful in Canada, while many other immigrants have failed in their career
Why do you think you can live and be successful in Canada at your age
If I approve your application, do you think you will have any problems to adapt the new living style in Canada If no, tell me why you have confidence to adapt to the new environment
What plans have you made to live in Canada
How can you survive in Canada
What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada How will your friends help you
What will be the first important thing you are going to do after arrival in Canada
What's your Career OBJECTIVE
You know a lot of Hong Kong people have come back from Canada, how do you think about it
Can you tell me something about your career
Why are you certain that you can be qualified as a successful immigrant
Do you have any idea about the job market in your occupation in Canada
Have you done any research about job opportunities in Canada
Do you know anything about the present employment situation in Canada
Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada who could assist you
What are your relatives (friends) doing in Canada
What are you going to do if you have no money and nobody is willing to help you
Do you have enough money to support yourself and your family if you can't find a job immediately
How much transferable funds and other personal assets do you have Do you have a summary of your assets
香港中环干诺道8号交易广场第一座12楼移民部 香港邮政总局信箱11142号
At my interview, the visa officer first studied my documents for about 10 mins(I guess according to the interval between the applier before me)At interview, She only asked me a few questions:
Q1Can I have your passport
Q2You said at your reference letter you have the project about DCS, can you tell me what it is
A2It's Distributed Control System
Q3Can you tell me the difference between C and C++
A3C++ is somehow a kind of C, it has almost the same syntax, but is OOP language
Q4Can you explain OOP
A4It's Object Oriented Programming
Q5How many people in your unit
A5I don't konw if you ask me about our training center or our headquater company, our company is very large
Q6I mean your own training center
A628 persons
Q7Do you have your college transcript with you
A7Yes Here it is(Hand the notarized transcript in)
Q8Can I keep it
Q9Do you have a certificate of your bank saving
A9Here it is(Hand the bank certificate in)
Q10You didn't pay the process fee for your wife If she accompany you to Canada, you should pay her process fee immediatelly
A10OK I will do that immediatelly
That's all the questions Then I asked her if I should fill the passport on the application form She said she already did that for me Then the officer explains to me how to take the physical check and asked me to sign a document That's my interview experience