on the weight room
这个就不用解释了吧,weight room就是健身房的意思,
215lbs也不用解释了哦,215lbs大约相当于975 Kg
bench在俚语里,意思就是benchpress(大概也可以理解成是benchpress 的缩略形式),
然而问题又来了,bench press,也是名词,意思是躺在健身房的长凳上举重,
The bench press is a strength training exercise While lying on his back, the person performing the bench press lowers a weight to the level of the chest, then pushes it back up until the arm is straight and the elbows locked (or close to this position)
显然就算是bench press也是个名词,正式的说法是
sb performs a bench press
然而关键也就在于这句话是很随意的语言,众所周知,native speakers 尤其是在俚语中很喜欢把名词当动词用,
I had my holiday in Hawaii
eg I holidayed in Hawaii
bench就是 perform a bench press 的意思,
The world record for benching is about 728 pounds
健身英语词汇集锦 1 健身房 gym 每个人到健身房的目的不一样,也许你会想要: 健康点 to become healthy 保持体态 to get fit 减肥to lose weight 增重to gain weight 增强肌肉 to build muscle 塑身to shape your body 眼睛吃冰淇淋 to watch nice bodies 交朋友 to make friends 打屁to chat 2 健身中心 fitness center 健身俱乐部:health club 3 健身教练 trainer 4 运动鞋 sneaker 5 置物柜 locker 6 入会费 membership fee 7 参加 (健身课程) to enroll in The member ship fee is 23,000 when you enroll in our program 当您完成入会手续后,我们会跟您收取两万三千元的入会费。 8 局部瘦身 spot reduction spot (n): 部位 reduction (n):减少 9 脂防 fat 消除脂肪:to reduce the fat / to get rid of the fat 低脂饮食:low-fat diet I work out every day in order to increase the muscle in my chest and arms and get rid of the fat around my waist 我每天健身,为的就是增加我胸部和手臂的肌肉,并消除腰部的脂肪。 10 体适能 fitness 11 健身 to work out 我们也可以把work out两个字合在一起,变成一个名词:workout It's becoming a trend for modern people to work out in the gym 现代人在健身房健身已慢慢成为一种趋势。 The model goes to the gym for a workout five times a week 这个模特儿每个星期到健身房健身五次。 You'd better have/get some workout 你最好做点运动。 12 体脂肪 body fat 13 卡络里 calorie 燃烧卡洛里:to burn calorie A calorie-controlled diet will help those who want to lose weight 控制热量的饮食对想减肥的人很有帮助。 14 曲线 curve She's got all that right curves Every guy is so crazy about her 她的曲线尽现!每个男人都为她着迷。 15 暖身 to warm up warm-up两个字合起来,可当形容词用;美国口语,也可以当名词用。 We all should warm up before doing some exercises 开始做运动前,我们都应该暖身。 Let's warm up the car engine before we start 我们把汽车马达热一下,再开车吧! Warm-up stretch is extremely important before any exercise 做任何运动前,暖身的伸展运动是非常重要的。 After a warm-up of ten minutes, he started jogging 暖身十分钟后,他开始慢跑。 16 伸展 to stretch stretch 可以当作动词,也可以当作名词用。 伸展收缩:stretch and contract Every time you work out you should begin and end with a few stretches 每次健身的前后,都应该做些伸展的动作。 Stretch your arms up! 把你的手臂往上伸展。 为了减低sports injure (运动伤害)的发生: Always stretch before and during workouts 健身之前和健身过程,一定得做伸展的动作。 17 柔暖度 flexibility flexible (adj): 柔软的 Since your flexibility level is bad, you are in desperate need of a stretching routine of some kind 既然你的柔暖度不是很好,你很急需固定做些伸展的运动。 18 仰卧起坐 sit-up If you can do 100 sit-ups every day, you will have a six-pack look soon 如果你每天都可以做100个仰卧起坐,你很快就会有六块肌。 19 伏地挺身 push-up I can do 100 push-ups in a row Don't get jealous You will do it someday 我可以一次做100个伏地挺身。别忌妒。总有一天你也可以的。 20 劲走 power walking 21 直排轮 In-Line Skating 22 有氧运动 aerobics 有氧的:aerobic I think I have to take an aerobics class now 我想我得上些有氧运动的课程了。 The famous actor does aerobics twice a week 这位闻名的男演员一星期会做两次有氧课程的运动。 23 重量训练 weight training/weight lifting 举重:to lift weights 口语叫做:to do weights 一想到重量训练(weight training),相信你对哑铃(dumbbell)和杠铃(barbell)一定不陌生吧! 星沙英语 24 肌力/肌耐力训练 strength training 25 心肺/有氧训练 cardiovascular training 口语可以说成:cardio Do cardio four days
fitness 读法 英 ['fɪtnəs] 美 [ˈfɪtnɪs]
n 健康;适当;适合性。
1、physical fitness 身体健康;体力;身体适宜性。
2、fitness training 体能训练;体育训练。
3、fitness test 适合性试验。
我想要锻炼身体,到健身房用英文聊运动 使用健身房设备实用句
I want to get in shape 我想要锻炼身体。 I want to have six-pack abs 我想要有六块肌。 Can you show me how to use this machine 请教我使用这部机器的方法好吗? Can you spot me 你能帮我支撑吗?(编注:做重量训练时,请人在一旁帮忙准备支撑杠铃等重物,,预防突然下坠) How many reps should I do 这个动作我要连续做几次? How much can you press 你能推举几磅?(编注:仰卧推举用语) Can I bring guests to the gym 我能带其他人一起来健身房吗?(编注:有些健身房会适度开放会员携伴运动) Do I need a reservation to use the squash courts 使用壁球场要预约吗? Are there lockers / towels available 有提供寄物柜/毛巾吗? What if I fet my membership card 万一我忘记带会员卡怎么办? Is the membership transferable 会籍可以转让给别人吗? Do you have a yoga / cardio class for beginners 你们有为初学者开的瑜伽/有氧课吗?
健身动词片语firm up 使⋯⋯紧实
Rope jumping is a great way to firm up your legs 跳绳是紧实腿部很棒的方法。
lift 举起
Can you lift that dumbbell over your head 你可以把哑铃举过你的头吗?
exhale / inhale 吐气,呼气/吸气
My trainer told me to exhale when I lift weights, and then inhale when I lower them 我的教练跟我说举重时要吐气,放下 时要吸气。
trim 减去
I need to trim my waistline before I can t into that dress 我必须先把腰围瘦下来才穿得下那件洋装。
健身房聊运动run on a treadmill 跑跑步机
I usually run on a treadmill for 30 minutes我经常用跑步机跑半小时。
use an exercise bike 踩健身脚踏车
I use an exercise bike to warm up before lifting weights我做重量训练前,会踩健身脚踏车暖身。
jump rope 跳绳
I jump rope in beeen weight sets进行每组重量训练之间我会跳绳。
do push-ups / sit-ups 做伏地挺身/仰卧起坐
Should I do push-ups and sit-ups before or after cardio伏地挺身和仰卧起坐是要在有氧运动之前还是 之后做
aerobic boxing 有氧拳击
There’s an aerobic boxing class tonight at seven 今天晚上七点有一堂有氧拳击课。
weight training 重量训练
Weight training can help you improve your muscle tone做重量训练能使肌肉更结实。
do yoga 做瑜珈
I do yoga at the gym three days a week 我每周瑜珈三次。
文章摘自《超有梗英文会话:EZ TALK 总编严选特刊》
photo credit: arhy82
aerobic boxing, aerobic boxing 中文, aerobic boxing 意思, aerobic boxing 翻译, do yoga, exhale, exhale 中文, exhale 意思, exhale 翻译, firm up, firm up 中文, firm up 意思, firm up 翻译, inhale, inhale 中文, inhale 意思, inhale 翻译, jump rope, lift, lift 中文, lift 意思, lift 翻译, trim, trim 中文, trim 意思, trim 翻译, weight training, weight training 中文, weight training 意思, weight training 翻译, yoga, yoga 中文, yoga 意思, yoga 翻译, 仰卧起坐 英文, 伏地挺身 英文, 健身房 英文, 健身脚踏车 英文, 六块肌 英文, 有氧拳击, 有氧拳击 英文, 瑜珈 英文, 跑步机 英文, 跳绳 英文, 重量训练 英文