









  那些经典的台词,很多都对星球迷有着很深的影响,现在我们再来回味一下其中的精华吧。以下是我为你精心整理的星球大战 经典台词 摘抄,希望你喜欢。


 1) 永远别跟我说几率。——汉·索洛 Never tell me the odds– Han Solo

 2) 无与伦比的女孩,我要么就杀了她,要么就开始喜欢她。 wonderful girl either i'm going to kill her or i'm beginning to like her han solo

 3) 我不再认识你了,阿纳金,你让我的心碎了,你走向了一条我无法跟随的道路。i don't know you anymore anakin,you're breaking my heart!you're going down a path i can't follow padme

 4) 所以自由就是这样消逝的,伴随着雷鸣般的掌声。——帕德梅·阿米达拉 So this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause – PadméAmidala

 5) 你的眼睛会骗你。别信它们。——欧比-旺·克诺比 Your eyes can deceive you Don't trust them – Obi-Wan Kenobi

 6) 你的生活重心决定你的生活现状。——奎-冈·金 Your focus determines your reality – Qui-Gon Jinn

 7) 控心术对我无效。——沃图Mind tricks don't work on me – Watto

 8) 恐惧是通向黑暗之路。恐惧导致愤怒。愤怒引发仇恨。仇恨造成痛苦。--Fear is the path to the dark side Fear leads to anger Anger leads to hate Hate leads to suffering

 9) You you're afraid that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!你……你在害怕……你害怕自己永远不会想达斯·维德一样强大。

 10) you must unlearn what you have learned yoda你要忘掉以前所学。


 1) You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it when you left你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。

 2) Who can doubt the commitment of such a promising young cadet"谁能怀疑这样一个有前途的年轻人的承诺吗

 3) wars not make one great yoda战争不会令一个人变得伟大

 4) There are some things far more frightening than death有些事远比死亡更可怕

 5) Rey, may the force be with you蕾伊,原力与你同在。

 6) Live long and prosper生生不息繁荣昌盛

 7) Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it whenyou left莱娅:你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。

 8) It's true All of it The Dark Side, the Jedi They're real是真的,都是真的。黑暗面,绝地武士,他们活生生存在。

 9) I was raised to do one thing but I've got nothing to fight for费恩:我只为一件事而生……但我却没有奋斗的目标

 10) Fear is the path to the darkside恐惧是黑暗的道路。

 11) do or do not there's no try yoda只有做与不做,没有试一下

 12) Intensify forward firepower加强火力向前

 13) Intensify forward firepower加强火力向前

 14) 如果我有时间和精力,我一定会用锤子把世界上所有假日特辑的DVD敲个粉碎。————乔治卢卡斯

 15) 帕德梅说:"阿那金,你变了很的多" 阿纳金说:"你一点也没变"

 16) I'm a jedi,like my father before me 我是个哲达武士,我像我的父亲一样。

 17) It leads you so powerful as the emperor has expected you are已经记不太清楚了,大概是的

 18) I'm a jedi,like my father before me 我是jedi,就像我从前的父亲

 19) Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it whenyou left莱娅:你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。

 20) Han Solo: I've got a bad feeling about this汉•索洛:对这件事我感觉很不好。

 21) I have a bad feeling about this我有种不祥的预感。

 22) Here's where the fun begins 好戏要上场了。










 主要剧情:为了救出被碳凝的汉·索洛,莱娅公主、兰多·卡瑞辛和丘巴卡分别以各种 方法 渗透进赫特人贾巴的宫殿。阿纳金因在与皇帝的战斗中受了致命伤而死在卢克面前,融入了原力。在庆功宴上,卢克看见了克诺比、尤达和父亲阿纳金的原力英灵。同时,银河各地庆祝皇帝殒命。






 主要剧情:银河共和国陷入动荡,数千个星系表达了他们想脱离共和国的意向。把这一惊人发现 报告 绝地委员会后,克诺比尾随费特至吉奥诺西斯星系。时任最高议长的希夫·帕尔帕廷在首都科洛桑检阅了这支初次经历战火洗礼的军队,满载着克隆士兵们的欢呼者强袭登陆舰群随即驶向太空深处……






 主要剧情:这是动画片《星球大战2:克隆人的进攻》与《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》之间 安纳金·天行者和他的学徒阿索卡·塔诺踏上一次危险重重的旅程,他们要与犯罪头子贾巴正面交锋。不过杜库伯爵和他邪恶的爪牙无论如何也会设法阻挠天行者和阿索卡的使命。






 主要剧情:自帕尔帕廷以所谓的新秩序将银河共和国改组为银河帝国之后,在银河帝国的高压统治下,人民的起义增多并形成各类起义组织,这其中就有蒙·莫思马领导下的义军同盟。而这其中最暴力最铁血的方式就是战斗空间站死星。蒙·莫思马看中了琴·厄索,并将其选做偷取死星设计图的人选,于是她集结了一支小组,共同执行这次特别任务 。

1 **优美的英文经典台词

2 **《大话西游》经典台词摘抄

3 谢文东经典霸气台词精选

4 星际旅行经典台词语录

5 **《叶问》经典台词摘抄

Dong, dong Dong It rained and more and more urgent, raindrops fell by secret nasty leaves in around them, and some on the Banks of the coverage through darkness fall into the rippling river Anger instead of harry original happiness RON say he had expected the idea and the same and worry about

"I never have this day," said RON "you know, my arm is broken, what to eat, every night I did all the back were frozen hemp You know, I just hope we in exile after several weeks to make anything"

"RON," said hermione, sound very light, be in tents raindrops pattering voice on the cover, RON pretended not to hear

"I think you know you are required to come," said harry

"Yes, I know, I know"

"So what makes you don't get your act together" Harry asked, and now he could not restrain his fury "Do you think we should live in the five-star hotel Every other day looking for a horcrux You want to return to your mummy" been there Christmas

"We think you know what we should do!" RON yell, stood up, and his words are like a burning hot dagger "we thought that dumbledore told you should do! We thought you already have a clear plan!"

"RON!" Hermione said, this time her voice clear enough to cover in through the roof and let others heard rain, but RON still ignore her

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you" Harry said, though he felt himself empty, but his voice still very calm "From the beginning, I very frank tell you everything I put the dumbledore told everything I told you And if you didn't pay attention to words, we have found a horcrux --"

"Yes, and we both want to get rid of it, and they want to find other horcrux - in other words, damn, no such"

"Take the box down, RON," said hermione, her voice abnormal dissonant "Take the box down, if you don't wear it all day you wouldn't say that"

"No, he will" Harry said he didn't want to give RON excuses, "do you think I don't know you behind me whisper You think I guess not out in thinking about what to eat in your heart"

"Harry, don't we --"

"Don't tell a lie!" RON indignation toward her said, "you have said so, you say you're disappointed, you say you feel that he's more --"

"I didn't say that -- harry, I didn't say that!" Hermione cried

Heavy rain down on the tents, in tears kept through hermione cheeks, and few minutes ago excited disappeared, as if it never happened the same It seemed a little spark explodes, put out, leaving only the dark, damp and cold Gryffindor sword hidden in a they don't know where they just three in tents nothing successful young man, in fact, a failure

"You still doing here" Harry asked RON

"I don't know!" Said RON

"You go home" Harry said

"Good! I'm going to do" RON yell, and then he walked a few steps toward harry, harry didn't back down "You didn't hear them saying my sister how But you don't care, right, that's just a the forbidden forest, harry, 'faced worse" potter, didn't care what happened to her there, well, those giant spiders and werewolves --"

"I just said -- he and others together - and hagrid together --"

"Yes, I know, you don't care! No matter the rest of my family what happens to settle a dispute, 'the weasleys bear children hurt' live again, do you hear" "Yes, I --"

"Even heard, not to worry about think those words"

"RON!" Hermione said, put them back, and two tried "I don't think that explains what happens, what we don't know" think when you think about it, bill has been disfigured, now many people also know George lost an ear, you also have died or lose by speculation magic, I'm sure he said these things --"

"Oh, are you sure Ok, ok, I won't let them worry about me You are good, isn't it, your parents AnAnQuanQuan --"

"My parents dead!" Harry roars

"My parents also nearly dead!" RON Shouting

"That you go!" Harry shouted, "back to their side, pretend to restore the magic, your mom would have fed you --"

RON fiercely stand up, harry is also react accordingly But in their two, get from their own pocket wand out before, hermione has raised his wand: "troublesome!" She sobbed, an invisible gas wall traverses among them apart, put their two separate In their spell power, are forced to retreat under a few steps, harry and RON across the invisible barriers remain to each other as if they were glaring and first see each other as well Harry felt a strong antipathy to RON among them: he knows something broken

"Leave horcrux" Harry said

RON flung from the chain, the box had his head thrown around a chair He turned to hermione

"What are you gonna do"

"What do you mean"

"You stay, or"

"I" She looks very painful, "is -- yes, I want to stay, RON We said we will accompany harry, we said would help --"

"I know You choose to him"

"RON, don't -- please you -- come back, come back!" By her own manufacturing obstacles gas wall block, when she hurried there, RON have already walked into the night in the storm Harry standing straight without speaking, listening to her in the woods with sobs The name of the shout RON

A few minutes later she came back, hair drenched, on the face is mud

"He walked - go - walk! Disapparated!"

She is sitting in a chair troubled, curled up on the body and began to weep

Harry felt dizziness He bent down and picked up a horcrux and hung it on his neck He put the RON bed blanket drag out hermione, then he climbed up his bed, staring at the black canvas top, listening to the sound of raindrops hit

Chapter 16 godric's hollow

When harry wakes up the next day with the time for several seconds to recall what happened He fondly hope just do a dream, he hopes to RON still there, he didn't leave However, when he on the pillow turned away, see RON abandoned bed, it is like a dead body on the road in affects his though view Harry from his bed para-chute, try not to see RON bed Hermione in the kitchen busy and harry go past, she didn't tell harry said good morning, but quickly don't face He was gone, harry said to himself, he was gone! When harry wash gargle dressed, he couldn't help repeatedly and think like this, seems to repeat such doing can reduce it to his bat RON has gone, didn't come back This is the simple truth, harry knew, because once they leave the RON can find them again the site, their protection magic be useless He and hermione in silence ate breakfast Hermione's eyes and red and swollen: she looks as if she didn't sleep They sorting his own things, hermione seemed distracted Harry knew why she on the bank delay the time; Several times he found her in frantically searching for, and he's very clear she was using false hope deceive himself seems to hear footsteps in the heavy rain However, the red hair figure does not appear in the woods Every harry all like her, looking for (because he also couldn't help hold this small hope), but in addition to be rain scoured the trees outside what also can't see; Another group little anger exploded in his mind, he can hear RON in said: "we thought you know you do something!" With this heavy heart knot, he start packing

Beside them muddy river levels rising rapidly, and soon in the embankment across their
















看似是大气度的包容,其实却坚硬得如同石头门,把沟通结结实实地挡在了外头。《双面胶》里的“强力大胶条”亚平,就是擅长 “假认错”的主儿。某日丽鹃正在为老公只通知了婆婆不回家吃饭而怄气,晚归的亚平进屋,丽鹃立刻兴师问罪:“你跟你妈讲,说明在你心里你妈的位置比我重要。”这时亚平已经不耐烦了:“好好好,都是我的错行了吧!”每次夫妻吵嘴,亚平总用这句话来对付丽鹃,最终矛盾多到“强力大胶条”也堵不住……








Strong city in the village of a tender Love, paste the heart, not Lin daiyu, not because of sadness and amorous feelings


Friend, can have one or two have been very good, really don't need to too much The joy of friends, in that a steadfast trust


Courage is not without despair, on the contrary, it is a kind of in spite of despair, but can still struggling to move forward


Just because too young, so all the sadness and happiness appear so deep, gently touched is astounding


Let yourself busy, busy to no time to think about unimportant things, a lot of things so quietly forgotten


Thanks to those who do not want to love me, I can't love me, don't want to love me the person, is you taught me, how to love yourself


If one day, my dear you want to leave, I will believe it is destiny, but not you already did not love me


The deepest hurt in the world, not to betray not don't like it, but extreme love after gradually indifferent


Not inviting pity, do not call, I also don't cry, golden leaves me with heart, I have not young youth


Sad, life is not lost too much yesterday, but immersed in yesterday's sadness, forget the way forward


Mature, can not you use a lot of truth to enlighten others, but you can convince yourself to understand the people and things around you


Every morning in remind yourself: "live in the moment, don't miss the past or for the future wasted life today


Don't treat of the person you like, doesn't mean you hypocritical, and means that your heart mature enough to accommodate these don't like


Love you more than I want to know a person not see his usual on how good you are, but how to you when you quarrel with him


Perhaps, only one bed quilt warm night and a good dream, can comfort have too many unpleasant us every day


The most happy thing: perfect parents, friends, two or three, stealing don't walk lover, everything else is illusion, don't too dispute


No person dislike love, but everyone is tired of waiting, guessing, apologize and injuries, and unable to meet the commitment


The so-called a lasting relationship, it's no secret Only in love, save point moved, in the cold war, understand some gratitude


Tears or down full all winter, looking at what your smiling face Turn after, can't find the lost his promise


Those engraved on the back love can like the flower of the concrete, on the end of time, there was no wind of the forest


Don't excuse for tired, nothing is the reason why spell; Don't be to hard to find, no bitterness of bitter, what sweet sweet


We like on the surface of the needle, keep turning, a turn, one side looking at time to hurry away, he could do nothing


The balcony is a relaxing corner, a book, a cup of tea, so quietly sitting on the balcony watching the wind cloud falls


Some worry, lost, just have the chance to light Don't complain about life, try to think of the solution


Don't stay up, you can say to yourself "I am very tired", but never in heart admitted that say "I can't"!


A woman is a sign of maturity, is to learn to cruel, learn to independence, learn to smile, learn to discard not worthy of affection


Rock because the firm faith, fueled the beautiful waves; Because the pursuit of lofty, youth is extraordinarily gorgeous


Tolerance lubrication, the relationship between each other, to eliminate barriers to each other, clearing the each other's scruples, enhance the understanding of each other


A lot of can't forget the things we think of a lifetime, as we never forget the day, forgotten by us


Remember, can cry, can hate, but can't be strong Because there is a group of people waiting to see your jokes


What others say, I don't mind Tried to, to be together Don't ask me love not love you, love long see the heart


From now on, don't indulge fantasy, not much ado about nothing, live your life, your work, do a person close to the happiness


Women's goal should be, let the old man regret, let men sweating now, let the future man rare


Each section of the road is a kind of understanding, every relationship is a kind of experience, don't be afraid of the road is rough, don't be afraid of feelings hurt


The reason why you confused often only one, that is the age, in should have been desperately trying to think too much, doing too little


Opportunities for themselves, to grasp the fate, life is your own staff, deterrence are not playing it for yourself


If one day you found that I don't care about you, would you please think about it when I have you ever care about I care about you


Know I think I am very quiet, understand my people think I am crazy, only understand my talent know in fact I am very sad


The man who ever really loves you will never leave you He longitudinal have hundreds of a reason to give up, but also will always find a reason to stick to it


People in the best of times, always make some delusion, some silly Which a Duan Qingchun not absurd, which a love does not hurt


Face is the person the most magical part of the body, and in some people, but can xiaoke thick to thin, even can live without


There is a love called, there is a reason is called regret, there is a kind of feelings can't use equivalent to measure, that is missing!


Best friend, teasing each other at ordinary times, is the most malicious the mouth, when you need, is the one in the heart the most soft


Full of life, is to forgive, tolerance, waiting for and love, if not all of this, all you have, is nothing


How long can pluck a disc flowers beautiful How long can a temporary indulging and happy Aspirants to the goal of life pursuit


When you truly love something you will find how fragile and weak language Words and feelings will always be barriers


Don't like just don't Ptend, don't reluctantly, without appropriate life has not been easy, then why should hard himself again


I understand a lot of things, understand a lot of truth, understand a lot of comfort, I understand, but, understand what


The season of melancholy! Could you leave me, I'll live happy, not let me once again lost in the sea of blue


What a lot of problems from not enough cruel, all want to care about other people's feelings, you always care about others, that who will take care of you


Looking at what your smiling face, my tears still fall is full of the whole winter, turn round after, can't find the lost promise


Love is the most beautiful things in the world, even if it hurt your heart, also want to forget with a smile, and then start a journey


At first didn't thought there are often the result of love, then, has become the most serious in your life, the most profound


Only wait for things, people will know miss; Always in our most don't understand, miss most things really


We have put most of his feelings on the friendship and love, but in the end, often can make you touched only affection


One day I will silently walk away from you, without any sound, I missed a lot, I always one sad


If you have a bad day today, don't worry about it We all have a reset button is called tomorrow, everything can start all over again


To grow old, looking for a small town, quiet live, in the morning to see the sun in the corner, on a crutch to knock the sunset in the evening


Do women "best young poor"; "Not too old to do men ugly" Women understand together, men understand gratitude, to for a long time


Life is not me, death does not me, only I live is; Living not bring, naked, should cherish now have


Close your eyes, clear your heart, the past let bygones be bygones, use of willing attitude, a happy-go-lucky life


People often misunderstand their so that their nostalgic, think oneself long, in fact just now had a bad


Most of the time, you know that some after the event, the surface pack doesn't matter, use the smile to conceal, in fact heart ratio what all hurts


For others, have no more expectation At the moment, just want to live a simple quiet, no one can hurt my life again


Are you wearing a purple robe, distance, really like a small butterfly flew over, already beautiful fit, color soft again


My tears stay, irrigation the following soft grass, do not know the coming year, will leave a memory and sorrow


Happiness is, insisted should adhere to, give up should give up, cherish now have, don't regret it has decided to


Your seeds form of form, so their robes, curved eyebrows, pair of so long; A pair of watery eyes, so bright!


Everyone is a king, in his own world domineer over, you don't listen to me, but you also don't let me listen to you


I know to look back, those tears wanted to ridiculous; But don't know to look back, those laughter can also call me to tears


Always can't help sadness, then slowly learned to hide Because people don't want to be again stabbed, so gradually learned to disguise

影片《恋恋笔记本》系导演尼克·卡萨维茨2004年的一部爱情类影片。莱恩·高斯利、瑞秋·麦克亚当斯倾情出演。一家风光迤逦的私人疗养院,一位神秘的老男人每天都会准时拜访一位患有老年痴呆症的老女人。他总是在腿上摊开一本褪色的笔记本,轻轻地为女人讲述其中记载的故事,每当女人听到 日记 中的字句,脸上就会迸发出异样的神采,仿佛再次回到那段激情燃烧的岁月……



I am no one special, 我不是什么名人,

just a common man with common thoughts只是个思想平凡的普通人。

I've led a common life过着普通的生活。

There are no monuments dedicated to me 我没有什么纪念碑。

And my name will soon be forgotten 也很快会为世人所遗忘。

But in one respect, I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived但在某方面来说,我跟大家一样都活得很快乐。

I've loved another with all my heart and soul andfor me that has always been enough我全心全意爱着另一个人,对我而言,那已经足够了。


Allie:Look at us, we're already fighting看看我们,已经在吵架了

Noah:Well, that's what we doWe fight我们就是这样,我们会吵架

You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch你管我叫自大的混蛋

and I tell you when you're being a pain in the ass我管你叫难搞的女人

Which you are 99% of the time而你有99%的时间都是

I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings我不怕伤到你

They have like a two second rebound rate你很快就会恢复元气

and you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing马上又变回难搞的女人

Allie:So, what那又怎样

Noah:So it's not gonna be easy It's gonna be really hard


And we're gonna have to work at this every day,


but I want to do that, because I want you


I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day



Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants


Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants,


what your parents want What do you want


What do you want



My dearest Allie,亲爱的艾莉

I couldn't sleep last night because I know that

it's over between us


I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we

had was real我不再痛苦,因为我知道我们曾拥有真爱

And if in some distant place in the future要是未来在遥远的某处

we see each other in our new lives,我们再度相遇

I'll smile at you with joy我会对你微笑,并忆起…

and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees


Iearning from each other and growing in love


The best love is the kind that awakens the soul


and makes us reach for more,


that plants a fire in our hearts


and brings peace to our minds


And that's what you've given me


That's what I'd hoped to give to you forever


I love you I'll be seeing you, Noah



I know you feel lost right now,我知道你现在感觉很失落

but don't worry,但是别担心

nothing is ever lost, nor can be lost没有任何事物会失落或被遗忘

The body sluggish, aged, cold,肉体只会迟缓、老化,冰冷

the embers left from earlier fires大火过后的余烬

shall duly flame again也会再度燃烧


Look, guys,孩子们

that's my sweetheart in there那是我最心爱的人

I'm not leaving her我不会离开她

This is my home now这里现在就是我家

Your mother is my home你们的母亲就是我的家

7结尾,非常感人~ 二人不离不弃,在爱中辞世~

Allie:I need to ask you something

男:"你丫怎么现在才来?都几点了?!"女:"我们家有点事儿,我爸他"男:"打“桑〈蛭胰鲜赌隳翘炱穑忝羌沂露兔欢瞎∥揖湍闪嗣屏耍惆忠煌宋槔险绞浚趺幢热思野⒗ㄌ赝净够鸢。浚"女:"得得得,至于的吗?不就是晚来了一会儿吗?"男:"一会儿?我在寒风里溜溜等了一个多小时了!"女:"那又怎么着?上回你跟二子他们去三里屯喝酒,我还在门口杵了仨多钟头呢!冻得我一脑袋的冰碴儿,跟水晶灯似的 "男:"您那是等我?您那是盯梢!仨钟头,你活该!说起这事我就来气,我说你是学什么专业的?旁的本事没有,盯、关、跟的道行您倒是挺深;还一脑袋的冰碴水晶,我呸!不就是些冻成固体的鼻涕泡吗?也不照照您自个那点坯子"女:"说话别那么损啊!我坯子怎么了?嫌我长得不好,你找一好的给我瞅瞅啊!"男:"你以为我不能?要不是我这人心慈手软,早就把你像甩大鼻涕似地甩了!"女:"嗨,你还来劲了!也不瞅瞅你自己那点德行!要说你爸妈可真够伟大的,怎么就攒巴出你这么个半生不熟的东西!"男:"我长得是不如你,你瞧你长得多好跟模特似的,而且还是毕加索先生专用的!我说怎么刚认识你就觉得眼熟呢,合着在毕老先生的名画里都见过!"女:"那也不如你!达芬奇打小练画、画的就是你吧?我还真挺纳闷的,达芬奇怎么就透过肚子、把你的模样画得那么逼真!"男:"怎么着?达芬奇画鸡蛋惹着你了?嫉妒了对不对?谁让你的胸脯还不如蛋黄大呢?说真的,要不是你见天儿在前面罩着个假胸,我还真就分不清楚你的正、反面呢!"女:"就你好!细的跟根儿牙签似的,平时堆在一块堆儿也就罢了,每到那时候,我就跟梦见我姥姥在缝衣服一样。"男:"缝衣服?你们家有这么长的缝衣服针?"女:"长有什么用?这又不是买鱼线钓鱼!"男:"嗨!还真让你说着了!这关键时候,它就能钓鱼!这就是资本,你懂吗?想当年有个姜子牙"女:"姜子牙?充其量你也就个绿豆芽!"男:"甭管什么芽,能钓鱼就成!你行吗?"女:"我是不行,你行,要不你搁水里试试?留神别把乌龟、王八招来,人家一看你那东西的脑袋,还以为是它们家来了什么瞎了眼的亲戚呢!"男:"今儿我还就非试不可了!"女:"嗯你放开我!你再不撒手我喊人了,臭流氓"男:"你喊就喊吧,我想钓鱼了 "女:"你不是嫌我像蛋黄吗?你去找个大的呀、你去呀!"男:"我喜欢小的,钻石珠宝都用小盒装、垃圾才用大筐抬呢"女:"你讨厌 你欺负人你坏 "



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