英语作文 The best book I've ever read 150-200字

英语作文 The best book I've ever read 150-200字,第1张

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以下是三篇以“The best book I've ever read”为题的英语作文,供大家参考。




The Best Book I've Ever Read

As an avid reader, I have read countless books over the years However, there is one book that stands out above all the rest as the best book I've ever read

The book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee This classic novel tells the story of a young girl named Scout growing up in the South during the 1930s Through her eyes, we see the injustices and prejudices of the time, particularly those faced by African Americans

What makes this book so special is the way it tackles such weighty issues with grace and sensitivity Harper Lee's writing is both beautiful and powerful, and she has created some of the most memorable characters in literature

But what truly sets "To Kill a Mockingbird" apart is the impact it had on me personally Reading this book opened my eyes to the struggles of others and inspired me to be more empathetic and compassionate It taught me that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to stand up for what is right

In short, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is the best book I've ever read because of its timeless message of hope and its ability to inspire change


1 avid (adj) 狂热的,酷爱的

2 countless (adj) 无数的,数不清的

3 stand out (phr) 突出,显眼

4 weighty (adj) 重要的,沉重的

5 grace (n) 优美,文雅

6 sensitivity (n) 敏感,灵敏性

7 memorable (adj) 值得纪念的,难忘的

8 adversity (n) 逆境,不幸

9 timeless (adj) 永恒的,不受时间限制的

10 inspire (v) 鼓舞,激励






The Best Book I've Ever Read

In my opinion, the best book I've ever read is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee The reason why I love this book so much is because it deals with important themes such as racism, prejudice, and social inequality, all of which are still relevant today

The story is set in a small town in Alabama during the 1930s, and it follows the lives of Scout Finch, her brother Jem, and their father Atticus, who is a lawyer Atticus is appointed to defend a black man who has been accused of raping a white woman, and the trial becomes the focal point of the novel

What I love about this book is how it tackles difficult issues in a way that is both honest and compassionate It doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of racism and injustice, but it also shows that there is hope for change and progress

Another thing that makes this book so special is the characters Scout and Jem are both relatable and endearing, and Atticus is a true hero who stands up for what is right even when it is unpopular The other characters in the book are also well-drawn and add depth to the story

Overall, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a powerful and thought-provoking book that has stayed with me long after I finished reading it It has taught me to be more empathetic and understanding towards others, and it has inspired me to stand up for what is right even when it is difficult


1 prejudice (n) - 偏见,歧视

2 social inequality (n) - 社会不平等

3 appointed (v) - 被任命

4 relatable (adj) - 可以理解的,有共鸣的

5 endearing (adj) - 讨人喜欢的

6 well-drawn (adj) - 描述得好的


我认为,我读过的最好的书是哈珀·李(Harper Lee)的《杀死一只知更鸟》。我之所以如此喜欢这本书,是因为它涉及到重要的主题,如种族主义、偏见和社会不平等,这些问题今天仍然很重要。

故事发生在20世纪30年代的阿拉巴马州一个小镇上,讲述了Scout Finch、她的兄弟Jem和他们的父亲Atticus(一名律师)的生活。Atticus被任命为辩护一名被指控强奸白人女性的黑人,而审判成为小说的焦点。








The Best Book I've Ever Read

The best book I've ever read is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee The novel tells the story of a young girl named Scout growing up in the South during the 1930s, and her father Atticus Finch, who is a lawyer defending a black man accused of raping a white woman

I believe this book is the best I've ever read for several reasons Firstly, it has great literary value The writing style is beautiful and engaging, and the themes of justice, racism, and prejudice are explored in a powerful and thought-provoking way Secondly, the emotional impact of the book is profound I felt deeply connected to the characters and their struggles, and the book made me think deeply about my own values and beliefs Finally, the book had a lasting impact on me It taught me important lessons about empathy, courage, and standing up for what is right

Overall, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a masterpiece that everyone should read It is a timeless classic that is just as relevant today as it was when it was first published over 60 years ago


1 literary value:文学价值

2 engaging:引人入胜的

3 profound:深刻的

4 struggles:斗争

5 empathy:同情心

6 masterpiece:杰作

7 timeless classic:永恒的经典





全名:Avril Lavigne

出生地:Napanee, Ontario, 加拿大安大略湖




家庭:妈妈 - Judy 、哥哥 - Matthew 、妹妹 - Michelle

绝不平凡!这对Avril Lavigne而言已经算是温和的形容词了。她是一个庞克女子、一个爆发力十足的灵魂,一个狂野不羁的女孩。她是那种大约两岁左右,就能够以声音引起人们激赏的怪胎。她是那种没办法乖乖坐在课堂上,但是却充满了自信和决心,并且一个人跑到纽约和洛杉矶去磨练创作技巧的小镇女孩。她是那种完全靠着自己的力量,为了成功不计代价,思想前卫的十七岁叛逆青年。“我才刚出道,我要清楚地做自己,我写出自己的感受,从不在乎其他人怎么想,”Avril坦诚。“我要穿出本色,做出本色,唱出本色。”







就是在那儿她遇到了制作人兼创作者克里夫麦格尼斯(Clif Magness),“我就像是,‘耶!我找到我要的人了!’”她燃起了热情。‘我们实在太合了,因为他只管让我当头头,他真的了解我,而且让我做自己的事。’在麦格尼斯以及后来加入的制作小组“母体”(The Matrix)的掌舵下,为《Let Go》所写的歌曲开始陆续出炉。很快地,Avril也与曾经捧红莎拉克劳克兰(Sarah McLachlan)、蒂朵(Dido)、“酷玩乐团”(Coldplay)以及“总数41合唱团”(Sum 41)的“网路经纪公司”(Nettwerk Management)搭上了线。

对于唱片的成果,Avril非常兴奋。“在过去的一年里,我真的蜕变成一个创作者了。〈Complicated〉并不是特别描写某一个人。基本上它是一首关于生活、伪装的人们和人际关系的歌曲。”至于她最爱的歌曲之一,“Losing Grip”,她说,“它讲的就是我的某一个前男友,他在情感上并没有满足我的需求。”Avril笑着说,“但现在都无所谓了,至少我因此而写出了一首好歌。”



在她的首张专辑《Let Go》当中,Avril的确是这么做了。她的唱腔炫耀似的活力四射,她的嗓音一如水晶般清澈,而她的歌词更是流露出纯粹的女性风格。“Anything But Ordinary”是一首赞扬个体独特性的颂歌;吉他奔驰的首支单曲“Complicated”,是首正中爱情骗子要害的简洁歌曲;沾染了弦乐色彩的 “I’m With You”反映了Avril较为温和的一面;“Losing Grip”和“Unwanted”这些歌曲,勇敢地面对了拒绝与背叛这些主题所需要的沈重与悲哀;而接下来的“My World”与具有暗喻意味的“Mobile”,则是完美的展现了Avril的生活经验。“我有了这个让人肃然起敬的机会去实现我的梦想。我跑遍了各个地方,飞到这儿、飞到那儿,每天遭遇不同的事物,”她解释道。“这就是我的生活方式,但是我不愿意去过正常的生活,不然我会觉得很无聊。”

Avril Ramona Lavigne was born in Napanee, Ontario, to parents Judy and John on September 27th, 1984 She was the middle child She has a brother names Matthew who's 19 years old and a younger sister Michelle, 14 But she was always the feisty one and spent most of her school years getting into trubble Even as a teen at Napanee District High School, despite being one of the smallest in her class (5''1'), she was always getting into scrapes "I got into lots of fights," she admits "If someone was picking on one of my friends, I'd go bithc them out I wasn't a fighter, but I don't take any crap Avril's strong character meant shewasn't always popular with her classmates "The funny thing is," she smiles "people used to be intimidated by me I don't know why It's weird - the group you hang out with and the clothes you wear can scare people My teachers hated me because I never did my work and never paid attention in class" But itwasn't just Avril's teachers who were angry with her, trouble at school made her parents mad, which meant she was always grounded "I was rebellious towards my parents, but we're cool now," Avril reveals "I was always in trouble I was never allowed to do anything after school so I'd go to my room and write" And that's where Avril's musicwas born, being grounded gave her the time (and inspiration) to write her first album, Let Go

Avril had been into music since the age of 2, performing in localmusicals, village fairs and, thanks to devout Christian family, at church Until theage of 12 she'd just been a singer, but she decided she wanted more So she taught herself to play guitar, andfound a new way of making her parents proud, too "I taught myself on my dad's guitar," she says "I started writing lines here and there and they grew into songs I did it on my own, but my parents supported me," she smiles

It wasn't long before Avril had her first taste of fame At the age of 14, singing contest in Canada's capital, Ottawa She won and appeared on stage as part of her prize (alongside Shania Twain in front of 10000 people) It was then that she knew that she could do it, she knew she had something special, so she started to chase her dream Determinded to be a star, Avril sent a home video of herself singing karaoke to Peter Zizzo, an American songwriter/producer He was so impressed he invited the ambitious 16 year old on a songwriting trip to New York Everyone loved her and she was immediately signed to Arista Records, kome of Pink and Usher Avril's dream was coming true, so she dropped out of school and moved to New York to work on her debut album But living the dream was scarier than tough- kid Avril had thought "The city is nuts It was crazy learning subway on my way to the studio every day," she says, "But I was glad to be doing something productive" After a year working hard Avril had finished her first album, Let Go "My lyrics are honest and I write about whatever happens to me," she says "my song Losing Grip means a lot to me, it's about my ex-boyfriend We weren't meeting on a emotional level and he wasn't giving me what I needed I can still play the same songs and get mad and get my anger out It's therapeutic and I hope I can help others in a similar situation" But it wasn't all plain- rocking Avril'sfeisty self-belief caused problems, too "I worked with a ton of people, and fought with most of them," she explains "I'd go on writing trips, meets lots of musicians and write one song and be like, 'Screw this I'm not working with that person' Sometimes, just because of my age, they didn't want to hear what I had to say I probably just gave them attitude if they weren't listening I'm a little fighter and I stand up for what I believe"

Avril also ran into trouble because she refused to be manufactured by the record company As she'd said all along, she just wanted to be herself So she refused to do what she told to say, or even wear "I'm not a ing product, I'm a human There are times when I go to photoshoots and there are racks of clothes and I'mlike 'No I'm not wearing any of that," Avril says "People try to get me to wear high-heeled shoes and cute little shirts and I'm like 'No! It's tempting, girls like to look pretty, but I'm not like that It's really important that, when I'm on camera I dress and act the way I normally would I just want to be myself I don't want to act like someone I'm notI want the world to know who I really am I'm sick of people being fake, and two-faced"

The great thing is, despite her success, fame hasn't changed Avril at all "I just think that the way people treat me sometimes is just, like, weird" "It's like they think I'm made up of plastic or something I was walking down the hall one time, and this guy was yelling 'Move out ofmy way',at everyoneso I could walk through I was like, ing shut up! I don't deserve to be treated any more special than other people" So, forget Jenny from the block, this is one down-to-earth girl who'll still be keeping it real when she's on her 10th album And Avril's determinded to stick around for a long time "I want a very long careerI'm only 18 so I'm growing and becoming who I am, and I change all the time But I want to be around for a while yet and make tons of different albums"

Quick facts about Avril

Birthdate: September 27, 1984

Birthplace: Napanee, Ontario, Canada

Height: 5'1"

Shoe Size: 7

Pets: Sam (Minature Schnauzer)

Her family

Dad: John Lavigne

Mom: Judy Lavigne

Brother: Matt Lavigne

Sister: Michelle Lavigne

Her favorites

Artists: Goo Goo Dolls, Blink 182, Sum 41, System of a Down

Pizza Topping: Olives

Colors: Black and Red

Song on 'Let Go': Losing Grip

Click the guys' name to view their picture!

Facts on the guys in Avril's band

Matt Brann

Role in Band: Drummer

Age: 22

Birthday: November 14, 1980

Hometown: Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Other inf Was in a band with Cone from Sum 41

Jesse Colburn

Role in Band: Guitar

Age: 21

Birthday: May 5, 1981

Hometown: Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Other inf Has played in numerous bands such as AWOL, The Oisters, Suphler, and Closet Monster

Charlie Moniz

Role in Band: Bass Guitar

Age: 22

Birthday: October 31, 1980

Hometown: Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Other inf Replaced Mark as bass guitarist

Evan Taubenfeld

Role in Band: Guitar

Age: 19

Birthday: June 27, 1983

Hometown: Balitmore, Maryland

Other inf Evan was in a band called Spinfire Some of their songs include Feeling Beautiful and Waiting

Past members

Mark Spicoluk

Role in Band was: Bass Guitar

Age: 23

Birthday: June 2, 1979

Hometown: Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Other inf Last show with the band was on September 7, 2002 Formed his own band Closet Monster before joining up with Avril's band Was the original bassist for Sum 41

On Mood What accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life As man in the modern age, our moods are as ehangable as the cars coming and going on the super-high way A favor from a neighbour, a kiss of a child, a praise from others are like warm sunshine that makes us comfortable Bat a rough word from a stranger, a false product bought from the store, or an insulting remark in fun would put you in a bad mood and make your heart sink A good mood makes one happy, energetic and creative I was once shut in an elevator for one and a half hours I had to phone for help Eventually I was released, it was fun because I was in a happy mood Otherwise I would have felt miserable A bad mood is bad enough to cause you to lose self-confidence and leaves you helpless with all your worries and troubles in mind More often than not, we are in a mixed mood Sometimes we are happy and high-spirited Sometimes we are in low spirits At this time we have to take courage and have a change of mood A good mood will accompany you on your way to the palace of success, to the chamber of love and to pleasure and barmony in life With a happy mood, we can live a more substantial life, one that is more interesting and meaningful So, always remember to keep a happy mood wherever you go or whatever you do

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