


From 2008 Olympic games in beijing,I have learnt that Skywalker is unreal,but dangerous。I will never read kungfu noble anymore

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beijing gude !

奥运 英语 情景对话:Dialogue

I’m looking forward to the swimming events(我期待着观看游泳项目。)


A:The Olympics will be really exciting(这次奥运会是非常令人兴奋的。)

B:Yes I’m looking forward to the swimming events(是的,我期待着观看游泳项目。)

A:Me too I love swimming(我也是, 我非常热爱游泳。)

A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here

  A: 哦,天啊!太巧了,在这儿碰到你。

C: Yes, what a surprise! We haven't seen each other almost half a year

  C: 是呀!真没想到。我们已有半年没见了吧。


  A:let me introduce my friend B B, this is my old classmate C

B: nice to meet you, C !

C: nice meeting you, too

A: So C Where are you heading now

  A: C, 你去哪儿?

  B: Oh I'm going to attend a meeting about making Chinese culture various and globalized

  B: 哦,我正要参加一个关于使中国文化多样化和全球化的会议。

  B: It's so significant The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other

  B: 这会议很有意义。东西方文化是适应它们各自社会的相对独立的价值体系,每一种文化都有它们自己的优点和不足,因此,两种文化应相互充实。

  C: Right It seems to be quite important to Chinese culture The two-thousand-year feudual rule made Chinese traditional culture self-closed and isolated, and it's so short of democracy and open, which is the chief essence of the west culture Through the meeting, we want to make it the beginning that Chinese culture fully absorb the essence of the west culture The 2008 Olympics is a desirable chance

  C: 对,对中国文化来说,这一点显得尤为重要。两千年的封建统治使中国传统文化自我封闭,自我独立,严重缺乏民主和开放性,而这一点正是西方文化的精华部分。通过这次会议,我们想开一个头,使中国传统文化全面吸收西方文化中的精华。2008年奥运会就是一个难得的机会。

  A: I see You apply to the chance of the 2008 Olympics to make your traditional culture absorb the advantage of the west culture, and make it various and globalized

  A: 我明白了。你们想借助2008年奥运会使贵国的传统文化吸收西文化的优点,使之多样化、国际化。

  C: Yes Only the essence

  C: 正是,仅吸收精华。

  A: I understand it But I think Chinese culture has many advantages

  A: 我理解这一点。但中国文化也有很多优点。

  C: Of course When Chinese culture absorbs the essence of the west culture, we maintain and carry forward it

  C: 当然了。在中国文化吸收西方文化精华的同时,我们要保留并弘扬传统文化的精华。



The 24th Winter Olympic Games, referred to as the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, is an international Olympic event held by China


It will open on February 4, 2022 and close on February 20


The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games consists of 7 major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events


The Beijing division undertakes all ice sports and Freestyle Ski Jumping platforms, while Yanqing division undertakes snowmobile, sledge and alpine skiing


Zhangjiakou division undertakes all snow events except snowmobile, sled, alpine skiing and Freestyle Ski jumping platform


On September 17, 2021, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games issued the theme slogan - "together to the future"

2021年9月17日,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会发布主题口号——“一起向未来” 。

On October 18, the flame of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was successfully lit in Greece


On October 20, the Beijing Winter Olympic flame arrived in Beijing


On November 15, the new MV of the theme slogan promotion song "together to the future" of 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games was officially launched on the whole platform


On the evening of December 31, the Awarding Elements of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games were officially released



M=Mary A=Amy

M: I want to learn gymnastics Can you help me, Amy

M: 我想学习体操运动,我能帮我吗,Amy

A: With pleasure First of all, you should learn some basic knowledge about gymnastics

A: 非常乐意。首先,你需要学习有关体操的一些基本常识。

M: How many set exercises are there for women

M: 女子规定动作有几项?

A: There are four: floor exercise, vault, balance beam and asymmetrical bars

A: 有四项:自由体操跳马、平衡木和高低杠。

M: I know that a gymnast should have excellent physical and mental qualities

M: 我知道一个优秀的体操运动员需要有良好的身体素质和心理素质。

A: That's trune Just now I said there were four set exercise for women Besides, there are also optional exercise They are chosen by the competitor

A: 对。刚才我说过女子规定动作有四项,除此之外,还有自选动作,由参赛者自己设计。

M: Are floor exercises performed on a mat twelve meters square

M: 体操是在12平方米的体操垫上进行的吗?

A: Yeah, and the women's floor exercise should last between sixty and ninety seconds, while men's between fifty and seventy seconds

A: 是啊。女子自由体操应在60-90秒内完成,而男子则是50-70秒。

M: Can you tell me the skills of floor exercises

M: 能告诉我自由体操的一些技术吗?

A: The floor exercises include many skils, such as tumbling skills, balance, flexibility, strength, grace, rhythm and personality

A: 自由体操包括许多技术,比如翻筋斗、平衡、柔韧、力量、优美、节奏和个人创新等技巧。

M: Well, what about vault

M: 那么,跳马呢?

A: The phrases of a vault are composed of take-off, pre-flight, repulsion, post-flight and landing The directions of men's vault and women's vault are different Men vault over the length of the horse while women vault over the width of the horse

A: 跳马由第一腾空、推手、第二腾空及着地四个步骤组成。另外,男子跳马与女子跳马的方向不同,前者是纵向跳而后者则是横向跳。

M: Referring to vault, did Lu Li win the women's vault I heard she captured China's first gymnastics gold at the 25th Olympic Games

M: 谈到跳马,我想问陆莉是否夺得了女子跳马冠军?我听说她在第25届奥运会上为中国夺得了第一枚金牌。

A: No, but she won uneven bars

A: 没有,但她赢得了高低杠金牌。

M: She must have willpower, determination, intelligence and creative expression of feelings

M: 她一定具有坚强意志、决心、机智灵敏和对情感的创造性表达。

A: That's why she could win

A: 这就是她获胜的原因。

M: How I envy her!

M: 我真羡慕她!

A:Hey Martin,do you know 2008 Beijing Olympic Games(读作the 2008 Olympic Games) M:Yes,of course! You know, I like sports very much! And I offen collect the news of sports, How could I miss that of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games A:Really M:Yes!I have not any reason to cheat you! A:So you must know when and where the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held Right M:Yeah!It will be held on August 8th, 2008 (读作August the 8th, two thousand and eight) in Beijing A:And what event is your favorite M:Taekwune Do(跆拳道)! yes, Taekwune Do A:Taekwune Do Wah! What an exicted event! But why M:Because I love Taekwune Do It needs perfect skills and strong foundation A:Ur……(呃……),Would you like to watch the 2008 Olympic Games M:No But I will watch it in TV A:What a pity! It seems that I have to watch the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games by myself! M:That's all right! You will be excited when you watch the game I'm looking forward to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/7709277.html

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