

  August 8, 2008, Beijing Olympics will usher in the flame, the world Olympic movement, a vibrant selection of developing countries, the development of a Chinese to grasp the rare historic opportunity "One World, One Dream", carry forward the peace, harmony, harmony of mankind's common ideals, the twenty-ninth session held in Beijing Olympic Games a great deal of attention Hundred years the Olympic Games, the ever-changing, and unchanging but are consistently humanistic spirit At the Olympic spirit, the humanistic connotations are immortal truth It as a special spiritual power, embody the aspirations of all mankind longing to move forward

  August 8 opening ceremony of the Olympic Games give China a surprise, but the people give the world a pleasant surprise Me as a 80 after the youth, individuals of the Olympic opening ceremony performance feel are two words: shock! First shock at the beginning of it, a Chinese scroll through the splendid culture of five thousand years! With the perfect combination of high-tech, both modern and Zhang Xian is an ancient country with us! Chinese element almost everywhere! 3000 disciples of Confucius performances, the four great inventions, tai chi, can be said to have been performed throughout the years demonstrates our deep cultural! In addition, the Olympic Games 29 large footprints novel idea indeed! As a Chinese, have lived for us there is such a brilliant civilization, culture and proud! Maybe there is some people feel that the opening ceremony of the general, disappointed me because they think this is only the history of our country do not know! Since the entire opening ceremony with our Chinese culture closely linked to ah!

  At Olympics, the tears and smiles are two most beautiful scenery With tears in our fight at the hardships and great, smiling at us to see every desperate students finally possible with the hope of victory Sentence has said that "wherever and whenever there is a spirit of gas have children" "Spiritual gas abuse" is a person can never lose It allows you to always be able to maintain a high-spirited gesture, the time to win in order to calm right, time to be able to defeat wave sleeves, start all over again!





在1984年洛杉矶奥运会之前,为一届奥运会提出口号的做法并不普遍。在该届奥运会上,最终也没有形成一句总的口号。参与历史(Play part in History)应该是组委会提出的很多口号中最具代表性的一个。

1988年汉城奥运会的理念是“和谐、进步(Harmony and Progress)”。这个理念最终成为汉城奥运会的口号。

当国际政治中的阴云和奥运赛场上的敌视一同消散时,1992年西班牙巴塞罗那奥运会响亮地喊出了“永远的朋友(Friends for life)”这一口号,它不仅强调了奥林匹克精神中友谊与和平的永恒主题。

“分享奥林匹克精神(Share the spirit)”这一口号是由悉尼在1992年提出的。当时,悉尼正在申办第27届奥运会,这句口号一直被沿用到2000年悉尼奥运会落幕。

长野奥组委执委会于1992年11月26日批准了长野冬奥会的举办理念,即“源自内心的奥运——与爱同在(Games from the Heart-Together with Love)”。围绕这一举办理念,最终确定了主题口号(From around the world to flower as one)”

1995年,美国盐湖城获得了第19届冬季奥运会的主办权,但盐湖城随即陷入了申办丑闻之中。经过调整,新的盐湖城奥组委认为,盐湖城冬奥会迫切需要重新树立和端正自己的公共形象。“点燃心中之火(Light the fire within)”的口号便是在这种背景下走上了舞台,“圣火”是正义与纯洁的象征,而燃烧在内心的“圣火”当然也就暗喻了本届冬奥会正义的内在心灵。2002年冬奥会开幕之际,又恰逢“9·11”事件余波未平,“圣火”所寓意的激情和希望也起到了振奋美国人精神的效用,这时候“心中的圣火”又自然被理解为了“心中的希望”。“点燃心中之火”成为近年来奥运会口号中的经典之作。

1996年亚特兰大奥运会作为20世纪最后一届奥运会,将口号定为“百年奥运,世纪庆典”(The celebration of the century)。

第28届奥运会上,希腊人热情而自豪地喊出了“欢迎回家(Welcome Home)”的口号。其中不仅包含了雅典奥运会对全球奥林匹克大家庭所有成员最诚挚、最热烈的欢迎盛情,更充分表达了希腊作为奥林匹克发祥地对奥运会重归故里的喜悦和自豪之情。

即将举办的2006年都灵冬奥会上,“永不熄灭的火焰”(An ever Burning Flame)将伴随着一系列精彩赛事带给世人一个又一个惊喜与奇迹。

Chinese team won the most gold modals in this Olympic Games

Chinese team made a great acheivement in this Olympic Games

The Olympic Games bring us a lot of wonderful moments

两人对话M=Mary A=Amy

M: I want to learn gymnastics Can you help me, Amy

M: 我想学习体操运动,我能帮我吗,Amy

A: With pleasure First of all, you should learn some basic knowledge about gymnastics

A: 非常乐意。首先,你需要学习有关体操的一些基本常识。

M: How many set exercises are there for women

M: 女子规定动作有几项?

A: There are four: floor exercise, vault, balance beam and asymmetrical bars

A: 有四项:自由体操、跳马、平衡木和高低杠。

M: I know that a gymnast should have excellent physical and mental qualities

M: 我知道一个优秀的体操运动员需要有良好的身体素质和心理素质。

A: That's trune Just now I said there were four set exercise for women Besides, there are also optional exercise They are chosen by the competitor

A: 对。刚才我说过女子规定动作有四项,除此之外,还有自选动作,由参赛者自己设计。

M: Are floor exercises performed on a mat twelve meters square

M: 体操是在12平方米的体操垫上进行的吗?

A: Yeah, and the women's floor exercise should last between sixty and ninety seconds, while men's between fifty and seventy seconds

A: 是啊。女子自由体操应在60-90秒内完成,而男子则是50-70秒。

M: Can you tell me the skills of floor exercises

M: 能告诉我自由体操的一些技术吗?

A: The floor exercises include many skils, such as tumbling skills, balance, flexibility, strength, grace, rhythm and personality

A: 自由体操包括许多技术,比如翻筋斗、平衡、柔韧、力量、优美、节奏和个人创新等技巧。

M: Well, what about vault

M: 那么,跳马呢?

A: The phrases of a vault are composed of take-off, pre-flight, repulsion, post-flight and landing The directions of men's vault and women's vault are different Men vault over the length of the horse while women vault over the width of the horse

A: 跳马由第一腾空、推手、第二腾空及着地四个步骤组成。另外,男子跳马与女子跳马的方向不同,前者是纵向跳而后者则是横向跳。

M: Referring to vault, did Lu Li win the women's vault I heard she captured China's first gymnastics gold at the 25th Olympic Games

M: 谈到跳马,我想问陆莉是否夺得了女子跳马冠军?我听说她在第25届奥运会上为中国夺得了第一枚金牌。

A: No, but she won uneven bars

A: 没有,但她赢得了高低杠金牌。

M: She must have willpower, determination, intelligence and creative expression of feelings

M: 她一定具有坚强意志、决心、机智灵敏和对情感的创造性表达。

A: That's why she could win

A: 这就是她获胜的原因。

M: How I envy her!

M: 我真羡慕她!



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