


1, love, do not need too many excuses and reasons of love, the premise is to havethe fate Can not be met if does not have the fate, can not be met, not to mention thelove However, love is to rely on feelings as the foundation, and to rely on feelings to maintain If there is love, there must be willing to pay in order to love, because love is not demanding, but pay, is to be obtained with sincerity and sincerity to pay his 1,爱,不需要太多的借口与理由,爱的前提就是要有缘分。如果没有缘分就不可能相遇,也不可能相识,更谈不上相爱。然而,爱是要靠感情来作为基础,并且要靠感情来维持。如果有了爱,有要舍得为了爱而付出,因为爱情的本身并不是索取,而是付出,是要用自己的真心与诚心付出而获得。

2, miss the fate of life, than to get more Love, better than love finally multi Capable ofmoving, always process You have wounded pain tears, also is the process Do you think some people now, tomorrow maybe just a passer-by Don't care about themomentary joy, but to see the future Love is not a problem, love is the problem Loveis not a problem, always is the problem 2,一生里错过的缘分,总比得到的多。爱上的人,总比爱到最后的多。能令人感动的,永远都是过程。让你伤过痛过流泪过的,也都是过程。此刻你觉得大过天的人,明天或许只是路人。不要计较一时欢愉,而要多看将来。爱不是问题,爱多久才是问题。相爱不是问题,永远才是问题。 3, the fate not pass by, but to embrace each other You stand on tiptoe, each other's heart will be closer Life is not perfect, there's always a bitter tears, the total slip of the nation, always have a deep hatred, always have regret hate Life is perfect, so did our tears, the man suddenly, hatred or shading, students love hate

3,缘分不是擦肩而过,而是彼此拥抱。你踮起脚尖,彼此的心就会贴得更近。生活总不完美,总有辛酸的泪,总有失足的悔,总有幽深的怨,总有抱憾的恨。生活亦很完美,总让我们泪中带笑,悔中顿悟,怨中藏喜,恨中生爱。 4, between love in the movement, the separation between fate

4,爱情在动静之间,缘分在聚散之间。 5, love is a kind of fate, love is a kind of pain

5,相爱是一种缘分,暗恋是一种痛苦 6, love is not such Two people meet, you love me, I love you, this is fate If both don't love, even if millions of times, are not fate If a loved one don't love, love the dead to tie up not to put, don't like to walk down the street, it is not the fate, is painful

6,缘分不是这样的。俩个人相遇,你喜欢我,我喜欢你,这才叫缘分。如果俩个人都不喜欢,就算遇上几百万次,都不算缘分。如果一个喜欢一个不喜欢,喜欢的死缠不放,不喜欢的想走,那更不是缘分,是痛苦。 7, is a kind of fate, stealthily joy in each other's heart Love love period: fire started burning with vigour and vitality, the interpretation of Platon's love Love: love dull period evolved into a habit, mutual dependence The danger of love: love can not afford to toss, toss down once the fate of destruction, has become a habit The end of love: can not stand the test of love into the pathos

7,是一种缘分,窃窃的喜悦在彼此的心间。爱的热恋期:轰轰烈烈的爱火开始燃烧,演绎着柏拉图式的爱情。爱的平淡期:爱情演变为一种习惯,彼此相互的依赖。爱情的危险期:爱情最经不起折腾,折腾淡化曾经的缘分,破坏已成的习惯。爱的终结期:经不起考验的爱情变成了悲情…… 8, in life, in a sense, is to choose and give up Meeting and parting all, all is the will of god Feng, is a circle, from the edge, is scattered, no way, together long time, onlycomplain fate, not fate, permanent in hand, only to blame such a fate, everything is fate, everything is God, leave, do not complain, don't hate, still well remembered, you look forward to, well as at the beginning of

8,人生,从某种意义上讲,就是选择与放弃。所有的聚散离合,都是上天的旨意。逢,是缘聚,离,是缘散,没办法,长时间的相聚,只怨命运如此,没缘分,永久牵手,只怪缘分如此,一切都是命运,一切都是天意,离开后,不怨,不恨,依然好好地铭记,期盼你,安好如初。 9, human interaction, is actually very simple Between man and man, is a kind of fate;between the heart and heart, is a kind of communication; between love and love, is a kind of emotion; emotion and feeling, is a genuine; between wrong and wrong, is anexcuse Everyone has the self-esteem, they have difficulties, ideas, practices and lifeare different Different ideas, practice, life is not the same, do not have to change others, just do well

9,人的交往,其实很简单。人与人之间,就是一种缘分;心与心之间,就是一种交流;爱与爱之间,就是一种感情;情与情之间,就是一颗真心;错与错之间,就是一个原谅。人人有自尊,个个有苦衷,想法、做法和活法都不同。理念不同,做法不同,活法也不一样,不必去改变他人,只需自己做好就行。 10, go together is the fate, happiness go together, together have a life of happiness;some people say, fate is to repair past life, is five hundred times the persistent only pass in exchange for this life, is the Millennium constant waiting for just this life quietly;some people say happiness, there is a shape, you put it in the heart, it is the shape of the heart, you put it in the outside, it is with no reality whatever 10,走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福,在一起就拥有了一生相守的幸福;有人说,缘分是前世修来的,是五百次回眸的执着才换来今生的擦肩而过,是千年不变的守候才有了今生的默默相守;有人说,幸福是有形状的,你把它放在心里,它就是心的形状,你把它放在外面,它就虚无缥缈。 11, you came to this world is a kind of fate, you and the sky green clear waterverdant mountains along is a kind of fate, you and Baiyun grass mud waves adjacent is a kind of fate, you and a person to accompany the is also a kind of predestination, perhapslike the sea reef, only have love and blessing a cape days Ya distant the rain;perhaps as duckweed, with only a brief and accidental meet, then only the separation

11,你来到这个世界是一种缘分,你和蓝天绿地碧水青山相处是一种缘分,你和白云小草泥土浪花相邻是一种缘分,你和一个人相伴也是一种缘分,也许像那隔海相望的礁石,只拥有一种海角天涯遥遥的相思和祝福;也许如那雨打的浮萍,只拥有一种短暂而偶然的相聚,而后只有分离。 12, in the life, a person can go to miss, is the fate; a person may worry about itself, is happiness Such feelings, clear water, most suits in the sunny morning, withcomfortable delighted remembering

12,生命中,有一个人可以去惦念,是缘分;有一个人可以惦念自己,是幸福。这样的情感,清澈如水,最适合在阳光明媚的清晨,带着舒爽的欢欣想起。 13, though, did not know that fate will give each other much time together, a few daysa few months or years; although, you did not belong to me, but, I don't care how long can you stay in front of me, whether you and I will go a long way, I only care about,now at hand happiness

13,虽然,不知道缘分会给彼此多少时间相处,是几天几月或几年;虽然,你也并不会属于我,但是,我不在乎你能在我的面前停留多久,不管你和我会走多长的路,我只在乎,现在来到手中的幸福。 14, the so-called fate, love is the successful reason, failed excuse; the wedding, iseventually became lovers "families" ceremony; the break up, is the woman that one hundred times also can not do it, while the man said a thing that can be realized


15, go together is the fate, happiness go together Love is mutual, happiness is self inflicted; respect each other's choice, enjoy looking for happiness Edge to edge is notecstasy, do not weep; edge to edge to accept, never stay Life needs a kind of carefree, fate also need a calm Light gain and loss, not to heart, you will have abroad tolerance indifferent feelings, had a valuable peace of mind 15,走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。缘分是相互的,幸福是自找的;尊重彼此的选择,享受寻找的快乐。缘来时不狂喜,缘去时不悲泣;缘来时坦然接受,缘去时从不强留。人生需要一种洒脱,缘份也需要一份淡定。看淡了得失,没有了耿耿于怀,你就会拥有一种宽容博大的淡泊情怀,拥有了一份可贵的心灵平静。

16, fate is a wonderful thing, a lot of the time, we've encountered, but don't know, thenturned a full circle, back here Everything is good luck, or fixed number So, every one of us in life, should cherish, because you do not know this brief encounter because ofwhat cease abruptly, and then again to meet each other, they found a strange combination of circumstances, not to return to the past, this is how terrible things 16,缘分是件很奇妙的事情,很多时候,我们已经遇到,却不知道,然后转了一大圈,又回到这里。一切的一切都是机缘,亦或是定数。所以,我们生命中遇到的每个人,都应该珍惜,因为你不知道这种短暂的相遇会因为什么戛然而止,然后彼此阴差阳错,再见面,却发现再也回不到过去,这是多么可怕的事情。

以下是 无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《实用英语口语:“哭”的十种表达法》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。

1 Mary almost cried her eyes out


 Cry one’s eyes out 是痛哭的意思。同样能表达这个意思的词组还有:cry one’s heart out。

  2 I sat down, and cried most vehemently


 Vehement 是激烈、猛烈的意思,常用来形容情感。

  3 I broke out crying and sobbing


 Sob 是呜咽、抽泣的意思,还可以表示一边哭一边说。


4 He took his way through the great wood, weeping sorely


 Weep 的意思是,通过流泪表达出悲伤,哀痛。Sorely 表示程度,意思同painfully和 grievously

  5 The little girl wept herself to sleep


 Wept 是weep的过去式和过去分词。Weep to sleep这里是指哭着睡着了。


6 The little boy, still in tears, sniffed monotonously


 In tears 也是常用的一种表示流泪的词组的说法。Sniff我们一般是用作“嗅”或者“不屑,嗤之以鼻”的意思,它也可以表示吸气,哭的时候常常会一抽一抽的吸气。

  7 She burst into tears as she spoke


 Burst into 是指突然进入某种状态。这里是指突然哭起来。其他常用的搭配还有burst into flame突然着火, burst into laughter突然大笑。


8 She cried with grief when she heard news of her friend's death


 Cry with grief就等于cry grievously。


9 They were on the verge of tears at parting


 On the verge of意思为差一点就怎么怎么样了。后也可以加动名词形式。

  10 The movie almost reduced me to tears


 Reduce to我们知道一般的用法是减少的意思。如果是reduce to tear则指伤心得流泪。



birth-control method避孕方法







个人 & 伙伴:单打独斗 & 合作共赢;融合;

口语 + 写作

3 Will our experiences with our exes helpor hinder us

3 与前任在一起的经历对我们是会有所帮助还是阻碍



Bradford Wilcox, the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, pointed to research his organization has sponsored that indicated that having had many serious relationships can pose a risk for divorce and lower marital quality (This can be because of a person having more experience with serious breakups and potentially comparing a current partner unfavorably with past ones) Raising these issues early on can help,Dr Wilcox said Dr Klein said people are “hesitant to explicitly talk about their past” and can feel retroactively jealous or judgmental “The only real way to have those conversations in an intimate and productive way and loving way is to agree to accept that the other person had a life before the couple,” he said

弗吉尼亚大学全美婚姻项目(National Marriage Project)的主任布拉德福德·威尔科克斯(Bradford Wilcox),援引旗下团队支持的研究指出,假如之前有过许多严肃的关系,则可能带来离婚或婚姻质量较低的风险。(或许是因为,这样的人经历了更多惨痛的分手,可能会将当下的伴侣与前任进行不利的比较。)威尔科克斯博士认为,一早提出这些问题会有所帮助。克莱因博士则称,大家“不愿直截了当地谈及过去”,还可能对以前的事情产生嫉妒或苛责的感觉。“以亲密、有效且关爱的方式进行此类对话的唯一办法是,接受对方和你在一起之前是有历史的,”他说。




pose a risk for 使有风险

marital quality 婚姻质量

break up分手



raise… issue 提出…问题






4 How important is religion How will we celebrate religious holidays,if at all

4 宗教的重要性有多大如果要庆祝宗教节日的话,会是怎样的形式




religious holiday宗教节日

If two people come from different religious backgrounds, is each going to pursuehis or her own religious affiliation Dr Scuka has worked with couples on encouraging honest discussion around this issue as the executive director of the National Institute of Relationship Enhancement What is more, spouses are especially likely to experience conflict over religious traditions when children are added to the mix, according to Dr Wilcox If the couple decide to have children, they must ask how the children’s religious education will be handled It is better to have a plan, he said



religious background宗教背景


religious affiliation宗教隶属

executive director总监



experience conflict over …碰到……的冲突

religious tradition宗教传统

when… are added to the mix当涉及到……的时候


5 Is my debt your debt Would you be willing to bail me out

5 一方有债,是否共同承担你是否愿意在经济上资助我


I think success is about achieving the little goals you set for yourself that give you a sense of accomplishment It can be simple things such as getting an A on a difficult exam or bigger things like graduating from high school/college It's knowing that there was a challenge or obstacle that you managed to overcome

What's more,If you've managed to live a relatively happy life, I think that's a success Our world is driven and focused on monetary value, but not all those that are rich are happy



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