求英文中表达感情的形容词! 答得越多分越多!

求英文中表达感情的形容词! 答得越多分越多!,第1张

伤心 heart-struck 伤心的 smart from 伤心 忧伤 dolorous 忧伤的 grief-stricken 极度忧伤的 烦恼 agonise 烦恼 agonising 烦恼的 agonisingly 烦恼地 agonizingly 使人烦恼地 annoyance 烦恼 bother about

英语中有一类表示 “情感” 的动词,它们有以下共同的特征:(以 interest 为例)

1 汉语意思是 “使人” , 一般只跟表示人的代词或名词作宾语 inerest “使人感兴趣” 如:The story interests us students 这个故事使我们学生很感兴趣。

2 由这类动词所构成的 -ed 形容词, 汉语意思是 “(人自己)感到的” 如:The students are inerested in the story 学生们对这个故事感兴趣。

3 由这类动词所构成的 -ing 形容词, 汉语意思是 “令人的” 如: The story is very interesting 这个故事很有趣(令人感兴趣)。

下面我们总结一下这类动词,它们的用法都与interest 相类似:alarm 使惊吓, amaze 使惊奇, amuse 使发笑, annoy 使生气, astonish 使吃惊, ashame 使害羞, affect 使伤感, bore 使乏味, convince 使信服, charm 使欣喜, distress 使悲伤, disturb 使烦恼, delight 使高兴, disappoint 使失望, discourage 使泄气, disgust 使恶心, displease 使恼怒, dismay 使气馁, distract 使分神, depress 使忧愁, excit 使兴奋, encourage 使受鼓励, embarrass 使尴尬, frighten 使害怕, frustrate 使沮丧, fascinat 使着迷 , gratify 使满意, interest 使感兴趣, inspire 使受鼓舞, move 使感动, please 使愉悦, puzzle 使迷惑, perplex 使困惑, reassure 使放心, surprise 使惊讶, satisfy 使满足, shock 使震惊, tire 使疲倦, touch 使怜悯 , 使感动, trouble 使忧虑 , worry 使担心, confuse 使迷惑。

下面让我们一起来分析一下由这些动词构成的 -ing 和 -ed 形容词在句子中的用法究竟有什么区别:

I 这类形容词可以做表语:说明句子主语的性质,特点或所处状态。其中 -ed 只用于说明主语是表示“人” 的名词或代词,汉语意思是 “(人自己)感到的” ,且与主语是被动关系。而 -ing可用于说明主语是表示“事物或人”的名词或代词。汉语意思是 “令人的” ,且与主语是主动关系。

如:The students are confused (about the problem) 学生们(对那道题)感到迷惑不解。(主语自己感到迷惑不解,与原动词confuse 是被动关系)

The problem is confusing 那道题令人迷惑不解。He is confuseing 他令人迷惑不解。(指他的言行让别的人迷惑不解。) 这两个句子中的主语: the propblem 和 he 与原动词 confuse 是主动关系。

II 这类形容词可以做定语修饰名词,说明该名词的性质,特点或所处状态。其中 -ed 只用于修饰表示“人” 的名词,汉语意思是 “(人自己)感到的” ,且与该名词是被动关系。而 -ing可用于修饰表示“事物或人”的名词。汉语意思是 “令人的” ,且与该名词是主动关系。

如: Theexcitedcrowd are shouting with joy 激动的人群在欢呼着。excited 修饰 crowd, 且与crowd 是被动关系。

This is exciting news 这是令人激动的消息。// He is a very interesting man 他是一个很有趣的人。(指此人的言行让别人感兴趣。)两句中的 -ing 形容词 exciting 和 interesting 都与所修饰的名词 news 和 man 有主动关系。

注:如果这类形容词做定语修饰由人发出的 “声音或表情” 的名词时,则要说明发出者的性质,特点或状态。 用-ed 表示发出者自己 “感到的” ,与发出者是被动关系。而用 -ing表示发出者 ”令别的人的“,与发出者是主动关系。

如:The tiger let out afrightening howl 老虎发出了令人恐惧的嗥叫声。(名词 howl 的发出者是 tiger。frightening是做定语修饰名词 howl,说明发出者tiger 令人恐惧,且与tiger是主动关系。)

There is a frightened look on her face 她的脸上流露出恐惧的表情。(名词 look 的发出者是 “她”。frightened是做定语修饰名词 look,说明发出者“她”自己感到恐惧,且与发出者“她”是被动关系。)

III 这类形容词可以做宾补:说明宾语的性质,特点或所处状态。其中 -ed 只用于说明宾语是表示“人” 的名词或代词,汉语意思是 “(人自己)感到的” ,且与宾语是被动关系。而 -ing可用于说明宾语是表示“事物或人”的名词或代词。汉语意思是 “令人的” ,且与宾语是主动关系。

如: We found the man disappointed 我们发现那个人很失望。(disappointed 做宾补,说明宾语 the man 自己感到很失望)

We found the job boring 我们发现这个工作令人乏味。 We found the lecturer boring 我们发现那位讲师令(别的)人乏味。(两句中 -ing 形容词 boring做宾补,说明宾语 the job 和 the lecturer令人乏味,与宾语主动关系。)

总结:-ing 和 -ed 形容词不论做什么成份,-ed 形容词只用于修饰说明 “人”;且与说明对象为被动关系。而 -ing 形容词既可修饰说明 “人” 也可修饰说明 “事物”。换言之:在解题中如果我们遇到要说明的名词是 “人”,则可能用 -ed 形容词(表示与被说明的 “人” 为被动关系,意思为此人自己 “感到的”);也可能用 -ing 形容词(表示与被说明的 “人” 为主动关系,意思为此人 “令别的人的”)。如果我们遇到要说明的名词是 “事物”,则只能用 -ing 形容词,且与要说明的 “事物” 是主动关系,意思为 “令人的”。

As for familial affection, sometimes we may meet terrible solutions among the family members Expressing personal emotion in right way is the key to deal with the problems At first, we must have a nice attitude to prepare to relieve the tension In fact, because there are many words in our heart, we need to speak out them loudly Then we should learn how to communicate with each other Good communication skills will lead our emotions expressing to the best condition Finally, we need to put down all the negative emotions, and open our heart to sincerely express our inner feelings and listen to the words carefully






 I’m Lihua who is

 I’m writing to express my gratitude for ,without which I would’t have


 I was very excited when I ( recive the invitation / won the first prize) It is very nice of you to

 It is your kind help that

 I appreciate it more than I can say ( 感激之情,无以言表) If it hadn’t been for your help, I wouldn’t have

 I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance

 第三段 :再次表示感谢并希望做出回报。

 Thanks again for your kind help

 I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to pay you back


 enjoy oneselfbut for broaden one’s horizens make great progress the places of interest return your favor


 假如你是李华,在丹麦Denmark访学的一周里,住在Anne 家里,现在即将回国。请你给她写一封感谢信,要点如下:

 1 简述你的丹麦Denmark之行;

 2 感谢她为你所做的一切;

 3 向她发出邀请。

 参考词汇:Denmark 丹麦

 注意:1 适当增加情节,以使行文连贯;保证基本要点涵盖到。

 Dear Anne,

 I am writing to convey my gratitude for your kind help and care during my stay in Denmark, without I would’t have enjoued it so much

 During the week, the comfortable room, delicious meals and especially your friendly family all made me feel at home Moreover, guided by you I had a chance to visit some places of interest and be exposed to such a unique culture as well as beautiful scenery Thanks to your generous help, I do believe that I will have a better understanding of your country and culture

 Thanks again for your kind help and I am sincerely looking forward to showing you around China in the near future All the best wishes to you



 1 对发言的纠正

 2 对内容的指导

 3 感谢他送你的英文词典



伤心:heart-struck 伤心的,

忧伤:dolorous 忧伤的,grief-stricken 极度忧伤的

烦恼:agonise 烦恼;agonising 烦恼;agonisingly 烦恼地;agonizingly 使人烦恼地;annoyance 烦恼;bother about 烦恼;cark 烦恼;fash 烦恼;fret 烦;galling 使烦恼的;harass 烦恼;overcare 自寻烦恼;teasingly 烦恼地;trouble 烦恼

;untroubled 无烦恼的;vex oneself 独自烦恼;vex 使烦恼;vexation 烦恼;worriless 无烦恼的;worrisome 令人烦恼的;worrit 烦恼;worry oneself 自找烦恼

worry 烦恼;worrywart 自寻烦恼者

忧伤desolation mourn take no thought for 忧伤;mirthlessly 忧伤地

开心:have fun 玩得开心;yippee 开心

伤感:slop over 伤感;sentimentalize 伤感

尴尬:awkard embarrassed discomfiture 尴尬;up a stump 处境尴尬

恼怒:exasperation 恼怒;get the needle 恼怒:irritated 恼怒的

生气:angry 生气的;as cross as two sticks 非常生气的;as mad as a wet hen 非常生气;huffish 生气的riley 生气的;snuffy 生气的;sulky 生气的

幸福:beatific 幸福的;benedictional 使人幸福的;blessedly 幸福地;blessedness 幸福;blissfully 幸福地

eudemonia 幸福;eudemonic 幸福的

felicific 幸福的;felicity 幸福;happily 幸福地;happiness 幸福;on top of the world 幸福到极点

高兴:bobbish 高兴的

cheerfully 高高兴兴地

cheerfulness 高兴

chuffed 高兴的

delectate 使高兴

disgruntle 使不高兴

exhilarate 使高兴

exhilaration 令人高兴

exhilarative 使高兴的

exult 非常高兴

exultant 非常高兴的

glad at 高兴

glad of 高兴

glad to meet you 很高兴认识你

glad 高兴的

gladly 高兴地

gladsome 高兴的

gleesome 极为高兴的

good humor 高兴

grouch 不高兴的人

grouchily 不高兴地

grouchy 不高兴的

hilarity 高兴

ill humor 不高兴

jauntily 高兴地

jauntiness 高兴

jollity 高兴

joyancy 高兴

joyless 不高兴的

nice to meet you 很高兴见到你

out of sorts 不高兴的

pleased 高兴的

rejoicingly 高兴地

sulkiness 不高兴

sullenly 不高兴地

harrowing 痛心的


lone 孤独的

loneliness 孤独

lonely 孤独的

loner 孤独的人

monophobia 孤独恐惧症

plough a lonely furrow 孤独地行动

solitary 孤独的

solitude 孤独


aweary 疲倦的

beat-out 疲倦不堪的

careworn 疲倦的

dog-tired 疲倦极的

forspent 疲倦的

forwearied 极疲倦的

forworn 极疲倦的

get tired 疲倦

got tired 疲倦

harassed 疲倦的

indefatigable 不知疲倦的

languid 疲倦的

languidly 疲倦地

languorously 疲倦地

poohed 疲倦的

tireless 不疲倦的

tirelessly 不知疲倦地

untiringly 不疲倦地

unwearied 不疲倦的

wearily 疲倦地

weariness 疲倦

wearisome 使疲倦的

weary 疲倦的


a wet smack 讨厌的人

abominable 讨厌的

accursed 讨厌的

accurst 讨厌的

antipathetic 讨厌的

bally 讨厌的

betenoire 讨厌的人

blighter 讨厌的家伙

bore 讨厌的人

brattish 讨厌的

bratty 讨厌的

cumbersome 讨厌的

cumbrous 讨厌的

disfavour 讨厌

disgustingly 讨厌地

dislike 讨厌

disrelish 讨厌

distaste 讨厌

flipping 讨厌之极的

icky 讨厌的

irksome 讨厌的

loathing 讨厌

loathsome 讨厌的

loathsomely 令人讨厌地

nuisance 讨厌的

objectionable 讨厌的

odiously 讨厌地

odiousness 讨厌

odium 讨厌

offensive 讨厌的

pesky 讨厌的

plaguy 讨厌的

rebarbative 令人讨厌的

sad apple 讨厌的家伙

skunk 讨厌鬼

snorty 令人讨厌的

sourpuss 讨厌鬼

stinking 非常讨厌的

vilely 讨厌地

vileness 讨厌

wet smack 讨厌的人


get down on 开始不喜欢

grow upon 逐渐喜欢

have a liking for 喜欢

have a mark on 喜欢

have a sweet teeth 喜欢吃甜

have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜

homekeeping 不喜欢外出的

inhabitiveness 喜欢待在同一住所

liked 喜欢

likesome 讨人喜欢的

neophilia 喜欢新奇

out of conceit with 不再喜欢

persona grata 讨人喜欢的人

prefer 更喜欢

take a fancy to 喜欢

take a liking for 喜欢

take a pleasure in 喜欢

take shine to 喜欢




































1 情态动词, 表达“情感态度”的,如: can “能,可能,可以”;must"必须,一定"; have to"不得不"等等。

2 英语中有一种叫“心理使动词”,如:surprise "使吃惊",excite“使兴奋”, interest“使兴趣”,disappoint“使失望”等,有四十多个。

3 那些“心理使动词”的形容词(-ing和-ed),都是可以描述人的心情心态的, 如:

disappointed“让人感到失望的”, disappointing“使人失望的”; satisfied“感到满意的”, satisfying“令人满意的”

4 还有一些表达心理活动的动词、名词等, 如: want "想要", like "喜欢"等等。


We Chinese people express emotions, mostly implicit bias, just leave people thinking, guess room for words to express their viewsUnlike Europeans and unassuming, plain talkOne is the Chinese people to other people when it comes to when it comes to own business, often using "respects", such as when sent to others is a gift, presentation said that "sending a little gift, not a tribute ”And the Europeans are not so, they even sent a little gift, to say "I have sent to you are beautiful, precious gift ”, Western like this instead of performance, there are many, many

This situation was formed after a long history of environmentalAround 2,500 years ago, Laozi advocated "sound thin", Confucius, when finishing note to the history of the spring and Autumn Annals, "a style of writing in which sublime words with deep meaning are used" to "line by line", is to use a method described in veiled terms to facts suggesting that one occurredSong dynasty writer Ouyang Xiu, the editor of the new book of Tang, the new history of the five dynasties time, Confucius also renewed style, extensive use of implied "a style of writing in which sublime words with deep meaning are used" to describe historyThis is culture in the history of our common style, of course, will lead to civil partners in working practices

Recently I looked my reading notes, see a recorded song Luo Ye (people of Luling, today jiangxijian) edit a note book in an old drunkard on record of a seven quatrains, proved once again in veiled terms of performance practices, not only in the history books, in most people's views have also become used to itThis poem is saying: "Kai Kiss under the green screen, a paper from scratch completely emptyExpect penny Lang Huai don't hate, recalling the people speak ”This is used to express the most sincere feelings of ordinary people in China, it can make people enjoy endless aftertastesIf, as Europeans did, wrote a letter to miss his wife's letters, in order to express the "Miss deep", wrote at great length, its center was a "love" WordThis and Chinese people the implicit expression was so immeasurably!Chinese "is not a Word, very style", not only saving and concentratedHow smart people!--Of course, it is said that on the bright side

Chinese convey emotion in veiled terms there are dangerous sideIt is very easy to cause someone else's misconceptionsIf that is the case of a wise man, and he (she) and accurate understanding, that effect is good;However, if a less clever, or understand a bit misplaced people, would probably have had a misunderstandingFor example, a woman received his letter came Lang Chun, top without a Word, may have a stupid girl thinks its Lang Chun parted company with her too!If this woman was disappointed, emotions or out of control, very serious consequences

Therefore, westerly winds to the East of trends in China todayIs a straightforward way to express emotions in the West, also influence the ChineseYou see, today young people in love, than their parents was straightforward, unobtrusive components decliningIn this way, instead of emotional expression and Western fusion, if they can get in the Middle, it is a very good folk


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