

A 我需要一篇关于动物英语故事

The o charts show that the ①increase in the US population has been acpanied by a corresponding decline in the number of wildlife species Far too many species have been lost already This poses a danger to the ecological balance

As the human population ②expands, more and more wild animals are hunted for food, or because they are thought to present a threat to man But studies show that one of the primary causes of the disappearance of wildlife is pollution, which is one of the consequences of population ③growth and economic development This makes us wonder if man is able to share this pla in harmony with other life forms

In my opinion, it is imperative(迫切的) to take steps to reverse the disturbing(令人困惑的) trend illustrated in the charts One measure would be to forbid the building of cities in areas where wild life is threatened with extinction But, more importantly, man must learn to stop polluting the environment, or he himself will bee extinct

B 有没有关于动物的英语小故事


The Dog and the Shadow(狗和影子)

It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more


Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow


C 英语小故事(200字)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were o mice They were friends One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do e and see me at my house in the country" So the City mouse went The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good Why do you live in a hole in the field You should e and live in the city You would live in a nice house made of stone You would have nice food to eat You must e and see me at my house in the city"

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse It was a very good house Nice food was set ready for them to eat But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is ing!" They ran away quickly and hid

After some time they came out When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city I like living in my hole in the field For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid"






D 描写动物英语作文带翻译,200字

I have a big dog ane I love him very much he has o round black eyes and his sense of hearing is sensitive His claws are like four plum blossoms His tail always shakes and looks very cute In the daytime , he likes sleepping under the sunshine But at night , he is careful and keeps like the doorkeeper guards He is art and always eat a lot He is meek to me but when he meets strangers , he will bark to them When I bee tired , he will e and lick my face with his tongue when I am not busy , he will play with me He can give me so much happiness and now I can not leave him I love my dog because he is one of my family numbers


这里就用拟人的手法了,如果不喜欢的话可以把he 改为 it 。

纯手动,可能有错误,见谅~如果对你有帮助的话,采纳一下吧o(∩_∩)o ~~

E 搜集动物世界中的亲情故事200字








F 英语故事关于自己和小动物的150字左右带翻译

My House Dog


I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to municate withI have kept one in my house, whose name is ChocolateShe is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy BearNow we have been living together for o years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristicsWhen she is hungry, she often barks loudlyAt that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed herShe is keen on beef and fishSometimes, she also eats some rice


Every day when I e home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail movingShe seems to be my best friendAs time goes by, the relationship beeen us bees closer and closerTherefore, I think her as an important member in my familyI really have the pleasure of her pany


G 英语小故事关于自己和动物的150字左右带翻译

One day, I had met lots of animals in my back yard What kind of animals in my back yard They are goats, rabbits, turtles, frogs, cklings and geese I fed them with carrots, vegetables, millet and rice I looked after these animals and I played with them I had a great time! Suddenly, There was a wolf ing into my back yard, and tried to eat one of the ckling, I looked the ckling in dangerous, so I was running toward the wolf and kicking it But I didn't kick the wolf because I fell down on the ground, and the wolf was attacking I used my hands to protect my face and yelled, "Help! Help!" At this time, mother sways me and says,"Are you alright" I wake up and answer, "Mother, where are my animals" Mother is very surprised by the question and says, " Is a nigare in your dream" I answer, "Yes, it is" From now on, I start loving all kind of animals, and will not abuse any animals any more


在这个时候,母亲摇晃我说,“你没事吧?”我醒来并回答,“妈妈,我的动物在哪里?”母亲对我的问题感到很惊讶说,“是你梦中的一个 噩梦?”我回答,“是的,它是。“从现在起,我开始爱各种动物,从此我不再不虐待任何动物。

H 简短的动物英语小故事




I 英语故事关于自己和小动物的150字左右带翻译,单词较简单

paw 肉掌,指人手或四足动物的脚爪。如狗猫爪,马


talon猛禽,如鹰的爪子 fur 毛 feather 羽毛 antenna 触角 trunk 象鼻 tail 尾巴 beak 喙 horn角 wing翅膀 shell贝壳 claw 爪子 fang 毒牙,犬牙 mane 鬃毛 hooves 兽蹄 udder 牛羊 flipper 鳍足 fin 鱼鳍 spout (鲸等的)喷水孔 pouch 育儿袋 antler 鹿角 spots 斑纹 stripers 条纹 shell 壳

小学英语We love animals教学设计教学年级:三年级教材版本:PEP小学英语册数:三年上册课题名称:We love animals授课时间:40分钟一.学生分析本节课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生。他们的年龄在九、十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱。他们已经学过一些简单、常见的动物单词,如dog、cat、monkey等。学生们喜新好奇,求知欲强,对于新鲜的事物有着浓厚的兴趣和探究欲望,动物本身就是学生喜闻乐见的事物,应抓住这一有利因素,让学生熟悉并喜爱这些动物和加强环保意识。 二.教材分析1.Let’s learn本部分是本册书Unit 4 We love animals的第二课时,课前学生已学习动物名称:rabbit, panda, monkey会说及表示赞美的词语Super! Cool! Great! 等。2.Let’s do本部分是为了巩固Let’s learn部分的内容,并培养学生学习英语的兴趣而设计的。学生可以在此项活动中尽情发挥表演才能,看谁模仿的动物形体特征最逼真,学的动物声音最像。三.教学目标 能力目标:1.能听说认读一些常见的动物单词cat,dog, monkey, duck, panda, rabbit, 并能用英语介绍这些小动物。2.能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。 情感目标:培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识。 四.教学策略1.本课采用的教学方法有:直观教学法 情景教学法2.采用课件辅助教学。充分利用课件,为学生提供大量的与课本所学内容相关的、卡通动画、故事等素材,创设真实的情景,拓展课文内容,开拓学生视野,让学生的视觉及听觉产生全新的体验,从而激发学生说的欲望。3.课前准备教师准备可爱的动物玩具,并放于一个盒子中。准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、动物头饰、大红萝卜道具。学生准备玩具小动物或头饰若干个。 五.教学过程1.Warm-up(1)Free talk(1分钟) a ----Good afternoon, Fangfang

   ----Good afternoon, Lanlan

 b ----Hello, Xiaoling How are you

   ---- Hi, I’m fine, thank you And you

   ----Very well, thank you(2)播放歌曲 Teddy Bear(要求学生边拍手边吟唱,营造一个欢乐活泼的英语气氛。)(1分钟)(3)大小声游戏:rabbit, monkey, panda, zoo(1分钟)教师轻声说一个单词,学生则需大声朗读。教师大声说,学生则轻声说。(设计思路:活跃气氛,融洽师生情感,激发学生参与课堂活动的热情,使学生进入英语学习的状态,并帮助学生巩固了上节课的单词。)2.Presentation (18分钟)  教师课前在黑板上用彩色粉笔画一个动物园的背景,突出主题和引起学生强烈兴趣。(1 )教学ducka教师画一个duck的简笔画,微笑着问学生: Hello, boys and girls What’s this Do you know 你们认识它吗?它的叫声是怎样的呢?b课件出现duck的画面及叫声。T: Look at my mouth d-u-c-k, d-u-c-k ( 注意元音字母u的发音[^]) 然后把鸭子贴在黑板上。(2)教学rabbit T: Hello I’m an animal I have two long ears, and I have a white body, too And, I have two red eyes Do you know What am I从此谜语中引出单词 rabbit(设计思路:悬念式激情导入,激发学生的好奇心和兴趣;不同的呈现方式不会使课堂枯燥,引起学生的注意力。让学生在听力方面得到锻炼。) (3 )教学panda出示课件CAI Ask : Look, it’s a lovely animal What’s this引出 熊猫单词panda 出示卡片,领读,进行音标渗透。然后说:Hello! My name is Panda Nice to meet you(Get the Ss greet to panda)(引导学生用所学问候语向熊猫打招呼)             S1: Hello! Panda, How are youS2: Good morning, panda!S3: Nice to meet you, panda! (在熟知的语言中呈现单词,在真实的情境中交际,避免了枯燥无意义的机械重复,使课堂生动、鲜活、富有生活情趣。)(4) 老师模仿声音Woof!Woof!引出单词 dog I’m a dog (做小狗的动作)Dog ,dog, I’m a dog, woof woof woof声音woof 引出单词dog接着出示cat的,引导学生说出Cat ,cat ,I’m a cat, meow, meow, meow 同法教学monkey (在展示单词的同时,配上相应的动物动作,小学生的自控力不是很强,很难长时间的让其保持注意力,所以动手,动脑,惟妙惟肖的滑稽动作,让学生体会到了英语学习的乐趣。)(5)老师以故事形式引导说:我们将开一个动物party,有哪些小动物来到了我们party的现场呢?出现CAI,随着鼠标的点击,一只只动物从不同方位出现在画面上,它们来到了晚会现场。学生再次认读动物单词。(设计意图:根据学生好表现的心理,一步一步循序渐进,层层深入,由易到难地从本课单词迁移到课外内容,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又丰富了课堂内容。)3.趣味操练 Practice (8分钟)(1)让学生拿出准备的玩具或头饰,扮演自己喜爱的动物说:I am a bird, I am a bear I am a rabbit I am a dog I am a panda 等等。(设计意图:小学生都非常喜爱小动物,且每位学生最喜爱的动物也不同,针对这一生活实际,通过学生戴上自己最喜爱的头饰,介绍自己,提高了学单词的趣味性,使每位学生都跃跃欲“说”,即能寓教于乐。)(2)教师播放Let’s learn部分的课件,让学生跟着说,注意模仿语音正确。(3)老师示范表演的内容,学生模仿。看谁表演的最逼真、最生动。 4 Consolidation (5分钟)(1)教师让学生手拿自己的玩具,两至四人一组练习说 Look!I have a rabbit / dog …其他同学说上节课学过的感叹词:Cool! Super! Great! Wow!


(3)赛一赛,看谁模仿的动物形体特征最生动。5 扩展性活动(Add-activities) (5分钟)           第3页 

a教师将一只大萝卜放于台上,并戴上rabbit的头饰,并找若干名学生,师生同表演“拔萝卜”故事情节。  b Let’s Chant(朗朗上口的节奏使课堂充满活力) Cat, cat, I’m a cat, meow, meow, meowDog, dog, I’m a dog, woof, woof, woofDuck, duck, I’m a duck, quack, quack, quackMonkey, monkey, I’m a monkey, hei, hei, heiRabbit, rabbit, I’m a rabbit, jump, jump, jumpPanda, panda, I’m a panda, ha, ha, ha 6 Homework (1分钟) (1) 把你知道的动物单词说给家长听。 (2) 和同伴一起做模仿动物表演。 (3) 小组合作进行编对话或儿歌。课后反思:本课时教学设计具有以下几个特点:1.教师先通过复习已学的动物单词入手,引导学生的学习积极性,激发他们想学习更多动物单词的学习欲望,教师运用生动可爱的动物和课件辅助动物单词的教学,可以达到更好的学习效果。Let's do 部分,教师先通过形体语言演示cat, duck, panda, monkey, rabbit, dog等动物的形体,帮助学生更好操练本部分的内容,有助于趣味活动的顺利进行。

  2.本课时主要学习Let's learn的单词,其中复习Look!I have a 句型也是教学要点。另外还要求学生能在实际场合中得体运用感叹语 Wow!/ Cool! /Great! / Super! 等。在Let's do部分的教学中,看谁模仿动物的形体特征及叫声最逼真,使学生的模仿和表演才能得到尽情发挥;在演一演、玩一玩的活动中掌握了本课时的内容。 3.通过观看Let's learn 部分的课件,学生整体了解、学习、操练动物单词内容,使用了动物玩具小动物,增强了对话的真实性。趣味操练时,教师引导学生用已学的物品词汇和新句型,表演对话,达到举一反三、温故知新的学习效果,激发了学生的学习兴致,培养了同学之间团结友爱的感情。 不足的是,创设的情景比较多,由于小学生认知水平有限,学生有点目不暇接,能力差的学生有些应付不过来。

#英语资源# 导语动物是人类的朋友,大部分的动物都很可爱。欢迎阅读 无 !


 Dog is my favorite animal The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent Dog is the best friend for mankind It is also the best companion for the old people

 The dog can feel the human nature So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous They are special dogs Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way See, I say dogs are very competent




 Most kids like animals Girls like cats, and boys like dogs However, my favorite animal is the horse

 The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs They look wild and hard to get close Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you Horses remember the way home They are also faithful to their masters They even understand what you are trying to tell them Ive heard many stories about how a horse saved his masters life Thats also the reason why I love horses They never betray you




 My favourite animal is cat Cats are quiet and polite They always walk lordly Cats are cute They have soft fur When I touch them, they look comfortable Cats have big eyes Some cats eyes are green, some are blue, and some are grey Even some cats two eyes have different colour Cats sound is pleasant to listen to Their sound is soft too Otherwise, cats can catch mice They are humans friends I love cats very much Do you like cats

 我最喜欢的动物是猫。猫是安静和有礼貌的。他们总是走气派。猫很可爱。他们有柔软的毛皮。当我抚摸它们时,它们看起来很舒服。猫有大眼睛。有些猫的眼睛是绿色的,有些是蓝色的,有些是灰色的。就连猫的两只眼睛也有不同的颜色。小猫的声音很好听。它们的声音也柔软。否则,猫会抓老鼠。他们是人类的朋友。 我非常喜欢猫。你喜欢猫吗?


 I like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on But I like dogs best Why Because they are very cute and friendly


 I have a white dog Its name is Bobo She is a female dog She comes from Beijing, China She has two big eyes and a small month She wears white clothes She often walks around at home It has nothing to do She likes eating ice-cream so much, So do I When I eat ice-cream, she will look at the ice-cream carefully So I will give her some to eat

 我有一只白色的小狗。它的名字叫波波。她是一只小母狗。她来自中国北京。她有一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。她穿着白色的衣服。 她经常在家里到处走。但是没关系。她喜欢吃冰激凌,我也是。当我吃冰激凌的时候,她就会很认真的看着冰激凌。所以我会给她一些吃。

 I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world



 When I was very small, I had watched a lot of cartoons, and Mickey Mouse was always my favorite character When I went to the zoo and watched panda, I found Mickey Mouse and giant panda had something in common Both of them had the lovely ears Since then, I was so crazy about panda It was the loveliest animal in the world I liked to watch it eating bamboo or hanging in the trees As the more information I get, I realize that panda is dying out, so it is in need of protecting the environment, so as to let these lovely creature live well in the wild



 There are so many animals in the world, but dogs are my favorite animals

 They can be as small as an apple, like Cup Puppy While they also can be as big as a lion, such as Tibetan Mastiff Usually, they are black、white and brown With two short straight ears、a pair of black eyes and a lovely tail When they greets to their masters, their tails are waving happily They can run very fast They often live in a small house with their family The meat and bones are their favorite food Look!They are eating bones hungrily How cute they are!

 Dogs are friendly to people They can help people do many things, buy things、look after the house and catch the mice They are people’ good friends, so I like them very much

1 用英语写我最喜欢的动物作文






2 以"我喜爱的动物"为题用英语写一篇40字的小作文

My Favorite Animal

I'm a happy boy(girl),I like animals very much !

My favorite animal is dog!I think it is very cute ,and it is very beautiful!It can


everybody happy,it can take care of babys,it can mind house ,it can

look for crime suspects etcBut it doesn't hope any reward!And it is so


I love it,my favorite animal--dog!

3 用英语写一篇自己喜欢的动物

题目: My favorite animal

英文:My favourite animal is little dogBecause it's very lovelyAnd dogs are friendly to people,they are people's good friendsWhen you are daughter,they can save youThey can hear the people can't hear thingsit's very useful,aren't theyThe dogs is very loyal to people Are you agree with me


4 英文作文《我喜爱的动物》

I love animals

I love little animal is a dog, its whole body covered with white hair, like a marshmallow; eyes are round, like o precious stones inlaid in a pair of curved eyebrows; ears are half round, the nose is black, short tail, is very cute

I give it to eat bones, it will be a piece of a piece, a short short at It finished chew bones, will bark loudly, as if to say: "little master, thank you" Whenever I go to school, she always give me some distance, until I pretend to be angry and hit it o or three times, it didn't run away home It will not only send me to school, and I also like to race, run very fast, sometimes, I fell a distance Usually, it looks very timid, but saw a stranger, but without losing the power suddenly staring at the stranger's every act and every move with open eyes, the key is also called

It is really a art and loyal dog!

When I e home from school, is the most happy when the puppy As long as the puppy at home, I'm waiting for me on my way home from school to home is still a long way to always can see the dog in front of the door It saw me, I am here will wagged his tail to run to, then in my predecessors capers Such a cute little dog can be like

I hope the dog well-nourished, because it is so cute







5 用英语写一篇自己喜欢的动物

题目: My favorite animal 英文:My favourite animal is little dogBecause it's very lovelyAnd dogs are friendly to people,they are people's good friendsWhen you are daughter,they can save youThey can hear the people can't hear thingsit's very useful,aren't theyThe dogs is very loyal to people Are you agree with me?翻译:我最喜欢的动物是小狗。




6 求一篇写我喜欢的动物的英语作文









我爱他们。 I have got o baby cats they are very beautiful One is yellow the other is white they are very lovely the yellow cat is very naughty He likes to play with people He often runs here and there His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones But the white cat is very gentle She likes to wash her face And she doesn′t like to play with people She often jumps onto my knees I like to give her a bath Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness We are very good friends I love themWhat animal do you like best in the zoo Is it an elephant Or a tiger My favorite animal is monkeys Because they have the yellow skin, a big mouth, a all nose, and o big eyes They climb trees quickly, and they can pick bananas or apples I don't think they are frightening or tiring animals, and they are very lovely, interesting and exciting! I hope you can like them, too什么动物你在动物园里最喜欢的?这是一头大象吗?或是一只老虎吗?我最喜欢的动物是猴子。



7 用英文写作文

My favorite animals are swansthey are whitethey can swim very wellI think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dressthey have a pair of wings and they can also fly wellI believe they are angles from the skythey bring us love and make us happythey are always friendly to usWe can't hurt them,because they are our friendI love them!I like dogs,toothey are not beautiful,but they are the best friendsthey keep the thieves awayDogs have the best listening and eyesthey can hear in the nosiy,see in the darkIf we are in danger,they will help us at onceAnd they don't mind their livesSo,I love them。

8 以我最喜爱的动物为题写一篇英文作文

Dogs, along with cats, are thought to be as the most favored as pets in America todayThis wonderful animal is valued for their panionship, protection and friendship they bestow to their owners So it is hardly suprising to find dogs or cats on television shows and movies and who could not fet Lassie, one of the most famous canine of all time For the wonderful panionship this pet gives, it is vital the owner does his or her share of responsibilities that es on owning a dogThe owner has the obligation to make certain that their pet receives adequate attention and affection, adheres to a nutritious diet, have regular visits to the vet for a check up or for shots and a plenty amount of exercise to keep them healthy and mentally alert Although it takes time and effort to care for your dog, the rewards ultimately pay off In return for their owner caring efforts, the dog will grant them unwavering loyalty, their affection and most important of all, the desire to please youThis is probably the reason why people sometimes prefer this exquisite creature than their own and for years to e canines will remain people favorite pet。

9 我最喜欢的动物英语作文

I like the all animals is pure white cat, it whole body white hair like snow let me very love, its eyes narrowed into a crack during the day, night round, like o emeralds His ears have been up, as long as you move, his ears will move; His hearing is very agile, as long as people walk on by, it will be called "meow"; Its teeth are very hard, and spiky, eating up to very easily, I like it very much Remember once, my brother e to my house to play, the kitten, enthusia has been rushed brother " ile" Brother see him so lovely, then e up with a very thick wool, want to know the cat likes to play with wool, yarn in hand, brother cat followed, wool from turning in the past, the cat rushed over, not caught, himself closed on empty air, my mother and I laughed, cat is a little angry, brother, in a piece of cloth, bend, kitten, and save the empty, this is brother became a "bucket" cat Brother and five stool was placed in a row, put the wool in stool to mouth, cat rushed over, to bite the yarn, I cheered for it, and happy for it If winter es, I built a warm nest to the Kitty, it was very happy Whenever I go home from school on the stairs, the cat is lying on the sofa waiting for me, I entered, it ile on his face became a flower See I bought it, eat happily licks my hand, very enthusiastic! One day, my father told me: "you see, a dog is loyal, treacherous court official but the cat" I try so hard, favour say: "the cat is my favourite animal, treacherous court official it isn't!" Mom came running when the referee, set each write like cats or dogs 5 reason, then the evaluation of high and low I brush flash, 1, I like cats; 2, the kitten's fur is very ooth; 3, the cat is very sincere to me; 4, the cat is very lovely; 5, the cat is very clever Just finished writing, I looked up to see dad, ha, he wrote o, we all handed over after the volume, the referee on the grounds that the father wrote the word much, the father victory I am very defy spirit。

10 用英语写一篇作文:我最喜欢的动物 简单 单词50词以上

My favourate animal is panda i think panda is the cutist animal in the world It has black and white fur and especially it have black fur around eyes which looks like wear a pair of sunglasses Panda likes banboo shoots and leaves a lot I saw panda ate apply and cakes in Zoo before, but I know in nature world they would not eat these things Now almost everyone in the world love panda, but only China has panda So as a Chinese I feel proud to be born in a country has panda 我最喜欢的动物是熊猫。




My favorite animal






























































































of much
























 I have a dog It is my favourite animal His name is Beibei His name and my name are the same I like Beibei very much He is only one year old now He is very small He is black and white And he has one sister She is yellow and white His mother is white His father is black It is very clever And it is very lovely So I like him He has a very small nose, two eyes and two small ears He has a small mouth, too He has four legs and a small face He loves meat very much There is a bowl near his house There is always some bones or pork in it And it is always very clean His house is very beautiful The door is red And there are two windows in the wall The wall is white and pink There is a lock in the door The lock is yellow It is very nice Beibei loves his house very much He usually sleeps and rests in helpful I think so, too 。



 I like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on But I like dogs best Why Because they are very cute and friendly


 I have a white dog Its name is Bobo She is a female dog She comes from Beijing, China She has two big eyes and a small month She wears white clothes She often walks around at home It has nothing to do She likes eating ice-cream so much, So do I When I eat ice-cream, she will look at the ice-cream carefully So I will give her some to eat

 我有一只白色的小狗。它的名字叫波波。她是一只小母狗。她来自中国北京。她有一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。她穿着白色的衣服。 她经常在家里到处走。但是没关系。她喜欢吃冰激凌,我也是。当我吃冰激凌的时候,她就会很认真的看着冰激凌。所以我会给她一些吃。

 I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world



 In the animal world, I most like the cheetah

 The cheetah's really brave It's flat and smooth, short ears Two eyes like two, twinkle There are two prominent muscle in on either side of the face, white, with small black spots, bead point of steel needle of a root beard There is a a black spots In addition to the belly is white, the remaining parts of the hair is golden Its streamline, the whole body presents for sprinting Its limbs is very rich, full of flexibility Cheetah's paw is straight, can firmly in the ground, change the running direction And it is the long tail, can have the effect of acceleration while on the run

 The running speed of cheetah is very surprising, speed is about 130 kilometers per hour, with fast on the highway running car

 But, its endurance is poor, high speed running is limited to a few seconds, so has been hailed as a sprint champion

 Cheetahs hunting is also very interesting When it found that the deer would be around to look at the first, and see what the intruder If not, it is with lightning speed to recover to the prey Easily catch later, it will pull the prey to the grass, enjoy the meal If the prey in a tree, it jump into the tree to catch the prey, big eat a meal

 The cheetah is really a lovable animals! But, now is trying to catch some criminals for their own interests cheetah, continue like this, will destroy the cheetah Please act to protect it together








Dog is my favorite animal The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent Dog is the best friend for mankind It is also the best companion for the old people


The dog can feel the human nature So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous They are special dogs Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way See, I say dogs are very competent




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