


Today my classmates and i went to the park to do some volunteer labor, which was to weed the park  


While we were doing that, a lot of turists passed by us, looking at us curiously And even some of them came up to ask what we did that for and how much we were paid for that Some of us students were shy to answer those questions  


However, in my opinion, we should aswer those questions so proudly that we did this for nothing but just for the beauty of our park, our city, our country, and even our world  


In our country everyone is trying to do something to help the development of city and whole social civilization What we have done is just a little and how I feel happy that we can do something helpful to the society


    英文原文: In May Day, I went to the Oriental oasis, let me in the car here Ah! In the car is too cold First we went to the celebrity street station, I saw smiling of chairman MAO, deng xiaoping cane in hand, see foreign mathematician gauss, Chinese mathematician hua luogeng, Edison invented more than 1000 machines, Madame Curie and her daughter  

  The second stop, we came to the brave road, one of the most difficult, is climbing, began to scold me mom, also couldn't climb up, then mom since a look first, and then, I climbed to the top, because at first I did not dare to climb, is too high, then climbed it, this thing is not difficult, as long as the intention to do certain can do a good job, and then played for a few spots went home 。

  This is really a happy May Day!





“我的五一劳动节”英语作文带翻译:My May Day

Hello, today is May Day I and My father, mother and sister went shopping


We bought, lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, toasts, butter, orange, milk and rolls And my mother bought toys for me Such as: train, ball, balloon, car, doll, plane and skateboard After that we went to zoo I saw rabbit, tigers, snails, and lions, hamsters, Mouses and zebras and so all

我买了一些LOLLIPOPS 棒棒糖,冰激淋,玉米片,烤,酱,橘子,牛奶和面包。我妈妈给我买了些玩具,比如:火车,球,气球,汽车,洋娃娃,飞机和滑板。我们还去了,动物园,我见到了老虎,蜗牛,和狮子,仓鼠,小老鼠和斑马等等。

My sister asked me “what do your like” I answered “I like skipping rope That’s very nice” She said “Here is you prize, Sunny!” “Oh, thank you! I love it!” I shouted We sat under a tree After lunch we drank some milk


Today I am very happy!


 Labor day finally came After I finished my breakfast, I saw my mother busy Sweeping and mopping the floor……My mother is sweating I couldn't help but go up and say, "Mom, do you want me to do some work for you" Mother said happily, "OK! Today is labor day"

 First, I began to clean the furniture and glass I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust I'm exhausted now I'm sweating and out of breath But I thought, "the cleaning is very hard, but if I can't hold on at once, isn't what I just did in vain" Do things from beginning to end So I started sweeping the floor again I didn't even let go of the corner I finally cleaned it up When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room I went in, skillfully took the broom and swept it slowly Just as I was holding the broom handle and pulling out the bottom of the bed, I found two dead cockroaches! You can see how dirty my house is

 Finally, I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and began to mop the floor Holding the heavy mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side, and then from side to side When the water was dry, I washed the mop again When I finish all my work and look at my home, it's a world away from before the cleaning!

 When my mother saw it, she praised me as a good child

 After this labor day cleaning, I know: "as long as you pay, you will gain" This is also my May Day harvest


 I spent th holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays

 On 2nd May, I vited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as wellOn 3rd May, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie

 All the other days leftI didn't go anywhere, no only becasue I still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!


 I spent this holiday very quick,on the 1st May,we went to the zoo,there were crowded there,so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidaysOn 2nd May,I visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together,the resturant were crowded as wellOn 3rd May,we went to shopping in the mall,after the shopping we went to watch a new movie All the other days left I didn't go anywhere,no only becasue I still have some homework to do,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!




 A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic Geleshan play Small colorful flowers to welcome our arrival with a smile; Xiaocaohu their small head out and waved to us We enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking

 Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others have a muddy splash We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it End mining flowers, the mother asked us: "Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Shannon" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire" I said : "Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat" her mother said: "You are right, but the best place honeysuckle native, does not appreciate other people's live"

 After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life Ah really gain a lot


 This year's may day, our whole family went out to XX park by car

 As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes They were countless How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree" Mother said, "well, tell me the name of such a big tree" I blurted out, "climb the lion" Mother smiled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion"

 As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge It was very beautiful The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I couldn't help it I had to wait slowly for a long time Finally I looked forward to our boat I immediately jumped into the boat and rowed happily My heart was as sweet as honey I sailed I saw the little fish greeting us, the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day Soon enough An hour passed When you go back, it's because the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time

 May day passed like this It's really an unforgettable Festival It's a memorable holiday for the whole family









“Labor Day”:这是劳动节的常见表达方式。在美国和加拿大,劳动节通常在每年的9月第一个星期一庆祝;而在其他国家,如中国、俄罗斯和日本,劳动节通常在每年的5月1日庆祝。

“Worker”:这是劳动者的英文表达方式。例如,“Workers around the world celebrate Labor Day on May 1st”表示“全世界的劳动者在5月1日庆祝劳动节”。

“Union”:这是工会的英文表达方式,工会通常代表工人的权益和利益。例如,“The union organized a Labor Day parade to celebrate the contributions of workers”表示“工会组织了一次劳动节游行,以庆祝劳动者的贡献”。

“Minimum wage”:这是最低工资的英文表达方式,它是保护劳动者权益的一种政策措施。例如,“The government recently increased the minimum wage to provide better support for workers”表示“政府最近提高了最低工资,以为劳动者提供更好的支持”。

“Overtime”:这是加班的英文表达方式,通常意味着工人需要在规定的工作时间之外工作。例如,“The workers received overtime pay for working on Labor Day”表示“工人在劳动节加班工作,获得了加班费”。



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