

  ow would ,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,

  By looking on thee in the living day,

  All days are nights to see till I see thee,

  And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me

  Will you marry me


  When most I wink then do mine eyes best see,

  For all the day they view things unrespected,

  But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee,

  And darkly bright, are bright in dark directed

  Then thou whose shadow shadows doth make bright

  How would thy shadow's form, form happy show,

  To the clear day with thy much clearer light,

  When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so!

  How would,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,

  By looking on thee in the living day,

  When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade,

  Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay!

  All days are nights to see till I see thee,

  And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me

M: Laura, I've thought long and hard and my mind is made up I've got a date with Selina tomorrow and I'm going to pop the question

(pop the question 求婚)

W: Congratulations, David! That's earth-shaking news! How are you going to go about it You can't just blurt(vt 未加思索地冲口说出;突然说出)it out over coffee

M: Well, that's the thing I'm stumped I could send her an email at work

(stump n 树桩;残余部分;假肢 vt 砍伐;使为难;在…作巡回政治演说 vi 笨重地行走;发表竞选演说)

W: Email You don't have a romantic bone in your body Use your imagination

M: Well, I'm no Don Juan Should I get her some flowers

W: Yes, that'll be OK for starters Why don't you take her to some exotic hideaway or propose on a secluded beach

(propose vt 建议;打算,计划;求婚 vi 建议;求婚;打算)

(exotic adj 异国的;外来的;异国情调的)

(hideaway n 潜伏处;隐匿处;退隐处)

(secluded adj 隐蔽的;隐退的,隐居的 v 隔绝(seclude的过去式))

M: I can't afford it, what with the ring and all

W: Oh, sorry, don't let it get you down There's plenty you can do

M: Richard wrote his proposal to Anna on her ceiling

(proposal n 提议,建议;求婚)

(ceiling 基本释义n 天花板;上限)

W: Now you're talking! Bake a cake and write the words with frosting

(frosting n 结霜;霜状白糖;无光泽面;去光泽 v 以霜覆盖;冻坏;起霜(frost的ing形式) adj 结霜的;磨砂的;消光的)

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard

1 Who is David going to date tomorrow

2 What is the news Laura hears from David

3 What is David's problem, according to Laura

4 What does Laura think about sending flowers

5 What is Laura's final suggestion


Sonnet 43

When most I wink,then do mine eyes best see,

For all the day they view things unrespected,

But when I sleep,indreams they look on thee,

And darkly bright,are bright in dark directed

Then thou,whose shadow shadows doth make bright,

How would thy shadow's form form happy show

To the clear day with thy much clearer light,

When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so!

How would,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,

By looking on thee in the living day,

When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade

Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay!

All days are nights to see till I see thee,

And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me

















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