



Science's Insights section presents analysis by scientists and other experts on issues of interest to Science readers With the exception of Letters, eLetters, and Technical Comments, most items in this section are commissioned by the editors, but unsolicited contributions are welcome Perspectives and Policy Forums should include an abstract Commentary material may be peer reviewed at the Editors' discretion

Perspectives (up to 1000 words plus 1 figure) highlight recent exciting research, but do not primarily discuss the author's own work They may provide context for the findings within a field or explain potential interdisciplinary importance Perspectives that comment on papers in Science should add a dimension to the research and not merely be a summary of the experiments described in the paper Although many Perspectives that comment on research published in Science are solicited, we welcome inquiries regarding new advances and fresh insights As these are meant to express a personal viewpoint, with rare exceptions, Perspectives should have no more than two authors

Books or Media Reviews (up to 800 words) feature commentary on new books, films, exhibitions, performances, mobile applications, podcasts, and other media that are likely to be of broad interest to our readership Please contact the Book Review Editor before you begin preparing your book or media review, indicating why you believe the work would be of interest to Science readers, and why you are well-positioned to write the review

Policy Forums (1000 to 2000 words, 1-2 figures, and up to 15 references) presents issues related to the intersections between science and society that have policy implications

Letters (up to 300 words) discuss material published in Science in the last 3 months or issues of general interest Letters should be submitted through our Manuscript Submission and Information Portal (https://ctssciencemagorg) Letters may be reviewed The author of a paper in question is usually given an opportunity to reply Letter submissions are acknowledged upon receipt by Science’s automatic system, but letter writers are not always consulted before publication Letters are subject to editing for clarity and space Letters rejected for print publication may be posted as eLetters

eLetters are brief online comments that can be submitted in response to papers or news stories published in Science eLetters are submitted on the Science website, evaluated, and posted with the article if accepted Authors are identified and must agree to our terms and conditions (http://wwwsciencemagorg/about/terms-service) 

Technical Comments (up to 1000 words, 2 figures or tables, 15 references, and no Supplementary Materials), are published online and critique the core conclusions and/or methodology of research published in Science within the previous 3 months The abstract (60 words or less) will be included in the Letters section of the print edition Technical Comments should not present new data or other previously unpublished work nor be based on new findings/concepts that would not have been accessible to the authors when the paper was written Pertinent comments on non-technical aspects of a paper should be submitted as eLetters Authors of Technical Comments should contact the authors of the paper before submitting their manuscript, and should submit to Science the relevant correspondence Technical Comments that are accepted will be posted online along with a formal reply from the authors of the original paper 






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