求一手英文歌,歌词有Snow 女生唱,歌声里是一个充满魔法的童话世界

求一手英文歌,歌词有Snow 女生唱,歌声里是一个充满魔法的童话世界,第1张


1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);

  2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;

  3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;

  4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);


  6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);

  7、You Belong With Me--泰勒斯威夫特(绝棒的);

  8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚凯莉;

  9、I Didn't Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。);

  10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);

  11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;


  13、My All--玛丽亚凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);

  14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);

  15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);

  16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别);

  17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);

  18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);

  19、This Is It--迈克尔杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力

  20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);


问题一:童话故事用英语怎么说 fairy tale





问题二:童话故事用英文怎么翻译 Fairy tales

问题三:童话用英语怎么说 童话

[词典] children's stories; fairy tales; fairy tale;


A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale

问题四:童话书用英语怎么写 童话书

The book of fairy tales

问题五:“童话”的英文怎么说? fairy tale

1 这个故事是关于传统童话中的魔术师 的。

This story is about sorcerers in traditional fairy-tales

2 这孩子专注地听着童话故事。

The child devours fairy tales

3 他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。

Their love story sounds like a fairy tale

4 对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。

For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland贰5 在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。

The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin

问题六:童话故事的英文翻译 Fairy tales

问题七:用英语介绍一个童话的人物加翻译 辛德瑞拉


作为一个温柔善良的年轻女孩,瑞拉能够从最平凡的事物中获得快乐。尽管她承受着继母和她女儿们的百般刁难和 ,瑞拉依然维持积极而坚定的生活态度。她的力量来自于母亲的临终嘱咐保持勇气,善待他人。

As a young girl of gentleness docile, rilla can gain happiness from the most mundane things Though she is under the stepmother and her daughters of spite and reproach, rilla remain positive and firm attitude to life Her strength came from the mother's dying charge have courage, be kind to others

问题八:童话故事用英语怎么说 fairy tale





问题九:童话用英语怎么说 童话

[词典] children's stories; fairy tales; fairy tale;


A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale

问题十:童话书用英语怎么写 童话书

The book of fairy tales

我来自中国的首都北京。中国式世界上最大的国家之一。它是一个拥有超过13亿人口的农业大国。中国以美味的食物而出名。中国也有很多名胜,比如长城和圆明园(summer palace)。中国也是著名的艺术和文化制度。为什么不来中国游玩并在此享受美好的时光呢?








1 英语作文童话故事

I Like Fairy TalesSince I was a little baby, my parents read simple stories for me They bought me many cartoon books with stories They were my bedtime stories Among all the interesting stories, I like fairy tales most, because they are often beautiful love stories beeen prince and princes or Cinderella They are so moved and full of love Besides, in fairy tales, no matter how much they suffer, they will always live a happy life in the end The happy endings bring hope and satisfaction to people, making us hopeful to our own lives。

2 小故事英语怎么写作文

I went to the zoo with my friends last SundayIt was hot and sunny that dayIt took us about o hours to get there by busThere were thousands of people in the zooWe saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so onWe also saw the elephant showThe elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like usAt noon we had a picnic in the zooAnd then we thew the rubbish into the dustbinWe didn't go home until 5:00 in the afternoonAlthough we were tired,we felt happy。

3 童话故事英语作文带翻译

印度故事《驼瓮俱失》。从前有一个人, 在瓮里灌满了谷子。 他家的骆驼把头伸进瓮里吃谷子,但是头退不出来了。有个老人告诉主人说:“我教你一个办法,只要砍掉骆驼的头,它就会自动地出来”。主人听了老人的话,就用刀砍下了骆驼的头。 把骆驼杀了,但还是没解决问题。 直到打破了瓮,才把头取了出来。这个蠢人遭到了众人的讥笑。

Indian story "Camels and urns are lost" In the past there was a man filled with millet in an urn His family camel put his head into the urns to eat millet, but the head did not e out An old man told the owner: " I teach you a way to cut the camel's head and it will e out automatically" When the master listened to the old man, he cut the head of the camel with a knife Kill the camel, but still did not solve the problem Until the urn was broken, it was taken out The fool got ridiculed by all

4 童话故事用英语怎么说

一、童话故事fairy tale的读音英[ˈfɛəri teil] 美[ˈfɛri tel] 二、fairy tale的释义 n 童话;编造的故事,谎言; 三、fairy tale的例句 I am not Cinderella, my life has not been a fairy tale 我并不是什么灰姑娘,我的生活也不是什么童话故事。

There are always heroes, mighty and majestic in a fairy tale, and people live near to them 总是有一些英雄,威武雄壮的在一个童话,和人民生活接近他们。 四、fairy tale的复数:fairy tales fairy tales 英[ˈfɛəri ˈteili:z] 美[ˈfɛri telz] n 神话故事,童话,谎言( fairy tale的名词复数 ); Fairy tales weren't just meant for children 童话故事不仅仅是写给孩子们的。

扩展资料fairy tale的近义词:fairytale、lie。 一、fairytale 英[ˈfeəriteil] 美[ˈfɛriˌtel] adj 童话式的,童话中才有的,优美无比的; A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale 在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。

二、lie 英[laɪ] 美[lai] v 躺; 说谎; 坐落在;处于…状态; n 谎言; 谎话; 状态;位置; There was a child lying on the ground 地上躺着一个小孩。 第三人称单数:lies 复数:lies 现在分词:lying 过去式:lay 过去分词:lain 。

5 50个词童话故事的英语作文例文

The fairy tale world of



I love the motherland and natural rivers, more

love the "fairy tale

world" of



Jiuzhaigou, named for the trench nine of the stockade

and There



outstanding people,

is a beautiful place


We're going to the funny panda lake The giant panda is the auspicious

objects It is

particularly loved by local people Where the giant panda is often there to play,

foraging, a cute There was a great stone, black and white, like a very lovely pandas

You said it cute

There is a light

blue Hai

Zi, light sea with a "Panda"

is more charming

6 用英语写的童话故事,不要太长嗯,60词左右初中的,自己编的也行

The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, “I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses As a result, the boy's high school career was continually interrupted When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up” 上次活动时,他在致辞中提到:“我让杰克借用住宅是有原因的这故事跟一个小男孩有关,他的父亲是位马术师,他从小就必须跟着父亲东奔西跑,男孩的求学过程并不顺利高中时,有次老师叫全班同学写报告,题目是长大后的志愿” That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch” “那晚他洋洋洒洒地写了七张纸,描述他的伟大志愿,那就是想拥有一座属于自己的牧马农场,并且仔细画了一张200亩农场的设计图,上面标有马厩、跑道等的位置,然后在这一大片农场中央,还要建造一栋占地4,000平方英尺的巨宅”“He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher Two days later he received his paper back On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, 'See me after class'” “他花了好大心血把报告完成,第二天交给了老师两天后他拿回了报告,第一页上打了一个又红又大的F,旁边还写了一行字:下课后来见我”“The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, 'Why did I receive an F?'”“脑中充满幻想的他下课后带着报告去找老师:‘为什么给我不及格?’”“The teacher said, 'This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you You have no money You e from an itinerant family You have no resources Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money You have to buy the land You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you'll have to pay large stud fees There's no way you could ever do it' Then the teacher added, 'If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade'”“老师回答道:‘你年纪轻轻,不要老做白日梦你没钱,没家庭背景,什么都没有盖座农场可是个花钱的大工程;你要花钱买地、花钱买纯种马匹、花钱照顾它们你别太好高骛远了’他接着又说:‘如果你肯重写一个比较不离谱的志愿,我会重新给你打分’”“The boy went home and thought about it long and hard He asked his father what he should do His father said, 'Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this However, I think it is a very important decision for you'”“这男孩回家后反复思量了好几次,然后征询父亲的意见父亲只是告诉他:‘儿子,这是非常重要的决定,你必须自己拿定主意’” “Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all He stated, 'You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream'” “再三考虑好几天后,他决定原稿交回,一个字都不改他告诉老师:‘即使不及格,我也不愿放弃梦想’”Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace” He added, “The best part of the story is that o summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week” When the teacher was leaving, he said, 'Look, Monty, I can tell you this now When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer During those years I stole a lot of kids' dreams Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours'” 蒙提此时向众人表示:“我提起这故事,是因为各位现在就坐在200亩农场内,占地4,000平方英尺的豪华住宅那份高中时写的报告我至今还留着他顿了一下又说:“有意思的是,两年前的夏天,那位老师带了30个学生来我农场露营一星期离开之前,他对我说:‘蒙提,说来有些惭愧你读高中时,我曾泼过你冷水这些年来,我也对不少学生说过相同的话幸亏你有这个毅力坚持自己的梦想’”Don't let anyone steal your dreams Follow your heart, no matter what不论做什么事,相信你自己,别让别人的一句话将你击倒我觉得下面这个故事虽然简短但是这文章里的寓意很值得我们回味,希望对你有用英语小故事 :生病的狮子 A lion had e to the end of his days He lay helpless under a tree The animals came around him When they 。

7 英语作文童年故事

Stories of Childhood I live with my parents and my grandmother My grandmother is a kind elderly people She likes talking and she always tells me stories of hers, my father's and mine She is full filled with memories She told me that I was quiet and docile when I was little My parents went to work all day, and my grandmother took care of me and my cousin After she fed me, I sat and played myself She didn't have to worry much about me I almost made no troubles But my cousin was not He never sat well or ate his food tactfully My grandmother had to always keep an eye on him to prevent making troubles。

8 童话故事的英文怎么说

童话故事用英文怎么说童话故事的英文:children's fairy story参考例句:Children love to listen to fairy tales孩子们喜欢听童话故事。

The fairy tales he tells are vivid and fascinating他讲的童话故事绘声绘色,引人入胜。Please retell the fairy story in English请用英语复述这篇童话故事。

The production is a modern staging of the fairytale cinderella这演出是童话故事灰姑娘的最新上演。

9 写童话故事《小红帽》的英语作文怎么写

Once upon a time, there was a little girl Her name was Little Red Riding Hood One day, her grandma was ill Little Red Riding Hood went to visit herOn the way to grandmother's house,a wolf erThe wolf had a planHe went to Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother's house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole Then wore grandmother's clothes and waited for Little Red Riding HoodBut when Little Red Riding Hood came and found he was a wolf,the wolf swallowed (吞下) her up whole also Then the wolf fall in deep sleepA hunter passed (经过、路过) by He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach and put many stones in it Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved。

1 英文情话

1、I never need you, don't need you then insincere words


2、Overflowing of I, walk in the overflowing looking for love road


3、You say me is you a lifetime of devotion, don't belong to love


3、Let go hand in a noisy streets, find the pupil picture


4、Other people's fairy tales always is romantic, but my fairy tale but never be miserable


5、At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness


6、Quiet exists, the quiet, to let others feel my existence


7、Because loved a crazy, so see you still smiling silence


8、Once many times of decision, finally were bested by your prayer



2 英文句子唯美句子,带翻译,越多越好

You will not meet the second me, friendship or love



I've drunk very strong wine, and I've let go of my hands that I shouldn't have let go I've never looked back before, and I won't make do with it in the future


If you know me before, you will forgive me now


I still hope that in this desolate world, there is a person who really understands you



3 好听的英文短句,带中文翻译

If that is true please blow fall in front of the petals I do not fade after taste if it is please get rid of accumulated in the cloud in the sky I don't mind 。

如果那是真的 请吹走散落在门前的花瓣 我不稀罕凋零后的余香 如果那是真的 请赶走堆积在空中的云彩 我不介。

Life is no dress rehearsal, every day is broadcast live


In the sweet candy, always do not open deep sorrow 。 。


4 一些简单的英文情话

有那些简单的英文情话:1、I love you with all my heart我全心全意爱你。

2、one life one love!一生只爱你一个。3、My heart belongs to you我的心属于你。

4、When I close my eyes。all I see is you一闭上眼,看到的全部是你。

5、I love you for you我真心爱你!6、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be执子之手,与子偕老。7、You light up my life你照亮我的生命。

8、You are my sweet-heart你是我的宝贝。9、You mean the world to me你对我来说,就是全世界。

10、you are my only love你是我的最爱。最美的10句简短英文情话:1、one life one love!2、I love you for you3、You are my sweet-heart4、you are my only love5、You light up my life6、My heart belongs to you7、You mean the world to me8、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be9、When I close my eyes。

all I see is you10、I love you with all my heart美丽的英文句子:1、一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much。

2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。 没有人值得让你为他/她流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

3、I'll think of you every step of the way。 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

4、It's often said that you will have the same life as the person you find。 Therefore, different choices make different endings。

人们说,找到了什么样的人就有了什么样的生活,于是不同的选择,就有不同的童话结尾。 5、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。

不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 6、It seems like just yesterday, you came into my world stole my heart and you stole my whole person, don't return to me, because we will be together forever!好像是昨天的事,你走进了我的世界偷走了我的心也偷走了我整个人,不用还我了,因为我们要永远在一起!7、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world。

对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 8、The love world is big, which can hold hundreds of disappointments; the love world is small which is crowded even with three people inside。

原来爱情的世界很大,大到可以装下上百种委屈; 原来爱情的世界很小,小到三个人就挤到窒息。 9、I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!10、To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one you love go freely。

不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。 11、Every day without you is like a book without pages。

没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。12、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you。

我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 13、The one you love also loves you。

This is a miracle。 And the god names this as falling in love with each other。

自己爱的人同时也爱着自己,这简直是一种奇迹, 神明为这种奇迹取了一个名字,叫做恋爱。 14、我要幸福的昏倒了! I am too happy to stand faint!15、How it feels when you are loved by the one you love How could it be like If you want to answer it immediately, you shall know how happy you are。

被自己所爱的人深爱着是什么样的感觉呢?会是什么样子呢? 想要立刻回答的人,你要知道自己是多么幸福。 16、If I know what love is, it is because of you。

因为你,我懂得了爱。简短的英文情话17、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile。

纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 18、月亮代表我的心! The moonlight stands for my heart!19、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿? Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?20、Never expect the perfect man, it's not because that you cannot find, but just because there is no perfect man。

不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。 21、In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you。

哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。22、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。

失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 23、It is better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all。

宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 24、Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you。


5 非主流的英语的短句


Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears


In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you


For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much


It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words


You and I remains the same in different time, at different places,among different people; time is changing, space is changing and everything is changing except my miss to you!


Coffee is lonely without cups I am lonely without you

6 非主流英文版的个性签名带翻译

love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I'm by your side 我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我在你身边的时候我是谁。

Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, someone may fall in love with your smile 永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定会有人因为你的笑容而爱上你。You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you're the world你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是全世界。

Don't spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you 不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens, you'll be thankful也许上帝让你在遇见那个合适的人之前遇到很多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激Don't cry because it came to an end; smile because it happened 不要因为它的结束而哭,应当为它的发生而笑There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, just be careful 生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已Become a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are 做一个更好的人,确信在遇见一个新的人之前知道自己是谁,也希望那个人知道你是谁。

No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won't make you cry 没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。Never Make Somebody Your Everything, cause when they're gone, you've got nothing。


We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery, the deepest wound was the most real emotions 我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。

In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love 人的一生中总有一些难以言说的秘密,无法逆转的悔恨,无可企及的梦想以及难以忘怀的爱恋。 The so-called freedom is the reason to be alive———自由,就是自己活着的理由。

Youth, old way of time,full of beautiful things in eyes fill a piece of paper thick prosperous青春,旧的方法的时候,琳琅满目的填一张纸上厚的繁荣。So pain, then injury But, still,so willing to a person, regardless of all consequences wrong-headed down这么辛苦,然后受伤。

尽管如此,如此乐意的人,不顾一切的执迷不悟下来。Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate May memories, has moved into a helpless在这里等着回忆,就在那时已经惘然。

Once again that the destruction of the hope in despair rebirth再一次的毁灭希望在绝望中重生。What makes me no longer believe anyone, blindly escape 是什么让我再不相信任何人,一味地逃避。

I'll be on my journey, give all this end 我将踏上旅程,给予这一切终结。I know you will leave me, but i still love you forever我知道你会离开我,但我还是爱你,直到永远。

You can always be a worse version of "him", or better version of urself。不是要做一个单纯优秀的人,而是要做一个不可替代的人。

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain 生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。Season flower falls。

and fell all over the floor。季花落,落满地。

Peoplelaughandsmile faceremnants。脸残笑,笑苍生。

Forever, How far is it?人总喜欢说,永远。I want to find out, only belong to my dependence我想找回,仅仅属于我的依赖Loveistwo people (爱情是两个人的事)I was alone in persistence (我却一个人在坚持)The so-called clinging to read maybe just vain(所谓的执念也许只是虚妄)The so-called arrived in also however is ending(所谓的抵达也不过是终点)Crying tears is is cowardice outbursts (哭着流泪是是怯懦的宣泄)Smilingtearsisbravedeclaration (笑着流泪是勇敢的宣言)Because to start with the love is irrelevant (因为开始与爱无关)Soendalsowithhatewithoutdye(所以结局亦与恨无染)If leave become a habit (如果离开变成一种习惯)So never become simple (那么永远也变得简单)Now, justdoit(现在的事,做了再说)The future, future again (未来的事,未来再说)To do things always find time and opportunity (要做的事情总找得出时间和机会)Don'tdothingsalwaysfindthatexcuse(不要做得事情总找得出借口)Sometimes, don't read the world too lonly, as you always miss someone, there will always be some people in have been missing you 有时候,不要把世界看得太孤单了,正如你总在想念某些人,也总会有某些人在一直想念你。

let life be 。

7 英文的优美短句子(带翻译)五个


If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered


I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix


No one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others

4。命里有时钟需有 命里无时莫强求

You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kvetch for it if it doesn't appear in your life


When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt

6。爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝…。在爱情下交缠。

Love ,promised between the fingers

Finger rift,twisted in the love


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry


Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgottenAlter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable

8 关于爱情方面的非主流英文日志

就是不能说我爱你…… 在十年前,我们相遇,但是还不算相识。可是见你的第一面,我就冒出一个想法,我要认识你。虽然是在同一间教室,可是我等了两年才终于和你成为朋友…… 在后来的一年,我们马上成为了好友,虽然是完全不同的性格,但就是很合拍。我们成为很好的朋友。然后?然后就毕业了…… 不同的地方,不同的时间。只能是趁着周末见一次面而已。终于知道思念的滋味,像脑子里进沙子了,磨来磨去,很难受。 2002年,在我们认识的第四年,因为我的一次远行,我才发现原来爱已经深深扎根,只是连我自己都没意识到。可是,错的时间,遇上对的人,是最大的无奈。这已经过去的十年,要细细说起,会像小说那么长的。我继续藏着我的爱。我知道不能开口,绝对不能让你知道。下一世,如果还能遇见你,我知道我还是一样爱着你。只要你幸福。只要你幸福就好了。那样即使无法见面,甚至鲜少联系。我也认了……


Cannot say that I love you 。。 Ten years ago, we meet, but has not calculated the acquaintance But sees you first, I emit an idea, I must know you Although in identical classroom, but I waited for two years only then finally to become the friend with you 。。 In afterward one year, we have become the good friend immediately, although is the completely different disposition, but is in harmony very much We become the very good friend Then Then has graduated 。。 Different place, different time Can only take advantage the weekend sees surface Knew finally missing the taste, looked like in the brain to enter the sand, dawdled, was very uncomfortable in 2002, the fourth year which knew in us, because of mine long journey, I only then discovered that the original love already deeply took root, is only links me not to realize But, the wrong time, meets to the human, is the biggest helpless This already past ten years, must mention carefully, will look like the novel to be so long I continue to hide my love I knew that cannot open the mouth, cannot let you absolutely know Next th, if can also meet you, I knew that I equally am loving you So long as you are happy So long as you happy were good Even if such is unable to meet, even few relates I have also recognized 。。

9 求非主流伤感英语句子或文章要带翻译的,谢谢了

1 A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who meets a lot to you ,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go 生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你很重要的一个人,但却最终发现你们有缘无分,因此你不得不放手 2 the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had 最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝而坐,彼此不说只字片语,分别是却感到这是你有过的最好一次交流 3 it's ture that we don't know what we've got until we lose it ,but it's also ture that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives 的确只有当我们失去时才知道曾拥有的是什么,同样,只有当我们拥有了才知道曾经失去了什么 4 it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone ,an hour to like someone ,and a day to love someone,but it takes a lifetime to fotget someone 迷上某个人只需要一分钟,喜欢上某人需要一个小时,爱上某人则要一天,然而,忘却某人则是一辈子的事情 5 Don't do for looks,they can deceive;don't go for wealth;even that fades away;Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright 别倾心于容貌,因为它具有欺骗性,也别倾心于财富,因为它也会消散;倾心于那个能带给你笑容的人吧,因为一个笑容能使漫漫长夜如白昼般明亮 6 Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be;besauce you have only life and one chance to do all tne tnings you want to do 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事 7 Always put yourself in the other's shoes,lf you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the person too 要设身处地的为别人着想,如果一双鞋你穿着夹角,别人的感觉可能也一样 8 A careless word may kindle strife ;a cruel word may wreck a life;a timely word may level stress;a loving word may heal and bless 无心快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能折损生命,适时温语可能消弭压力。

而关爱之声可能治愈心灵 9 The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way 幸福之人并非拥有一切,只是尽力享受生活的赐予 10 Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss,ends with a tearWhen you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smilingLive your life so that when you die,you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying 爱情以笑开始,以吻转浓,以泪结束。当你哭着降临人世时,身边的每个人都在为此欢笑,好好生活吧,这样你就能含笑离开人世,而身边的每个人都在为此哭泣 希望你喜欢,望采纳!谢谢!。

10 情书英文一句话带翻译


Edge is a beautiful encounter, love is the feeling of the heart, love is the soul of the intersection, love is sweet thoughts, walk the edge of love and be loved, you see or not see, love your heart never change!

英语仙女是fairy maiden。











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