

1、读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。——富兰克林  Reading is easy, to think is difficult, but the lack of a, is all useless。

2、科学的界限就像地平线一样:你越接近它,它挪得越远。——布莱希特  The boundaries of science as the horizon: the closer you get to it, the farther it away。

3、要是没有能独立思考和独立判断的有创造个人,社会的向上发展就不可想像。——爱因斯坦  If there were no independent thinking and independent judgment has to create personal, social development is unimaginable upward。

4、一个科学家应该考虑到后世的评论,不必考虑当时的辱骂或称赞。——巴斯德  A scientist should consider the later ments, don't have to consider the time of the abuse or praise。

5、谬误的好处是一时的,真理的好处是永久的;真理有弊病时,这些弊病是很快就会消灭的,而谬误的弊病则与谬误始终相随。——狄德罗  The benefits of fallacy has the advantage of a temporary, and the truth is permanent; Truth have a drawback, these ills is will soon be wiped out, while the fallacy of the ills and false along all the time。

6、人的天职在勇于探索真理。——哥白尼  The first duty of a person in the courageous enough to probe into the truth。

7、我觉得,人就像一粒种子。要做一粒好种子,身体、精神、情感都要健康。种子健康了,我们每个人的事业才能根深叶茂,枝粗果硕。——袁隆平  I think, the person is like a seed。 To do a good seed, physical, mental and emotional health。 Seed health, everybody's business can we take root, thick GuoShuo。

8、真理只有一个,它不在宗教中,而是在科学中。——达芬奇  There is only one truth, it is not in religion, but in science。

9、没有大胆的猜测就作不出伟大的发现。——牛顿  Without bold speculation has made a great discovery。

10、只要是大方向是对的,不是死胡同,你只要坚持下去,他会达到光明的彼岸的。——袁隆平  As long as it is direction is right, not a dead end, as long as you stick to it, he will reach the other side of the light。

11、深刻的思想就像铁钉,一旦钉在脑子里,什么东西也无法把它 。——狄德罗  Profound thoughts like nails, once the nail in my mind, what also can't pull it out。

12、科学尊重事实,不能胡乱编造理由来附会一部学说。——李四光  Science respect facts, not just make excuses to all a doctrine。

13、如果我们过于爽快地承认失败,就可能使自己发觉不了我们非常接近于正确。——卡尔波普尔  If we too readily admit defeat, it is possible to find we are very close to the right。

14、科学赐予人类的最大礼物是什么呢?是使人类相信真理的力量。——康普顿  Science has given human what is the biggest gift? Is to make the power of human believe that truth。

15、在科学工作中,不愿意越过事实前进一步的人,很少能理解事实。——赫胥黎  In scientific work, unwilling people over the facts before further, rarely understand the facts。

16、快乐的秘诀,就是要有追求,有希望,身体好。你追求的东西,如果再怎么努力都没有希望实现,不会快乐。一天到晚想着名利得失,也不会快乐。——袁隆平  The secret to happiness is to pursue, hope, good body。 What you pursue, if again how efforts have not hope to achieve, not happy。 Day and night thinking of fame and gain, also be unhappy。

17、我要把人生变成科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。——居里夫人  I am going to put life into scientific dream, then the dream into reality。

18、不要怕失败。怕失败的人最好是不要搞研究,搞研究,绝大部分实验都是失败的,不会那么一帆风顺的。——袁隆平  Don't be afraid of failure。 It is better not to do research to those who are afraid of failure, doing research, most of the experiments are failure, not so easy。

19、科学研究能破除迷信,因为它鼓励人们根据因果关系来思考和观察事物。——爱因斯坦  Scientific research can explode superstition, because it encourages people to think and observe things according to the causality。

20、探索真理比占有真理更为可贵。——爱因斯坦  Seeking truth is more valuable than possess truth it。

21、我的那些最重要的发现是受到失败的启示而作出的。——戴维  I am the most important discovery was affected by the revelation of failure。

22、凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不足信的。——爱因斯坦  In all flippant attitude of the truth, is also discredited in much。

23、没有疑问,哲学与科学在许多方面是互相促进的。——罗蒙诺索夫  There is no question that the philosophy and science are promote each other in many ways。

24、要学会做科学中的粗活。要研究事实,对比事实,积聚事实。——巴甫洛夫  Learn to do menial jobs in science。 To study the facts, paring facts, accumulation of facts。

25、科学的惟一目的是减轻人类生存的苦难,科学家应为大多数人着想。——伽利略  Science, the only purpose is to relieve the suffering of the human existence, scientists because most people think。

26、人怕出名,猪怕壮。人出名了,官做大了,自由度越来越小。——袁隆平  People afraid of famous, pigs afraid of strong。 People bee famous, do big officer, degrees of freedom。

27、“难”也是如此,面对悬崖峭壁,一百年也看不出一条缝来,但用斧凿,能进一寸进一寸,得进一尺进一尺,不断积累,飞跃必来,突破随之。——华罗庚  Hard and so, in the face of cliffs, also don't see a crack in one hundred, but with a chisel, can enter a silly one inch, into a foot into a foot, accumulating, leap will e, break then。

28、科学成就是由一点一滴积累起来的,惟有长期的积聚才能由点滴汇成大海。——华罗庚  Scientific achievement is built up by every little bit, but the long-term accumulation can be fed by intravenous drip of the sea。

29、我是70多岁的年龄,50多岁的身体,30多岁的心态,更有20多岁的肌肉弹性。——袁隆平  I am more than 70 years old, more than 50 years old body, mentality of many years old 30, more than 20 years old muscle elasticity。

30、科学的基础是健康的身体。——居里夫人  Science is the foundation of a healthy body。

31、当科学家们被权势吓倒,科学就会变成一个软骨病人。——伽利略  When scientists have to be frightened by that power, science will bee a cartilage of the patient。

32、如果说我对世界有些微贡献的话,那不是由于别的,而是由于我的辛勤耐久的思索所致。——牛顿  If I have a little contribution to the world, that is not due to the other, but due to my hard durable thinking。

33、我真想发明一种具有那么可怕的大规模破坏力的特质或机器,以至于战争将会因此而永远变为不可能的事情。——诺贝尔  I want to invent a so terrible mass destructive characteristics or machine, that war will thus bee impossible forever。

34、攻克科学堡垒,就像打仗一样,总会有人牺牲,有人受伤,我要为科学而献身。——罗蒙诺索夫  Conquer bastion of science, like war, someone will always sacrifice, someone is injured, I want to die to science。

35、问号是开启任何一门科学的钥匙。——巴甫洛夫  The question mark is the key to any science。

36、在科学上重要的是研究出来的“东西”,不是研究者“个人”。——居里夫人  In science it is important to study the "thing", not the researchers "personal"。

37、没有一个人能全面把握真理。——亚里士多德  No one can fully grasp the truth。

38、性格决定命运,有一点点关系,不是全部。性格很重要,但是不见得决定命运,命运是由各方面来决定的,还有外界条件,还有时代不同了等等。——袁隆平  Character determines destiny, have a little relationship, not all of them。 Character is very important, but not destiny, fate is determined by various aspects, and environmental conditions, and The Times are different, and so on。

39、我平生从来没有做出过一次偶然的发明。我的一切发明都是经过深思熟虑和严格试验的结果。——爱迪生  Never in my life, I made a pure invention。 All my invention is the result of a deliberate and strict test。


Ernest Rutherford was a British physicist known as the father of nuclear physics He is considered by academics to be the greatest experimental physicist since Michael Faraday


Rutherford first proposed the concept of a radioactive half-life, demonstrating that radioactivity involves transmutation from one element to another 


He then classified the radioactive substances by penetration into alpha and beta rays and proved that the former were helium ions He won the 1908 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his studies of elemental disintegration and radiochemistry"




 I really want to be a scientist I think the scientist is the best job for me A good scientist can make the world change a lot If I become a scientist, I will make the desert be coverd with green trees and grasses, make the war never take places and so on Now, although I am only a middle school student, I am interested in math and physics Maybe I have a little of creativity I will study science harder and harder I believe that "There is a will, there is a way! "

 我真的想成为一个科学家,我认为科学家们是最适合我的工作。一个优秀的科学家可以使世界发生很大的变化。如果我成为一名科学家,我要使沙漠是覆盖着 绿色的树和草,让战争不再发生等。现在,虽然我只是一名中学生,我对数学和物理感兴趣,也许我有一点点创造力,我会更努力的学习科学,我相信“有志者,事 竞成!”


 wu jianxiong, a female chinese-american physicist, was born in taicang county, jiangsu province on may 31st, 1912 she went to the usa for further education in 1936 four years later, she got the doctor’s degree in california university after that she received lots of doctor’s degrees in many famous universities in the usa she devoted her life to her research in physics and won many prizes in the usa and all around the world she had paid much attention to the development of science and technology in china, and she had been back to hold lectures many times since 1973 she set up a laboratory under her name in dongnan university in 1992 on february 16th, 1997, she died of heart disease



 On 15th August, 2014, the ceremony of special training camp for the future scientist was holding in Beijing Astronomical Observatory It is reported that the activity will last a week The purpose of this activity is mainly through the expert panel and a series of experience activities to let the youth feel the charming of science In the spot, the scientists share the knowledge of astronomy in an easy way and the youth asking questions actively After the activity, the youth said that this activity is very meaningful and widen their vision The activity also inspire them to study harder in order to become a scientist in the future Besides, they said that the informative activity also support them a meaningful holiday



 Artists and scientists both make valuable contributions to our society It may seem sometimes that artists are more valued That’s because those artists who are famous make a lot of money However, they are relatively few The fact is that scientists are more valued They get more respect from society for the work they do

 Artists reflect their times and their culture A painter or a writer shows us in pictures and words what we’re like as a people They record our culture for future generations Actors and other performers, like singers and dancers, entertain us They take our minds off our troubles, and remind us how beautiful and exciting our imaginations can be Artists also help keep their societies mentally and emotionally healthy For example, children that participate in the arts, such as painting or music, in school do better in their other studies Art of all types is necessary to the human spirit

 The contributions scientists make to society are more obvious They include the cars we drive, the computers we use at home and at work, and the appliances that help us cook our meals and clean our houses All of these come from the ideas and hard work of scientists Because of scientific discoveries, we’re living longer and more healthful lives Scientists also contribute to the arts Movies are the result of science So are television, radio, and the recording of music on CDs

 Generally, scientists don’t make as much money as famous artists like film stars, opera singers or successful painters However, our society gives them more respect, and they generally make a good living Scientists are considered to be serious professionals, while artists are sometimes viewed as flaky, irresponsible people So overall, I’d have to conclude that we value scientists more


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/563756.html

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