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Swimming Data show that the heat transfer coefficient of water is 26 times larger than the air, if at the same temperature of the water than in the air heat loss to speed up 20 times, effectively a consumption of heat Tests show that if 100 meters in the water, consume 100 thousand calories of heat, equivalent to 400 meters of land, or 1000 meters by bike, or 1500 meters skating In addition, "because of the role of water waves, and constantly rub the skin of the human body, so that the skin to relax and rest, so often swimmers have a smooth, soft skin""

Two, climbing Summer mountain slimming effect is remarkable When the weather is hot, climbing mountains, physical exertion will probably increase by 20%-30% The best way to eliminate fat is aerobic exercise Climbing is the best aerobic exercise Every time you climb the mountain for a rest, take a table and test it: 120 beats per minute, lasting 10 minutes, indicating the amount of exercise that burns fat

Three, walk Suitable for all types of people: sword, dance guns, Tai Chi, and jump Mulan fan; here folk dance, there ballroom dance On the left of the opera, singing, in which are in a good sleep Other weight loss assistance measures are: eat more vegetables, fruits, eat less staple foods, sweets and so on But the most important thing is to say "hold on" when you say so much"

Here are a list of sports that consume 300 thousand calories:

Jog for 30~50 minutes

Ride a bike for 1 hours, ~75 minutes

Walk for 1 hours, ~l hours and a half hours

Swimming 30~40 points

Play tennis 45 minutes ~1 hours

Skip rope, 30~40

Sports diet secret recipe Some of the items in the home can be a sports training equipment, such as the use of two small stool on the ground, you can do pushups; lying in bed, chest hold two watermelon, can sit up training; if a man has a beer belly, a day for the first 30 minutes of aerobic training then, abdominal training, such as doing push ups, place high leg, not very fast, but there should be enough training time Coupled with a healthy diet, the effect is immediate, going out is very pretty and charming

Exercise weight loss experience First, exercise weight loss, you insist If there is no persistent mentality and spirit, do not exercise weight loss, three days fishing, two days drying net exercise, weight loss will inevitably backfire, once stopped, weight will rise rapidly Second strokes, a glass of water before and after exercise Early morning or evening (scientific analysis, evening exercise, more scientific, more effective) before exercise, drink a cup of boiled water From a small range of gentle movements, to a drastic exercise, sweating all over Take a half hour's rest after exercise and another cup of boiled water Third, to have the law of motion The regularity here refers not to the time of movement, but to sports This should be based on their own conditions and circumstances to plan and constantly sum up and perfect


A bit thin。











第三人称单数: thins现在分词: thinning过去式: thinned过去分词: thinned比较级: thinner最高级: thinnest。

派生词: thinness n

The belt is invisible even under the thinnest garments 


It was crazy of you to go skating on such thin ice 


Such a thin padded coat cannot ward off the cold mountain wind 


Airplanes drag along a very thin shield of motionless air known as a boundary layer 


It was reckless of him to skate out onto the thin ice 




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