aerobics exhibition game健美操表演赛
有氧运动(AEROBICS)最早由美国人 Kenneth Cooper博士于20世纪60年代开始于美国推广。AEROBICS原来只强调「有氧运动」的重要性,并且以训练心肺能为主要目的。最早以有氧跑步健身为主, 随着有氧运动的发展到20世纪70年代末,健美操运动逐渐受到大众的欢迎。80年代初,美国健身、影视明星 简•方达 根据自己的健身经验和体会大力推广有氧健美操的运动,1981年,她编写出版了《 简•方达健美术》引起了世界的轰动,这对健美操运动在全世界的发展起到了积极的作用。健美操运动于80年代初传入我国。
Teaching syllabus
Properties: according to the school sports teaching guidelines for legal documents, etc Is compulsory sports
Target and basic requirements: university physical education curriculum fully implement the party's education policy and the national ministry of education in higher school sports teaching guidelines for the spirit, is the school teaching plan of curriculum system is an important part of higher school sports work of the center Through the exercise of PE teaching process, and make the students master the basic knowledge of sports, basic skills and techniques and develop the habit of physical exercise and lifelong sports consciousness and behavior, Mastering two or more exercise the basic method and skill, good moral character and spirit and innovative hardworking and enterprising spirit of the values and life attitude, improve their ability to adapt to the social and natural environment and the ability to resist disease, improve physical quality and health level and sports ability, the ability to exercise for the main goal of the sports quality public courses The curriculum development of moral education, physical education, science, culture, education and labor skills life and mental development in physical activity and organic synthesis, Curriculum emphasize education and lifelong physical health, education and training is the quality of morality, intelligence and physique, us, the fatigue of the all-round development of talent
2: the teaching content
A, sports theory
Content: the concept of sports and health, physical exercise in mental health and physical culture and health promotion
Objectives: to impart sports is not only suitable for sports skills, cultivate a lifelong sports consciousness, training and guidance
Second, basketball
Content: basketball development situation and trend of basketball, characteristics, technical and organizational basketball basketball skills
Third, track and field
Content: the modern athletics features and developing trend of technology, technology, dash
Objectives: to understand the situation of track and field sports and exercise value, master sprint techniques and middle-distance technology
4 and volleyball
Content: the origin of volleyball technology and service, volleyball volleyball frontal hands penalty techniques, the volleyball frontal hands pass
Objectives: the course of study, by volleyball volleyball understand the origin of theoretical knowledge, grasps the volleyball etc, and pass the ball pad, cultivating students' team collectivism spirit
Five, aerobics
Content: aerobics basic action, master the basic rules of the aerobics, basic technology and basic ability
Objectives: the course is the study of the basic aerobics movements from the start, let the students to find my basic rules of aerobics, basic technology and basic ability To cultivate students' life-long physical ability and lay the good foundation
Three: a comprehensive examination
The computer application technology, professional class 1 grade 08
Name: student id
The first year (September 2008-2009 July) the first semester
Course name evaluation category School
Physical examinations 30 63
abdominal curl 收腹
abdominal pose 正展腹肌造型
alternate dumbell curl 交替哑铃弯举
alternate dumbell press 交替哑铃推举
arm workout 臂肌训练
back arch 背桥
back double biceps 背展双肱二头肌(男子规定动作之四)
back hyperextension 山羊挺身
back lat spread 背展背阔肌(男子规定动作之五)
back shot 背面造型
back workout 背肌训练
bantam weight 最轻量级(男子65公斤以下)
bar dip 双杠臂曲伸
barbell reverse curl 正握杠铃弯举
barbell wrist curl 杠铃卷腕
bench press 卧推
behind-the-neck press 颈后推举
bent-knee sit-up 屈膝仰卧起坐
bent-over lateral raise 俯身哑铃侧平举
bent-over row 俯身杠铃划船
bent-over twist 俯身转体
bicycle 对侧元宝收腹
chest workout 胸肌训练
compulsory pose 规定动作(男子7个,女子5个)
concentration curl 单臂哑铃弯举
class1=tall class 高个组(175米以上)
class2=medium class 中个组(168-175米)
class3=short class 低个组(168米以下)
couple 男女混合双人
crab lift 俯撑蹲起
curl-up 屈膝两头起
double biceps from back 背展双肱二头肌(男子规定动作之四)
double front biceps 正展双肱二头肌(男女规定动作之一)
dumbell fiyes 哑铃扩胸
elevated leg raise 侧卧举双腿
entire front pose 正展全身造型
front abdominal pose with one leg extended = front abdominal pose with legs正展腹肌和大腿(男子规定动作之七,女子规定动作之五)
front double biceps 正展肱二头肌(男女规定动作之一)
double dumbell raise 哑铃前平举
front lat spread 正展背阔肌(男女规定动作之二)
front pose 正面造型
front squat颈前深蹲
free pose 自选动作
free-posing 自由造型
first round 第一轮比赛
first two rounds 前两轮比赛
good-morning exercise 负重屈练习
hack squat 哈克机深蹲
heavyweight 重量级(男子90公斤以上,女子57公斤以上级)
incline press 斜板推举
incline raise 斜板前举
incline sit-up 斜板仰卧起坐
initial two rounds 前两轮比赛
juniors class 少年组
knee curl 屈腿收腹
knee lift 腿举
lateral cable raise 滑轮侧平举
leg curl 俯卧腿弯举
leg extension 坐姿腿屈伸
leg press 哈克机倒深蹲
leg workout 腿肌训练
lightweight 轻量级(男子6501-70公斤,女子52公斤以下)
lunge 箭步蹲
lying curl 直膝屈髋
lying triceps extension 仰卧臂屈伸
middleweight 中量级(男子7001-80公斤,女子5201-57公斤)
most inspiration 最佳表现
miss figure 最佳形体**
novice 新手
one-arm dumbell row 单臂哑铃划船
overall 全场冠军
overall Mr 全场冠军得主=overall winner
pair 男女混双的一对
partial curl屈腿仰卧起坐
physique show 体格展示
pile 宽蹲
“preacher” incline curl 牧师椅臂弯举
pull over 颈后推/仰卧屈臂上拉
push up 俯卧撑
rank 评分
rear leg pull 跪撑后摆腿
round 比赛的轮次
round-one/two/three 第一/二/三轮比赛
seated cable row 坐姿划船
seated lateral raise 坐姿哑铃侧平举
seated military press 坐姿颈前推
seated twist 坐姿转体
seniors class 老年组
shape-up exercise 形态训练,健美练习
shoulder workout 肩肌训练
side-bend 体侧屈
side chest 侧展胸大肌(男子规定动作之三,女子规定动作之二)
side chest 侧展胸大肌造型
side-leg lift 侧抬腿
side-leg 侧举腿
side-knee twist 屈膝绕环/仰卧屈膝扭髋
side pose/shot 侧面造型
side triceps 侧展肱三头肌(男子规定动作之六,女子规定动作之四) squat 深蹲
stomach workout 腹肌训练
teenage class 青少年组
teenage Mr青少年健美先生
third round 第三轮比赛/决赛
three height class 冠军组(各组冠军进行全场决赛)
toe-raise 提踵
torso-twist 负重转体
triceps extension 颈后臂屈伸
triceps press-down 肱三头肌下压
up-right row 杠铃直立上拉
V-up 两头起
WABBA = The World Amateur Bodybuilders’ Association 世界业余健美联合会
Wide-grip chin-up 宽卧引体向上
wide-grip pull-down 宽卧下拉
workout 训练
Vertical Bench Press(坐式推胸)
Seated Mid Row(坐式拉背)
Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)
Lat Pulldown(高拉力)
Pectoral Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)
Rear Deltoid Fly(三角肌后拉)
Upright Row(斜方肌拉力)
Seated Triceps Extension(三头肌屈接)
Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二头肌屈接)
Triceps Pushdown(三头肌下推)
Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展)
Seated Leg Curl(坐式后腿肌屈接)
Toe Raise(小腿伸展)
Inner Thigh Kick(腿内侧拉力)
Outer Thigh Kick(腿外侧拉力)
Leg Press(大小腿伸展)
Biceps Curl(二头肌屈接)
Ab Crunch(腹肌练习)
Seated Knee Raise(坐式提膝收腹)
Glute Kick(腿后肌后蹬)
Incline Press(斜式推胸)
Low Row(低拉力)
Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力)
夹胸器(Cable Crossover Machine)
胸肌练习(Pec Crossover)
臂部练习(Arm Curl)
背肌练习(Standing Row)
仰体向上(up & down)
二头肌提拉练习(Biceps Pullover)
坐姿划船练习(Seated Row)
腿部内外侧训练(Inner/Outer Thigh)
(Olympic Press Bench)
水平推举练习 (Flat Press)
斜推练习(Incline Press)
角度推练习(Decline Press)
腿部曲伸练习(Leg Extension)
仰卧起坐(Sit up)
Arm Curl(臂部弯曲)
One Arm Curl(单臂弯曲)
Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)
Flat Bench Press(平躺推举)
Shoulder Shrug(肩北肌拉力)
Incline Bench Press(上斜式推举)