

Dismountable galvanized floor grating, anti-slip type bolted to metallic profiles frame in correspondence of the pump room and of the side cofferdams


Dripping-pans under each motor with drainage to the oily bilge tank


Fuel and oily bilge tanks of structural type, with manholes, flanged

penetrations and dripping-pans with coaming shall be positioned in a raised position to supply a slight positive head to the fuel feeding lines


Pad eyes above all machineries for maintenance and debarkation


Inside the pump room one shelving for storage and one working table with vice shall be installed


Ballast tanks equipped with sounding pipes of at least 2" diameter heading to a recessed stainless steel/bronze terminal positioned on the deck at side


Pipes schedule 80 for the pipes and for the penetrations (hot galvanized after the prefabrication) with construction details such that the galvanization will not be damaged by the installation


Fuel tanks served by visual gauges of approved type by the Classification Society for hydrocarbons


Level gauges for ballast tanks shall be of capacitive type, with upper head in a suitable box under the Main Deck, watertight, with bolted cover flush with the deck Electric wire from the box to the Pump Room shall be laid down inside a metallic conduit, galvanized type and watertight


Alternative type (air bubble) may be considered


Oily bilge and sludge tank shall be arranged with sounding pipe in Pump Room above grating with approved type valve and pedal for open/close


Ballast manifolds shall be equipped with not immersed shut off valves separating the system in three sections (port, centre and starboard) each one separately connectable to the suction and delivery manifolds of each one of the two pumps and to the sea chests Each manifold section will have a drainage valve with plug


注:你提供的英文有两处明显的错误,第一处是第一个单词;第二处是not immersed shut off valve应该是non immersible


目 录


(Titles and type of work) ••••• 1


(Words about diesel engine) ••••• 3


(Words about marine machinery) •• 11

四、阀门(Words about valve) •••• 14

五、泵类(Words about pump) •••••••••• 16

六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)•••••• 18

七、工具类(Word about tools) •••••••• 20

八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26


(Part of fixation in common use) ••• 28

十、常用油类(Oil in common use) •••••28


(Quantifier in common use) •••••••••29

十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。 30


(abbreviation in common use) •••••31

十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32


(manipulate of marine equipment) •33


(words about malfunction) ••••• 35


(Words about maintain and examination) 38

十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 40


(Time、Season and Direction) •••••42

二十常用词组(Phrases in common use)•45


(Verb in common use and example) ••••48


(Greeting and common expression) ••••67


(Delivery expressions for main engine) 68


(Air compressor and Air system) •••• 75


(Delivery expressions for boiler) •••77

二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79


(Steering gear delivering) ••• 87


(Delivery expression for A/E)••••• 91


(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ••92


(Delivery expressions for other items) •••95


(Mooring test for deck machinery) ••••••••96


(Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) •••98


(Expressions for trouble)••••••••••••100


(Expressions for overhaul) ••••••••••••101


(Talking about test & check) •••••••••••103


(Talking about technology required) •••105

一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work)

1.船长 Captain

2.大副 Chief officer

3.二副 Second officer

4.三副 Third officer

5.四副 Fourth officer

6.水手长 Boatswain

7.水手 Sailor & Seaman

8.木匠 Carpenter

9.轮机长 Chief engineer

10.大管轮 Second engineer

11.二管轮 Third engineer

12.三管轮 Fourth engineer

13.机匠长 Chief motorman

15.机匠 Fitter

16.加油工 Oil man

17.大电 Chief electrician

18.电工 Electrician

19.车间主任 Workshop director

20.工长 Section chief

21.班长 Fore man

22.钳工 Fitter

23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge

24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner

25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer



28.油漆工 Painter

29.焊工 Welder

30.大橱 Chief cook

31.物料员 Store keeper

32.加油工 Oiler

33.机工 Mechanic

34.甲板员 Deck man

35.电线工 Wireman

36.外包工 Laborer

37.铸工 Molder

38.管子工 Pipe fitter

39.起重工 Crane operator

二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine)

1.主机 Main engine

2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine

3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine

4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine

5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine

6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine

7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head

8.安全阀 Safety valve

9.释放阀 Relief valve

10.示功阀 Indicator valve

11.示功考克 Indicator cock

12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve

13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor

14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector

15.排气阀 Exhaust valve

16.气缸套 Cylinder liner

17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket

18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator

19.活塞 Piston

20.活塞头 Piston crown

21.活塞裙 Piston skirt

22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin

24.活塞杆 Piston rod

25.活塞环 Piston ring

26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove

27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring

28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring

29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring)

30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe

31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space

32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box

33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box

34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box

35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box

36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver

37.扫气口 Scavenging port

38.排气口 Exhaust port

39.十字头 Cross head

40.十字头销 Crosshead pin

41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing

42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper

43.滑块 Guide shoe

44.十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate

45.连杆 Connecting rod

46.连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing

47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing

48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing

49.曲柄销 Crank pin

50.曲轴 Crank shaft

51.曲轴颈 Crank journal

52.曲柄臂 Crank web

53.拐档差 Crank deflection

54.主轴承 Main bearing

55.主轴颈 Main journal

56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush

57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush

58.上轴瓦 Upper half

59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush

60.下轴瓦 Lower half

61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing

62.推力块 Thrust pad

63.推力盘 Thrust disc

64.推力轴 Thrust shaft

65.底座 Bed plate

66.机架 Frame

67.曲柄箱 Crank case

68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door

69.曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case

70.定时齿轮 Timing gear

71.飞轮 Flying wheel

72.凸轮 Cam

73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft

74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam

75.链条 Chain

76.链条轮 Chain wheel

77.链条箱 Chain box

78.推杆 Push rod

79.摇臂 Rocker arm

80.排气阀 Exhaust valve

81.吸气阀 Suction valve

82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold

83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold

84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe

85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe

86.法兰 Flange

87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod)

88.端盖 Side cover

89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump

90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump

91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump

92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump

93.叶轮 Impeller

94.柱塞 Plunger

95.导杆 Guide rod

96.导套 Sleeve

97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing

98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing

99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing

100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side)

101.盘车机 Turning gear

102.增压器 Turbocharger

103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine

104.涡轮 Turbine wheel

105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade

106.喷嘴 Nozzle

107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller

108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade

109.废气端 Exhaust side

110.透平端 Turbine side

111.转子轴 Rotor shaft

112.油泵 LOpump

113.换向装置 Reversing device

114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor

115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower

116.膨胀接 Expansion joint

117.调速器 governor

118.飞重 Flying weight

119.补偿阀 Compensate valve

120.针阀 Needle valve

121.开口销 Cotter pin

122.轴封 Shaft seal

123.机械密封 Machinery seal

124.配电盘 Switchboard

125.应急配电盘 Emergency switchboard

126.应急发电机 Emergency generator

127.滤器 Filter

128.细滤器 Filter

129.粗滤器 Strainer

130.滑油滤器 LO filter

131.燃油滤器 FO filter

132.空气消音器 Air intake silencer

132.空气滤器 Air intake filter

133.空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver)

134.分油机 Separator

135.油水分离器 Water-oil separator

136.净油机 Purifier

137.燃油净化器 FO purifier

138.二氧化碳 CO2

139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle

140.正时齿轮 Timing gear

141.导向棒装置 Guide bar

142.注油器驱动 Lubricator driver

143.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener

144.凸轮轴传动轮 Chain wheel on cam shaft

145.中间链链传动轮Intermediate chain wheel

146.注油器驱动装置Lubricator drive

147.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener

148.滚筒导座 Roller guide housing

149.应急操纵台 Emergency console

150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator

151.主启动阀 Main starting valve

152.启动空气分配器Starting air distributor

153.喷油器 Fuel valve

154.扫气系统 Scavenge air system

155.安全帽 Safety cap

156.机座 Bed plate

157.轴向振动减振器 Axial vibration damper

158.贯穿螺栓 Arrangement of stay bolt

159.示功器驱动装置 Indicator driver

160.端罩 End shields

161.气缸架 Cylinder frame

162.气阀传动装置 Valve operating device

163.摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil pump

164.摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricating tank

165.摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricating filter

三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery)

1.船用锅炉 Marine boiler

2.废气锅炉 Exhaust boiler

3.辅锅炉 Donkey boiler

4.组合式锅炉 Combined boiler

5.火管 Fire tube

6.给水管 Feed pipe

7.炉膛 Furnace

8.炉墙 Furnace wall

9.火侧 Fire side

10.水侧 Water side

11.燃烧器 Oil burner

12.安全阀 Safety valve

13.上排污 Upper drain

14.下排污 Lower drain

15.锅炉皮阀 Mounting valve

16.水位计 Water level gauge

17.压力表 Pressure gauge

18.主汽门 Main steam valve

19.玻璃管 Glass tube

20.空调装置 Air-conditioning plant

21.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant

22.冰机 Fridge Machine

23.空气压缩机 Air compressor

24.造水机 Fresh water generator

25.板式冷却器 Plate type cooler

26.机舱天车 Engine room crane

27.天车导轨 Crane rail

28.电磁阀 Solenoid valve

29.舵机 Steering gear

30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier

31.液压缸 Hydraulic cylinder

32.废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger

33.弹簧阀 Spring loaded valve

34.冷凝器 Condenser

35.分油器 Oil separator

36.轴带发电机 Shaft generator

37.焚烧炉 Oil burner

38.分油机 Separator

39.分离筒 Separator bowl

40.配水盘装置 Paring disc device

41.转数计 Revolution counter

42.控制阀 Control valve

43.辅机 Auxiliary machinery

44.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant

45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalting plant

46.热交换器 Heat exchanger

47.船用气瓶 Marine air bottle

48.冷风机 Cooler unit

49.防水风门 Fire damper

50.气密挡板 Gas tight damper

51.排气风机 Exhaust fan

52.舱室通风机 Cabin fan

53.机舱通风机 Engine room fan

54.应急鼓风机 Emergency blower

四、阀门(Words about valve)

1.吸气阀 Suction valve

2.排气阀 Exhaust valve

3.控制阀 Control valve

4.导 阀 Pilot valve

5.单向阀 Non-return valve

6.口琴阀 Flap valve

7.调节阀 Regulating valve

8.液压阀 Hydraulic valve

9.膨胀阀 Expansion valve

10.给水阀 Feed valve

11.排水阀 Discharge valve

12.截止阀 Stop valve

13.吹泄阀 Blow-off valve

14.空气阀 Air valve

15.泄放阀 Drain valve

16.止回阀 Check valve

17.海底阀 Sea valve

18.回流阀 Retune valve

19.节流阀 Throttle valve

20.进气阀 Inlet valve

21.出气阀 Outlet valve

22.热力阀 Thermal valve

23.中央阀 Center valve

24.单向阀 One way valve

25.二通阀 Two way valve

26.三通阀 Triple valve

27.旁通阀 By-pass valve

28.换向阀 Change-over valve

29.减压阀 Pressure-reducing valve

30.溢流阀 Overflow valve

31.自闭阀 Self-locking valve

32.针阀 Needle valve

33.平衡阀 Balance valve

34.循环阀 Circulation valve

35.主 阀 Main valve

36.滑 阀 Slide valve

37.蝶 阀 Butter-fly valve

38.截止阀 Shut-off valve

39.闸板阀 Gate valve

40.通海阀 Sea suction valve

41.吹除阀 Sea chest cleaning valve

42.防浪阀 Storm valve

43.舱壁阀 Bulkhead valve

44.快关阀 Emergency shut off valve

45.呼吸阀 Breather valve

五、泵类(Words about pump)

1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump

2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump

3.叶片泵 Vane pump

4.回转泵 Rotary pump

5.齿轮泵 Gear pump

6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump

7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump

1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump

2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump

3.叶片泵 Vane pump

4.回转泵 Rotary pump

5.齿轮泵 Gear pump

6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump

7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump

8.真空泵 Vacuum pump

9.螺杆泵 Screw pump

10.喷射泵 Ejector pump

11.冷却泵 Cooling pump

12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump

13.海水泵 Sea water pump

14.给水泵 Feed water pump

15.循环泵 Circulating pump

16.锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump

17.卫生水泵 Sanitary pump

18.压载泵 Ballast pump

19.舱底泵 Bilge pump

20.污水泵 Sewage pump

21.燃油泵 Fuel pump

22.高压油泵 High pressure pump

23.底压油泵 Low pressure pump

24.驳运泵 Transfer pump

25.增压泵 Booster pump

26.消防泵 Fire pump

27.通用泵 GS pump

28.旋涡泵 Regenerative

29.蜗壳泵 Volute pump

30.导叶泵 Diffuser pump

31.单联泵 Simplex pump

32.双联泵 Duplex pump

33.多联泵 Multiplex pump

34.活塞泵 Piston pump

35.减摇泵 Anti-roll pump

36.总用泵 General service pump

37.应急消防泵Emergency fire pump

38.扫舱泵 Stripping pump

39.货油泵 Cargo oil pump

40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump

六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)

1.锚机 Windlass

2.锚机轴 Windlass shaft

3.刹车带 Brake lining

4.离合器 Clutch

5.锚链轮 Anchor Chain wheel

6.轴承瓦 Bearing bush

7.轴承盖 Bearing cover

8.绞揽机 Capstan

9.系揽绞车 Mooring winch

10.卷缆车 Reel

11.钢丝绳 Wire rope

12.卡环 Shackle

13.缆绳 Mooring rope

14.滑轮 Block

15.刹车装置 Brake device





2210 Anchors and Chains, Hawse and Chain Pipes

2210 锚与链条,锚链孔与链筒

The vessel will be equipped with two (2) Pool anchors, and connected to studlink chain cable of high tensile steel (56 mm K3) according to the rules of the classification society The minimum total chain length shall be 577,5m, equally divided over both sides (PS and SB)

根据船级社的规定,每艘船舶配备两个波尔锚,连接到高强度(56mm K3)的横档环链,其总长度为5775米,均分在左舷和右舷。

Anchors to be stowed in reinforced anchor pockets A spare anchor has to be provided

Arrangement of hawse pipes and anchor pockets will be in such a manner that a safe dropping and a proper storing of anchors is guaranteed


Hawse pipes to be designed to have sufficient clearance between the bulbous bow and the anchor flukes The anchor shall fall free at ship’s heel of 3°

Galvanised, hinged type steel covers will be fitted for the hawse pipes Canvas covers for the spurling pipes A washing down system will be installed in the hawse pipes



2220 Mooring and combined Windlass / Mooring Winch

2220 系泊及起锚机与系泊绞车组合

Mooring and combined Windlass/Mooring W inch:

2 (two) hydraulic (high pressure) driven combined windlass/automatic tension-

mooring winches will be installed on forecastle deck

Each winch consists of:

• One cable lifter with spindle band breakbrake

• One mooring split drum of the automatic-self-tensioning type, mooring

pulls 120 kN

• One warping head according to rules

• Design, traction force and speed of each windlass units according to

classification requirements

The driving equipment for one windlass consists of:

• One hydraulic motor with mounted brake,

• Hydraulic pump; unit with standstill heating and heat exchanger for cool-

ing (by air);

• one switch cabinet with standstill heating

• One anchor cable stopper of the roller type is provided for each anchor


• Additional hook, lashing bar and turn buckle to be provided for stowage

in sea condition

• One control stand will be arranged for each winch at the bulwark

• Mooring lines have to be provided at the bulwark




 一座以锭绳制动的起锚机;

 一座自动张力式的分筒绞车,系泊绞盘拉力120 kN;

 一个符合规定的绞缆筒;

 每套起锚机的设计、牵引力及速度符合船级社的要求;


 一付安上制动的液压马达;

 液压泵,配有静止加热及用作空气冷却的抽热风机;

 一个配有静止加热的开关箱;

 每条锚链配有一个滚筒式锚链扣;

 海况装载所需的额外链钩、拉系杆及松紧螺旋扣;

 每个在舷墙的绞车安排一个操纵台;

 舷墙必须备有系泊缆。

Poop Deck:

2 (two) hydraulically (high pressure) driven automatic tension-mooring winches

will be installed on Poop deck

The winches will have one mooring split drum of the automatic-self-tensioning

type, mooring pull 120kN

One warping head according to rules

The driving equipment for one winch consists of:

• One hydraulic motor, with mounted brake,

• Hydraulic pump unit with standstill heating and heat exchanger for collingcooling water (LT water)

• One switch cabinet with standstill heating

• One control stand will be arranged for each winch



绞车是自动张力式的分筒绞车,系泊绞盘拉力120 kN;一个符合规定的绞缆筒。


 一付安上制动的液压马达;

 液压泵,配有静止加热及用作冷却水的换热风机(低温水);

 一个配有静止加热的开关箱;

 每个绞车安排一个操纵台。


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/meirong/8451095.html

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