Contemporary artistic gymnastics and aerobics teaching students compared Abstract : rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics in the colleges and universities have embarked on well received by students alike, but they carry out This paper documents will be reviewed, interviews and other methods Students of contemporary artistic gymnastics and aerobics teaching comparative analysis The results show that : artistic gymnastics and aerobics in some areas despite similarities, but there are significant differences, Now universities is particularly significant, the number of universities artistic gymnastics class selection reducing downward trend The development of the Aerobics and faster Music, the value of sports, scheduling moves, teaching methods, as well as meet the target practice there is a big difference between the conditions Rhythmic Gymnastics and Aerobics result, the other hot phenomenon occurred in the cold Teaching is now facing the problem of how to make artistic gymnastics better, faster development, and can meet the needs of students Rhythmic Gymnastics and for the future to further improve the teaching to make some suggestions Rhythmic Gymnastics understanding of the characteristics of students engaged in cultivating interest in the sport and love, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and constantly update the teaching contents, methods and means, Some organizations artistic gymnastics competition, attract more people to pay attention to rhythmic gymnastics in order better to promote common development between the two Key words : rhythmic gymnastics; University sports; Aerobics; Teaching
英语All bodybuilders翻译成中文是:“所有健美运动员”。
bodybuilder单词发音:英 ['bɒdibɪldə(r)] 美 ['bɒdibɪldə(r)]。
n 健美运动者,锻炼肌肉者
复数: bodybuilders
Muscle Builder 健美者杂志
muscleman 肌肉发达者
musclebuilder 健身者
muscle-builder 健身者
This guy's very strong he's possibly a bodybuilder
It can improve muscle for bodybuilder and athlete
Manipulation of the survival system is the backbone of the bodybuilder or fitness competitor's success
The bodybuilders contracted their biceps in unison Two-dimensional compressible model for compressor instability analysis
典故出处:先秦 荀况《荀子 非相》:「叶公子高微小短瘠,行若将不胜其衣。」 成语意思:瘦弱得连衣服都承受不了。 成语注音:ㄖㄨㄛˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄕㄥˋ ㄧ 通用拼音:ruo bu sheng yī 拼音简写:RBSY 使用频率:常用成语 成语字数:四字成语 感 彩:中性成语 成语用法:弱不胜衣,偏正式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含贬义。 成语结构:偏正式成语 成语正音:衣,不能读作「yi」。 成语辨形:衣,不能写作「一」。 英语翻译:too weak to bear the weight of one's clothing 日语翻译:著物(きもの)の重(おも)さにも堪えない 俄语翻译:слабый <тщедушный> 成语谜语:最虚弱的人 近义词:弱不禁风、质似薄柳 反义词:钢筋铁骨、年富力强 成语例句:茅盾《健美》:「多愁多病,弱不胜衣的女子,白面书生的男子,在'健美'的标准下,不用说是落伍者了。」