


1 agree 2 ask

3 peak

4 ping

5 call

6 carry

7 catch

8 come

9 drive

agree to do sth 同意做某事

agree to sth 同意 ask for sth 请求

ask sb for help

向某人求助 ask sb for a day’s leave

向某人请一天假 ask sb to do 要求某人做某事 peak down 出毛病,不运转 peak in

插嘴,打断说话 peak away from 脱离,打破 peak up


peak through 突破,冲跨 ping about


ping down

降低,减少,使倒下 ping on 使前进 ping to 使苏醒 ping up 养育,培养 ping sth into being 使产生

ping around

说服,使…改变主意 ping together 使团结,使和解 call for 请求,要求,为…而喊出,接,叫某人 call out 召集,大声叫 call sb in 叫…进来 carry out 进行,开展,执行 carry back 运回,拿回 carry off 夺走,获得

carry sth in one’s arms


carry all/ everything before one


catch up 很快拾起,跟上,赶上

catch at


catch up with 赶上,超过 come about 发生,实现,产生

come down 落下来 come in 进入,进来 come out 出来,出版

come to 来到,达到,结果是

come across 走过,偶然遇到 come over 过来,胜过 come forth 出现,显现 come through


drive off 赶走 agree with sb 同意某人的意见 agree on sth 就…达成一致 ask sb for sth 向某人请求得到… ask leave 请假 ask for trouble 自找麻烦 ask to do 请求做某事 peak out 爆发,突然发生 peak into 闯入 peak off 打断 peak with 与…断绝关系 peak the law 犯法 ping back 带回,想起 ping forward 提出 ping in 引来,引进 ping out 取出,显示 ping through 使度过困难,救活,穿越 ping sth to an end 使…结束 ping sth under 制服,镇压 call on/ upon 号召,拜访 call up 召唤,召集,想起,打电话 call by 顺道访问 carry on 继续,开展 carry away 运走,冲走 carry forward 推进,发扬 carry sth about 随身携带 carry sth too far 把某事做得过分 catch the cold 着凉,伤风 catch on 抓住,理解 come back 回来,想起来 come from 出生于,来自 come on 跟我来,加油 come along 快点,来吧

come up

走过来,走近,发芽,从土中长出come after 跟着,跟随 come by 走过,经过 come round 苏醒 come up to 来到…跟前

drive sb mad 使某人发狂

10 do

11 find

12 fight

13 get

14 go

14 go

drive back 赶回,开回 drive down 压低 drive in a taxi 搭出租车 drive sb home 把…送回家 drive on 继续行驶

do well in

在…方面做得好 do some cooking 做饭 do some washing 洗衣服 do a good deed 做好事

do wrong

做坏事,犯罪 do experiments 做实验

do sb wrong 使某人受委屈 do up

梳理 do the room 收拾房间 do one’s hair 做头发 what to do 怎么办

find out 查明,发现,了解find support

得到支持 find the answer to 找到…的答案 find sb in/ out 发现某人(不)在家 fight against 为反对…而战斗 fight for 为…而战 fight back 回击 fight it out

决一雌雄 get on/along with 与…相处 get back 返回

get in 进入,收割 get off 下车,脱下 get up


get together 聚集,联欢会 get about 走动,传播 get around 消息传开 get close to


get in touch with 与…取得联系,与…接触

go away 离开

go by


go on doing 继续做(相同的)事 go on with sth 继续做某事 go in for


go down 下去,下沉 go to bed 上床,睡觉 go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming go bad 变坏,坏掉 drive out 开出,消除,驱逐 drive in 开进,努力地灌输 drive at 猛击,朝…努力 drive away 驱车离开,赶走,驱散 do some cleaning 搞卫生,大扫除 do some shopping 买东西 do one’s best 尽力 do right 做得对 do business 做买卖 do sb a favour 帮助某一个忙 do with 处理 do the bed 铺床 do the dishes 洗碗碟 have sth to do with 与…有关 How do you do 你好! find oneself 自我感觉 find a mistake 发现错误 find one’s way 找到路径 fight with 同…战斗 fight up 勇敢战斗 fight on 继续战斗 get away 逃离 get down 降下,下车

get in one’s way

妨碍某人,挡住去路 get on 上车 get into 进入,陷入 get to know 认识 get over 爬过,克服 get married 结婚 get down to doing 开始做某事 get home/here/there 到家/这里/那里 go back 回去 go on 继续,发生 go on to do 继续做(不同的)事 go out 熄灭,出去 go over 检查,复习

go home 回家

go for a walk 去散步 去钓鱼/买东西/溜冰/游泳 go off 走开

15 give

16 hand

17 have

18 hear

19 keep

20 knock 21 lead

22 learn 23 leave

go head 用吧,向前(表鼓励) go against 反对,不利于 give back 归还,送还 give out 分发,用完,耗尽 give in 屈服,让步,投降 give away 赠送 give a talk 演讲,做报告 give sb advice 给某人一些建议 give sb a hand 帮助 give orders 发出命令 hand in 交上,交进 hand on 传下去 hand back 交还,归还 Hands off! 不许碰! have to 不得不,必须 have sth done 让人做某事 have a talk with sb 与某人谈话

have a few words with 与某人谈几句话 have a high fever 发高烧 have a test 参加考试 have a good time 玩得愉快 have sth in mind 牢记 hear from 收到…的来信 hear sb say 听人说起 won’t hear of 不允许 keep back 保留,阻止 keep up with 跟上,不落在后面 keep…out of 不让…进入 keep order 维持秩序 keep a record 作记录 keep the secret 保守秘密 Keep of the grass! 勿踏草地

knock at 敲门、窗等

knock down 打掉,省掉

lead to 导致,导向,影响

lead into 引入,导入

learn from 向…学习,从中吸取教训

learn sth well 学好… learn how to do sth 学习做某事

leave for 到…去

leave out 遗漏,排除,忽视 leave about 乱扔,乱放

go into 进入,参加

go all out 拼命干,尽最大努力 give up 放弃 give off 发出 give a concert 举行音乐会 give a lesson 上课 give one’s life 献身 give an example 举例 give a loud laugh 大笑一声 hand out 分发,施舍 hand over 移交,让与 Hands up! 举起手来! have sth on 穿着,带着 have a headache 头痛

have a word with sb 与某人谈话 have words with sb 与某吵架 have a seat 坐下 have a day off 休一天假 have sth for supper 晚饭吃… hear about/ of 听说 hear a case 审理案件 keep up 坚持,维持 keep on doing 继续做某事 keep in touch with 与…保持联系 keep off 让开 keep from 忍住,阻止 keep fit 保持身体健康 keep out 不让…进入 knock into 撞在某人身上 knock off 打掉,磕去 lead a … life 过…生活

learn of 听到

learn sth by heart 背下… leave off 中断,不再做,脱掉 leave alone 不理会,不管,更不用说leave sb with 使某人留下

24 let 25 look 26 lose 27 make

28 meet 29 move 30 open 31 pass 32 pay

leave a message 留话 leave sth behind 留下,忘带,放弃 be left with 被留下,被剩下

let in 让进来 let out 发出,放出,泄漏

let off 让某人上岸或下车 let alone 不干涉,不管 Let me see 让我想想

look at 看 look after 照料,照顾

look for 寻找 look out 当心 look round 四处看看 look up 查阅,仰视 look on 看待,旁观 look forward to 盼望

look through 仔细查看

look into 观察,调查,向里看 look about 环顾,察看 look over 仔细察看 look like 看起来像 look ahead 向前看,考虑未来 look down 俯视 look back 回顾 look sb up and down 上下打量 look down upon 轻视,看不起

lose one’s life 丧生 lose one’s way 迷路

lose heart 灰心,失去信心 lose weight 减肥 lose face 丢脸 lose sight of 看不见 lose a game 输一局 lose touch with sb 与…失去联系 lose one’s heart 失魂落魄

make up 构成,配置,化装,打扮 be made of 用…制造

be made from 由…制造 be made in 在…地方制造 be made up of 由…组成,构成 make out 假装,辨认出 make up for 弥补 make peace 讲和 make money 赚钱 make friends with 和…交朋友 make fun of 取笑 make tea 沏茶 make coffee 煮咖啡 make sentences 造句 make use of 利用 make faces 扮鬼脸 make a joke 开玩笑 make a fire 生火 make a living 谋生 make a mistake 犯错误 make a study of 研究 make a round trip 乘往返车 make a drive for 冲向 make a search for 寻找 make an apology to 向某人道歉 make yourself at home 请不要客气 make good marks 取得好分数 make a promise 许诺 make up one’s mind 下定决心 make one’s way 排除困难前进 make some difference 有些关系,有些影响 make no difference 没有关系,没有影响

meet with 偶然遇到,符合 move in 迁入 move on 继续向前移动

move off 离开,出发

move about 走来走去,搬来搬去 open to 有出口通向,承认 open up 解开,开辟 pass by 经过 pass away 消失,去世,过去 pass down 往下传递 pass through 通过,穿过 pay for sth 付钱,支付,付出代价 pay off 还请 pay back 向…报复,偿付,报答 pay attention to 注意 pay a visit to 参观,访问

33 pick

34 place 35 play

36 put

37 ring

38 run

39 say

40 see

41 send

42 set

43 stand

44 stay

pick out 选出,捡出 pick oneself up 从地下站起来 place an order 订购 play with 同…一起玩 play cards 玩牌 play football 踢足球 play a joke on sb 对某人开玩笑 put on 穿,带上,上演 put off 延期,推迟,拖延put away 放好,收起来 put one’s heart into 全神贯注于…之中put forward 提出 put together 形成,组成,聚集ring back 回电话 ring off 挂断电话,停止讲话 run away 逃走,逃脱 run about 游荡 run at 突然袭击 run over 撞倒,看一遍 run out 用完 run a school 开办学校 say yes to 同意某人 say hello to 与某打招呼 say out 坦率地说,直说 I mean to say… 我的意思是… It is said that… 据说… see sb off 送别 see into 调查,看到…内容see through 看穿,看透 send for 派人去叫/请 send away 发送,派遣,邮购send out 发送,派遣

send a telegram 发电报 set off 出发,动身 set up 建立,创立,竖立set down

放下,记下,写下,让…下车 set free 释放

stand by

站在…旁边,和…站在一起 stand at attention 立正

stand against

使靠着…站立,反对 stay away 不在家,外出 stay behind 留在后面

stay with 与…呆在一起,继续使用 pick up 拾起,中途接人/带货

pick cotton/apples 摘棉花/苹果 play with fire 玩火 play the piano 演奏钢琴 play chess 下棋 put up 挂起,举起,张贴,建立 put into 输入,使进入 put sth down 放下来,写下,记下 put out 生产,扑灭,拿出 put up with 忍受 ring up 打电话 run across 跑过,不期而遇 run after 追赶,伺候 run down 撞倒,耗尽 run off 跑掉 run out of 缺乏,从…里跑出 say no to 拒绝某人 say good-bye to 与某人送别 say for oneself 为自己辩解 That is to say 那就是说,换句话说 see about 查看,料理,考虑 see to 注意,办理 see (to it) that 注意务必做到…,保证 send up 把…往上送,发射 send back 退还,送还

send a message 捎信

send sb to do 派人去做某事 set out to do sth 开始,着手

set about doing sth 开始,着手,试图 set fire to 点火

set an example to sb 为某人树立榜样 stand up 起立 stand for 代表,象征,主张 stand doing 忍受做某事 stay out 呆在户外 stay up 不睡觉,开夜车,挺得住

45 take

46 think

47 turn

48 use

49 wait 50 write

take away 拿走,移去 take off 脱掉,起飞 take for 认为,误以为 take up 举起,从事,占用 take along 带着 take an exam 参加考试 take medicine 吃药 tape apart 拆开,严惩 take place 发生 take time to do 抽出时间做某事 take it easy 别着急 think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑 I think so 我是这么想的 I think not 我以为不

turn in 交出,上交,拐弯,进入…往里走 turn off 关 turn against 背叛 turn aside 闪开 turn down 翻下,关小 turn over 把…翻过来 used to 过去常常 use out 用完,用坏

be used for doing 被用作=be used to do wait for 等候 write down 写下,记下 write back 回信 take back 拿回,回去,撤销

take out 取出,扣除 take in 接纳,欺骗,占有 take down 拿下 take a taxi 坐出租车 take a picnic 去野餐 take part in 参加 take measure 采取措施 take the place of 代替 take a picture 拍照 think of 想起,关心 think out 想出,设计出 I don’t think so 我想不是这样的 turn into 变成 turn on 开 turn up 向上翻,拧亮,开大,出现 turn away 转过脸去不准入内,回绝,解雇

turn out

生产,变成,走掉,集合,参加 turn to

转到,翻到,着手,向某人求助 be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 use up 用完,用尽 wait on 服侍,伺候 write to 写信给… write out 写出

1arguing for___(eg her)

2arguing with___(eg him)

3popular___(eg singer)

4a ticket for the ___ game(eg baseball 或者空着也行)

5asking___ from___(第一个填要什么,第二个填向谁要)


7tell___ not to___(一填人,二直接填动词)

8____want____ to____(一填谁想的,二填想叫的对象是谁,三填什么事直接填动词)

9discover / find out

10 did___wrong (填什么事,名词)






13angry at___(填人)

14get along with ____(同上)

15fight with___(填某人是谁)

16took the time to____(填什么事)

17complain (如果是抱怨什么事的话后面要加“about——”,——=什么事)



20男生:___himself (eg he himself, John himself, etc)


动物:——itself (

第二人称:—— yourself




他们在吵架的英语为They are arguing in English。

"They are arguing in English"这句话是用现在进行时态表示的。现在进行时态是表示现在正在进行的动作,或正在进行的状态。在这句话中,“are arguing”是现在进行时态的动词形式,“in English”是修饰动词的短语。

这句话的语态是主动语态,因为“they”在句子中作为主语,执行动作。如果改为被动语态,可以说:“English is being argued by them。”现在进行时态通常表示的是当前正在执行的动作,它强调动作在进行中,还没有结束。它常用于描述现在正在发生的事情。例如“I am writing a letter”,这里强调的是我现在正在书写这份信件,而不是过去或将来的某个时刻。



1、They are fighting in English

2、They are quarreling in English

3、They are bickering in English

4、They are having a dispute in English

5、They are in a heated debate in English


1fall out with 与…争吵;与…发生纠纷;吵架,相当于argue。


总之看到fell out就是吵架(过去式)


1)相当于cut down,砍树的砍

英文释义:fell something to cut down a tree

例句:Trees were felled and floated downstream


fell somebody (literary) to make somebody fall to the ground

例句:He felled his opponent with a single blow





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