













“人类的语言能力是内在的,并不是后天获取的,后天获取的只是组织复杂语言的能力。比如小孩要吃奶时,最初发的音是ma-ma 、papa,在印欧语系中mama一词最早就指乳房。另外人类品尝食物时候,发出的声音也与m音有关。由m(或俄语м,希腊语μ)衍生出来的各种词汇比较多,确实说明人类词汇起源与m关系密切。”







完全手工加人工,希望对你有帮助(By xiaotian264)


2 Expression of Emotion

As translation is concerned, the expression in it should be discussed, since the expression of emotion is defined as the foundation of precise translating and complete comprehending over original articles, such problem needs to be taken cautiously to avoid mistakes, which might appear in translation due to the emotional difference between cultures

(1) which way and what kind of language foreigners take in expressing their emotion

We Chinese has the tradition to express our emotion exquisitely within diversity This could be sensed throught celebrity's poems and couplets, which tend to express their ideas in various ways This naturally leads to the question that whether English language share the common characteristics with Chinese in expressing emotion Certainly yes in actual, foreign languages are definitely not rough or lack of ambience in reality, it could be easily detected throught the translation of those competent original articles

And we even found the truth that description to characters in novels like Pride And Prejudice, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Around the World in 80 Days are exquisite and appropriate

(2) Which way we need to follow so as to show our emotion deep within our heart

Man's emotion are undoubtfully abundant, English unlimitedly hold the way to express these abundant emotion accurately like any other languages

We would carry through discussions on the expression of emotion in English

1 When staying in happiness, people tend to laugh, and sometime might use their body language acompanied by several interjections to express themselve unconsciously, like jumping up and raising their hands, take the sentence below for example:

"When facing tremendous happiness, people might build an acclamatory spectacle"

words in it appeared to be more vivid and brief Usually they contain these ones:(楼主没写,我只能留个空白啦)

3Words to express sadness are relative less, it probably because of people prefer to keep quiet when facing sadness Take the sentence below as an example:(楼主没写,还是空白)

4Words to show surprise vary, as the difference in gender and age Generally, men prefer to show their surprise with rough words, and girls might in opposite, children would tend to express their surprise with more accents, like the sentence below:(空白)

(3)What aspects needs to be paid attention to in language application

1)The application of words in translation should locate in related position, so as not to think about their meaning in Chinese But for those beginners, when such logical ideas stay in absence, measurements are necessary And the deep meaning needs to be assured not to confuse with their superficial idea, these required you to be cautious in the expression, take the example followed " experienced sadness, passed by the obstacle of bitterness, finnally hit the target to" Beginners usually translate it with the phrase "walk through" without consideration over the English idea of the phrase So, take "Get through the tough time and misery" into consideration, don't you think it's more fluent than before In the final analysis, words are extraordinary important, we need to acquire the meaning as well as the usage of them Upon such foundation, much absurdness could be gotten rid of

2) Accurate words in expressing given emotion and given spirit are hardly to be found, in tackling such problems, we could take our surrounding for reference, to find something as a carrier For example, we now need to experss the idea of generous devotion, candle could be taken into reference, with it as the mirror, the effection of our translation might be far more superior These have a close relation with our daily observation, and of course our imagination or association





We Chinese people express emotions, mostly implicit bias, just leave people thinking, guess room for words to express their viewsUnlike Europeans and unassuming, plain talkOne is the Chinese people to other people when it comes to when it comes to own business, often using "respects", such as when sent to others is a gift, presentation said that "sending a little gift, not a tribute ”And the Europeans are not so, they even sent a little gift, to say "I have sent to you are beautiful, precious gift ”, Western like this instead of performance, there are many, many

This situation was formed after a long history of environmentalAround 2,500 years ago, Laozi advocated "sound thin", Confucius, when finishing note to the history of the spring and Autumn Annals, "a style of writing in which sublime words with deep meaning are used" to "line by line", is to use a method described in veiled terms to facts suggesting that one occurredSong dynasty writer Ouyang Xiu, the editor of the new book of Tang, the new history of the five dynasties time, Confucius also renewed style, extensive use of implied "a style of writing in which sublime words with deep meaning are used" to describe historyThis is culture in the history of our common style, of course, will lead to civil partners in working practices

Recently I looked my reading notes, see a recorded song Luo Ye (people of Luling, today jiangxijian) edit a note book in an old drunkard on record of a seven quatrains, proved once again in veiled terms of performance practices, not only in the history books, in most people's views have also become used to itThis poem is saying: "Kai Kiss under the green screen, a paper from scratch completely emptyExpect penny Lang Huai don't hate, recalling the people speak ”This is used to express the most sincere feelings of ordinary people in China, it can make people enjoy endless aftertastesIf, as Europeans did, wrote a letter to miss his wife's letters, in order to express the "Miss deep", wrote at great length, its center was a "love" WordThis and Chinese people the implicit expression was so immeasurably!Chinese "is not a Word, very style", not only saving and concentratedHow smart people!--Of course, it is said that on the bright side

Chinese convey emotion in veiled terms there are dangerous sideIt is very easy to cause someone else's misconceptionsIf that is the case of a wise man, and he (she) and accurate understanding, that effect is good;However, if a less clever, or understand a bit misplaced people, would probably have had a misunderstandingFor example, a woman received his letter came Lang Chun, top without a Word, may have a stupid girl thinks its Lang Chun parted company with her too!If this woman was disappointed, emotions or out of control, very serious consequences

Therefore, westerly winds to the East of trends in China todayIs a straightforward way to express emotions in the West, also influence the ChineseYou see, today young people in love, than their parents was straightforward, unobtrusive components decliningIn this way, instead of emotional expression and Western fusion, if they can get in the Middle, it is a very good folk

The "four employees incentive model"

How to create the best employee performance is manager for a long time of challenge In recent years, the neural science, biology and evolution of interdisciplinary research areas such as psychology, humans have told us four basic emotional needs, and the force driving or what we all the basis of their behavior The empirical research shows that, by the employee can create better performance Therefore, to motivate employees, managers should understand the driving force and can take what measures to meet the driving force

Get people always try to get some things, to increase the scarcity of his happiness When the force satisfied, we will feel happy, Conversely, it will feel dissatisfied This force is often the relative (we always compare themselves with others), and it was difficult to satisfy (we always want more)

Many animals are combined with their parents and relatives or close relationship between population, but establish the relationship between human expanded into larger groups, such as organization, community and national "Driving", people will generate loving, caring, strong positive emotions, etc Conversely, it will appear as negative emotional loneliness, cynical In the work environment, when the staff for oneself is a member of the organization are proud of their motivation and will greatly improve, And when they had rebelled against their will and morale

We are eager to understand about the world around them, and then put forward various theories to explain all things, and put forward the reasonable action and countermeasures When things seem pointless, we will feel frustrated, While looking for answers to questions, the challenge will let us full of passion In the working environment, workers work done if challenging, and allows them to grow and learn, they will be incentive, And when they do look no value or no future, will be demoralized

In the face of threats defense, to protect themselves, to protect our property and achievements, family and friends, thoughts and beliefs, it is natural to us This force is rooted in the "fight but fled" basic response, this is common, but most animals to humans, it not only the offensive or defensive behavior, but also to build a system to promote seek justice, clear goals and intention, and allow people to speak freely This force have been fulfilled, people think and self-confidence, otherwise will fear and hate strong negative affection

These four drivers are independent of each other, no secondary, also cannot substitute mutually To fully motivate employees, managers must satisfy all four driving force In fact, every emotional force can use different organizations leverage to satisfy the most effectively

Reward system "gain" the most easily through the organization of driving system of rewards Of course, it also depends on the organization's reward system can effectively define employee performance, will reward with different performance, and give the best chance of promotion of personnel

Culture to meet the "combination" force among employees, cultivating strong friendship, the most effective way is to establish a promote teamwork, cooperation, open and friendly culture

Post design satisfy "understanding" force is the optimal way to design a meaningful and have fun and challenging positions

Performance management and resource allocation process fairness, credible, transparent, performance management and resource allocation process, help satisfy people's "defensive driving"

In addition, the direct supervisor for employees and motivational degrees plays an important role as organizational policy Although do not expect to staff the whole company boss incentive system, culture, post design or management system exerting significant effect, but they clearly superior in their influence within the scope of a certain power For example, in recognition, managers can select and tasks, the rewards and employee performance

In the organization of managers only under the condition of the utmost efforts to satisfy all four driving force, the employee can most effectively improve the incentive effect on employees, improve the organizational performance

Emotions are godsend treasures for us to laugh with, to cry with, to bathe with in sorrows and happiness and for us to get acquainted


通常来说,无生命的机器是不会有感觉的,但麻省理工大学计算机系的Posalind Picard教授认为,计算机要更有效的工作,“感情”是必不可少的。她说,计算机需要被赋予一定的人造感情,以此更好的领会用户的要求,同时也能更好的自我分析、自我发展。


Picard教授举例说,感情对于计算机的作用之一,可以防止系统崩溃。现在的计算机经常出现错误,当某些地方出现问题的时候,计算机是没有那个智力去觉察或者做出反应的。而对死亡的恐惧可以促使计算机在问题出现的时候继续制造更大的错误。另一方面,计算机自我保护系统必须建立在为人类服务的前提之下。在2002年的一部科幻**A Ssace Odyssey里,计算机RAL由于惧怕自身的死亡,而杀死了它的人类伙伴。



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/750627.html

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