

Today’s Yang bailao and Huang Shiren


Character::杨白劳Y, 喜儿X,王大春(喜儿男朋友)D,王大婶(王大春的母亲)W, 穆仁智(黄的管家)M,黄世仁H

Part 1:In 杨白劳’home

旁白:(“喜洋洋”背景音乐起)---New Year's Eve,Xi’er is talking with her boyfriend on the phone, suddenly ,doorbell sounded(叮咚!叮咚……)

喜: Oh! ok! Someone is knock at the door! So I have to hung up!Bye!(开门)

杨: 喜儿! 喜儿! What’s this

喜: Oh! computer!(高兴地看笔记本)That’s a Laptop!

杨: Ha ha! Today I’m able to buy a computer! Next year, I will plan to buy a car!

喜: Really Buys a carGreat!

杨: Ok, now we will go out ,are you ready

喜: Ha ha,I’m ready ok and waiting for you to come back!(门铃再次响起)Oh,I think there must be Aunt Wang and Dacun coming(开门,)

王婶, 大春, 杨, 喜(四人齐声贺道)Happy New Year!hah(喜儿和大春去一边嘻嘻哈哈,窃窃私语不知所言)

王婶:(走到杨白劳跟前)Mr Yang,I heard Dachun said, going to jump the disco dancing after dinnerRight

杨:Right,What do you think

王婶:I’m gald to,oh,are you prepared to go out

杨: Sure!

王婶: Ok,go(问杨白劳)

杨: Let’s go,(朝喜儿他俩那边喊)Xi’er,Dachun,go!

(四人出门 下)

Part 2: In Huang Shiren’ home

黄: (黄世仁上台,气势汹汹地说)Hello,everyone!Do you know Huang ShirenTt’s me! Ha ha……But today is not yestady!You see Mu Renzhi coming!

穆:(穆仁智走上来)Mr Huang , give me a litte,ok

黄: Not! I wouldn’t give you,because I haven’t money!(不耐烦的样子)

穆: New Year coming,My wages, a year--(哀求着)

黄: Really does not have!

穆:(拉着黄的手说)You are so kind in my eyes,can you give me litte money,ok

黄: No way,what’s moreYang Bailao has not return the money to me, what can I do

for you(无奈的样子) 穆: You might ask for him! 黄:Asking himI think he couldn’t give me! 穆:Why He has contracted the farm, and made many money! 黄:I know! But,he—— 穆:(打断黄的话)Tries!Ok 黄: (想了想)Ok! You go together with me! 穆: Let’s go! (两人出门 下) Part 3: In enlightens the hall 旁白: Yang Bailao, Xi’er, Dachun and Aunt Wang finished eating dinner and tojump the disco dancing(迪斯科音乐起,四人在舞台上狂欢着) (一会儿,杨的电话响了,他走到前台接电话) 杨:This is Yang Bailao, please speaking! oh oh!-- 王婶:(王大婶看见,向杨走过来)Who’s that 杨:Huang Shiren, he said he coming here immediately 喜:(停止跳舞,朝这边问)Huang Shiren Is all right(杨白老点头示对) 大春: Nothing! We would take them away if they appeared! 杨, 喜, D, W: Ha ha (四人继续跳舞) (黄世仁和穆仁智一前一后的东张西望地从下面走上台前) 黄: Oh! Everyone,Happy New Year! (大家看了看,没人理睬) 杨:(杨朝黄走了过去)The same to you!(音乐停,其他人也走了过来) 黄: (和杨握手)Recently alright 杨: Fina, but if you ask the money that’s wrong!(自己先坐下,示意让黄世仁坐,这时大春用脚把凳子往后一勾了下,黄坐到地上了,尴尬的看看大家) 大春:Oh, I resemble see to have the dirty thing, but not,sits down! 黄: (朝杨白老问)Who is this(穆仁智扶黄起来) 杨:He is Wang Dachun,Xi’er’s boyfriend 黄:(打量大春说)Are you Xi’er’s boyfriend 大春:Yes! (喊道)Is not my that is you 黄:No,no!you!(胆怯的坐下) 杨:What’s the mater 黄:I’m sorry, but, today is the last of the year!en—Debt is--- 杨:(打断黄的话) Does not have! 黄: I know you are good man, give a litte,ok(乞求的样子) 杨: No matter what you said to,nothing! 黄(抱住杨白老的腿哀求到)Mr Yang ,a litte,just a litte…… 杨: No money,only a life have! 黄: just a litte…… 杨:(很无情地说) No money,only a life have! 黄: (无助地向四处环顾)En---- 大春: (不耐烦地说)You have not heard Does not have! 黄:(朝喜儿望去)Miss, you help us!help us !ok(哀求着) 王婶:(和喜儿站一块的王大婶说)What you want to do 大春:Boils!Go out!(语气非常强烈) ( 杨白劳推开黄,喜儿,王大春,王大婶赶黄世仁和穆仁智走) 穆:(拉着杨白老的手求到)Do not expel me go, I want to leave,from now, I do for you ,I cound drive--- 杨: (排了排穆仁智)Ha ha, nice!ok! (穆仁智和所有的人都赶黄世仁出门) 黄:(冲穆仁智喊道)Mu Renzhi! Mu Renzhi!Do you know you is my housekeep 穆:No!Go out!(全部下)

守株待兔(英语短剧) 剧本






农夫:I’m a farmer(稍停顿)[走两步]A modern farmer(掏出墨镜戴上)[冷酷地走两步,突然被绊了一跤,回头生气地踢了下绊自己的石头,继续保持冷酷]When I was yong,I studied in Nan~tong Middle School[掏出胸卡骄傲地展示给观众看,收起]!So I’m rich now![开始展示名牌,边说边掏]Look!This is my modern mobile——Motorola WC 250!This is my Swatch!This my MP3!This is my shoes——ADI~DAS!This is… [不经意地掏出一个苹果]Oh,sorry And look at this![从怀里掏出痒痒挠] Do U know what’s this?痒痒挠?No no no~~It’s my modern——锄头~!![看下表]It’s time to do some farming![开始弯下腰做出锄地的动作,锄了两下,突然] Oh yes!I think farming should be combined with music![掏出MP3戴上,开始很有激情地边锄地边唱]Farming farming,I’m farming!Farming should be combined with music~!Farming farming,I’m farming!Farming will be funny and easy~![边唱边锄边慢慢下台,把没用的道具拿走,把有用的道具准备在口袋里] [树走上前台]

树:I’m a tree!I can do many things!I can sing![做出疯狂摇滚歌手的动作,边做边唱:哼哼哈西!!!]I can dance![跳四小天鹅]I’m tall!And I’m Strong!IF you hit me,you will 挂掉!OhThere comes a rabbit! [引导观众看兔子A)。树站回后台]


兔子A(一开始不知道状况。以为自己扮演周杰伦,所以很热情地上场跟观众打招呼):Hey everybody,I’m Jay!I love U!I love Nantong![展示新专辑《十一月的肖邦》]Now let me sing one of my new songs to U!The name of the song is 《发如雪》![清清嗓子正要唱,这时候导演(范冰)上]

导演:[拿手中纸筒狠狠打了下兔子A的头]What are U doing! Now U are a rabbit,understand![兔子A:Sorry sorry sorry] [导演边说边夺过《十一月的肖邦》。导演下台之前,看了下《十》] What’s this[看了看,惊喜地]Oh!It’s mine!(很兴奋地拿着下场)

兔子A:OK,now I’m a rabbit I just had my breakfast Now I’m just walking around here I think walking after meals is good for my health [在场上转圈,悠闲散步]


农夫:(惊喜地)Lunch![扔掉痒痒挠]I will catch it! [偷偷摸摸地跟到兔子后面走]


兔子A:Wahhhh~!(吓一跳)What’s this!

农夫:Hnnnn…!I will kill U for lunch!

兔子A:But your gun… [帮农夫把枪头调转过来(农夫一开始把枪对着自己)]

农夫:Thank you!

兔子A:My pleasure (突然想起来农夫要杀自己) Wah~~~~~~ [兔子跑,躲到树后面,农夫追到树前]

农夫:Where~ to go Haha!

[农夫开了一枪“砰”。兔子在树后惊慌躲闪,没被打到。树做出受伤中弹状。 农夫又开枪,同上。 农夫开始加快频率,火力密集地开枪。兔子开始时惊慌躲闪,躲着躲着跳起舞来。树继续痛苦中弹状。]

兔子A[自我陶醉中,边跳边说]You didn’t hurt me! You didn’t hurt me!

树:[痛苦万分地]But…U…Hurt me…[痛苦地慢慢挪动到兔子背后]

[兔子继续兴奋地跳舞。农夫停止开枪,走到兔子面前,看着它。 兔子猛然抬头发现]

农夫:Ah ha~! Bye bye ! [举枪对准兔子,开枪,没声音,看看枪,示意没子弹了。兔子见状,非常兴奋地大笑起来]

兔子A:Ha ha ha ha! You can’t kill me now! [兴奋大笑,笑到抽筋,笑到后仰。突然头撞倒了后面的树] Wa ![兔子晕两下~~ “我倒!” 倒地]

农夫:OH! [很兴奋地过去两个手指提起兔子]My lunch , I caught you !!! [想一下] But I’m still full nowLet me tie it to the tree and have a sleepI will eat it after sleeping[把兔子绑到树上。倒地睡到树旁边]


兔子A:[兔子很快醒了,看看四周,发现自己被绑了,很惊讶]Where am I What happened

树:[指着农夫]He caught you and wanted to eat you

兔子A:What! I must leave here! But how can I escape?[东张西望,看到农夫的手机]

[兔子不知不觉地把树杈移开,走到手机前看了看]咦?What’s this?[捡起来看]Oh,a mobile[再看]It’s beautiful[放回原处。 又自觉地把自己绑在树上。 突然想起来]A mobile!Maybe I can call some one to help me! [又不知不觉地把自己放出来,那起手机] But how to use it???

树:[走上前]Let me tell ULook,press this button![给兔子]

兔子A:Oh I see [做出打电话的样子] 喂?

李咏:[上台,激情澎湃地] Hello!This is lucky fifty-two![做出幸运52的手势]I’m Liyong!Now let’s start our first question!What’s the most probable relation between 康熙 and 雍正? A Husband and wife BTeacher and student CWaiter and costomer Answer me,please!

兔子A:(很冷漠地)Sorry, wrong number[挂掉]

李咏:Answer me!Answer me! En喂?喂喂?[很郁闷地下台]

兔子A:Now let me call again[拨打] 喂?


兔子A:Hey Jackey!

兔子B:Hey tommy!

兔子A:How are you doing

兔子B:Fine,thank youAnd U

兔子A:I’m fine too!How are your parents doing

兔子B:They are fine,thank youAnd U

兔子A:They are fine,too!How is your uncle doing

兔子B:He’s fine,thank you!And U

兔子A:He’s fine , too!

兔子B:But why do you call me If you want borrow some money from me…NO WAY!!!

兔子A:No no no!I’m in danger now!Come and help me!!!

兔子B:But where are you

兔子A:I’m under a tree!

兔子B:[边打电话边在附近走,经过兔子A面前,两个人还没发现]What can you see around you

兔子A:I see a rabbit ,rather like you!

兔子B:A rabbit…rather like me… OK! I’ll soon come!Wait for me! I will help you! [匆匆离开]

[兔子A 打完电话,小心翼翼地把手机放回农夫处,还很有礼貌地说了句“Thank you” 然后又很自觉地把自己绑回了树上]

兔子A:Hahaha!My friend will come and save me,yeah! [兴奋过度,后仰,头又撞倒树上,昏眩中…“我晕!” 又晕了]

[兔子B上。]兔子B:I’m also rabbit!I’m clever! I’m brave ! And I’m strong! [展示肌肉] OH!My friend is here!Let me help him out! [费力地想把树枝(双臂)挪开,使了几次劲,还是不行] It’s too tight! I must think of a good way! [看到农夫扔掉的痒痒挠] Let’s see,what’s this!A 锄头![装作打高尔夫球,试了试锄头手感]Oh,it’s nice[走到树面前,正要砍]

树:Stop!!!What will you do

兔子B:I will cut you down to save my friend

树:O [突然醒悟] What! Cut me down! Teachers told us that we should protect the environment! Understand!

兔子B:Oh yes!You are right! [扔掉锄头] I have to think of another idea! [想了想] Oh!![灵感突来][看了看手表] Oh it’s time to do morning exercise !Come on! [开始带头做早操。做着做着对树说“Follow me!” (企图让树动起来,两只手松开,这样就可以救出兔子A)树也开始跟着做起早操。 兔子B轻轻上前,想救出兔子A。但是树的广播操动作恰好都是会挡住营救的。兔子B狂汗… -_-b 广播操毕。树继续绑着兔子A]

兔子B:Why! Maybe I need another idea Oh!I’v got it!Music! [音响放起泰坦尼克号主题曲高潮前奏。 兔子B抱住树,企图引导树像女主角一样张开双臂,放出兔子A。树渐渐陶醉,手缓缓松开。兔子B正要搭救同伴,突然兔子A两只手张开,成了女主角动作。树又抱住了兔子A的腰,成了男主角动作。树和A陶醉其中。B要唤醒A:“Wake up!Wake up!”

兔子A沉醉其中,完全不理它,还用脚踹走要救它的B:“Don’t disturb me!”继续陶醉。]

兔子B:(无奈ing…)Stop!!!(音乐停) (沮丧)I can’t save my friend…[掏出纸巾想要擦汗,带出10块钱,掉在地上]


兔子A:[看四周] I’m free!!!Oh yes,I’m free!Thank you,Jackey! [慢动作深情扑向兔子B] Jackey~~~~ [突然兔子B低头系鞋带。兔子A控制不住一下子撞在树上,晕两下说:“暴头!”死翘。] [兔子B见状冲上去,深情地搂住A:“Tommy!Tommy!”[伤心地俯下身子,紧紧抱住A]


兔子B:I…can’t…breath……I’m dying!!!! [也翘了]

农夫:[农夫这时候醒了。擦了下口水,看见两只兔子] EnTwo rubbits! I rememer I have caught just one! Oh,maybe I drank too much


树:[还在验钞的树正在高兴,突然发现是假钞]A!It’s a fake!Wait for me![追下去]


剧本杀起源于19世纪就盛行的英国派对游戏“murder mystery game”(谋杀之谜),可以称得上是一个舶来品(exotica)了,进入国内市场后,不断为其本土化,也就演变成现在大家耳熟能详的“剧本杀”了。


1Murder Mystery Game

适用于国内只有推理本的初期阶段,经过这几年的发展,国内出现了阵营本、机制本、沉浸本、情感本、还原本等等,这些概念都已不是“Murder Mystery”能完全表达囊括的。

2Live Action Role Playing (LARP) games

这则是一种更解释性的翻译——实景角色扮演游戏。LARP也是一个更大的概念,根据需要动作的分量,LARP可以大致划分为两类,一类是剧场式(Theater style)简称TS;另一类为实战式(Live combat)简称LC,剧本杀就属于TS。

3Script Murder

媒体报道大多都采用了这种直译方式——角色扮演谋杀解谜活动。script作名词表示“剧本;手稿;脚本”。而script murder指集悬疑、推理、剧情等元素于一身的“剧本杀”。

三只小猪英语剧本2006/12/07 07:16 PMThe Story of the Three Little Pigs

旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune

妈妈:Goodbye,kids!build your own house,but be careful of the wolf


旁白:three pigs leaved their motherafter a while they met a man with a bundle of straw

Pig one: “Please, grandpa, give me that straw to build me a house"

稻草爷爷:the house will be beautiful,but it easy to be broken down by wind

Pig one:never mindonly for live

稻草爷爷:it’s okhere you are

旁白:Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with itthen he went into his house,said happily

Pig one:haha!now the wolf can’t catch me and eat me

旁白:pig one falled asleep in his housethen pig two met a man with a bundle of sticks

Pig two: "Please, man, give me that sticks to build a house"

旁白: Which the man did, and the pig built his housepig three knew the house is not strong,but it is easy to doso he lived in the housepig three keep goingThe third little pig met a man with a load of bricks

Pig three:"Please, man, give me those bricks to build a house with"

旁白:So the man gave him the bricks, and he built his beautiful house with them

Pig three:ok!my house is so hardi mustn’t scare of the wolf

旁白:Presently came along a wolf, he knocked at the pigone’s door

狼: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in"

pigone answered: "No, no, go away"

The wolf: "Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in"

旁白:So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in。 pig one is scared,fortunetely he run away to the pig two’s house

Pig one:I’m regretful that I didn’t listen to the grandpa

旁白:Then along came the wolf。He is shouting

Wolf: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in"

Pig one and two:"No, no, go away"

Wolf:"it’s very easysticks is not strongThen I"ll puff, and I"ll huff, and I"ll blow your house in"

旁白:So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down, luckily the little two pigs run away to pig three’s housethey are scared,but pig three seemed not to be afraid

旁白:the wolf came, as he did to the other little pigs。

Wolf:Little pig, little pig, open the door"

Threepigs:"No, no, you are the wolfgo away"

Wolf:"Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in"

旁白:Well, he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down When he found that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down。

Wolf: "Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips"

Three pigs:"Where"

Wolf:"Oh, in Mr Smith"s home field, and if you will be ready tomorrow morning I will call for you, and we will go together and get some for dinner"

Three pigs:"Very well,I will be ready What time do you mean to go"

Wolf:"Oh, at six o"clock"

旁白:Well, the little pig got up at five, and got the turnips before the wolf came。At 6 o’clock,the wolf came

Wolf: "Little pig, are you ready"

The little pig said, "Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice potful for dinner"

旁白:Then the wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little pig。

Wolf:you three little pigs I wanna eat youi will get down your chimney,and eat you

旁白:When the little pigs saw what he was about, they hung on the pot full of water, and made up a blazing fire, and, just as the wolf was coming down, took off the cover, and in fell the wolf; so the little pig put on the cover again in an instant The wolf died, they lived happily ever afterwards

Three pigs:sing a song

S: Hello, everyone I am a policewoman Do you know where I am now There are many perfect detectives here, there are many classic cases here, and here is also the place that is afraid by the bad men Here is the Fuermosi detective centre!

J: Do you know that why my detective centre is so famous Just because of me——one of the most wonderful detective in the world! Hahahaha! (作张扬状)I am very clever, learned, friendly, and……handsome!(作自恋状)

W: (实在看不下去了)Excuse me, Miss May I help you

S: Er……Yeah(终于回过神来)These days, the residents in Yuanling Community lost many things We think that there must be having a wonderful thief So we need you——the wonderful detective to help us! Please help us to catch the thief!

J: (虚荣心得到了极大的满足)Just a piece of cake, of course that I can catch the thief immediately Wendy, let’s go to the Yuanling Community now Miss, we can go there together

S: Thanks, let’s go now!

J: Okay (三人一起离开了侦探社)

J: (Jeff,SophiaWendy一起来到了园岭小区)Oh, it’s too hot Let’s buy some ice-cream Wait for us, I’ll back soon

S: Okay(说完转身离开)

W: Hey, wait! (Jeff已经走远,她只能一个人无所事事地四处看,Dee Dee从她的身边走过,Wendy顿时觉得口袋一轻,发现自己的钱包已经不见了)Thief! Stop! (Dee Dee多次险些被抓住,但都依靠一些小陷阱化险为夷,使Wendy摔倒,最终眼看Dee Dee要逃走了,去买冰淇淋的Jeff正心满意足地往回走,见此情景,随手用水瓶砸向Dee Dee,使她一时间有些晕,听到动静后赶来的Sophia抓住了她,将她交给Wendy)

S: Oh, you are wonderful, I’m your fan! (Wendy以为Sophia是在说她,笑容满面,正准备与Sophia握手,Sophia却直接走向Jeff)

S: You did a very good job!

J: Thank you

S: Oh, I really worship you!(准身面对观众)If you also worship Fuermosi

W: Or maybe you think that he’s……(似乎很不情愿)Handsome

D: Or you hate him(转身对Jeff说)I hate you!

J: My pleasure(一脸平静)

S: Than the users of China Mobile please send FMCR to 1235026

W: The users of China Unicom please send FMCR to 1245026

D: The users of PAS please send FMCR to 1256026

J: Than you will get the elegant color ring of Fuermosi!


六人的英语搞笑话剧:《 荆珂刺秦王》

旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): 

Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways 

Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”But finally he failed Do you want to know what happened at that time 


Action I(第一幕)

太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world (镜子,镜子,告诉我,谁是世界上最漂亮的男人)

(画外音:It's you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状)Thank you mirror! (面对观众)

I'm Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world 

But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth So what can I do Where is my minister


阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming(殿下,我来了)

太子丹:I've told you again and again that you should call me: "my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan"


阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea We can find a hero to kill YingZheng(作杀状)


太子:Oh yeah What is the most expensive commodity in this century Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate

阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world


太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK



Action II(第二幕)


荆轲:Are you Li mochou(你是李莫愁?)


荆轲:OK I'm Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers' world


李莫愁:Are you challenging me(你在挑战我吗?)

荆轲:Off course!( 耸耸肩表示同意)

李莫愁:Come on!



李莫愁痛苦状:What happened Why aren't you hurt


荆轲: We don't need any reason to win a person Don't we Do we (赢一个人需要理由么,不需要么,需要么)

李莫愁:Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou You never know what you're gonna get" I got it, Momma is right



太子丹上(抱拳):How are you

荆柯:Fine, thank you, and you

太子丹:Oh my God! Could you give me an innovative answer to “How are you?”


太子丹:How are you

荆柯:Fine, thank you, and your wife


荆柯:Hey, man, I’m kidding!

太子丹:Oh, I’m kidding too!(毕恭毕敬)May I have your name card, please

荆轲从兜里掏出一卷纸,上面写着:To be or not to be, that's a question


阿三:Hero,we need your help(好汉,我们需要你的帮助。)

荆柯:I am busy now!(我忙着呢!)

太子丹:You can get a lot of money(你可以得到很多钱。)

荆柯:I am very busy now!(我现在非常的忙。)

阿三:IC, ID, IQ card

荆柯:I am very very busy now!(我真的真的非常忙。)

阿三(手指上场的美女,激动状): Look! She is the most beautiful girl in the world If you say OK, she is yours(你看,那是世界上最美丽的女子,如果你答应了,她就是你的了。)

荆柯(流口水):I have to say she is a very sexy and beautiful girl, but TCM is my only love!


阿三:What What's the TCM

荆柯; Hey, guy! You look so smart but why you didn't know TCM Any of them can give you the answer(小子,看你挺聪明却不知道TCM。让我来告诉你吧。)

阿三:Excuse me What’s the TCM

观众甲:TCM - Traditional Chinese MM

太子丹:I must show you the trump card Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lipton Slimming tea It is a brand new product of Unilever China


荆柯(激动):Slimming tea! I have dreamed of it for thousands of times My wife always threatens to leave me if I couldn't reduce my weight


阿三:You want Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent Why are you looking at me Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I'm very glad, you still have to speak up Take it! Do you really like Really


荆柯(诚恳状) Just tell me what should I do I will do anything for you












The ugly duck



画外音:It is a sunny and warm day A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。)

  鸭妈妈:Well, my babies, come out quickly please I’m tired(伸懒腰)哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!



画外音:Suddenly, an egg moves and come out a duck It looks around the world and says:


小鸭1:Oh, what a beautiful world!“哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”

转过身来对妈妈说到:Hi, Mummy!

鸭妈妈:Hi, baby

 画外音:Then, another three ducks come out from the eggs and run to their mother


  群鸭:Hi, mum! / Hi, Mummy!妈妈!妈妈!………

鸭妈妈:Oh, my sweet babies, you are so lovely噢,我亲爱的孩子们,你们多可爱啊!


  小鸭4:(指着大蛋)Mum, what’s this Why not crack 咦,妈妈,这是谁?还不出来呀?

  鸭妈妈:Don’t mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change


 画外音:After a long wait, finally they hear the cracks, that is the very crack of the last gentle one


丑小鸭:Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! Hi, Mommy, hi, mommy


小鸭2:Wow, his feather is gray, it’s too rube!呀!他的毛是灰灰的,太土了。

小鸭3:Haha, His mouth is so big 瞧!她的嘴巴那么大

  齐声:It’s just an “ugly ducking”! We don’t like stay with you(他可真是一只“丑小鸭”。我们不想和你呆在一起)

  鸭妈妈:Ah! Why is she so ugly She shouldn’t come into this world! But she is still my baby, I can’t leave you 哎,为什么她这么丑呢?她不应该来到这个世界上的,但是她还是我的孩子,我不会离开你的。



小鸭4:Mum, I’m your lovely baby妈妈,我是你可爱的孩子。

小鸭2:Mum, I’m your lovely baby 妈妈,我是你可爱的孩子。

小鸭1、小鸭3: Mum, I’m your lovely baby, too 妈妈,我也是你可爱的孩子。

  鸭妈妈:OK, OK, my babies, you are all my good babies Oh, are you hungry now


小鸭(齐):Yes, I’m hungry 嗯,我饿了。

鸭妈妈:OK, OK, my children I’m going to take some food for you You can stay here and play games Be good, OK


小鸭(齐):OK, see you!好的,再见!

鸭妈妈:see you, babies! 孩子们,再见。

画外音: So the ducks play games together The ugly duckling also wants to play with them




小鸭2:Go away! You are too ugly! 走开,你太丑了!


小鸭3:You can’t play with us Go ahead!你不能跟我们玩,走开!

  丑小鸭:I’m not beautiful, but I am lonely I want to play with you我长的不漂亮,但是我很孤单,我想跟你们一起玩。

小鸭4:No, you can’t We don’t want an ugly duckling to spoil our fun 不行。我们不想一只丑鸭子破坏我们的兴致。

群鸭:LE-AVE, leave,Let’s go! (LE-AVE,离开。我们走!)


丑小鸭:Dear mum, Life is unfair to me I’m ugly But it’s not my fault Mum, I’m sorry , I have to leave you Bye mum (妈,生活对我太不公平了,长得丑,不是我的错啊!妈妈,对不起,我要离开你了!)


鸭妈妈:Oh, my children , come to eat some food孩子们,来吃东西啦!

群鸭:I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming!我来了!


鸭妈妈: But where is the ugly duckling但是丑小鸭去哪了呢?

群鸭:Sorry, we let her away She has gone不好意思,我们让她离开,她已经走了。

鸭妈妈:Oh, my god! But whether she is beautiful or not, she is still your sister Let’s go to find her哦,天啦。但是不管她是否漂亮,她都是你的妹妹啊,让我们一起去把她找回来吧。


鸭妈妈:My baby, where are you My baby, where are you 我的孩子,你在哪?

第二场: 丑小鸭流浪



画外音:Ugly duckling waddles and wades for a lonely time She feels very thirsty and wants to drink some water (丑小鸭钻出篱笆,离开了家。他很渴,想喝水。)



小鸟:It’s very hot today Let me drink some water(今天好热啊,我要喝点水。)


  小鸟:Look, a dirty thing is over there Let me go and have a look(看,那边有个脏东西。我们去瞧瞧)

  小鸟:Who are you(惊讶地问)

  丑小鸭:I’m …I’m …I’m a duckling( 低着头,小声说。)

  小鸟:Ha, ha, look at your feathers So ugly!(小鸟拍拍自己身上的羽毛,作炫耀状。)

  小鸟:Go away! Don’t make the water dirty( 小鸟推开丑小鸭,在池塘里快乐地洗羽毛,然后飞走。)


  猎狗:Oh, what a dirty thing is in my way! Go away!(猎狗向丑小鸭冲过来,撞了她一下。)

  猎狗:Ha, ha! Good luck! A duck! My tasty food!

  丑小鸭:Oh, don’t touch me…(小鸭惊慌失措,没命地奔跑。)


  画外音:Winter comes The water becomes ice It’s really very cold There is no one outside Ugly duckling slips on the ice She feels very cold and lonely How she wishes someone could help her! At last She could not move any more

  丑小鸭:Oh, I’m frozen ( 晕倒在舞台上)

  农夫:Well, poor duckling Let me save you!(在丑小鸭身上摸了模)哎,可怜的小东西,还有救!(拾走“鸭子”)



  画外音:Spring comes, the flowers are blooming Ugly duckling fly to the lake, he sees some beautiful white swans over there They have white feather and slender necks Ugly ducking wants to play with them(春天来了,花开了,丑小鸭扑扑翅膀,向湖边飞去。。看见湖面上有几只美丽的白天鹅,雪白的羽毛,长长的脖子,美丽极了。他多想和他们一起玩啊!)

  丑小鸭:Ah! Beautiful birds, your feather is so white, your necks is so slender, your posture is so nice, you are most dignity bird in the world! (啊!美丽的大鸟,你们的羽毛是那样洁白,你们的脖子是那样修长,你们的体态是那样优美,你们是世界上最高贵的鸟儿。)

  天鹅1:Hello, my lovely friend, come and play with us!(可爱的小客人,快来和我们一起玩吧!)

  众天鹅:Come on! Come on!(快来呀!来吧!)

  丑小鸭:You are so warm-hearted! But, don’t you feel me ugly(你们真是太好了!可是,你们不觉得我很丑吗?)

  天鹅2:No, you are a pretty swan!(你是一只漂亮的白天鹅呀!)

  众天鹅:Look at yourself! 快看看自己吧!

  丑小鸭:(飞到湖边,对着湖面左顾右看)Oh, my god! Is this me I’m no longer an ugly duckling, I am a petty swan!啊,上帝!这难道是我的影子吗?原来我不是丑小鸭,而是一只漂亮的天鹅啦!


  画外音:It is no matter to be born in a duckery if you are a swan egg You ought to be the beautiful swan one day(只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就是生在养鸭场也没什么关系;总有一天会变成一只美丽的天鹅。)


(1) 班得瑞《寂静山林》

(2) 肖邦《小夜曲》

(3) 儿童《天鹅舞曲》

音乐剧:Peter and the Wolf (彼德与狼) (Ladies and getlemen Good afternoonToday I’ll tell you a story It

is “Peter and the Wolf”) Peter: Good morning everyone What a fine day! How beautiful the

green lawn is! Bird: Good morning, Peter Peter: Good morning, Bird Bird: It’s a fine morning, isn’t it! All is calm All is beautiful Duck: I’m a duck, you see Peter forgot to lock the door Now I’m free How I want to have a good bath in the pool! (Duck jumps into the pool) Bird: Hi! Who are you You can’t fly Duck: Aren’t you a bird! You can’t swim You see I can Bird: You are a fool Duck: I’m clever You are a fool Bird: You are a fool Duck: I’m clever You are a fool (At this time, a black cat is coming quietly) Cat: Yeh They are quarrelling So I have no trouble catching them

Look at me, please Peter: Take care, Bird Be careful, Bird (So the bird flies away) Duck: You are a thief Why don’t you catch that bird Bird: You are a robber Why don’t you rob me Cat: Should I go to catch the bird Should I I’m afraid when I get there, the bird will fly away Grandfather: Peter, you see It is very dangerous here The duck is

running into the pool If a wolf comes, what should you do then Peter: I’m a young pioneer I’m very brave How can I dare a wolf (A few minutes later A very big, cruel wolf comes siletly The black cat runs away quickly) Cat, Bird: Oh,! Wolf! Duck: Oh! My dear The wolf is coming Let me run quickly (How can a bird run so fast! Look, the wolf has caught the bird, and

eaten him up) Wolf: How I am satisfied! But I still want to catch the bird and the black cat (Now Peter and the grandfather see what has happened They have a

good idea now) Peter: Bird Please fly over the wolf’s head You can fly around and

around him But you should be careful enough Bird: Wolf Wolf Can you catch me You are a fool! Can you catch me Catch me! (The wolf is so angry that he jumps up and down At this moment Peter and his grandfather throw a rope and catches the wolf) Cat, Bird, Grandfather: Beat him Beat him Don’t let him run away (At this moment A group of hunters get to the forest Listen, they

are shooting at the wolf) Peter: Oh, no Bird and I have caught the wolf Don’t kill him Let

him alive Please help us to send him to the zoo Peter, Grandfather,Hunters, Cat, Bird: Oh! Oh! Let’s go to the zoo

Let’s go to the zoo (Now please look at the group: Peter, Grandfathe, Hunters,Bird and

Cat They are dragging the wolf and sending him to the zoo How

happy they are!



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