名著精读《理智与情感》第十章 第2节

名著精读《理智与情感》第十章 第2节,第1张

It was only necessary to mention any favourite amusement to engage her to talk She could not be silent when such points were introduced

and she had neither shyness nor reserve in their discussion They speedily discovered that their enjoyment of dancing and music was mutual

and that it arose from a general conformity of judgment in all that related to either Encouraged by this to a further examination of his opinions

she proceeded to question him on the subject of books; her favourite authors were brought forward and dwelt upon with so rapturous a delight

that any young man of five and enty must have been insensible indeed

not to bee an immediate convert to the excellence of such works

however disregarded before


Their taste was strikingly alike The same books

the same passages were idolized by each-- or if any difference appeared

any objection arose

it lasted no longer than till the force of her arguments and the brightness of her eyes could be displayed He acquiesced in all her decisions

caught all her enthusia ; and long before his visit concluded

they conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance




" said Elinor

as soon as he had left them

"for ONE morning I think you have done pretty well You have already ascertained Mr Willoughby's opinion in almost every matter of importance You know what he thinks of Cowper and Scott; you are certain of his estimating their beauties as he ought

and you have received every assurance of his admiring Pope no more than is proper But how is your acquaintance to be long supported

under such extraordinary despatch of every subject for discourse You will soon have exhausted each favourite topic Another meeting will suffice to explain his sentiments on picturesque beauty

and second marriages

and then you can have nothing farther to ask "--


ement n 娱乐,消遣

The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of amusements


ormity n 一致,符合,遵守

We should act in conformity with the rules


urous adj 着迷的,狂喜的

Her new novel was greeted by reviewers with rapturous applause


ize v 把 当偶像崇拜,极度爱慕

He idolizes his father添加生词 改进词条


iesce[ækwi'es] vi 默许,勉强同意

Her parents will never acquiesce in such an unsuitable marriage


rtain vt 确定,探知,查明

The detective was trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party


atch vt 派遣 n 派遣,处决,急件

A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front


ourse n 谈话,演讲 vi 谈话,讲述 vt 叙述,讨论

Sweet discourse makes short days and nights


ice vi 足够,合格 vt 使 足够

The rations will suffice until next week


speedily discovered that their enjoyment of dancing and music was mutual

and that it arose from a general conformity of judgment in all that related to either

难句解析句中有三个that,前两个引导的从句做discover的宾语;第二句中的it指代"their enjoyment of dancing and music was mutual";

句子翻译 他们迅即发现,两人都爱好音乐和舞蹈,而且这种爱好还起因于他们对两者完全一致的见解。

you have received every assurance of his admiring Pope no more than is proper

难句解析No more than“不过、仅仅”;


Barton Park was about half a mile from the cottage The ladies had passed near it in their way along the valley

but it was screened from their view at home by the projection of a hill The house was large and handsome; and the Middletons lived in a style of equal hospitality and elegance The former was for Sir John's gratification

the latter for that of his lady They were scarcely ever without some friends staying with them in the house

and they kept more pany of every kind than any other family in the neighbourhood It was necessary to the happiness of both; for however dissimilar in temper and ouard behaviour

they strongly resembled each other in that total want of talent and taste which confined their employments

unconnected with such as society produced

within a very narrow pass


Sir John was a sport an

Lady Middleton a mother He hunted and shot

and she humoured her children; and these were their only resources Lady Middleton had the advantage of being able to spoil her children all the year round

while Sir John's independent employments were in existence only half the time Continual engagements at home and abroad


supplied all the deficiencies of nature and education; supported the good spirits of Sir John

and gave exercise to the good breeding of his wife


Lady Middleton piqued herself upon the elegance of her table

and of all her domestic arrangements; and from this kind of vanity was her greatest enjoyment in any of their parties But Sir John's satisfaction in society was much more real; he delighted in collecting about him more young people than his house would hold

and the noisier they were the better was he pleased He was a blessing to all the juvenile part of the neighbourhood

for in summer he was for ever forming parties to eat cold ham and chicken out of doors

and in winter his private balls were numerous enough for any young lady who was not suffering under the unsatiable appetite of fifteen


en[skri:n] n 屏


屏风 v 放映,检查,选拔



The camera lens must be screened from direct sunlight


ection n 投影

itality n 好客


Mrs Brown is known for her hospitality


ass n 1 罗盘

指南针2 圆规3 界限


Keep your desires within pass


ur vi 纵容


It is not wise to humour a all child


e[pi:k] n 生气

愤怒 v 伤害自尊心


He was piqued to discover that he hadn't been invited


nile adj 年轻的


幼稚的 n 青少年




He wrote down to the juvenile readers


they kept more pany of every kind than any other family in the neighbourhood

难句解析keep pany意思是“和交往”;


strongly resembled each other in that total want of talent and taste

难句解析这里的want of意思是“缺乏”;


"What a pity it is


" said Marianne

"that Edward should have no taste for drawing "


"No taste for drawing!" replied Elinor

"why should you think so He does not draw himself


but he has great pleasure in seeing the performances of other people

and I assure you he is by no means deficient in natural taste

though he has not had opportunities of improving it Had he ever been in the way of learning

I think he would have drawn very well He distrusts his own judgment in such matters so much

that he is always unwilling to give his opinion on any picture; but he has an innate propriety and simplicity of taste

which in general direct him perfectly right "


Marianne was afraid of offending

and said no more on the subject; but the kind of approbation which Elinor described as excited in him by the drawings of other people

was very far from that rapturous delight


in her opinion

could alone be called taste Yet

though iling within herself at the mistake

she honoured her sister for that blind partiality to Edward which produced it


"I hope


" continued Elinor

"you do not consider him as deficient in general taste Indeed

I think I may say that you cannot

for your behaviour to him is perfectly cordial

and if THAT were your opinion

I am sure you could never be civil to him "


Marianne hardly knew what to say She would not wound the feelings of her sister on any account

and yet to say what she did not believe was impossible At length she replied:


"Do not be offended


if my praise of him is not in every thing equal to your sense of his merits I have not had so many opportunities of estimating the minuter propensities of his mind

his inclinations and tastes

as you have; but I have the highest opinion in the world of his goodness and sense I think him every thing that is worthy and amiable "


cient adj 不足的



We are deficient in hands


riety n 适当



We should observe the proprieties


obation n 认可


The goods are not allowed to be exported without approbation of the customs



urous adj 着迷的

狂喜的 n着迷


Her new novel was greeted by reviewers with rapturous applause


ensity n 倾向


Most boys have a propensity for playing with machinery


ination n 倾向



I have little inclination to listen to you all evening


1 Had he ever been in the way of learning

I think he would have drawn very well He distrusts his own judgment in such matters so much

that he is always unwilling to give his opinion on any picture; but he has an innate propriety and simplicity of taste

which in general direct him perfectly right "

难句解析had he是虚拟倒装句,表示与事实相反;第二句的主干是;


anne was afraid of offending

and said no more on the subject; but the kind of approbation which Elinor described as excited in him by the drawings of other people

was very far from that rapturous delight


in her opinion

could alone be called taste

难句解析第三句的主干是approbation was far from;



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/866943.html

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