


Exactly one year had passed since the night Mike Delfino and Susanne Mayer was supposed to become engaged

Mike Delfino和Susanne Mayer原本要订婚的那一晚已经过了正好一年。

Step one It was a good thing that it wasn’t hurting as I messed up so much I know


I am Brenda Strong and I play Mary Alice Young

我是Brenda Strong,我饰演Mary Alice Young。

This is the ADR room This is nobody ever gets to see This is Mary Alice’s territory This is the entire voiceover team … (深略号省略的是Brenda Strong念出的每一个配音团队成员的名字。)They make magic for me They find mess-up They take care of it

这里是ADR(Automated Dialogue Replacement,配音)室。这里不是每个人都可以有机会看得到的。这里是Mary Alice的地盘。这些是整个配音团队。……(把队员的名字一一念了一遍)他们帮我创造奇迹。他们找到(我的)错误,然后改正它们。

Ready I get the scripts just like everyone else It comes past the writers’ table So is there anything new in this teaser Coz I am not seeing anything except for the when I said, err, propose


(导播说)You popped the question


(Brenda回答)Yeah, I had popped the question at this stage Basically, we ended up doing cast 3-2, which everyone’s a part of (挡住稿子,然后说)Oh, my secret (指的是她的稿子) You’re not allowed to see my secret


Everyone starts to shoot While they are shooting, I start to do what I called “prerecord” where I prerecord the Mary Alice voice over: “So when Mike took Susanne to her favourite restaurant She just knew he was going to pop the question”(指求婚)

每个人都开始拍摄。当他们在拍摄,我就开始做我称之为的“预录”,也就是我开始预录Mary Alice的配音:“所以,当Mike把Susanne带到她最喜欢的餐馆。她就知道他打算提出那个问题。”

(剧中Mike问道) “What’re you gonna have”


That goes back to the editing room and then when the picture comes in They cut the picture to my voice


“And when he did, she would be ready with her answer”


It’s almost like scoring a piece of music Mark Cherry writes so musically So when he does Mary Alice's voice over, it has a rhythm

这真的像是在给一首音乐打分。Mark Cherry写得这么有乐感。当他在写Mary Alice的台词时,它有一种旋律。

Then once it’s online, comes to me And I make adjustment to my performance and regroup things that Mark has already done kind of his tweaking and position where he wants the words end


Then I come back in and I do this (指配音) in this little room


When that evening moved on, the moment Susanne had been waiting for failed to materialise


Is that interactive That’s what most people think “Oh, you are by yourself, you are not getting to play with the others” But, no! I get to play with everybody


So these paddles are what we use not for beating me when I do a bad job But this is to determine which take we all think we might have


(边翻牌子边说)Take 1 and take 2, take 3 and then on and on Or Stephanie(导播) tells me to do another take Or break for drinks


And then if they are really nice to me, this(指另一面小牌子) is what I get to show them So this is our new updated version of What Mary Alice’s take we have, very hi-tech (指所用的小牌子)

然后,如果他们对我真的很好,这是我会给他们看的。所以这就是我们所有的最新的Mary Alice的场景。

I’m taking my shoes off So let me know if you need to adjust anything(对导播说的) I never mess up I am perfect Ah no, I mess up all the time


I have some funny outtake from Susanne The one in particular is when Armida, Carlos’ mother got killed to fall on the stairs


We kept killing people right and left and I couldn’t get through unfortunately for Armida Then Dave put this echo effect on it I sounded like this demonic Mary Allen laughing at the falling… very funny

我们总是让人死。但是我无法接受Armida的死。然后Dave加上了这种回音效果。我听起来就像是恶魔Mary Allen在笑……非常有趣。

I have to take such good care of my voice I feel like an opera singer You know walking around with things around my throat, so I don’t get flu around


The question was never end Until the thought began to dawn on Susanne that perhaps our cast had so much fun, it never would


So it’s good It’s a real collaboration (念出导播举的牌子上的字)It’s a wrap





[qiú hūn zhě]




求婚者 suitor;wooer;gamomania女子理想中的求婚者 Prince Charming帕涅罗帕和求婚者 Penelope and the suitors

M: Laura, I've thought long and hard and my mind is made up I've got a date with Selina tomorrow and I'm going to pop the question

(pop the question 求婚)

W: Congratulations, David! That's earth-shaking news! How are you going to go about it You can't just blurt(vt 未加思索地冲口说出;突然说出)it out over coffee

M: Well, that's the thing I'm stumped I could send her an email at work

(stump n 树桩;残余部分;假肢 vt 砍伐;使为难;在…作巡回政治演说 vi 笨重地行走;发表竞选演说)

W: Email You don't have a romantic bone in your body Use your imagination

M: Well, I'm no Don Juan Should I get her some flowers

W: Yes, that'll be OK for starters Why don't you take her to some exotic hideaway or propose on a secluded beach

(propose vt 建议;打算,计划;求婚 vi 建议;求婚;打算)

(exotic adj 异国的;外来的;异国情调的)

(hideaway n 潜伏处;隐匿处;退隐处)

(secluded adj 隐蔽的;隐退的,隐居的 v 隔绝(seclude的过去式))

M: I can't afford it, what with the ring and all

W: Oh, sorry, don't let it get you down There's plenty you can do

M: Richard wrote his proposal to Anna on her ceiling

(proposal n 提议,建议;求婚)

(ceiling 基本释义n 天花板;上限)

W: Now you're talking! Bake a cake and write the words with frosting

(frosting n 结霜;霜状白糖;无光泽面;去光泽 v 以霜覆盖;冻坏;起霜(frost的ing形式) adj 结霜的;磨砂的;消光的)

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard

1 Who is David going to date tomorrow

2 What is the news Laura hears from David

3 What is David's problem, according to Laura

4 What does Laura think about sending flowers

5 What is Laura's final suggestion

Although I have no house no money no diamond ring

虽然我 没有车 没有房 没有钱 没有钻戒

But I have one to accompany you to the old heart


When you are old


I still carry you


You have no teeth


I'll chew you and feed you


I will wait for you to die in my death, if you leave a person in the world I won't rest assured





有一些恋人他们是因为英语而结缘的,那么他们的求婚仪式上就会用到一些英语,那么求婚英语怎么说?我认为用英语求婚就只需要一句话:darling,will you marry me?这句话翻译成中文的意思就是,亲爱的嫁给我好吗?





我们也可以让我们喜欢的宠物帮我们求婚,让我们的宠物叼上我们的戒指,然后跑到我们所喜欢的人旁边,把戒指递给她,然后我们在单膝下跪向我们的女朋友进行求婚。当然如果有一些人比较喜欢特别一点再浪漫一点,那么我们也可以为我们的女朋友做一个烛光晚餐,然后再拿出我们的戒指单膝下跪,然后再用英语说一句darling,will you marry me?

How would I say mine eyes be blessed made


My looking on thee in the living day


Of all days are nights to see till I see thee


The night days when dreams do showthee me


will you marry me



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/1784523.html

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